《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》22:The Basketball Game


Friday arrives. I get ready as Jace would be picking me up in half an hour. I throw on a pair of white shorts and a baby blue tank top which basically represents the colours of our school, followed by my white converse. After, I tie my hair in a high ponytail. The doorbell rings.

I walk downstairs and open the door, revealing my handsome boyfriend. Jace is wearing black track pants with a plain white t shirt that is covered with the black,white and blue team jacket with his name 'Brewer' at behind. His messy back hair is covered with a blue and white cap.

When I meet his eyes,he is not looking at me,he is checking me out just like I was before. When he finishes,his blue orb-like eyes meet mine and he raises an eyebrow,giving me an impressed look.

I bow my head and give him a cheeky grin in return.

"You ready?" He asks.

I raise my hand and grab his cap,fixing it on my head. "Now ready." I say when the cap is placed on my head.

He smiles and shakes his head,leaning down to give me a kiss. Not down actually,he is 6'2 and I am 5'9,not much gap.

He leans in and places his soft lips on mine. I smile in the kiss and tangle my hands in his soft,messy hair. His arms go around my waist and he pulls me towards him. As the kiss starts getting heated I hear a groan from my brother.

"Ew, ew, ewww. Stop this shit. I am gonna bleach my eyes right now." Ashton says covering his eyes with his hands.

We both roll our eyes at his overdramatic reaction.

"Bye Ash. Well, I'll be going." I say as I start to open the door to move outside.


"Are you sure you are going to the game or...." Ashton lets his sentence hang in mid air.

As realisation dawn on me a blush creeps on my face. "Ew Ashton! Bye." I say and slam the door shut.

When I look at Jace,he is already looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Wanna....?"

I push him away,out of my way when I get the double meaning in his tone and get into the car without him.

I hear him laugh out loud at this and he too rushes into the car.


We get to stadium where the game is about to take place. As we make our way inside,Jace is given shoulder pats,high fives,fist bumps and cheers from our school's students.

As he reaches the locker room I give him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck softie."

He pouts,sticking his bottom lip out adorably.

"What?" I ask.

"No good luck kiss for her softie?" He asks still pouting.

"No,your punishment for what happened a while back." I say.

He smirks when he gets what I am saying. "You sure you don't wanna....?" He starts teasing me again.

I swat his arm and start to go. He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

"You are such a drama queen." He shakes his head smiling. He leans down and kiss me on my cheek.

"I want you to do something." He says.

I raise my eyebrow at him when he starts removing his jacket. He hands me the team jacket with his name to me. "I want you to wear this and support me."

I smile at him and grab his jacket,putting it on. The jacket is a little big and loose for me,covering most of my shorts. When I wear it,his eyes scan me up and down, darkening slightly.


My breath hitch at his expression and his eyes. He grabs me by my hips and pulled me closer to him,leaning closer to me. Our lips were just inches away when a voice disturbed us.

"There you are Brewer." A boy I know as Dean that is on Jace's team calls out. "Coach is looking for you."

"Damn you." Jace mumbles but then eventually follow him after giving me a peck.


"Finally!" Sydney cheers as the teams walk out. I meet Sydney and Hannah on the seats. They squeal like two pigs whose tails are on fire when they see the jacket.

The team positions itself on the court. Jace's eyes scan the stadium until his blue orbs lock with mine. He grins and then blows a huge suave kiss towards me. The whole stadium turns towards me and Hannah and Sydney,beside me, start squealing again.

"I wish my boyfriend was as romantic as Jace. But that idiot is Brandon!" Sydney whines.

The match was wonderful. Of course we won. The boys on our team played wonderfully especially my boyfriend,Jace the softie. He shot the winning basket.

As I make my way towards Jace I see a leech stuck on his arm. That leech was in the form of a girl whose name starts with a S and finishes with a N.

Jace looked so uncomfortable around her that I wanted to laugh. As he saw me coming towards him,his eyes lit up and he gave me a grateful smile. Ignoring Susan,who gave me a sour look which turned to a big scowl when she saw what I was wearing,Jace made his way towards me.

"Well done softie. You were amazing. Your birdie is surely not disappointed." I say as I meet Jace after the match.

"Told you so." He replies cockily,his lips turning into a smirk.

This idiot!

"You know what,you look good in my clothes." He speaks up.

"I look good in everything Brewer you are just blind. And speaking of,I am keeping this jacket. I like it."

"Why?" He whines.

"Stop whining like a baby softie,I have a reputation to keep. How would it look like if they find out I am dating a five year old. Huh man-child? And yeah I am keeping your jacket,you already have two of them." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Man child?" Jace scoffs.

"Well you were acting like one a little while back." I shrug.

"I don't know how I am keeping up with you." Jace says pulling me with him into his car.

"Where are we going?" I ask when Jace closes my side of door and rushes in through his side.

"Long drive babe." Jace says grinning. I raise my eyebrow but say nothing.


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