《Mike Wheeler X Reader》я не знаю


We finally get to a house,It was small but looked Cozy!! Nancy got out and Mike motioned me to come out as well,So I got out the car and some boy came out the house.

I think he was Nancy's boyfriend,Because they kissed.

They went inside and I followed them.They're house was nice!

Then I heard a familiar voice,I turned around and saw Will!! "Y/N!" He says and comes up to me and he has a huge smile.His smile was beautiful and adorable.

"Hi Will!" I say smiling at him.

"It's so nice to see you!" He gives me a hug and I hug him back,It felt so nice to be with Will! I feel so lucky to have him.Mike then comes and says.

"Are you guys gonna go with them?"

"No,I think we should stay here?!" Wills says. "Yeah,we should!!Maybe we could do something fun!" I add agreeing with Will. "Okay sure!" Mike says and he leaves to Nancy and the brown headed boy and I'm guessing he told them we were staying and he came back,And they left.

"Okay,what do we do?" Mike says.

"We could listen to music?" Says Will. "Oh god no!" Mike says joking.

"What?!Why not!!" Will says.

"I don't wanna listen to "Should I stay or should I go!" It's annoying!!" Mike jokes,And Will took it seriously and got upset.. "Will he didn't mean it.." I tell him. "Yeah,Will I was just joking.." Mike says with guilt in his voice. "Oh.." Will says. "Y/N has some cassettes maybe she can give us one?" Mike says,And Will smiles.

"Sure!" He says excitedly.I give them my cassette with my music in it.


He plays it and they enjoy the music.

The first song was "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure,It's a really great song and I love it so much!!Will also liked it,So did Mike.We were all laughing and having a good time,We also drew and had a drawing competition with each other!!Mike lost because his drawing was so bad!!


"Its Will.." he pouts.I look at him and he looks upset. "I-It's good Mike..It's amazing!!" I say trying to make him a bit better,And it doesn't work..Will takes his drawing and looks at it while smiling. "I love this Mike!!" He says happily,That's when Mike grew a smile on his face,Will took his drawing and hung it on the wall.

"Hey what about mine?!" I say joking. "Don't worry Y/N there's a spot for yours." He grabs my drawing and hangs it up on his wall.

I'm so lucky to have these two special boys.

We later lay on his bed and talk about random things,Will spoke about his parents relationship about his dad Lonnie..Lonnie was a horrible father..I'm just glad he's not in Wills life anymore to make his life worse again..But I wish he was there for him.Mike spoke about his parents,He said his mom is rude to him and his dad is lazy and never wants to do anything around the house,And always tells him to give him stuff like water.I spoke about my parents,My mom has a new lover and forgot I existed,And my dad left us when I was born because he didn't want anything to do with me..

We all had our own problems with our parents..I mean everyone does right?...We laid down and we just waited for them to come back.


34 minutes later,Nancy and her boyfriend are back.The boy (AKA Wills brother) only got his groceries and Nancy kept her groceries in her car.They talked for awhile,while Me,Mike and Will just stared at the two talk and we would laugh at them for no reason.

"What's so funny?" Nancy asks.

"N-Nothing.." Will says letting out a giggle with his sentence.I laugh because the giggle he let out.

Mike laughs as well and they look at us like we're crazy or something.

Wills brother asks, "Uhm,Will what's so funny man?!Cmon tell us we wanna laugh too!" "It's..Nothing!!" Will says while still laughing.

I laugh more that I can't even breathe anymore.Mike holds my shoulder so I wouldn't fall off the chair,And he's also laughing.

We laugh for what feels like years but it was only 24 minutes.We finally stop and we take deep breaths,Then they ask the question again. "What's so funny?" Mike looks at Will,and Will looks at Mike. "Nothing serious.." Mike says looking and shaking his head at both of us basically saying, "Agree with me or right?!" We both agree and say, "yeah,nothing serious just,Just something we couldn't stop thinking about!" Me and Will say but we both say different things and they soon realize we were lying.

We tell them why we were laughing but they didn't believe us,Because we were all laughing at something different.

Nancy takes me home and I enter the house horrified..My house looked like one of those haunted houses..you know in "The Goonies" that house?

Gosh why does it look so creepy..I'm inside the house and my mom isn't home,I look at the table no note..I look over to the fridge and there's a note,Let's see what it says shall we?

"Hey honey,I'm out again tonight!!

Sorry for today,I was just mad that you had some boy in the house and you were skipping school which you know not to do..I'm very disappointed in you hun..Fix that for me please!!

There's leftover food in the fridge again.Don't bring anyone over please!

I won't be home until 11/13-Love,Mom"

I sigh..and throw the note away,Leftover food again?Its already gross and disgusting luckily there's no flies in it.I threw it away and went up to my room.

I got bored,So I remembered The Wheelers address so I do some research to find the phone number to it and I found the phone number to they're mom or dad? I call and someone picks up.

"Hello this is the Wheelers." Karen says. "Hi Karen,This is Y/N I'm not sure if you remember me or anything but I was wondering if you could put Mike on the phone?" I say hesitantly.

"Sure one sec.." she says not sounding very happy..

"Hey?who is this.." Mike says.

"Oh hey Mike,It's Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" I say.

"Uhm yeah sure,But what about your mom?..." he says upset. "Oh don't worry about her,She's not home.."

I say trying to sound normal and okay that she's gone. "Okay I'll be there what's the address tho?" He says. "*****" cya then Mike!" I say before hanging up.

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