《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 8


"Hard times, gonna take you down and laugh when you cry-" The song suddenly came to a halt as Spencer's phone used its last juice. She scoffed at her dead phone and began to slow down. "Damnit, I should've brought my charger with me." She grumbled as she pulled over. "I'm sorry, but I need to go back and get my charger. It makes me feel uneasy when my phone is dead and my wife is at the diner by herself." (First Name) shook her head, "No, no. I completely understand. I would also feel uneasy because there was a customer before we left." Spencer nodded her head, "Yes, exactly." She agreed and pulled back into the street before pulling a U-turn.

Fortunately, we didn't drive that far. If her phone died halfway driving to the station, I don't know how Spencer would react. (First Name) thought and she noticed that Spencer sped up a bit. I hope I didn't add onto her anxiety by bringing up the customer. Because of Spencer's speedy driving and the streets being completely dead, (First Name) could already see the diner not too far in the distance.

Right as they arrived at the diner, Spencer slightly recklessly drove into the front parking lot and parked right next to the customer's car. "Stay here. I won't be gone for too long." Spencer told her as she got out of the Jeep. (First Name) watched Spencer enter the diner and decided to fully lock the car just in case. Spencer has her keys just in case if I somehow fall asleep before she comes back. She thought as she rested her eyes.

(First Name) felt completely drained. She felt like she was reliving Halloween night, except this time it's not Laurie who Michael is after. She couldn't comprehend why Michael decided to knock her out and kidnap her instead of killing her as he did to her adoptive father and the Strode's daughter. Ugh... She shriveled into a ball and quietly sobbed as she felt burdened with survivor's guilt.

A shrill scream snapped (First Name) out of her sadness and looked up to see Spencer running out of the kitchen. Her appearance looked disheveled and her clothes were bloody. She sobbed out loudly, "She's dead! My soulmate is dead!" (First Name) covered her mouth in shock from the news and stayed in the Jeep as she knew that the death of Spencer's wife was her fault. The waitress continued to sob and without realizing it, she wiped Jamie's blood on her face. She tiredly turned her to look at (First Name) which slightly unnerved the young woman. Spencer turned her head back to stare at her lap and when she collected herself enough to leave the diner, she dragged her feet towards the entrance.


(Eye Color) eyes widened when she saw the kitchen door open and watched a male figure slowly make his way to Spencer. As much as she wanted to scream and warn the waitress about the killer, (First Name) already knew she couldn't be saved from her demise. Jamie's killer spun her around to grab her by the neck and lifted her up from the ground. Without hesitation, Michael stabbed the woman repeatedly. (First Name) continued to keep her mouth covered to prevent herself from screaming as she witnessed the waitress be brutally murdered. She quickly snapped out of her shock to unlock the car doors and hopped out of the Jeep.

Michael tossed the waitress' body onto the ground and watched (First Name) tumble out of the car as her ankle gave up on her when she accidentally added too much pressure on it. He pushed open the glass door to step out of the diner to chase after (First Name). He didn't understand what (First Name)'s goal was by going around the building. He stalked her from the corner and watched her limp all the way to the back of the building and took a sharp turn. He tilted his head as he thought of different scenarios that (First Name) could be attempting and decided to go with one of his plans.

If I can get Spencer's keys off her dead body, I can drive to the station. (First Name) thought as she limped to the back door. She believed the back door would be open like the front, but unfortunately for (First Name), it was locked. I should've figured that it was a one-sided door. She thought bitterly as she debated if she should try to sneak into the diner through the front somehow or if she should just try to head to the station on foot. Ugh... he will most likely catch me if I go on foot once he realizes that I've left the diner. I think I am just going to have to take the risk.

She limped back to the front of the diner and peeked from behind the wall. When she didn't see him in sight, she peeked inside the diner. She cautiously entered the diner and quietly shut the door behind her. (First Name) kept looking around as she slowly bent down to loot Spencer's body. However, because she wasn't looking over her shoulders while searching for the keys, she didn't hear Michael enter the restaurant and watched her search through the waitress' pockets. He felt tempted to grab her and end their chase, but he wanted to instill fear into her before he brought her back to the car.

Once she found the keys, she wobbled as she stood up and turned around to exit the diner, but screamed when she came face to face with Michael Myers. She attempted to back away from him, but she ended up falling backward over Spencer's deceased body. "Ugh..." She groaned when she fell harshly onto her back and elbows. Michael kicked the dead body to the side as if it was nothing and slowly walked towards her.


(First Name) was tired. She had decided to give up and accept her fate. Instead of struggling to stand up to try to escape, she stayed on the ground. This action confused the male as he hovered over her with a tilt of his head. She unclenched her eyes to stare at her lap as she mumbled, mostly to herself, "I give up. I don't think I can run away anymore." The extremely long silence started to become unnerving for the woman. She whipped her head up to see what he was doing, however, she wasn't prepared for the male to be crouched in front of her.

The two stared into each other's eyes, her (Eye Color) eyes filled with unease and fear while his dark hues were calm as he observed her. She flinched when he suddenly brought his hand up and she slowly opened her eyes to see Michael revealing his wrist to her. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw two bracelets on his wrist. One of them seemed to be in perfect condition while the other one was barely holding onto a thread. The bracelets officially confirmed who was behind the mask, though she already knew that the killer was Michael.

"Why would you fix the broken bracelet when I made you a new one before we... stopped talking." She questioned lowly. The male blinked in response before revealing his other wrist. "My bracelet." She gasped as she unconsciously reached for it. Michael pulled his wrist away before she could touch the bracelet which caused her to scoot back from fear. She whimpered in pain when he grabbed her injured ankle and dragged her closer to him. "That hurts!" She breathed out painfully. He squeezed her ankle tighter as if he was saying "good, I hope it hurts". Once he stopped squeezing her ankle, he released her ankle to grab her wrist. He forced her up from the ground to throw her onto his shoulder. She yelped at the action but didn't bother to fight against him as she knew there wouldn't be much she could do against him. Even if she did try to wiggle off of him, it would only anger him and cause more pain for her.

Michael exited the diner with (First Name) on his shoulder. He glanced at the car he was originally driving in then at Spencer's car. The male placed his childhood friend on the hood of the Jeep and grabbed both of her wrists to force her to open up her hands. She whined in pain from his rough action and revealed that her palms were empty. (First Name) heard him huff and head back into the diner to grab the keys she dropped. I can't believe he just left me by myself. She thought as she watched him search for the keys.

(First Name) decided to take a risk and slid off the hood, she carefully landed on the ground and limped towards the car Michael was driving. Her eyes widened at the sight of the keys in the ignition and immediately reached for the passenger door to throw herself in. She entered the car and locked the car before crawling to the driver's seat. (First Name) screamed when Michael threw a barstool at the car. It, fortunately, didn't shatter the glass and only cracked the passenger's side of the windshield. She turned on the car and shifted the gears to reverse as she stomped on the gas pedal.

The young woman recklessly reversed back out of the parking lot and shifted the gear into drive before driving away from the diner. Not soon after, Michael began to chase her in Spencer's Jeep. (Eye Color) eyes glanced up at the rearview mirror and added some more pressure on the pedal, completely ignoring the throbbing sensation she felt in her ankle, to pick up her speed as seeing how close Michael was gaining was making her anxious. Her anxiety only increased when she realized she was miles from town and she had no idea if she would be able to make it to a town before Michael rammed her.

"H-Huh?" (First Name) stammered when the car suddenly began to slow down. She looked at the gas gauge and saw that it was empty. So that's why he was trying to steal Spencer's Jeep... She thought with a groan. With the speed Michael was going at, he wasn't able to slow down in time to break behind her car and ended up rear-ending (First Name). The harsh impact caused (First Name) to jolt forward and smash her temple against the steering wheel before the airbag inflated, the impact from the accident caused the young woman to fall unconscious immediately.

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