《Mike Wheeler X Reader》F.r.i.d.a.y


We both got to school and there wasn't few but much people at school today.Eh it's Friday who cares?Me and Y/N went inside the school and we were greeted by Max.

"Hey Y/N and Mike!" She say's sounding excited. "Hey Max!" Y/N says to her. "I got some grapes if you guys want some?." She says taking grapes out of her backpack. "Sure I want some!" Y/N replies taking some grapes from Max and eating them.

"I'm good,thanks tho!" I tell Max.

She smiles. "Welp see you guys later at lunch!" She says before walking off to class. "I'll see you in class darling." I tell Y/N and giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Cya." She says smiling and eating her grapes.

I go to class and did better than usual.

I go to class and see Will. "Good morning Y/N!" He says. "Good morning Will!!" I say in excitement!!

"Maybe we can hang out today?" He says. "Sure I would love too!!" I reply to him smiling. "Is Mike coming?" He asks. "Oh I'm not sure?Why are you asking me tho?" I say confused. "Well I just thought maybe you'd know because you guys are dating." He says,And I'm in shock..How did he know that..

I nervously laugh. "Huh?What are you talking about?" I ask him. "Don't lie to me Y/N..I thought we were friends.." he says as he looks down to his paper. "No Will I'm sor-" before I could finish I got interrupted by the teacher. "Let's focus on what we're doing okay? Or I'll have to move you." I sigh and do my work,Because if I don't my mom will be pissed.


It was time for lunch,I get my lunch and sit next to Mike. "Hey beautiful." He whispers in my ear,I giggle and blush. "Hey handsome." I whisper back,We were leaning in for a kiss but we got interrupted by the one and only Dustin Henderson..

"Hmm,What's going on here?" He asks as he sits down. "N-Nothing.." Mike says stuttering. "I'm not taking that as an answer." He says and then El comes and sits next to Mike.

"Hey Mike." She says and touches his hand which made me super uncomfortable and jealous..I glared at her and looked back at my food and started playing with it angrily.

"Are you okay Mike?Feeling a bit better now?" She says to him.

"Yeah El,I'm doing fine." Mike says and moves his hand away from her and eats his food. "Are we still over?" She asks. "Yes El..Forever.." Mike says. "Oh..Okay." El says and turns back to her food,I rest my head on Mikes shoulder and he looked at me.

I forgot we weren't alone.. "so..Are you guys not gonna tell us?" Dustin says. "Tell us what?" Will says as he takes a seat next to Dustin. "They have a relationship with each other!" Dustin says. "Oh yeah I know that already!!" Will giggles. "What are you guys talking about?" Mike says.

"Yeah." I say as well. "C'mon you guys know what we're talking about." Dustin says. "What's going on?" El asks. "They're dating!" Dustin shouts,And the whole cafeteria looks at us.I was so embarrassed I held onto Mikes arm tightly.

And he looks at me and notices I'm scared. "Let's get you out of here,huh?" He says as he gets up and helps me up;We both get up and throw our food away and spent the rest 12 minutes together. "I have next class with Dustin." I say with a sigh at the end. "It's okay,You'll get through it." Mike assures me and smiles. I giggle and smile back at him. "Can I kiss you?" Mike asks. "Of course you can." I smile,And he grabs my cheeks gently and kisses me softly.


I kiss him back,And the bell rang and we pulled away quickly and kissed each other goodbye and I waited for Dustin.

He finally came and I followed him.

"Hey Dustin." I say. "Oh hey Y/N,We better hurry or we'll be late to class."

He requested,We both sped walked to our class and we made it on time gladly.We took our seats and did our work,It was boring but I was so excited to see Mike in my next class!!

I couldn't stop smiling. "Y/N what's keeping you smiling?!" The teacher asks with a smile on her face,I look up at her and smile. "Nothing miss." I says and get back to my work.

The bell finally rings and I get to my class faster than ever.

I take a seat and wait for Mike to come,He finally came..He was also late to class,He sat down and smiled at me.I smiles back and blew him a kiss. "Come on Y/N..FOCUS!" The teacher yells. "Jesus" I thought,And got to my work.Mike giggled at me!

I was so shocked how could he!!

The teacher turned her back to the board and Mike grabbed my hand and held it,He was also smiling at me.I was leaning in for a kiss and the girl sitting next to me pushed me off my chair and I fell front.

"Y/N are you okay?!" Mike asks concerned about me. "Y-yeah just.." I look at Jessica. "I just fell.." I get back up to see the teacher glaring at me.

"Uh..What?" I ask her. "Excuse you?! "What" is that what you said?!" She yells. "N-no I meant..yes?" I say standing up. "SIT NOW!" She yells at me and I quickly sit back down and roll my eyes.What a terrible Friday.

I glare at Jessica who was laughing.

I was so pissed at her. "What's so funny,huh?" I ask her. "You got in trouble,That's what's funny." She replies in a rude tone.Does she really wanna fight?! I thought. No Y/N control yourself. She continues to laugh,It angers me so much so I..Pulled her hair and we ended up in a fight.

The teacher pulled us apart and I got in trouble for it..I made myself look bad,Now Mike hates me..Great Y/N,Just great!..I got in trouble by my mom when she came for me. "FIGHTS Y/N?!FIGHTS?!I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS!!" She yells. "I'M SORRY!!OKAY!SHE WAS PISSING ME OFF,SHE WAS LAUGHING AND PUSHED ME OFF MY CHAIR!!YOU WOULD DO THE SAME WOULDN'T YOU?!THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT,JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell back and exit the door and ran somewhere quiet and cried.For some reason I wanted Mike to appear out of nowhere and comfort me..

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