《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 10


A sudden sharp pain shot through (First Name)'s skull, the pain snapped the young woman out of deep sleep and found herself staring at a white roof that was uncomfortably close to her. She attempted to move, but her body refused to do so. Why does my body ache so much? She thought as she shut her eyes with a heavy, painful sigh. She slowly turned her head and opened her eyes, she immediately realized she was in an RV. How the hell did I get here?

From what she could see, there was a built-in table and chairs on the left, a couch on the right with a sink, electric stove, and microwave behind it. She attempted another time on moving and managed to turn on her side. However, the poor protagonist didn't realize that she was at the edge of the bed already and ended up falling down. Fortunately, she landed on a bunch of blankets and pillows that had fallen off from the couch, but she was still injured in the process as not the entire floor was covered for her fall.

The commotion (First Name) created had caused the RV to slow down and pull over to the side. She couldn't see the driver as there was a curtain blocking the way, but she was unsure if she wanted to see the driver or not. She heard the RV come to a complete halt before the driver's door opened and heard it slammed shut. (First Name) lifted up her hand to head and felt that it was fully bandaged. The doors to the RV opened and (Eye Color) eyes followed the sound. Fuck me. (First Name) thought bitterly as she made direct eye contact with dark brown eyes.

There was an awkward silence between the two before (First Name) croakily spoke up, "Are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to help me up?" His eyes narrowed at her before he shut the RV doors behind him and hovered over her. Instead of properly helping her up as she was too injured to do so, Michael continued to hover over her and held his hands out. It took every fiber in her being to not say, "Are you stupid?" (First Name) glanced at his hands before staring at the center of the mask's eyebrows. She didn't want to make direct eye contact with him again as she believed if she looked him in the eye more than once, he would snap.


"I don't have the strength to do that." She told him weakly. The male bent down and swooped her up from the ground to place her onto the couch. She watched him pull a bottle of hydroperoxide out of the mirror cabinet in the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth off the towel rack. He walked back to her and stood in front of her to unwrap the bandage around her head. Once he was done, he tossed the bandages away and poured the hydroperoxide onto the cloth. "Ugh... I would rather have rubbing alcohol than that on my injury." She mumbled as she pulled away from him.

Michael didn't care for her complaints, he roughly grabbed her face to bring her forward and brought the cloth to her wound. She hissed in pain and clawed at Michael's wrist as he kept the cloth in place. Once he believed the wound was clean enough, he removed the cloth from her temple and got up to receive more bandages. While he went through the first-aid kit, (First Name) looked straight ahead of her and tried to look through the windows to get an idea of where they were, but the windows were tinted and seemed nearly impossible to see anything from where she was. She tried to turn around to look at the window behind her, but the action strained too much on her neck and made her cry out in pain. Her cry snapped Michael's attention to her and tilted his head when he noticed she was stuck.

She quietly sobbed in pain as it was too painful to move back to her original position, but the position she was in at the moment made her want to crawl out of her own skin from the amount of pain she was enduring. With the bandages in hand, Michael stood in front (First Name). He set the bandages down on the table behind him and placed one hand on her lower spine and the other on her shoulder. He slowly moved her back into position and repeated the same thing with her neck. He moved the hand that was on her lower back to her chin and the one on her shoulder was moved to the back of her neck. (First Name) struggled to breathe through the pain as he moved her head back to her original position.

He crouched down in front of her and stared at her after she was no longer stuck. His eyes were half-lidded as he dully looked into her (Eye Color) eyes. She immediately averted her gaze from his eyes to the mouth of his mask out of fear. However, her averting her eyes from him irritated him as he didn't want her to look away. With both of his hands, he brought his fingers towards her eyes and forced her eyelids up. She cried from both pain and uncomfortability as she attempted to fight him off with the little strength she had. "S-Stop it! Please!"


Michael narrowed his eyes as he released her and stood up to turn around to grab the bandages. He unraveled the bandages and roughly grabbed her chin. She whimpered and stayed still as he wrapped the bandage around her head. Once he was finished, he ripped the bandages with his hands and grabbed some medical tape to make the bandage stay. He sat down on the chair behind him and grabbed her injured ankle roughly. "Ow, why do you keep being rough?" She whined. He threw her a glance before he undid her bandage around her ankle. He tilted it side to side to see how it was healing, which confused (First Name) at first because she believed she just received the injury until she saw her ankle.

"U-Um," She began, which caught Michael's attention. "How long have I been out?" She asked him nervously. He tilted his head before he continued on focusing on her ankle. Should've figured. She thought with a soft sigh. He glanced at her once more before he wrapped her ankle up and placed her leg back down on the ground. Michael stood up and swooped her into his arms to place her back into bed. "W-Wait, I don't want to lay up there anymore." Michael froze for a moment as if he was contemplating on it, but then he continued to place her onto the bed.

(First Name) turned her head to glare at him, but her glare faltered when she realized he was staring at her. I thought he turned around to put the medical supplies away. He brought his face close to hers, her heart stopped and she began to sweat bullets as he stared into her eyes. Michael abruptly spun around and began to clean up by throwing away her bandages in the bathroom trash can. She exhaled a deep breath she didn't realize she was holding and turned her head to look at the ceiling. She shut her eyes to try to get some rest since Michael was forcing her to do so, but her mind was too active for her to fall asleep again.

She flinched when she suddenly felt Michael's hand on top of her forehead. His hand is really warm. He brought a digital thermometer to her mouth and she opened her mouth to let it rest under her tongue. I don't feel like I'm fevering, so why is he taking my temperature? It quietly beeped and she maneuvered the thermometer with her mouth to move it to an angle where she can read the temperature. 97.4 degrees. Again, why is he taking my temperature? Was I fevering before I woke up or something? He snatched the thermometer out of her mouth and saw her temperature before putting it on the table.

"Michael," She softly called out to him. The said male turned to her and walked to her side to meet her gaze. She averted her gaze for a moment but then quickly looked back into his eyes as she believed if she looked away again, he would flip her eyelids again. "C-Can't you give me something to do?" He tilted his head at her request and looked down at the ground to think before meeting her gaze again. Instead of giving her a response with a nod or a shake of his head, he turned to his right to leave. Seriously? She thought with a huff when he exited the RV. She blinked and turned her head when she realized she didn't hear him close the doors. She heard one of the doors open and then some shuffling. Wow, he's actually trying to find something for me to do.

(First Name) heard the door shut and he came back with a small yellow notepad with a red pen. He handed it to her and immediately exited the RV, shutting the doors behind him to head back to the driver's seat. She heard the RV start up and felt them go back onto the road. She sighed as she stared at the notepad and removed the top of the red pen before she began to play tic-tac-toe against herself.

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