《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》20: First Fight


The next day I wake up with a stupid grin on my face.

"You seem awfully cheery this morning." Ashton notice.

"Can't a girl ever be cheery?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"No,not that. You are not a morning person so this is a rare sight." He replies with a shrug. I roll my eyes and get ready for school.


"Hey guys!" I greet them enthusiastically.

"Hey JJ!" They all reply except one.

"Hey Birdie!" Jace says and pecks my lips.

After seeing this there was nothing but silence all around us.

"Woah! Woah! WOAHHHH!" My brother breaks the silence. "What was THAT?"

Me and Jace look at each other then at others,he wraps a hand around my waist and says "Hey everyone,meet my girlfriend Jessica."

All of our friends gape at us except for Sydney. She has a knowing look on her face and when my eyes meet her she gives me a wide smile with a thumbs up.

"When did this happen?" My brother,in his overprotective facade now,steps towards us.

"Yesterday." I say.

"I swear to god if you,Jace Brewer......" He starts to threaten my boyfriend.

"Hey hey hey." I start. "That was my choice Ashton. He asked me and I said yes." I sternly speak to Ashton.

He still doesn't seem so happy about it but after a long thought and an excited smile from Veronica,my brother sighs and nods in approval.

"If you will ever bring tears in her eyes Brewer,I swear to god I will not care that you are my friend." He threatens.

"Yes!" Sydney and Hannah agrees together.

Jace visibly swallows and nods softly.


The news about me and Jace dating has travelled across the school like wild fire.


Girls after girls are giving me stink eyes and boys,every now and then are checking me out as if they have not noticed me till now.

"Hey what's up Caleb?" I greet Caleb when I spot him during lunch.

He notices me but instead of greeting me back,he ignores me. I am puzzled for a while but let it go thinking that he probably didn't hear.

In the chemistry class I again try to talk to him but he keeps on avoiding my gaze.

"Now enough is enough Caleb! I have been trying to talk to you for the whole day and you are just ignoring me! What happened?" I ask Caleb after chemistry near the lockers.

"Nothing." He replies looking everywhere but me.

"God Caleb! Just-" but before I can say anything more I was pressed against the locker by Caleb.

"W-what are you d-doing Caleb?" I ask still pressed between the locker and Caleb.

"You want to know what happened?" He asks ,his face very close to mine. I gulp,press my head on the locker distancing myself from him and nod.

"Well.... I like you,I like you really very much Jessica and I wanted to do this for a very long time." He says and before I can process what is happening he presses his lips to mine.

Before I can react and push him away he is already on the floor,groaning.

"Get off my girlfriend you asshole!" Jace screams and punches him square on the face.

Jace gives him a few more punches and atlast speaks up "If I will ever see you close to her,I swear to god,I'll break your arms." With that he walks away,not meeting my eyes.

I am still pressed against the locker shocked. In front of me Caleb with a bloody nose is being helped by Susan.



When my senses come back to me I run towards Jace who is nearing the school gates.

"Jace wait!" I scream.

Jace stops but doesn't turn towards me. When I come at a stop beside him he still isn't looking at me.

"Jace I am sorry this was totally unexpected...I didn't kno-"

"I know Jessica. This is not your fault." Jace interrupts with no emotion I'm his voice.

Shit! He called me Jessica.

"But-" I start.

"I just need some time alone ok? I'll meet you later." With that he walks out of the school.

I feel tears in my eyes. Dramatic I know,but he didn't even look at me when he walked out or during the whole conversation.

The first day of our relationship and I screwed up.


The whole day I was distant. Jace was not in any of the classes nor was he there during lunch. I tried to reach him but he didn't pick up his phone.

Everybody in the school knew about the scene Caleb made by kissing me. All of my friends when they got to know started cursing Caleb but when they saw me all down tried to cheer me up. But that didn't work.

Now I was in bed. It was late at night almost 12 when my phone starts ringing. I reach out for my phone and when I see who is it,all my sleep and exhaustion evaporates.

"Hello." I speak.

"Birdie." Jace breathes out.

"Jace I am so so sorry. I know I screwed up --" I start.

"Sshh birdie. I am sorry too. I shouldn't have acted that way. It was not your fault. It was that prick's fault." Jace says anger laced in his voice.

I don't say anything. The line is quiet until Jace speaks up "You noticed we just had our first fight?"

"It was not a fight."

"Yeah but something like that."


"So what you doing? Missing me?" Jace asks. I can imagine the smirk on his face.

I scoff. "I am doing a work that specially does not involve missing you."

"You are in denial birdie. Having such a hot boyfriend-"

"Who is a big softie." I laugh.

"Whatever." He grumbles.

I laugh at that and we continue talking,a big smile on my face,until sleep overcomes me.

"Good night birdie." He speaks gently.

"Goo---d Night softie!" I yawn at which he chuckles.


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