《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》25: Past


We immediately turn around to see Ashton and Veronica standing near Ashton's car. Ashton has a pissed off looking expression on. "You guys were making out in a frikin parking lot?!"

"We were not." I say.

"Yeah,you should have seen yourself,all lovey-dovey." He says.

I blush and start to say something but Veronica interrupts. "Okay. Enough. Where are others?"

"Come on." I say and we all go to the others. Veronica and Ashton are looking different,as if there is a thick tension between them,not sexual! They are not looking at one another and are looking damn exhausted.

I try asking Ver but the guys catch up with us. "Hey love birds!" Brad says referring to Ash and Ver. "You just missed the most amazing game of truth or dare."

After spending some time talking and hanging around in the games shop,we all decide to leave. Brad,Sydney,Tony and Zach leave in Zach's car while all four of us leave in Ashton's car.

In the car we notice that Ver and Ashton are still not talking and not even glancing in each other's direction so an idea pop into my head. "Stop!" I scream. "Stop the car."

Ashton stops the car on the side of the road right in front of McDonalds. Luck!

"Get out you all." I order them getting out of the car myself.

"We don't have time for your games Jessie." Ashton says,irritated.

"Get out Ashton." And he gets out finally. After that I start walking towards McDonalds.

"God! This woman and her food." Ashton complains.

After ordering we take a seat and I start talking. "Okay both of you." I nod towards my brother and his girlfriend. "Spill."


"What? Are we some drink that we'll spill?" The dumbest brother of the world asks.

We all roll our eyes at his reply.

"I really don't know how girls go out with you sometimes?" I shake my head.

"Me too." Veronica whispers and we all laugh out loud except Ashton who raises an eyebrow getting a shrug from Veronica.

"So tell me what's bothering you both." I ask.

A dark look passes both of their faces. "You don't have to-" I start to say noticing their expressions.

"We are going to break up." Ashton says slowly.

My head immediately jerk up. "Wait what!? You are kidding right?" I ask.

Veronica shakes her head,her lower lip trembling. I immediately interwine my hands with her. "But why?" I ask at the same time Jace asks "Why?"

Ashton takes a deep breath. "Before we started dating,Veronica was a termed as a nerd who was bullied by other kids. The bullying stopped after a while but now as everyone got to know that we are dating,the bullying has started again. To prevent that we are breaking up." Ash says and Veronica nods.

"What!? Are you kidding me!? The time she needs you the most,you are leaving her? That's not what I expected from you Ashton!" Jace explodes, slamming his hand on the table and then exits out of the restaurant.

I look at the exit then back at Ash and Ver. "You both,please think properly. As Jace said I don't think this is the best decision Ash,to leave her alone. You both talk and I'll go see Jace." With that I go behind Jace.

Jace is leaning against Ashton's car,his back to me. When I near him I see his hands are balled up in fists and his jaw is tense.


Jace sees me approaching but does nothing. I near him and stroke his sharp jaw line lightly with my thumb. "Are you alright softie? "

His lips twitch up at the nick name but his shoulders still look tense. "Softie." He mumbles softly. "Why do you call me that?" Jace asks.

I am confused,I don't know where this conversation is leading. Looking at my confused face Jace asks "You remember you asked me why do I pretend to be a bad boy?"

The day we followed Ash and saw him with Veronica. I smile and nod.

"Well,I was bullied." Jace speaks softly. I am taken aback by this. I did not ever expect this. I stay silent and Jace sighs running his hand through his hair.

"When I was younger I used to have many friends. There used to be a big group. We all were great until puberty hit us. My friends started sneaking alcohol to school,going to parties,trying different types of drugs and all that shit that guys do." He laughs without humor. " I was a little late with puberty. I always asked them not to do these kinds of things,warned them and what not. They never listened to me. One day they got caught drinking alcohol in the school,they were suspended. They all thought it was me because I always told them not to do these things. When they all returned from the suspension,that day,the torture started." A dark look passes his face. "I tried to avoid it but it started getting worse so I changed schools. I came to Springfield for a new start. I tried being good in my old school but look what it did to me so I changed,I pretended to be a bad boy. Everybody believed it and slowly I got popular in school." He shrugs like it doesn't matter to him but I can see it in his eyes that it was very hard for him to open up,to speak the pain out stored inside him.

I keep a hand on his cheek and bring his eyes up to contact with mine. "Jace you know that you can tell me anything. Right? You can trust me and I'll always be there for you no matter what." A small smile replaces his sad expression. He leans forward to kiss me and I kiss him back.

"God! Can you guys stop making out for one second? Can't I go to a parking lot and not imagine my little sister kissing my friend?" Ash says in a disgusted tone.

We break apart and I cock up an eyebrow. "Ash when you first started dating Veronica,you were 24/7 glued to her lips. Did you hear me complain?"

Ver blushes and Ashton starts to say something but Jace asks "What have you decided?"

Bullying was a sensitive topic for him and he didn't want anyone to face it like he did. I interwine my hands with his, squeezing it gently.

Ashton sighs and pulls Veronica towards him. "You were right mate,we were making a huge mistake. I am not gonna leave Ver. I'll be there for her no matter what." Ver smiles up at him and he returns it with his own.

Jace smiles at them then says"Look who's getting lovey dovey now?"

At that we both laugh out loud making Ver blush and Ash raise an eyebrow, irritated.


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