《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》26: The Big Split


Tomorrow it's Jace and I's 2 month anniversary. We have been dating for 2 months I think with a smile. These months have been great for me. I have brought something for him as I was not able to bring him anything last month. Last month,on our first month,we had our exams and were not able to spend time as much as we longed together. Jace being the sweet guy he is, dragged me to a cute cafe for lunch after our exam that day. That was the most we did on our first month. For tomorrow I have brought him a softie ice cream key chain. I know it's not much but the meaning is a lot more important than the gift. I hope he likes it.

I am on my way to school with Ashton and Veronica feeling like a major third wheel. Ash and Ver are always together these days;Ashton does not let her out of his site because of the bullying problem. The bullying has eventually stopped but still Ashton is over protective of her,as he should be.

When we get there,I immediately get out of the car leaving the couple to themselves. I am near the stairs to the entrance when Zach and Caleb burst of the doors looking panicked.

"Hey guys!" I greet them. I have started making small talks with Caleb otherwise having a mute chemistry partner is very awkward,and I have no intention of burning down the lab because of the lack of communication. Jace was not happy about it and is still not but I asked him to trust me with this and he agreed to it.

"JJ! There is something I wanna tell you." The panic on Zach's face is replaced by utter disappointment. His eyes does not meet mine,he keeps on averting his gaze from mine.


"What's up?" I ask not liking the tone of Zach.

He takes a deep breath and forwards his phone to me. It's a WhatsApp chat with Jace. My heart sinks when I read the chat.

I stagger back like I have been slapped. My vision is fogged up with tears. He played me,he fuckin used me. I was cold like a bucket of ice cold water was poured on me. I was unable to breathe,gasping involuntary for air. Soon these gasps turned into full sobs.

The boy I liked played me. I boy I was starting to fall for.

Tears after tears leave my eyes. I never thought that he'll ever do that.

I don't use girls birdie.

I really like spending time with you birdie.

Being with you makes me happy.

I really like you birdie.

You are one of a kind.

All bullshit!

Caleb engulfs me in a hug and I don't stop him. Zach is no where in site. My chest is hurting and there is an emptiness seeping through my body. Caleb stands right there,rubbing my back soothingly until I am out of tears.

Tomorrow is our 2 month. I am so happy that we finally made it till there. I was never in a relationship before so I thought it would be difficult but being with Jessica is like opening yourself totally. She does not judge me,at all which I like the most. She is not like other girls,she is different and supportive that every guy wants and most importantly she is mine,my Birdie.

Speaking of,I am gonna tell her what I feel for her tomorrow,on our 2 month. I know it's too soon but feelings does not look at time when to come or when to go,they just happen.


I am gonna tell her the truth.

The truth is that I am falling for her,fast and hard.

I smile when I imagine her reaction. Will she smile her beautiful smile,laugh out her donkey like,strangely attractive laugh or will she make a comment that will make me roll my eyes. What if she will say the same thing? If so I will be the luckiest man alive. God,I am whipped!

My train of thoughts are disturbed when Zach calls out to me. He enters through the gates and has a very disappointed look on his face.What's up with him? Susan joins him near the doors. They both make their way towards me.

"Dude!" I greet. "Susan." I nod politely.

"Jace I am gonna tell you something that you are not gonna like,at all." Zach says.

"What!" He was scaring the shit out of me.

"JJ, Jessica, I just met her in the parking lot and I saw her kissing Caleb." My blood boils at that. That pickle didn't get the idea before. I am seriously gonna-

"I told him to back off but Jessica kept a hold on him,pulling him towards her. I asked what she was doing but she kept on kissing Caleb." Disbelief,that's the word that comes to my mind first. I can't,my birdie can't cheat on me,she is not like that,she never will be.

I immediately rush to the doors. Outside there they are. Jessica and Caleb. Jessica is holding onto Caleb and they both are hugging tightly like she will not ever let go. Caleb is rubbing her back and holding her close to which she is not even objecting. I immediately feel my breathes quicken,tears welling up quickly in my eyes. I try to control them but these traitors fall off. My one and only happiness,my birdie,the one I trusted the most betrayed me and left me heart broken.


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