《Mike Wheeler X Reader》F.r.i.d.a.y p.t.2


I cried quietly.I should've never yelled at my mom like that..It isn't her fault,It's mine..I'm just hurting myself now.And I should probably stop..I could make myself depressed and I don't want that,I just wanna be happy with someone special.

I wiped my tears and started walking back to the school,But I was walking very slow..I didn't wanna get to the school too fast.I made it and went inside and no one was in the hallway.Im guessing it was time for the next class,I wanted to go to art.I needed someone,I needed Will.So I go to art and enter the classroom.

"Oh..Y/N,The principal said you were suspended for a week..Why are you here?" She asks. "I-uhm I didn't know I was suspended,Im sorry..I just wanted to talk to someone." I reply in a sad tone. "Oh and who must that be? I can maybe let you guys talk." She says with a small smile on her face. "It's Will.." I say looking down. "Will." She calls out for him. "Yes?" He say's confused. "Y/N wants to talk with you." She says with a smile on her face,not big but not small.He comes up to me and we both head outside the classroom.

"What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"Im suspended Will.." I say looking down. "Why?!What happened?!" He puts his hand on my shoulder. "I uhm..Got into a fight kinda.." I tell him. "For what reason?!And it better be a good one Y/N,because I'm very disappointed." He says. "She pushed me off my chair,I got in trouble for it and she was laughing..So I gave her what she asked for." I say in an angry tone. "Oh my gosh Y/N.." he says.


"I know I'm sorry.." "Mike also saw it.." I tell him. "What,Now you think he hates you?" He says. "No..well yes." I say and looking down. "Look Y/N,your just making yourself worse..don't do this to yourself please." He says with a calm tone.

"Okay.." I hug him and tell him to go back to class,And I leave.

I enter my home and head to my room,I get a paper and pen and write on the paper.

"I'm sorry mom..I shouldn't have yelled at you like that,It isn't your fault it's mine.And I'm sorry for acting this way..And there's something I haven't told you,I have a boyfriend and his name is Mike..But please don't be mad!!He's been there for me ever since you left and forgot about me probably..He makes me happy,So please don't be mad.



I then slide the note under her door and go back to my room,I close the door and lay down on my bed and sigh as I go to sleep.

I later then wake up to my mom shouting my name.I check the clock and it says "4:34PM" I get up,Didn't wanna make her lose her voice.I head downstairs. "Hurry Y/N,He's waiting." She says. Who? I ask myself.I go to the door and see Mike.

"Hey Y/N." He says. "Oh..Hey." "So I saw what you did..And let me tell you it was awesome!!" He says in excitement. What?What's going on?! I thought to myself again. "Huh?" I say in confusion. "She's a real mouth breather!! You taught her,Her place!" I smile and kiss him softly,He kisses back.

"Uhm excuse you?" My mom says.

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