《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》19: Middle Of The Road


The next day the classes went smoothly. I didn't even realise that it was time for lunch. I made my way towards the cafeteria and sat down beside Jace,which was the only seat available as I was late today. We all were eating our lunch and talking when suddenly Jace leaned towards me. My breath hitched.

"Wanna hang out tonight?" He asked in that husky voice of his.

"Sure." I said.

"Great." He said giving me a smile. "And yeah by the way it's not a date."

He must have seen the disappointment on my face because he chuckled. " I want our first date to be special and memorable,not a walk in the park."

I nodded cause I wanted our first date to be special too.


Jace called me that he would be arriving in 10 minutes. I quickly got ready in a casual outfit.

Ok not so casual. I just want to look good for my crush.

I meet Jace outside my house. He was on his bike. I love bikes but no one knows that. He whistles when I get outside. "You look hot birdie."

"I always do softie,you just don't notice." I tease with a smile.

"I always notice you but I don't say anything ." He says making me blush.

"Now come on,let's go." He says gesturing with his head to the back of his bike.

I give him an excited smile and hop on. Jace starts the bike which roars in the silent night and we take off.

In the park nothing actually happens. We both roam around in the park,talking,laughing and making out. Tho it was just a walk I enjoyed it immensely. Just being there with Jace made me happy.


After the walk in the park we start to make our way back to the bike to go home.

"Can I ride?" I ask.

"So desperate birdie?" Jace asks with a smirk on his face and amusement in his eyes. I look blankly at him for a second then when I realise what he just said I turn into a bright red tomato,swatting his arm.

"Eww no! The bike....Can I ride it?" I say with more description.

"You know how to ride?" He coughs. "The bike?"

"Yes Mr pervert." I say with a scowl on my face.

When we reach Jace's bike I hop on it and start it. The engine vibrates under us. When I am just about to accelerate it Jace speaks up. "Wait!"

"What?" I ask impatiently.

"Wear the helmet first." He orders.

"No! I like it when the wind rushes through my face and hair." I say,pushing my tongue out at him.

Jace sighs audibly at my immaturity and after a second buckles the helmet on my head himself."Hey!" I protest.

"No riding the bike without the helmet." He says sternly.

I make a face at him and start the bike again.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh." Jace's scream fill the night.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GODDD!! Jessica slow down!" Jace screams.

I ignore him and continue driving the bike in full speed. It's almost 11 now and the streets are fully empty.

"Woohoo!" I scream at the top of my lungs. This feeling is so damn great. I love speed and I love how the wind feels on my hair and face.

"God! My girlfriend is an insane,maniac driver!!!" Jace screams from behind.

As soon as I hear him say that I apply a great force on the breaks. The bike stops on the middle of the road with a screech.


Jace gives a girly scream when I stop the bike. I turn around towards him but he isn't looking at me,his eyes are closed and he is murmuring "oh god! Oh god! Oh god! I am dead!!"

I get off the bike and turn towards him. When he notices that I got off he opens his eyes,one at a time.

"I am not dead!" He speaks up gladly, breathing heavily. When he notices me standing in front of him he starts screaming like a mad woman "ARE YOU INSANE?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? I ALMOST GOT A HEART ATTACK HERE!"

"What did you say?" I ask.

"I said are you ins....." He starts.

"Not that you dumbass, before that." I say.

My heart starts beating loudly when realisation dawn in his blue orbs. He sighs and pulls me towards him,slipping his hands under my jacket, caressing my exposed skin that the crop top showed.

"I was meaning this to be a special moment but now that you already know." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"Be mine birdie,be my girlfriend." He smiles at me. "This is what you do to me when you are around." He pulls my hand gently to his chest where I can feel his heart beating as fast as mine. " I never want this to stop,ever."

After that he waits for me to say something. I have gone completely silent. After an eternity I find my lips stretching into a huge smile. When I nod,his eyes light up. He pulls me towards him into a soft kiss.

"Wohoo! I can't believe I asked her out!" He yells in the silent night,fist pumping his hand in air. I laugh at him,truly happy.

A voice interrupts our celebration "Hey! Get your drunk ass off the middle of the road!" A man in his Volvo screams at us. We both were still on the middle of the road,I suddenly realise. We both apologize and get going.

As we reach my house,he engulfs me into a quick hug,kiss my forehead and whisper "Good night girlfriend, sleep tight."

I smile at his words. I was so happy to finally be his and him,mine.

"You too boyfriend."

He chuckles,peck my lips and drive off,leaving me with a sense of utter happiness.


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