《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》23: Unexpected


We both speed off from the stadium. Jace is driving pretty fast on the roads which are completely deserted. He takes the windows down. The wind that is coming through the window is cold and refreshing. I immediately let my hair out of the Ponytail. The wind hits my face making me laugh and my hair fly out in different directions. I love the feeling.

I push my face out of the window laughing out loud and scream out a "wohoooo." I love how the wind feels rushing through my face and hair as I mentioned earlier.

When I turn towards Jace he is already watching me,an unknown emotion clouding his eyes. "Keep your eyes on the road idiot."

"How can I when such a beautiful girl is sitting right next to me." Jace says.

I blush but say "You know what, someday I'll get poisoning because of such cheesiness."

"You got it right. It's my aim." Jace says with a grin and I roll my eyes.

After a while the car comes to a stop in front of a large lake. There is a huge dock that leads us near the water. Jace gets out of the car and pulls me with him to the end of the dock.

He sits down at the end,dangling his legs,his feet dangerously close to the water but not quite touching it. When he looks up at me,staring with a confused look he speaks sarcastically "Should I now write an invitation Ms Jensen?"

Mumbling,I sit down beside him. After minutes of silence his voice makes me look up from the dark water. "Happy one week anniversary birdie." He grins.

I smile at his words. "Thanks softie. Same to you."

Jace's hands go around my shoulder and he pulls me closer to him,tucking my head under his chin. I love the way he handles me,like I am a piece of glass.


I look up at him and he is already looking at me. I smile and draw him closer to me,meeting our lips. One of my hands go around his neck and the other flattens where his heart is. I smile into the kiss when I feel his heartbeat increase just like mine. That's how we celebrate our one week anniversary,in silence and in the presence of each other.


We all were gathered in Zach's room the next day. Ashton was on his phone, Veronica and Hannah were chatting happily with each other,Brad kept whispering things in Sydney's ear making her blush or sometimes even giggle. I don't know what happened to our old Sydney! Jace had his arms around me and chin on my shoulder,we both were watching an adorable video of One Direction. Actually I was watching,Jace kept on disturbing me by kissing my neck from time to time.

Zach,well Zach was out of the room. His parents were out of town so he called us to hang out at his place but he himself was not here. When we came here,Zach was not his usual self,he kept fidgeting with his fingers nervously,running his hands through his hair from time to time and was distant throughout our whole conversation.

The door opened,speaking of the devil.....Zach entered the room.

"Okay!" He spoke up gaining our attention. He took a deep breath calming his nerves. "I want to tell you guys something,that's why I called you here today."

We didn't speak. "Okay." He spoke again. He was looking and acting really nervous.

"So this is a closet." He pretended to draw a closet. "I am in it and then I get out of it." He pretends to open the closet and step out of it. "So guys what am I doing now?" He asks us slowly,taking in all our reactions.


Then it dawns on us. He is coming out of the closet,that means.....

"You are coming out of the closet. Duh." Brad speaks,not really understanding what Zach was trying to say.

We all roll our eyes at his comment.

"No Brad!" Zach says, frustrated. "What did I do?" Zach tries again.

"Again Zach,you came out of the closet." Brad says. When suddenly his slow, tortoise like brain starts working. "Holy shit! You just came out of the closet." We all roll our eyes again.

"Shit Zach! You came out of the closet." Brad starts. "It means you are gay!"

At that Sydney pokes her elbow in Brad's stomach. "Ouch." He whines.

Then there is silence,thick blanket of awkward silence. Nobody knows what to say. It was completely unexpected for all of us,we never imagined him to be gay. It's not like we are against it but we didn't expect it,there wasn't even a hint dropped by him.

After what seems like an eternity Zach speaks up "So......?"

"It's cool Zach. We don't have any problem." Ashton says with a smile and we all agree with him.

He visibly relax as if a burden was off his shoulder. "I was actually nervous about your reactions,I didn't know how you will react...." He kept on rambling.

I stood up and gave him a hug. "It's ok Zach. We completely get it,it actually takes a lot of courage for someone to come out and we all are completely ok with it. Aren't we guys?" I ask all of my friends.

They all nod in agreement and they all get up to give Zach a hug. It becomes a huge group hug and poor Zach was not able to breathe.

"Okay okay enough of this! I am not able to breathe. God people give me some place to breathe!" Zach starts shouting.

All of us go back to our places smiling sheepishly. Zach breathes in fresh oxygen and says "There is something else."

We wait patiently. Zach starts to say "So 2 weeks ago I met this guy....."

"Zach Matthew don't tell me you already have a boyfriend without us knowing." Sydney raises an eyebrow,a threatening look on his face.

Zach gives us a sheepish smile. "Oh my god Zach! Who is this lucky guy?" Veronica chimes in.

Zach's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "His name is Tony."

"Aww!" We all coo and stand up again to give him a hug.

"Now enough of these hugs!" Zach says and starts turning to leave. We all engulf him in a hug again,his complains fills the air. We all were so happy for him.

"Now everyone has boyfriends or girlfriends and look at me,all single." Hannah whines and sits down on the bed pouting.

We all laugh at her and fall down on her, sandwiching her between the bed and us. Her shrieks fills the room.

"You idiots,I hate you all!" Hannah screams. We all laugh because she just means the opposite.


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