《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》24: Truth or Dare


"Coming!" I answer out when Zach blares his car's horn.

"Bye mom I am going! Ash you sure that you and Veronica will meet us later?" I ask Ashton. We all are going to the mall today as it's Saturday. It's been a week since Zach has come out to us and introduced Tony. Ashton and Veronica will be joining us later at the mall.

As I wear my sandals matching my short, dark blue sundress,the door opens revealing a very tired looking Veronica. She has bags under her eyes and her beautiful red hair is pointing in all directions as if she has not combed it. I give her a smile and she smiles back but it doesn't reach her eyes. Something was wrong. Veronica has been quite and distant since few days.

"Veronica are you alr-" I start to ask but the door opens again revealing a pissed off looking Brandon.

"God woman! We have been waiting for you for an eternity and you were busy chit chatting." Brad says dragging me to the car. Before I could say something he pushes me into the car and slams the door on my face.

I turn my head away when Brad climbs into the seat beside me. "How was my acting?" He asks grinning.

I glare at him and punch his arm "Ow." He whines and playfully glare at me. "What did I do?"

"You deserved it idiot."

"Hey princess,you look beautiful." Jace whispers in my ear. He was sitting beside me. Shivers run down my spine and heat creeps on my face.

He chuckles at my reaction and wraps his arms around me.

"Hey guys." I greet them all. Sydney and Hannah were at the backseat,me Jace and Brad were in the middle seat,Tony,a cute blonde with dimples was sitting on the passenger seat and atlast Zach was driving.


After shopping for hours in the malls we all huddled up near a bench. "Oh my god! Remind me never to come shopping with girls." Brad complains, dramatically wiping his non existing sweat. Sydney gives him a glare and he shuts up.

"Let's do something interesting." Hannah suggests. "No more shopping I promise." Hannah promises chuckling at the boys horrified expression.

"What about truth and dare?" Tony suggest and we all agree,excited.

The first person to volunteer for dare was Brad. "Your dare is to go to Victoria secret and buy a pair of grandma panties." Hannah says,grinning wickedly.

We play,giving each other embarrassing dares or asking embarrassing truths.

"Dare." Jace says,a smirk on his face.

"Go hug 5 men but they shouldn't be from our group." Sydney says. He smirks and starts his dare.

He goes to a random man and asks "Hey man can I give you a hug?"

The man was talking to girl in front of him. "Sorry man,I am straight and have a girlfriend. Sorry." The man says and walks off. We all burst out laughing. Jace's ears turn a shade of red.

After hugging 4 random men,he goes to a man in blue beanie and asks the same thing.

The man hugs him but what surprises us the most is,the man grabs Jace's ass and says "Nice ass." He winks and let him go but not before mouthing 'call me.'

We all burst out laughing. Jace shudders and walk back to us. "Nice ass man." Brad says spanking Jace.

"Shut up." Jace mumbles and we start laughing harder.

"JJ. Your turn."

"Dare." I say.

"Okay, you have to go to a random man and ask him for condoms." Brad says.


"She will do no such thing." Jace states glaring at Brad. I agree,what if some man thinks something else and....I shudder at the thought.

"Aww man,such a party pooper." Brad pouts but says "You have to go to a random woman and ask her for a pregnancy test."

"What! Are you kidding me?" I ask.

"Dare is dare girl. Now go." Brad says pushing me forward.

I go to a woman with a little girl by her feet,holding her hand. "Hello ma'am " I greet. She nods,smiling.

"Ma'am,do you have a pregnancy test." I ask, embarrassed.

She looks at me,shocked then smiles,removing a test from her bag. How can a woman carry it around?!

She puts a hand on my belly and says "May you and your little gem have a great life ahead." With that she kisses my belly and walks away,giving me a sympathetic smile.

I turn around to my friends,my face a big red tomato. They all are laughing their asses off, especially my oh so dear boyfriend.

I throw the test in a nearby trash can and make my way to an old lady and a little girl with a Barbie doll in her hand.

"Hello ma'am." I greet the woman and bend down to the little girl. She was adorable. "Hello beautiful."

"H-hi." She says shyly,hiding behind her grandma's legs,I guess.

"Well,can you see my friends there?" I ask gesturing to my friends. She nods. "And that big boy with black hair and blue eyes?" She nods again.

"He was crying a little while back." I say. She forms an adorable confused face and asks why. "He lost his Barbie doll." I say.

Her mouth forms a small 'o'. "So to make him smile,will you go to him and give him your Barbie doll for a little while so that he can hug it?" She smiles and make her way to Jace.

I smirk evilly. He was laughing at me,idiot. The little girl goes to him. "Don't cry. You can have my barbie. You can hug her as much as you want,you can kiss her as well. I am so sorry you lost your barbie,just don't cry." And she offers her barbie to Jace. The sincerity on her face and the puzzlement on his face made us all burst out laughing.

"Come on Jace hug your barbie." Brad says laughing,earning him a glare.

Jace looks at the girl,she was still standing there. His face softens and instead of the barbie he kisses her forehead. "There,I am smiling now,I kissed my barbie." Jace says and my insides melt.

The girl returns to her grandma and Jace turns to me,his ears a shade of red. "You are so dead."

With that he starts chasing me,cornering me in a empty parking way. I don't know how we reached there. He was smirking devilishly and he was coming close to me. Just when he was about to cage me between his arms,a voice called out. "What are guys doing here?"


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