《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 1


(First Name) tapped her fingers against the steering wheel as she listened to music while driving. She was 5 minutes away from the Wallace's home and she was thinking about one of her news reporter friends, hoping that they would be there and could snatch some information from them. (Eye Color) eyes averted from the street for a brief moment to her dashboard and saw the name Debra appear. Speaking of the devil. She tapped on the answer button on her steering wheel and answered, "Hello?" "You talk about him as if he is some type of animal," (First Name) was flabbergasted by the male voice as she was expecting a woman's voice. "He was my patient-" "Keep them back!" "He was my patient for 15 years," (First Name)'s jaw clenched at the second male's voice, immediately recognizing it and realized what Debra was doing. Fuck me, I need to start recording this!

(Eye Color) eyes repeatedly flickered back and forth between the street and to her phone. She struggled to get her phone to record as it decided it wanted to be difficult for her to slide up her phone to start screen recording. "An hour ago, I stood up and fired 6 shots into him and he just got up and walked away. I am talking about the real possibility that he is still out there!" There was a brief silence before she heard mumbling, but the voices weren't coherent. "Fuck me... I can't hear what they're saying." She whispered-hissed to herself.

"Did you get all that?!" Debra's voice boomed over the phone. "Not all of it." (First Name) told her with a huff. The blonde haired woman hummed as she gave her a deal, "I'll give you a Halloween discount and give you a copy of my recording?" (First Name) audibly gasped at the suggestion and was so excited, but there was a part of her that told her that was a catch. "For free?" She questioned. Debra hummed in agreement, "Yes, but only this once." "I'm thankful, but why?" She heard Debra heave a heavy sigh before she answered, "Well, I do technically owe you." She's going to give me a, hopefully, big story in return for the stakeout I did for her? I thought she was going to treat me to dinner but this is ten times better. "Sick, you're amazing Debra. You're honestly a lifesaver." (First Named) thanked happily. "No problem, hun. Good luck." "Thanks, you too."


"There is one survivor; 17-year-old Laurie Strode was found across the street from the home where the murders took place. The teenager was taken across town to Haddonfield Memorial Clinic for surgery. We have-" (First Name) quietened her radio and sighed heavily once she finally neared the murder scene. "Ugh, I'm wasting so much gas for this stupid story." She grumbled unhappily as she dealt with traffic with cars trying to drive down the street while cops are blocking the way. "This street is blocked! If you are a resident of this street, please park somewhere else and we will let you walk home. Reporters and off lookers need to leave immediately!" A cop shouted through a megaphone. Well, this is annoying.

After finally getting out of the area, (First Name) called Nikita. "Hello?" "Hey, an informant of mine is giving me a copy of her recording from a conversation between a cop and the psychiatrist in charge of the escaped patient. So, now I'm heading to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital to sneak in and get a possible interview with the survivor." (First Name) heard Nikita gasp over the phone, "That's amazing, but I don't got the money to bail you out if you get caught for sneaking in." I don't think Jennifer would either after our argument. If I do get caught, I think I would have to wait until dad was available to free me. "I'll be fine." She reassured her friend. Nikita softly laughed in response, "I'm sure you will. Good luck, you'll need it." "Yup. Thanks, bye." (First Name) hung up and sighed. I will really need all the luck because after hearing dad's voice over the phone, I think it confirms my suspicions on who the escaped patient is. She thought as a pit grew in her stomach. "He will be fine. If he was able to handle Michael all these years, he will be able to capture him with little to no injuries." She attempted to reassure herself and took some deep breaths to try to ease her nerves. I gotta get my composure together before going to the hospital or I will get caught.

(First Name) parked her car and began to walk in the direction where the clinic was. She snuck through the back and tried to close the door as quietly as she could as it was a clanky exit door. Wait, the security guard isn't even here. Her eyebrows furrowed as she decided to take a peek at the security cameras. She watched a tall, male figure slowly stroll through the halls before his figure disappeared. He doesn't look dressed like a nurse or a doctor. She worriedly thought as she looked at the other cameras. On a different camera, she saw an EMT dash out while a nurse stepped out to call out after him. I wonder if that is where that Laurie girl is.


She cautiously walked through the halls of the hospital as she attempted to find Laurie's room. On the screen, it was difficult to see what room number was. All she could see was 9-23. Hopefully, it's not too far. I don't want to be out in the hallway for too long. (Eye Color) eyes widened when she heard a buzzing noise and then sudden quick footsteps. (First Name) swiftly hid behind a desk and watched a blond nurse run by. That's the one I saw on the camera. I'm getting close then. She went in the opposite direction from where the nurse went and froze when she saw the same male figure she saw on the camera head towards the room where she suspected Laurie Strode to be.

Without a beat, (First Name) whipped her phone out and began to record the male. She watched him slowly head to the door and quietly push it halfway open. She kept a distance as she zoomed into the room and watched the male hover over the bed before lifting up his arm and repeatedly stabbed down. (First Name) immediately covered her mouth to contain her gasp as she believed she just recorded a murder, but the male tilted his head as he removed the covers to reveal the body was just pillows. He turned around to exit the room, but paused and turned to (First Name)'s direction. She lowered herself down and tried to hide her phone in a position where she hoped he couldn't see that he was being recorded. He didn't actually see me, did he?

Through her camera, she watched him painstakingly inch closer to her and she immediately ended videoing him to put her phone away. She pushed herself up and unfortunately made eye contact with the killer. He tilted his head at the sight of her before continuing to pursue her. "I-I-I saw Laurie run that way on the security cameras!" (First Name) bellowed out a lie as she pointed in a random direction. The male froze and tilted his head as he stalked her before heading in the direction she pointed to. Holy shit, he didn't kill me. She watched him until his figure disappeared around the corner. Maybe he recognized me, or he just really wanted that Laurie girl. I really hope I didn't actually send him in the direction where Laurie escaped.

(First Name) got her phone back out and sent the video to Nikita before calling her. The dial rang a few times before Nikita finally answered, "Why are you calling when you're supposed to be sneaking right now?" She questioned quietly. "I just ran into the killer." "What?!" Nikita screamed. "Check your messages." (First Name) told her in a hushed tone as she decided to hide in Laurie's room until her call was done. After Nikita finished watching the video, she bombarded (First Name) with worried questions. "He seriously didn't hurt you at all?" "No... I lied and pointed him in a random direction." (First Name) softly answered. "Girl, you need to get the hell out of there! You're going to get a copy of the audio and you got video proof of the killer. I do not need you endangering your life anymore, so please leave as quickly as you can after we hang up." She demanded worriedly. "I will, I promise." "Please text me and send me your location when you're officially safe." "I will, bye." (First Name) hung up and heavily exhaled through her nose before she made her way out of the hospital.

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