《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》27: Emptiness


Right now I am at Sydney's place. We have skipped school. She found me crying in Caleb's arms. She snatched,yes that's the word,me out of his arms and immediately squeezed me into hers. She didn't ask me what's wrong after asking if I wanted to see Jace to which I started crying harder. She immediately called Hannah and we all came here,to her place. We didn't call Ver because I don't want my brother knowing anything yet.

When we came in, her mother was leaving for work. And let me tell you, she is the most coolest person you'll ever meet. Her mother,Olivia,was really very young and really pretty. She had Sydney when she was 16 and was a single mother.

When she saw us enter she didn't scold Sydney like normal mothers do for skipping school, instead she rushed off to her fridge and brought us all a box of chocolate ice cream each and a can of chilled grape breezer. She wiped my tears and said "Drink this and you'll be fine." Winking, she slammed the door shut behind her.

We all were eating our ice creams in silence when Hannah moans out loud,rubbing her stomach. "This is freaking heaven! Having this on your second day is two heavens." Me and Sydney share an odd look and burst out laughing. This is one of the reasons I love them,they make me laugh in the most difficult possible situation,making me forget everything.


My stomach drops. How can he do this to me? Why? Was everything an act? Didn't it mean anything to him like it meant to me?

Sydney and Hannah immediately stopped laughing,seeing my expression they engulfed me in a huge group hug.

Sydney reaches out for my phone. "What are you...?" I start but she shuts me up.She turns the speaker on.


"Hello Jessica! Why did you call me in middle of your school hours? Is everything alright sweetie?" My mother's concern voice fills the room.

"Hey Rachel!" Sydney greets.

"Sydney?" My mother sounds surprised. "Why are you using Jessica's phone? Is she okay?"

"Yeah Rachel calm down,she is alright. I called you to ask if she can stay over at my place tonight?" Sydney asks. I shake my head,Sydney is doing a grave mistake,mom will never allow me to have a sleepover on a school night.

"Sydney it's a school night honey. You can have a sleepover on the weekend." Look,I told you.

"Please Rachel,Hannah is here too." Sydney pleads.

Hannah speaks up too. "Yes Rachel,I am here too. Please just for tonight." She pleads too.

My mother sighs on the other end. "Fine." My lips part in surprise,but I close them knowing how mom can't seem to say no to them. "What about her clothes then?" Mom asks.

"No worries,she can wear mine." Sydney says.

"Okay then....." Mom sighs.

"Thanks Rachel. Love you." Sydney says,grinning.

"Love you all too." With that mom hangs up.

It's not a big surprise now,my mom and the girls have grown pretty close to each other. They are her favorite and they both know my mom's weakness,pleading voices. I sometimes think that my mom likes my friends more than me.

"There you go." Sydney says handing me my phone. "Tonight we are gonna have a girl's night." She winks.


After changing into Sydney's night wear we all gather up on her bed to watch a sad chick flick.

Olivia is great person to talk to. We spent some time with her during dinner where she told us tails about her teenage years,her college years and most importantly Sydney's childhood. Sydney was a bright shade of red when her mother finished the nth story of her childhood. We all had a great time,my disappointment and sadness were gone,long forgotten but I couldn't get rid of the emptiness in my chest.


Olivia made us some popcorn and gave us some cans of sprite during the movie and told us to go to sleep early otherwise she threatened us that she'll empty a bucket of ice cold water on us if we'll not wake up for school in the morning.

After bawling our eyes out watching 'A Walk To Remember' we all faced each other to talk.

"JJ,I know it's really hard for you but what happened? Why were you crying in the morning and that too in that ass's arms?" Sydney ask taking one of my hands in hers and squeezing it gently.

The moment has arrived. I can't run from the reality anymore,the reality where Jace just used me for a bet. My eyes fill up with tears.

I told both of them everything, from the WhatsApp chat to the bet. After I finished they both were fuming.

"That bloody asshole. I'll kill him." Sydney mumbles looking thunderous.

Hannah just paces around the room,clenching and unclenching her hands, mumbling profanities under her breath.

Both of them come towards me and give me a big hug,fury and disappointment evident on their faces. The sobs and sadness I was trying to keep under control burst out. My sobs fill the silent night and my best friends hold me and stay with me until I am done pouring my sadness out.


To say that it's awkward and miserable is an understatement. Today is mine and Jace's official two month and I can't help but feel more miserable. The news that Jace and I broke up has spread around the school like a wild fire. I don't know how people knew that but yeah me and Jace are done,for good. Jace haven't tried to talk to me after that. I guess Zach told him everything. Sydney and Hannah completely avoided Jace. I got to meet Brad and Zach,Zach passed me a sorry smile but Brad just glared at me. I don't know what was wrong with him. Ashton,luckily was busy with his upcoming football game and was completely unaware of the news. I didn't see Jace in the school luckily.

Caleb was by my side the whole time. Hannah and Sydney gave him dirty looks but he ignored them.

The lunch break was the most awkward thing. I saw Jace there for the first time today. He had dark bags around his beautiful eyes and his usual messy hair were more messier. I felt a blow to my chest when I first saw him,my eyes filling up instantly and the need to cry more than usual. He looked miserable like I did, possibly more but I don't know why he is? He got what he wanted right?

We all used to sit together but now we were divided,the boy's now sit on the table they used to sit on and me,Hannah and Sydney stay on our usual table.

There are different rumors flying around. Some say that I cheated on Jace and others say that Jace cheated on me. I don't know what pleasure people get talking about others.

I try to ignore the presence of Jace as much as I can but I can't. I can't see him without remembering all the good times we had in our last two months and the love he made me feel for him in these past months. Yes love,I was possibly falling in love with Jace Brewer. Hard to believe,but yes,love.


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