《Mike Wheeler X Reader》Small date?


25 minutes later Mike arrives he knocks on my door and I come running downstairs to open the door and greet him. "Hey Mike!!" I say excitedly. "Hey Y/N!!" He says back.

"Come in." I say opening the door wider for him. "Nice place." He says laughing. "As if you haven't seen it before!" I say laughing as well.

"So..Is your mom out on a date again?" He says. "Uhm..no,Well yeah.." I say upset. "It's gonna be fine,We don't have to worry about her anymore!We have each other for company!" He says smiling at me.

I give him a smile back and we headed up to my room.

"What movie should we watch?" I say. "Hmm?" He thinks. "The shining?" He says. "Sure!" I say back.

I put the movie on and we stayed up all night and ate popcorn.Me and Mike were also talking forgetting about the movie so we would have to go back and re-watch the part we missed.

Mike's laugh was so beautiful..I loved him..Like a lot!!!I kept glancing at him and he never seemed to notice I was glancing at him.

Y/N kept glancing at me,It was nice having her look at me!It made my heart beat faster than ever!

I just wanna kiss her soft rosy lips..I kept glancing at her lips looking her up and down..(Not like that tho,Like looking from her eyes to her lips) the movie was fun or cool I guess?..

We then fell asleep together and we cuddled accidentally!!But it was the most comfortable thing ever.To be in her arms.

Maybe I have a chance of kissing her!!Just maybe.But I don't know if it will ever happen tho..In your dream Michael.


I woke up and Y/N was still sleeping peacefully her hair was covering her face,She was also very close to me...our lips were almost touching!! I moved the hair out her face and put it behind her ear and her arm was around my waist and she was basically cuddling me.I put my arm around her waist and cuddled her back,And I didn't wanna be a creep or anything but I stared at her..I swear I'm not a creep.

-17 minutes later

Y/N woke up we were still very close to each other and she looked at me and said "Good morning Mike." With a smile,I smile back and say "Good morning Y/N" we both stare at each other in the eyes for about 3 seconds then a pulled away and she did to.

"Im gonna go check if my moms home.." Y/N says as she opens her bedroom door quietly.I wait for her but it's been a bit too long so I went..(btw you have been downstairs for 15 minutes) I see her eating and she looks at me. "Oh hey Mike!" She says. "Are you hungry?" "Uhm..Yeah I am." I say. "Come,sit!" I sit next to her and we both eat breakfast together and we enjoy the morning together as well.

We both ended up falling asleep on the couch together we cuddled as well.We both woke up to a door opening,And when we look up from the couch it's her mom and her boyfriend we both gasp quietly and we lay back down on the couch hiding from her until we can go back upstairs safely.Now at this point Y/N is on top of me and I'm holding her and it was just kinda uncomfortable for me..But it's just for awhile.


Her mom goes to the kitchen and we both run up the stairs quietly and Y/N accidentally shut the door a bit to fast. "Oh uhm..I didn't mean to shut it your gonna have to hide now!" She says. "Okay uhm..where?" "Uhm..in the closet." She says opening the closet and opening another small door in her closet. "Hide in this small spot for now until further notice!" I go in and she closes the door.

-3 minutes later

Y/N comes back and opens it up and she helps me get out and our faces were close once again.So I did what I've been wanting to do for awhile now..I kissed her..

She pulled away and looked at me..

"I-I'm sorry..I didn't mean to do that.." I say nervously. "It's fine..I never said I didn't like it." She says back and she leans back in slowly and kisses me back slowly like she was nervous or something.I pulled away. "Are you sure your okay with this Y/N?.." I say,I didn't want her to be uncomfortable and wanted her to know she didn't have to kiss me back if she doesn't like me back.

"Yes Mike." She says and kisses me.

I kiss her back and I break the kiss.

"We should head to school." "Yeah,It's Friday today!" She says excitedly. "Yeah,Which means we could hang out together for the weekend!" I say looking at her with a smile on my face and blushing.

"Yeah we could definitely do that this weekend!" She says and we both head off the school.

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