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Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince | Sirius Black ✓

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Author: Type:Male
'Pranks and Perverts and Padfoot, oh my!'
Meet Kelsey 'Kelpie' Jones: Miss Americana, Comic lover and the Hufflepuff who doesn't give a Hufflefuck.
Having Lily Evans accidentally fall in love with James Potter was never a part of her plan to get revenge on Sirius Black, Heartbreak Prince of Hogwarts and the Bane of her Existence. Neither was realising her own affinity for his perfectly snoggable lips.
But hey, all's fair in love and war, right?
Highest Ranking: #1 in #harrypotter | March 11, 2021
Started: October 2, 2020 | Completed: January 24, 2021
Final Word Count: 100K
"There was a book."
"A book?"
"More like a magazine, really."
"It had dirty pictures.."
"..of naked witches."
"Well, continue!"
"Word around school is that Kinky Kelpie can procure these magazines if you ask. For a price of course."
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter (or the GIFs/Images used for aesthetics purposes in the book)
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