《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Prologue


The digital clock on the young woman's wrist struck 10 PM, it beeped annoyingly to let her know it has been an hour and will beep again in another hour. The young woman sighed nervously as she shut the watch off. I'm an hour late. Nikita is going to rip me a new one. She thought as she quickened her pace to the newsroom. From the distance, she saw Nikita and her boyfriend leaving the newsroom. "Nikita!" The said black haired woman turned around and sighed heavily at the sight of her friend. "(First Name), where the hell were you?" Nikita demanded. "I'm sorry, I know you told me to meet you at 9, but I got held up at work." She apologized. "Why couldn't you just text me that?" "I did!" (First Name) revealed her phone to Nikita, her dark brown eyes softening when she read the text and saw it failed to send. Her friend sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'll let it slip this time," She unlocked the door and held it open for her boyfriend and (First Name). They entered the room and sat down at a table, Nikita and Andres on one side and (First Name) on the other.

"So, why did you want a 1-on-1 meeting," (Eye Color) glanced at the male before glancing at Nikita, "Well, 1-on-2 now." "(First Name), you know you will always be my good friend, but I'm gonna have to let you go." (First Name)'s jaw slacked at the horrid news and felt her hands grow clammy as she gripped the ends of her sweater. "Why?" "Because you have yet to write me a story since you falsely accused a man of assault." Nikita bluntly told her with a stern tone. "I didn't-" "I know," Nikita harshly interrupted her which caused (First Name) to avert her gaze. "I know you didn't mean to ruin Ryan's reputation. You know how much it sickens me to know that you are the one who deals with the backlash while James goes scot-free. But that doesn't mean I can change the minds of the other members. They're still pissed at you for 'attempting' to ruin someone's life and the story wasn't even supernatural." (First Name)'s shoulders slumped as she mumbled, "I know, but I thought the story was real and would've helped abused survivors."

Andres' eyes widened while staring at his phone and nubbed his girlfriend with his elbow, "Babe, give (First Name) another chance by giving her this story," The male disconnected his bluetooth and played the news that was playing on his phone, "Three teenagers have been found murdered in the Northwest section of Haddonfield. The names of the teenagers have yet been released, but are in search of the entire area for a mental patient who had escaped last night from the Smith's Grove County Sanitarium. He is believed to be at large in Haddonfield," The three watched the video before Nikita smiled at (First Name). "Get me this story and everyone can fuck off if they dare complain about you to me," Nikita told her.


(First Name) rubbed her arm nervously at the idea, "I don't know... That story doesn't seem very interesting as a lot of reporters will already cover it." "No, you have no choice in the matter. Either you get me this story or you're out. You owe me, (First Name)." (First Name)'s jaw clenched at Nikita's tone, but she knew the woman was losing her patience for her. And she was right, she did owe her. The club was all about giving out paranormal and murder stories, not fake stories that ruin the lives of real people. "Fine." She stonily grumbled. Nikita leaned over the table to thump (First Name)'s forehead. "Don't get all pouty with me girl. You know I didn't mean to threaten you like that, but you're a bitchin' writer and it hurts me to see your talent withering away because of someone else's fault." Nikita got up from her seat and forced (First Name) to get up to hug each other. "I have a feeling that this is the good story you have been looking for and who knows, maybe this story will save your reputation." I doubt that. "It's a bit fucked up to be givin' her false hope like that." He softly scolded, his voice so low it came out as he was mumbling.

Dark brown eyes swiftly averted to Andres to glare at him, her glare made (First Name) shift in her spot uncomfortably as she could see the jealousy burn in her eyes. She knows I have zero interest in her man, how I feel about cheaters, and knows for a damn fact I don't go after men who are in relationships. But she always feels threatened when he even slightly defends me or another woman. Nikita shuffled in her spot as she huffed an aggravated sigh. It's becoming difficult for me to be understanding of her situation. She wouldn't be acting like this if she just went to therapy. She sighed as she looked at her phone when she heard it go off. (Eye Color) eyes scanned the message she received and quickly locked her phone as she was no longer interested as it was Andres sending her the link to the news article they were just looking at.

"You should get going now or you won't get any good coverage," Nikita told her as she moved to her boyfriend's side and ushered him out of the room. (First Name) nodded her head and followed after them. Instead of waiting with Andres for Nikita to lock up the room, (First Name) waved to them as she went ahead. She tapped on contacts and scrolled through her recent calls to find her mother's name. Once she found it, she tapped on her name and brought her phone to her ear when it began to dial. "Hello?" (Eye Color) eyes widened in shock when she heard a feminine voice answer her call after the third ring. "I didn't expect you to answer, especially since you have an escapee." Her mother scoff-laughed, "We had more than one escape. We caught everyone a few hours ago except for one, but your father left me a voicemail saying he went after the patient that escaped to Haddonfield." (First Name)'s eyebrows furrowed at the news, she noticed the change of her tone when she brought up her father and decided to ask her what was wrong, "You sound worried."


Her mother sighed stressfully and hummed in agreement, "Yeah, I am. He sounded worried in the voicemail and when he told me he was heading to Haddonfield-" Her mother paused and cleared her throat, "Nevermind. Don't worry about it. Why did you call me?" (First Name) ignored her mother's sudden coldness and answered her, "I am letting you know that I am heading to Orange Grove to-" "No." Her mother heatedly interrupted. "No?" "I do not feel comfortable with the idea of both your father and you being in Haddonfield after that patient!" She seethed at her daughter. "I have to. Nikita told me to get her this coverage or I'm out of the club." (First Name) explained sternly as she walked to her car in the empty parking lot. "Then let her kick you out. That club is a distraction." (First Name) rolled her eyes as she unlocked her car and opened it, quickly entering her car and locking the doors without a second beat. "I'm an adult who lives in the school dorms. I know you and my dad wish for me to become a psychiatrist like you two, but that isn't something I desire. You know it gets on my dad's nerves when you push your boundaries, Jennifer." The call was silent, but (First Name) knew she hadn't been hung up on. "I have to go. Bye." "(First Na-" She ended the call and swiped her phone up to enter Do Not Disturb mode.

An aggravated sigh left her lips when she quickly went to her contacts to quickly edit her "mother" out of her important contacts. "I just wish she would just stop." She grumbled unhappily as she tossed her phone onto her dashboard. (First Name) appreciated Jennifer for being a good wife to her father for the past 2 years, but she did not appreciate Jennifer trying to mother her. It bothered her to no end, especially since (First Name) believed Jennifer would be a terrible mother if she and her father were to get pregnant or adopt as Jennifer is a strict, controlling mother. She tried to control which university (First Name) went to and even went as far as bribing the school she went to to try to get (First Name) in. It repulsed (First Name) to no end and she couldn't fathom why her father would want to stay with a woman like that, but she knew there wasn't much she could do as she was now living at the university she originally wanted to go to and her father wasn't exactly the best father. He's slightly lenient and doesn't fully grasp the concept of being a parent, even after raising (First Name) for 13 years.

Should I take the surface streets or the freeway? (First Name) thought as she stopped at the exit of the parking lot. She grabbed her phone and opened up her browser to look up Orange Grove. It immediately appeared in the search bar as it's breaking news within Haddonfield. Wait, this article has a picture of the house. I can figure out where to go with just the picture. She tapped on the article and scrolled to where she saw the picture. Her eyes widened when she zoomed into the photo and scoff-laughed, "Someone is getting fired once the Wallace's or a higher up's realize the address isn't censored." With a smirk on her face, she memorized the address then went to her map app to enter the address and drove away.

As she drove, she thought about when Jennifer told her that her father was heading to Haddonfield after a patient. She said he sounded worried. I really hope it's not Michael who escaped. But with the murders... (First Name)'s jaw clenched at her thoughts and decided to turn on the radio to distract her from thinking any more on it. Dad will be fine.

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