《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 6


(First Name) wasn't sure how long she had been down in the bunker as she was too distracted downloading and playing games on an Xbox One. There were no gunshots or any sounds of destruction, so (First Name) believed it was safe to stay in the bunker for quite some time. Being protected by the highest tier of the military is really great because of all this cool stuff, but the fact that Michael was able to sneak into a private military city and killed my therapist makes me still kind of nervous.

As if thinking about Michael manifested him, (First Name) heard banging above her. She quit her game and turned off the TV with the remote when she heard the banging become louder and louder. She groaned as she got up from the bean bag chair and ran towards the tunnel entrance to grab the duffle bag to sling around her shoulder. Michael was an extremely persistent man as he was not giving up at all on trying to break through the metal door. After Ryder forced (First Name) down the bunk, they activated a security barrier inside the house where all the windows are barred up and covered by metal while the doors are covered by thick layers of metal.

Suddenly, the banging stopped. However, the silence was still unnerving to her as she knew Michael was most likely planning something else. I would rather not piss or shit myself from fear or something, so I wonder if I should go now and then head into the tunnel... (First Name) thought as she glanced at the bathroom. However, Ryder's distraught scream made her reconsider. "What the fuck!" They shouted. (First Name)'s eyes widened when she could hear Michael banging and breaking the metal door. (First Name) was extremely terrified for Ryder once she heard them heading towards the stairs while they shot at him. "He broke in! He broke in!" They cried out in fear. After multiple shots were fired, there was a thump and then there was a strange amount of silence that unnerved (First Name).


Ryder was extremely confused by how simple it was to put Michael down. They were warned that Michael either pretends to be dead or he is truly unconscious for a certain amount of time. They reached for their radio and called in, "This is Ryder. My location is neighborhood 2, district 1, house 103. Michael Myers is unconscious inside my house, over." Ryder waited a few seconds before they repeated what they said. They sighed out of frustration once they realized that either Michael cut off communications or everyone else was dead. "I will kill this fucker myself." They hissed under their breath as they cautiously made their way to Michael's downed form. They slowly walked around his body and prepared themselves to aim their assault rifle at Michael's head to kill him, but the male snapped his eyes open and shot up from the ground. He grabbed the rifle and forced Ryder to shoot the couch.

Their ebony colored eye widened in fear when Michael tugged on the rifle and unarmed them. Ryder attempted to run back to the stairs and pull out their pistol, but Michael used the back end of the rifle to smack Ryder in the back to knock them down. They grunted when their head hit the last step of the stairs and tried their best to recover, but Michael was just too quick for them. With the back of the assault rifle, he repeatedly smashed their head. Michael took all his anger out on Ryder and continued to smash their face until they were nearly unrecognizable.

(First Name) was crying as she was able to hear everything, especially since it happened right above her. She knew she was safe down in the bunker and there was an escape route just in case, but she was still terrified of the thought of him discovering her location. There was silence for what felt like an eternity, but she knew Michael had silent footsteps and was most likely looking for her. She flinched when she suddenly heard him punch the wall and multiple objects were being thrown and broken. I'm unsure if I should leave or not... (First Name) felt conflicted as it was obvious that Michael was struggling to find her, but she wasn't sure how persistent the male was going to be.


She didn't trust the silence once Michael had stopped throwing a tantrum upstairs. He's either looking on the first floor again or maybe he really did give up. The latter idea was thrown out the window once she flinched at the sound of supplies and utensils being tossed around in the kitchen. Her heart was racing a thousand miles per second the closer he got to the couch. Her heart stopped for a moment when she heard the couch flip over and then silence. He fucking knows. He has to. (First Name) thought as she was preparing herself to throw herself into the tunnel.

"Oh fuck!" (First Name) whispered-hissed when Michael began to attempt to break open the secret entrance. She didn't even bother waiting to see his masked face and pressed the escape button... but it did nothing. (First Name) pressed it again, nothing. She held it this time, but still, nothing. "Fucking work!" She shouted quietly as she began to smash the escape button, but it continued to not open the tunnel. A sob left her lips once she realized that she was trapped in the bunker and her only escape is where the killer is trying to break through.

(First Name) looked around in hopes to hide and decided to dash towards the bathroom. She shut the bathroom door and tried to lock it, but there was no lock. Who the fuck designed this bathroom?! (Eye Color) eyes widened when she heard one final last bang before there was silence, indicating that he broke in. With tears in her eyes, she unzipped the duffle bag and grabbed the pistol. With little to no knowledge of guns, she tried her best to reload the gun. I think this is the safety... With the safety unlatched, she placed the gun to her temple and shut her eyes as she took a deep, shaky break.

Her eyes clenched as she was prepared to end her life, but the gun was snatched out of her hands before she could get herself to pull the trigger. (Eye Color) eyes snapped open and made direct eye contact with dark brown eyes filled with fiery rage. (First Name) was frozen from fear, her mind went blank, and felt all the color leave her face when she watched him unload the pistol before tossing it behind him.

Michael glowered down at the cowering young woman. He grabbed her throat and added pressure, enough pressure where she was being choked, but she could speak and wouldn't die from the amount of pressure he was using. (First Name)'s jaw clenched when he shoved his face in front of hers and watched his eyes scan her face as if he was trying to confirm something. "Ugh... you bullied me a-and now you're going to torture me," Michael tilted his head as he listened to her croaky voice. "I-I can't believe h-how stupid of a ch-child I was to t-think you we-were my fr-friend." She coughed at the end of her sentence. The silent killer stared at her with half-lidded eyes before he tightened his grip on her throat. He continued to add pressure until her vision became blurry and faded to black.

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