《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》18: Best Friends Are The Best Blessings


The next day as usual we all meet near my locker. Everything is fine until Jace comes. I look down immediately not knowing what Jace's reaction gonna be after last night. Is he gonna regret what happened yesterday?! God I was sweating,I was so nervous. I can feel his gaze on my face when he joins us.

We don't talk to each other the whole time. I avoid his gaze and sigh in relief when the bell rings. When the bell rings we are ready to disperse when suddenly Brad reaches out for Sydney and kiss her soundly. We all gape at the kissing couple. When they break apart ,Sydney is blushing and Brad is grinning. Sydney is blushing!!!!

"Bye sweetheart." Brad says and walks away to his class.

Me,Hannah and Veronica all look at Sydney with stern looks. She raises her hands in defeat and tells us what happened.

"Brad asked me out yesterday in the party and I said yes." She squeals and we all hug her in total delight. So happy she found someone who is as crazy as her. My ship has sailed with flying colors.

"Yesterday was the best night." She says and I couldn't agree more with her.


The bell rings and we head for lunch. We all get seated. Only one person was left to join us and he comes after a while and sits beside me. Jace! He doesn't meet my eyes and start talking to others.

Suddenly a hand grabs mine on top of my thigh. My breath hitches. Jace is holding my hand right now,rubbing his thumb gently on the back of my hand. I look up at him but he still isn't looking at me,he is talking and laughing with others.

I start to eat but immediately gag because of the love sick couple just sitting opposite me, completely glued together.


"Guys can you stop making out for a sec and let us eat in peace?" I ask.

They break apart and Sydney scowls at me. What? It's not my fault that I don't like eating when people are sharing their saliva in front of me.

"Just wait till you get a boyfriend JJ." She threatens.

I immediately look over at Jace and find him looking at me. He has a small smile playing on his lips and I smile back too,a small smile.


When the bell rings we all get up to go to our classes. I am halfway to my class when someone pulls me into an empty hallway.

"Oh god Jace! You almost gave me a heart attack." I say,taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart but it wouldn't slow down as how close Jace was to me.

"Sorry." Jace said sounding exhausted. I look up at him. He looks sad,his eyes,usually bright with mischief and joy is dull.

"What happened Jace? You don't look so well." I say,lifting my hand to stroke his cheek but think better of it and drop it on my side again.

Jace notices it and if possible looks even more worse. He sighs and runs his hand through his soft black hair that I love.

"Birdie are you alright? Do you regret what happened yesterday? If so tell me,don't avoid me. Please." He says,pleading with me through his eyes.

"What? No!" I say immediately. "I thought you regretted it,that's why I was avoiding you,I thought it was just a big drunk mistake for you. Depends if you were drunk or not." I shrug.

"No birdie,no. Yesterday night was the best night for me." He says with a small smile tugging on his lips. His eyes gaining the brightness back.

"Mine too." I whisper softly. He hears me and his eyes darken. He leans towards me and kisses me. His warm,firm mouth working against mine. God how I love the feel of his lips on mine!



I am in a happy mood after our little moment in the hallway. I am near my locker,stuffing my bag with my homework that I have got today until I feel someone's presence behind me.

It's Sydney and she seems in a really bad mood.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"Hey." She replies with a blank look on her face.

"Sydney? What happened? Does it have something to do with Brad? I'll kill that idiot if he made you unhappy." I close my locker and turn fully towards her,squeezing her shoulder in support.

"No it does not. It's about you actually. What are you hiding from me Jessica?" She asks with a stern tone to her voice.

I avoid meeting her gaze and say with a shrug. "Nothing." God why am I such a bad liar?!

She sighs "JJ,it's no good hiding,I saw you and Jace."

"Oh." I whisper.

"What was that? Are you two dating?" She asked.

"No." I say,ignoring her first question.

"Yeah I would have known,you would have come rushing to us to tell us about you two dating. Then Jessica what was that?" She asked.

"It was a kiss Sydney stop over reacting!" I say,furious.

"Over reacting." She scoffs. "JJ he's not a good guy when it comes to these things,have you ever heard the rumours about him?" She asks.

"Please Sydney don't talk about something that you don't know,he is not a bad guy,I know him. And what happened to you? Huh? You were crazy about me and him getting together, squealing at every single detail? And not to forget,he's your friend Sydney." I ask,breathing heavily.

"But you are not dating! I have been around more than you ,don't forget that and I have heard rumors about him. Yeah I agree,he's my friend but you are my best friend JJ." She shouts.

"He's a good guy Sydney,you don't know him as I do." I push.

"If he's such a good guy then why has he not asked you out? Why is he messing around?" She shouts. I don't speak anymore because I don't have anything to say. If he likes me then why hasn't he asked me out? Why?

I look down at my shoes,wanting to cry till I am out of tears. What if he was using me? But I saw the affection he had for me in his eyes. From that I figured out that he feels something for me. Then why? Why hasn't he asked me out?

Sydney squeezes my shoulder and speaks gently when she sees how I am in the verge of tears. "You like him JJ. Don't you?"

I nod.

"He likes you too?" She asks with the same gentleness.

I nod.

"If you say that he is a good guy,I'll believe you. I was just looking out for you,my best friend. I don't want your heart broken. I just want you to be careful OK?" She says with a small smile on her face.

"I'll be careful. And yeah you also promise me that if that idiot of your boyfriend bothers you,tho he'll not, you'll come to me and I promise I'll beat him up." I say in a threatening tone. She laughs and pulls me into a big hug.

"I love you weirdo." She says.

"I love you too dumbass." I reply with a wide smile.


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