《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 2


(First Name) had zero complications with exiting the hospital as the young woman assumed that Michael had most likely killed the staff members. As she was leaving, she heard a woman's voice scream, "Help me!" (Eye Color) eyes widened as she dashed in the direction she heard the voice. In the distance she could see a woman crawling on the ground, struggling to get up. "Hey!" (First Name) called out to the woman. Right as the woman was able to stand up, (First Name) ran to her side and quickly wrapped her arm around her shoulders to help aid the woman. "Please, help me head to the doors over there. I'm being chased and I saw a police officer head into the hospital." She pleaded. "Okay, lean on me if you need to."

The two walked slowly together as the teen struggled to limp as it seems like she had exhausted a lot of energy already. She was also extremely paranoid and kept looking around, which (First Name) couldn't exactly blame her as she has been running away from a killer for God knows how long. "W-We need to quicken our pace. He's here." (First Name) looked in the direction Laurie was looking at and saw Michael heading in their direction. "Holy shit." She whispered under her breath as she helped Laurie to the doors.

They tried to open the door to no avail and began to bang on the door. "Hey!" (First Name) shouted. "Help!" Laurie screamed as she banged on the glass with little strength she had. Michael was nearing the two and (First Name) could feel her heart pounding roughly against her chest as she feared for both of their lives. "Please, help us!" Laurie howled out with all her might. Not soon after, she saw a middle-aged man run towards them and quickly ushered them in. He quickly shut the door behind him and grabbed (First Name), "What are you doing here?!" "Dad, oh my God, I should have listened to Jennifer! I shouldn't have risked my life for a stupid story!" She wheezed to her father figure. "Nevermind that, we need to get away from the doors!" He dragged her away from the doors right as Michael burst through the glass doors. (First Name) screamed out of shock and fear as Loomis held her tightly. He dragged her away from the glass shards and his dangerous patient.


Loomis released his adopted daughter to shoot at his patient. Once, twice, three times, four times, five times Loomis shot at Michael. The male collapsed onto the ground as the Marshall jogged towards them and hovered over Michael's body. "Stop!" Loomis shouted. "He's dead." He responded. "No he's not! Look at him, he's still breathing!" They all stared at his body and the Marshall took a step back from Michael's unconscious body. Loomis turned to Laurie and Marion before ordering Marion, "There is a two-way radio in the Marshall's car. I want you to go outside and get on the radio!" He slightly shoved her toward the Marshall and she avoided Michael's body as she attempted to leave, but the Marshall stopped her. "Hey, wait a minute! I am the only one authorized to use that." "Move!" Loomis boomed, his voice overpowering the Marshall's which caused Marion to move her feet, and ran to the car.

"I'm sorry I left you, are you alright?" Loomis worriedly asked Laurie. (First Name) felt a little hurt that her dad asked a stranger how they were first, but she understood that he did so as she was the one Michael was truly after. "Why won't he die?" Laurie questioned in a hoarse manner. (First Name) watched the Marshall go back to hovering over Michael's body and crouched down to get a better look at him. She felt nervous for the man and took a step back as she mumbled, "Is that a good idea?" Loomis turned his attention away from Laurie back to the Marshall. "Get away from him!" He shouted. "But he stopped breathing!" The Marshall shouted back. (First Name) screamed while Laurie gasped as Loomis screamed, "Move!"

Unfortunately for the Marshall, his foolish curiosity led him to receive a sharp object to the throat. Michael perfectly slid his scalpel across the man's throat before dropping the Marshall's now dead body and stood up from the ground. Laurie tugged on Loomis' coat and Loomis grabbed (First Name)'s wrist as they all ran away from the dangerous escapee. None of my past supernatural hunts and stories have been this severe. After this, I think I'm fucking done dealing with the supernatural! (First Name) thought as she looked over her shoulder and watched the tall male walk towards them menacingly.


"Shit!" (First Name) screamed as she tripped over her shoelaces and fell onto the ground. Loomis quickly turned around to help his daughter up and pushed her in the opposite direction they were heading. "You're not the one he wants. Run!" (First Name) vigorously shook her head as the corners of her eyes began to prickle with tears. "No, I'll help you!" They heard a door open and shut with footsteps following suit. "I am not kidding, (Full Name). Run, get the hell out of here and find Marion!" (First Name) looked at Michael then to her father before hugging him quickly and whispering, "I love you." He whispered it back and pushed her away. She made direct eye contact with Michael before running in the opposite direction. As she was running away, she heard a gunshot and Loomis shout, "No! You're after us, not her!" God, Buddha, Allah, Artemis, any Gods if you're real, please keep my father safe. (First Name) prayed as tears fell down her cheeks as she ran for her life.

(First Name) managed to loop back to where Michael shattered the glass doors and killed the Marshall. She avoided looking at the dead body as she dashed out of the hospital and immediately found Marion by the car on the radio. Marion noticed (First Name)'s distressed appearance and brought her in for a hug. "Where is your father?" She questioned worriedly. "He told me to find you and he ran further into the hospital with Laurie." The (Hair Color) haired woman sobbed. They both flinched when they heard an explosion and (First Name) released Marion as she dashed back inside the building, completely ignoring Marion's cries.

She yanked the fire extinguisher off the wall and ran in the direction where she came from when Loomis told her to run. (First Name) began to cough the closer she got to the explosion. Smoke filled her lungs and stung her eyes as tried to extinguish the fire the best she could. (Eye Color) eyes widened in horror once she saw a body that resembled Loomis' figure being burnt. A harsh sob left her lips as she dropped the extinguisher and ran away from the fire.

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