《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 5


A tall, masculine figure silently entered the security room and saw a teen boy sitting in front of multiple television screens that played the security camera feed. The teen was not aware of the male's presence as he was jamming to whatever music he was listening to through his headphones while playing a game on his switch. The male stalked towards the teen and easily covered his mouth as he slit the teen's throat. Right after he killed the teen, a phone began to ring. Dark brown eyes landed on the phone and the male decided to pick it up. He chose not to say anything when he placed the receiver to his ear and could hear the caller's annoyance in their tone when they spoke, "Dylan, stop playing dumb pranks and do your goddamn job," Dark brown eyes flickered to the dead teen who he now knew as Dylan. "I believe (Fake Name) is unstable-" The male's grip on the phone tightened at the sound of (First Name)'s alias. "-and just ran out of her house. Make sure you lock down neighborhood 2."

The male immediately hung up and broke the phone before heading towards the console to find a way to shut down neighborhood 2. Once he found the button, he pressed it and could hear sirens go off in the distance. Dark brown eyes scanned each screen in hopes of finding the 20-year-old woman. His jaw clenched when he saw a familiar figure run towards a house and watched them grab a spare key out of a pot to unlock the front door and throw herself in it. He memorized the numbers on the house and tried to look for some type of map that could lead him to the house.

(First Name) struggled to breathe as she was hyperventilating while she ran to her case manager's house. Ryder was an asshole, but they were an asshole who was good at their job and knew how to calm (First Name) down. Her panic attack worsened when she heard the sirens go off. She quickened her pace when she saw Ryder's house in the distance. (First Name) tried to open the door, but it was unfortunately locked. "F-Fuck!" She wheezed as she went to one of the plants and picked the key out of the dirt to unlock the front door. As she threw herself in, she heard Ryder's voice from the top of the stairs, "What the hell have you done?" (First Name) collapsed onto the ground as she bawled and wheezed.


Ryder's dark brown eye widened at the sight of (First Name) and ran to her side. "Hey, hey. Look at me." (First Name) did as they asked and made direct eye contact with their good eye. "Good... Now look around behind me and try to tell me what you see. If it's too hard to speak, point to each item." (First Name) scanned her surroundings and wheezed out, "P-Pothos." Ryder left (First Name)'s for a moment to grab the said plant and carefully grabbed (First Name)'s shaky hand to make her feel the plant. "Okay, what does the pothos feel like to you?" They asked her softly. She slid her finger back and forth gently on the leaf and shakily answered, "S-Slightly we-wet... Smooth..."

While (First Name) was focused on the plant, Ryder attempted to call off the security lockdown. "Why the hell is neither Dylan nor Sam answering their radios or the phone?" They grumbled unhappily. They ended up calling her therapist and spoke to her over the phone. While they talked, (First Name) was calm enough to put the plant back to its original spot. She desperately needed water and decided to go to the kitchen to get herself a cup of water. (First Name) could hear Ryder's voice, but couldn't fully hear what they were saying. She wasn't particularly interested in trying to overhear their conversation as her main focus was purely on water.

(First Name) entered the kitchen and went to the cabinets in search of a cup. She ended up finding a plastic cup and went to the fridge to grab the filtered water. (Eye Color) eyes widened when she saw (Favorite Drink) in that fridge. "I love that asshole." She mumbled to herself with a cheesy grin. She first grabbed the filtered water and filled her cup, then she placed it back in the fridge and snatched the (Favorite Drink) before shutting the door. She made her way back to the living room before plopping down onto the couch to watch some TV. The sirens are starting to become extremely annoying. (First Name) thought as she took slow sips of her water.


The young woman nearly choked on her water when she heard Ryder's horrified shouts, "Natalie please fight back for your life! Natalie!!" (First Name) placed her drink on the coffee table before she got off the couch to run to Ryder's side. However, they appeared at the top of the steps with a distraught expression and tears running down their face. (First Name) felt threatened by Ryder's appearance as they were holding an assault rifle. "Dr. Williams was just killed by Michael Myers." (Eye Color) eyes widened in horror at the news. "Y-You're fucking with me." "I'm not. Now get the fuck behind the couch right now." They ordered as they nearly ran down the stairs. (First Name) did as she was told and Ryder walked up to a lamp and twisted the lightbulb in a certain direction that caused the couch to flip forward to reveal a secret entrance.

"This is one of our many bunkers. There is enough food and water to last a year of supply for two people. There are weapons down there just in case something happens. If Michael somehow manages to figure out you're down there, there is a bright red button on the wall where you can escape through a tunnel. You have only so many seconds before the door shuts so do not dally because once it's been opened and shut, it becomes disabled and impossible to open again until an operator reactivates it." Ryder quickly explained before shoving (First Name) down there. "Don't be stupid and stay down their scared, make sure to prepare a bag for you to carry on your back while you go through the tunnel if you have to escape." They told her before the door shut and the couch fell back down to place.

(First Name) blinked multiple times before processing what had just happened. "Ryder!" She shouted once she came back to reality. She spun around as she took in her surroundings. (First Name) found a duffle bag and took Ryder's advice about preparing to escape. I don't really know how to use a gun, but I probably should bring one. (First Name) thought as she held a pistol. She placed the pistol in the bag with some ammo, a wrench, a screwdriver, and some food and water. While searching the place, she found some clothes that would fit Ryder and decided to take a long sleeve, a short sleeve, a belt, pants, and a sweater just in case. She placed the duffle bag by the tunnel entrance and decided to sit on a giant bean bag chair to wait to be either rescued or escape through the tunnel.

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