《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 7


The young woman was drowsily woken up to the sound of a car driving and felt slightly sweaty from how stuffy it was. She tried to touch her neck as it felt sore, but her hands were tied. What the fuck? (Eye Color) eyes blinked repeatedly as she processed that she had been kidnapped and she was in the trunk of a car. My wrists and neck burn... She thought as she tried to move the rope in a certain way to make her wrists feel a little less uncomfortable, however, she was only making her rope burn worse.

(First Name) gnawed on her bottom lip as tried to remember her Tumblr days where she saw a post on how to escape if you're tied up with rope, but she could not remember how to do it for the life of her. However, she did remember that all (or certain, that part she could not remember) trunks have a handle to open the trunk hatch from the inside. I just need to find a latch. She tried to reach around for a handle in the darkness, but there was none that she could feel. Since her feet were not tied, it was easier for her to maneuver her feet around. This feels odd. Is this it? She thought as she forced her foot under the handle and moved it up.

A gasp left her (Lip Type) lips when the trunk flung open and she felt the cold wind brush against her (Skin Color) skin. She popped her head up to see if anyone would see her in the trunk, but her heart sank when she saw that the streets were dead empty. She could barely see in the distance as there were no street lights at all. The car came to an abrupt halt which caused her to tumble inside the trunk and the hatch nearly shut, but she forced the trunk not to close. Fuck, that really hurt my ankle.

(First Name) forced the trunk to open up again and tried to crawl out of the trunk. However, by crawling out of the trunk, she landed on her back painfully. A groan left her lips as she forced herself to roll over to push herself up. As she struggled to stand up, she heard the driver's door open. She wobbled when she stood up properly and stumbled back when she made direct eye contact with her kidnapper. Memories flooded back into her brain as she recalled what had happened to her that had caused her to go unconscious.

Her body and mind felt heavy from survivor's guilt as her therapist's last words to her echoed in mind, "He had killed innocent people who had nothing to do with Laurie and is still killing since her death. Why would he kill everyone else, but you?" (First Name) nearly sobbed at the memory and slowly backed away as she shouted at Michael, "Why me?! Why kill everyone else but me?!" Her question caused the silent killer to tilt his head at the young woman before he walked towards her. "Ugh.." She spun on her heel and ran away from the male at the highest speed her legs would let her go, which wasn't as quick as she wanted to be. Her ankle throbbed as she limped, but she pushed through the pain. Michael froze in his tracks and decided to let her keep running as he knew there was nowhere to go except for an old diner a few miles away. He turned around to head to the car and planned on driving slowly as he had an idea how to handle (First Name).


Ugh... I don't know how much longer I can run. My lungs feel like they're on fire and my ankle is definitely bleeding. (First Name) looked over her shoulder and saw that Michael was nowhere near her, she decided to slow down to catch her breath. I thought he was going to chase me with the car, but it seems like he is going after me on foot. This seems kind of suspicious, but if he is walking on foot and with how slow he walks, I know I have a huge amount of distance from him. (First Name) thought as she used her sleeve to wipe her forehead.

After some time, (First Name) finally saw some light in the distance. This caused her to pick up her pace and soon enough was able to see a neon sign that said "Red Rocket". She believed it was some sexual innuendo and the place was going to be a sex shop, but much to her surprise (and comfort), it was a diner that looked like a red rocket that had crashed downwards, revealing only the bottom of the rocket. Please be open... Please be open! Much to her luck, the diner was 24/7 and she was able to enter the diner with no problems.

A waitress looked up from her phone to greet (First Name) but gasped when she saw her appearance, "Wel- Oh my God, do you need help?" (First Name) weakly nodded her head and the waitress immediately called the police. "Jamie, please try to aid this person as much as you can until the cops and ambulance get here." The waitress shouted. The said woman popped out of the kitchen and immediately spun back into the kitchen when she saw the sight of (First Name). Jamie came back out with a first aid kit along with a very sharp knife and slowly ushered (First Name) to a table. "Hey there, what's your pain level right now?" Jamie asked as carefully cut (First Name) out of her ropes. "My neck is a 4, my wrists are a 5, and my ankle is a 9. I don't think it's sprained, but the trunk really took a chunk out of my skin." She answered.

Jamie cleaned her injuries while the waitress spoke with the operator and gave them the address to the diner. The waitress tapped the mute button before looking at them with a heavy sigh, "The operator said that they are already overwhelmed because there was a mass murder in a nearby city. They said they will 'try' to send someone over," She made her way to the two and handed the phone to (First Name). "For now, they want to talk to you and ask what happened." (First Name) took the phone and unmuted the operator. "Hello?" "Hello, may you please explain what happened to you, ma'am?" A masculine voice spoke. "I was attacked and kidnapped by Michael Myers." She answered.


There was silence on the phone which confused the three women. "Hello?" (First Name) spoke. "Are you (Fake Name)?" The operator questioned. The said woman was startled by the question and answered him, "U-Um, yes. How did you know?" There was silence again which confused her and slightly made her nervous. "We will not be sending anyone in your direction." He suddenly spoke. (Eye Color) eyes widened in shock, "What, why?" "A good buddy of mine is a coroner and he was in charge of the body of Dr. Williams," (First Name) felt her heart sink and frowned at the name of her deceased therapist. "I know you were her patient because she was my sister." The operator spat, his voice darkened towards the end. (First Name) opened her mouth to argue with the operator, but Jamie beat her to it. "You can't do that! She was kidnapped and needs medical help!" The operator scoffed at the chef's shouts, "I am willing to risk my job to let him go after you. My sister wouldn't be dead if you just died with that girl and that doctor."

(First Name)'s jaw slacked when the operator hung up on her and realized that the cops were not going to help her. "Ugh! Those pigs are so useless!" She huffed as she took her phone back from the injured woman. (First Name) glanced down at the waitress' apron and noticed that there were patches on it. The patches she had were a lesbian flag, a rainbow that said "gay rights" in the clouds, "don't do school, go to drugs", BLM and a fist, and ACAB. Ah, it makes sense. "Spencer, hush." Jamie nervously hushed the waitress. "It's fine, she's not wrong. They were pretty useless at protecting Laurie and they have assholes like that working for them." (First Name) said with a sigh. "No fucking kidding." The waitress huffed.

Jamie finished wrapping (First Name)'s ankle and took out Ibuprofen. "Would you like to take some?" (First Name) nodded her head and felt four pills fall into her palm. "Spencer-" "I'm already on it." The waitress headed towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water for (First Name). She came back with the glass and handed it to (First Name). "Thanks." She gulped down the pills with a sigh and met with Jamie's gaze. "Since the cops aren't coming, I have no problems temporarily shutting down the diner to get you to the station." (First Name) smiled and felt extremely thankful that two total strangers were willing to help her. "Thank you, you have no idea how grateful I am." "I'll go get my keys," Spencer told them before she went back into the kitchen.

Right as Spencer entered the kitchen, a car pulled up into the parking lot. Jamie noticed the upcoming customer and sighed, "Maybe Spencer can take you while I stay here since someone just pulled up." (First Name) looked over her shoulder to see the customer was still sitting inside their car. She decided to pay no more attention to the person and focused back on Jamie. "Whichever makes you most comfortable. I am just grateful you two were willing to help me." (First Name) responded.

"Okay, I got my keys," Spencer announced as she came back out of the kitchen with the said object in her hand. "Spence, a customer showed up right when you were getting your keys. Are you alright with dropping her off by yourself?" She asked. Spencer nodded her head with a small smile, "Yeah, no problem, hun." She responded before giving Jamie a quick peck on her lips. (First Name) carefully slid out of the booth and pushed herself up with the support of the table. "My car is in the back so we will go through the kitchen," Spencer told (First Name) as she offered her arm for support. (First Name) gladly took her arm with a small "thank you" before being led to the kitchen by Spencer.

The two exited the kitchen and felt the cool breeze brush against their skin when Spencer opened the back door. Spencer led (First Name) to the passenger side of her Jeep and opened the door for her. She helped her into the car before shutting the door for (First Name). The (Hair Color) haired girl watched the waitress walk to the driver's side and entered the Jeep. Spencer took out her phone and turned on Spotify to play some music. Once she found the song she wanted, she turned on her car and connected her phone to the bluetooth. "I don't know what you been told, see I am not your enemy. But if there's one thing that I know, is that you ain't a friend to me," The waitress sang along as she backed out of her space and out of the parking lot.

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