《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 9
October 19, 2005; the day that (First Name) Loomis was admitted to Smith's Grove Sanitarium. The young child silently followed the nurse to her new bedroom and ignored all the other patients that were simply acknowledging her existence and waved hello to her while only a patient or two screamed at her psychotically. Right before the nurse showed her to her room, an older girl smashed a boy against her bedroom door. "Hey, hey! Break it up!" The nurse walking with (First Name) shouted as two male nurses grabbed them both.
"That... doesn't really happen very much." The nurse semi-lied as she ushered the 7-year-old into her new room. "Well, welcome to your new room." (First Name) looked around the white room and noticed that there was another bed in the room. The nurse noticed (First Name)'s scowl and told her, "You have a roommate because your uncle has voiced his concerns towards your suicidal thoughts and..." The nurse didn't bother finishing her sentence as they both knew what she was going to say. She glanced at her bandaged wrists before making eye contact with the nurse again.
(First Name) walked up to her bed and sat on the edge of it, a harsh frown appeared on her lips at the stiffness of the mattress. She stood up and asked the nurse, "Can I take a shower?" "Of course, but I will need to keep an eye on you." "So they hire pedophiles here?" The nurse gasped, "N-No! It's nothing like that. All nurses have to keep an eye on at-risk patients while they shower to make sure they do not plan to hurt themselves while bathing." (First Name) was unhappy with the nurses' response, but walked past her to head to the bathroom. The door was cut in half for the nurse to be able to view the patient while they bathed. Every time the nurse would peek inside to make sure that she was still okay, it made (First Name) severely uncomfortable the entire time as she bathed.
After her shower, the nurse showed her where the common room was. There were not that many people in the area; there was a group of pre-teen girls gossiping on the couch, a young girl playing checkers with a pre-teen boy, and a young boy staring out the window blankly while sitting. The nurse noticed (First Name) staring at the young boy and semi-smiled, "Do you think that boy is cute?" (First Name) gave the nurse a nasty stare which caused her smile to falter. "U-Um, the boy that is staring out the window is your uncle's patient. You will most likely be seeing him a lot since you are also Dr. Loomis' patient."
(First Name) hummed as she stayed by the nurses' side. The nurse could tell (First Name) didn't plan on leaving her side and told her, "His name is Michael and today is his birthday. Maybe you can befriend him." (First Name) glanced at the nurse before she walked away from her and walked up to the boy. The boy barely acknowledged (First Name) as she was walking up to him and he turned his head when he could feel her stare. The two stared at each other for a moment before (First Name) decided to speak, "You look like my age, why are you my uncle's patient?" The boy scanned (First Name) up and down before going back to ignoring her. "My name is (First Name). Dr. Loomis is also my psychiatrist." She told him.
"Hey, he's not gonna answer you! He's a mute!" One of the gossiping girls shouted to (First Name). A mute, huh? She thought as she looked around and found some coloring books along with crayons. She grabbed a coloring book and a box of crayons before heading back to Michael's area. She sat down on the ground next to him and began to color. The male glanced at her before continuing to look out the window. (First Name) looked around her surroundings to make sure the nurses are not paying attention to either of them and decided to write on the back of the coloring page as it was blank.
(First Name) ripped the page out of the coloring book and handed it to Michael. "I made you something." He stared at the half-colored page before flipping it over to see she wrote, "Do you know how to escape?" The boy crumpled the paper before tossing it at her face and went back to staring at the window. "Should've figured." She mumbled unhappily with a sigh. Since it was Michael's birthday, she decided to actually finish a coloring page and give it to him.
Michael kept side-glancing at the little girl as she colored. He didn't understand why she wanted to bother him nor why she stayed by his side. He's been at the hospital for almost a year and some of the patients have already taken the hint to not mess with Michael. He already knew that she was going to figure that out sooner or later if she continued to pester him. "Happy Birthday, Michael," The said boy's heart skipped a beat at the sound of (First Name)'s voice and turned his head to look at her. He assumed that the nurse told her his name and that today was his birthday, but it took him by surprise to hear his name come out of her mouth. "I made this for you!" She beamed at him as she held up her colored picture.
The little boy took the picture and stared at it. Instead of using the coloring page, she used the blank side of the page to draw two stick figures. On the top of the page, it said "Happy Birthday, Michael!" while the bottom of the page said, "Let's be friends!". Two arrows pointed down at the stick figures, one arrow had (First Name)'s name and the other arrow had Michael's name to indicate which stick figure was which. He stared at the drawing for an extremely long time, to the point where he zoned out everyone's voice and became hostile when the nurses tried to tell him that it was outside time.
October 20, 2005. It's day two of staying in the ward and (First Name) already hated it. The nurses would check in on her every hour to make sure (First Name) hadn't killed or hurt herself. She was absolutely exhausted and it showed. "Didn't sleep well?" One of the nurses asked with an empathic smile. She didn't care for the nurse and quickened her pace to the lounge to meet who she saw as a possible new friend.
When she opened the doors to the lounge, she immediately saw Michael. Instead of staring out the window as he did yesterday, this time he was reading a book. (First Name) walked up to him and before she got close to him, he looked up from his book which made her freeze in her tracks. The boy stared at her, waiting for her next move. She watched him glance at the spot next to him before he continued to stalk her. "May I sit next to you while I draw?" Michael blinked before he went back to reading his book. (First Name) took that answer as a yes as he didn't attempt to move or cover the spot.
She walked to the corner where the coloring books and crayons were to grab them. Once she got what she needed, she went back to Michael's side and sat next to him. With a small smile on her lips, she flipped open the book and began to color on the back of the coloring page. Every once in a while, Michael would glance from his book to check on (First Name)'s sketch. It was clear that she wasn't the best artist, but she wasn't the worst either. However, he struggled to understand why she would color on the back of the page instead of a blank page.
With a hum, (First Name) revealed the drawing to the boy next to her. "I made you another drawing. I hope you like it." She told him with a sweet smile. Michael took the paper from him and looked at it. On the left, it's a stick figure of him reading a book, and next to him was a stick figure version of her sitting on the couch. On the bottom of the drawing, she titled it as "best friends hanging out". With the new drawing in his hands, he was now focused on it and lost complete interest in the book he was reading. She beamed at him out of excitement and began to draw another drawing.
After finishing her second drawing, she handed it to him. "I made you another one." Michael blinked and tilted his head before he took the page from her. This time, it was an attempt to draw a realistic side profile of Michael. It was another not-so-great drawing, but since he wasn't an artist himself, he didn't judge it too harshly. He turned to her and showed her the first drawing she gave him. He pointed to the word "best friends" which made her heart skip a beat out of excitement. Her eyes softened as she gave him a whole-heartedly smile that almost melted Michael's cold, stone heart, "Yup, best friends!"
January 1st, 2006. "Happy New Year, Michael." (First Name) greeted the boy with a yawn as she exited her room. The two had become quick friends, though some of the pre-teens have told her that he is stalking her and not actually her friend after she made him a drawing. During art therapy, (First Name) would always make something for Michael as she believed he enjoyed the gifts since he never showed any type of displeasure like the first time.
"I wonder what we're doing today." She said as they walked together to the cafeteria for breakfast. The boy stayed silent as per usual while he stayed close to her. (First Name) particularly didn't mind that he stuck so close to her because she assumed he was just a bit awkward and didn't know any better. Another way she saw the closeness was him seeing her as a close friend and that put her in high spirits. Michael accidentally bumped into her from being too close to her which caused her to turn her head to look at him and gave him a sweet grin. Michael's jaw clenched at the sight of her radiant expression. Something inside Michael made him snap from seeing her so happy. Unfortunately for our protagonist, she didn't expect her friend to become violent just because she smiled at him.
A painful cry left the girl's lips when Michael smashed his fist against her nose. He forced her to the ground and attempted to rip her eye out with his fingers, but she pushed him back with all her strength. The nurses finally came to her aid and ripped the boy off of her and dragged them as far from each other as possible. Michael screamed as he fought against the nurses and tried to get to (First Name) until he fell unconscious from the sedative.
April 16th, 2006, it was Easter and the children's ward was celebrating the day. Except for two kids, Michael and (First Name). "Michael, why did you do it?" Dr. Loomis questioned his patient. The boy silently stared at the psychiatrist as he refused to speak. "Where did you get the pills from, Michael?" Dark brown eyes stared into Loomis' eyes, his eyes dark and completely voidless. Dr. Loomis sighed heavily as he rubbed his face from frustration. Michael had somehow gotten ahold of an acetaminophen bottle and gave it to (First Name). Now, his niece is in a coma.
Unfortunately for the psychiatrist, this wasn't the first suicide attempt (First Name) has done that was influenced by Michael. He couldn't understand why (First Name) forgave Michael when he attacked her 3 months ago and since then, he has only hurt her more. He had been told repeatedly by staff members that it was an unseeable event, but he still couldn't help that he viewed the dilemma as it was his fault. He blamed himself for not seeing the signs within Michael, but he still barely understands his patient even after treating him for a year and a half.
Michael glanced down at the lined paper in front of him and decided to write something. This shocked Loomis and he watched the boy write his thoughts. Once he was done, he pushed the paper to Loomis and flipped it for him. The psychiatrist scanned the paper and fumed at the boy, "No! You will never be allowed to be near her! You sent her into a coma and you expect me to let you see her?!" "Dr. Loomis!" A nurse gasped. Michael's face turned red as he smashed his fists against the table in a fit of rage and began to swipe everything off the table.
The young boy attempted to crawl onto the table to attack Loomis, but a male nurse got to him before he had the chance and stuck a needle in him. As Michael was slowly losing his consciousness, he was reaching for Loomis. The psychiatrist sighed heavily as he watched the nurse take Michael's unconscious form out of the room. He looked at the nurse and told her, "Make sure Michael and (First Name) stay away from each other at all cost."
May 2nd, 2006. (First Name) was in a coma for 2 weeks and stayed in the hospital room until today. "What are we doing today?" (First Name) asked. "Not much, unfortunately. Dr. Loomis wants you to rest one more day before you start therapy again." (First Name) frowned at her nurse, "But Iris, I was asleep for 2 weeks and then had to stay locked in a room for 24 hours. I don't want to do that again." The brunette-haired girl lightly patted the girl's shoulder, "I know, hun. But, you will be able to do things while you're in your room compared to the hospital." (First Name) sighed but had no choice to oblige to their request.
The day was slow from being locked inside a room all day and night finally came. "Here's your dinner, (First Name)," Iris said as she came in with a plate. Iris sat in the room with (First Name) and chatted with her while she ate. Once she was done, Iris took her plate and left the room. I'm lonely, again. She thought with a soft sigh. She got up from her seat and walked to the bathroom to wash her face and hands. After she was done, she went to her ex-roommates bed and tore off her sheets. She's been released, so she won't be missing these. With the roommate's sheets, she was able to double up on her mattress to make it comfier. This almost feels as comfy as the bed in the hospital. She hummed happily as she snuggled into her bed. With a book in her hands, she read until she felt drowsy enough to fall asleep. However, she fell asleep after reading three pages.
The sound of the door opening startled (First Name) awake, but she kept her eyes closed as she figured it was the night shift nurses checking to see if she was still alive. I wonder when I passed out and how long I've been asleep... She thought as she snuggled into her pillow. "I'm alive, so please don't blind me." She mumbled. (First Name) expected the nurse to either ignore her statement and blind her anyway or to leave her alone, but she was horrified when she felt a large, masculine hand slide into her bedsheets.
Everything went by so quickly that (First Name)'s mind had gone blank and entered survival mode. She locked the male nurse in her room and ran to Michael's room with the keys in her hand. She quietly ran when she saw one of the nurses walk off in the distance and made it to Michael's room. She shakily unlocked his room and quickly shut it behind her.
(First Name)'s noisy entrance woke Michael up and the boy was too tired to process that the girl was in her room until she tackled him. His eyes widened when he felt her body weight on him as she sobbed into his neck. He roughly pushed her back to look at her face and grit his teeth at the sight of (First Name). "P-P-Please help me.." She sobbed as she curled up into his lap. Michael was tense as he stared at her crying state. He was uncomfortable, but also livid as something bad had happened to her since she managed to unlock and sneak into his room.
Michael was losing his patience for the girl and smacked her across her face, the sudden slap forced her to snap out of her trance to tell him what had happened. After her brief explanation of her encounter with the male nurse, Michael burst into a fit of rage. She cried out in pain when he grabbed her wrist and dragged her along as they ran to her room. He took the keys from her and opened the door. "Finally- Wait a minute, you think bringing in this brat is going to do anything?" The male nurse spoke, his voice taunting when he pointed to Michael. The 7-year-old released (First Name)'s wrist and stomped towards the nurse, his eyes filled with fire and ready for bloodshed.
May 3rd, 2006. It was morning and everyone was in a rush. Michael was locked in solitary after he was caught trying to rip off the genitals of one of the male nurses. (First Name) tried to explain what had happened, but no one would listen to her at all. They only wanted Michael unconscious and away from both the nurse and (First Name). Now that it was morning, Dr. Loomis was available to communicate with both Michael and (First Name). He was hesitant on the idea of them both in the same room, but he needed to hear (First Name)'s story and he would like to see if Michael would have any type of reaction during the session.
"I-I'm sorry, the nurse did what to you?" Dr. Loomis questioned, his voice loud and shocked. (First Name) shrunk in her seat as she didn't want to repeat herself. Dr. Loomis noticed that Michael shifted his position and had become a lot stiffer, his expression dark as he kept an eye on Loomis. "Rebecca, get me the doll." The said nurse did as she was asked, she went to receive the doll and handed it to him. "(First Name), point to where he touched you." Dr. Loomis requested softly. However, Dr. Loomis was flabbergasted that Michael pointed to different areas of the doll for (First Name). "I- um, those places that Michael pointed to, is he correct?" (First Name) nodded her head as she began to cry. Michael tensed when he saw her cry and glared at Loomis.
The boy slammed his hands angrily against the table which caused (First Name) to stop crying to shrink in fear. "You're scaring her." Dr. Loomis scolded, his voice low and irritated. Michael kept his eyes narrowed at Loomis before glancing at (First Name). He calmed down when he saw (First Name) was no longer crying and went back to a blank expression. Dr. Loomis couldn't believe how much emotion he was able to get out of Michael just because of (First Name). But, he didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. A part of him believed that in a way, (First Name) had her own bodyguard. But he knew Michael was dangerous and unpredictable, he proved that when he suddenly attacked (First Name) when it seemed like he finally found someone to be friends with. Loomis wrote in his notes;
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