《Loved Like a Psycho》14: Letting go
Avneet entered the library with Jannat. Jannat was still teasing Avneet about the bold move she had made yesterday. They sat on a table.
"How was it?" Asked Jannat for nth time that day
"I've told you a million times, I felt nothing. I just did it to stop him from going to Vrushali" Said Avneet not meeting her eyes with Jannat's, truth was She had felt butterflies when she had kissed him and her knees would have stopped supporting her if he hadn't wrapped his arms around her. And don't even talk about the way his lips had felt against her own, it was heaven. A forbidden one. She was pulled out of trance when Jannat snapped her fingers in front of Avneet's eyes.
"Lost in his thought I know" She said with a smirk, Avneet took the book and smacked Jannat making her laugh. Avneet frowned at her and turned to her books.
"Hey avu" Said Jannat, Avneet ignored her.
"Avuuu" Jannat said stretching the name she didn't reply again
"Avu, I'm serious I wanna ask something" Said Jannat in serious tone. Avneet finally slammed her book shut and turned to look, no, glare at jannat.
"What?" She asked
"I wanted to ask if you and Sidd are in serious relationship now" Said Jannat while smiling. Avneet froze she thought for a while before replying Jannat.
"No.. I'm just helping him, I found out that if he gets attention and love he'll be normal again. Then of course I'll leave him" Said Avneet casually with a shrug of her shoulder, Jannat was stunned to hear her reply.
"Avneet.. That's cruel" She finally spoke
"I don't think so. I'm trying to rid him off psychosis" Said Avneet seriously
"But you'll break his heart!" Exclaimed Jannat
"No I won't, it's normal in psychosis to be attached to some person or thing. Once psychosis is gone his attachment towards me will be gone too" Said Avneet, Jannat was still worried so Avneet kept her hand on Jannat's "Hey don't worry, he'll be alright"
"I'm still not sure Avneet I don't think it's just an attachment, he actually loves you" Said Jannat trying to convince Avneet. She just snorted and waved off any further discussion on that topic. She busied herself in study.
Siddharth parked his car in the parking lot of a shop it read 'Tommy's tattoo salon'. He took his shades off and walked into it, they made her sit in waiting area for a while. He took out a paper of some designing. He looked at it and smiled, he had made it himself he had stayed up all night sketching it, erasing it, remaking it until it satisfied him. Siddharth was soon called into the room, he went there and saw the same man who had tattooed his mother's name on his neck.
"Hello Tommy" Siddharth greeted as he sat on the chair
"Hey Siddharth want some more ink?" He asked. Tommy was a guy who was filled with tattoos from head to toe, with long and touch hair, he had a few piercings as well.
"Yeah, this one is special" Said Siddharth
"Don't tell me it's a name again" Said Tommy looking at Siddharth, he just sheepishly grinned at Tommy "Who is it this time?"
"Er.. My Angel" Said Siddharth hesitantly.
"Huh?" Asked Tommy being confused.
"Forget about it, just tattoo this on my skin" He handed him the paper with hand drawn design on it
"Bro this seems like work of professional artist, who made this?" Asked Tommy as he looked down at the design.
"I did" Said Siddharth proudly
"You are in some serious love bro" Said Tommy. It was Avneet's name written in a hidden design which seemed like just a design from far, but if you looked closer you could see Avneet beautifully written in there "Where do you want it?"
"Oh just above this scar" Said Siddharth as he pointed at his left forearm, Tommy frowned when he saw Avneet cut in his skin but nodded and started his work.
"Can I ask you one thing?" Said Tommy as he focused on inking him.
"What is this date? 26-8-2019" Asked Tommy
"The day I saw her" Said Siddharth thinking about the day he had first seen her, when he had first laid his eyes on her after that extreme make out session with Reem. About how disgusted she had looked and how cute her nose scrunch was.
"Saw?" Asked Tommy, he was seriously stunned to know that this man right here knew the date he had first seen a particular girl
"Yeah saw, the day my eyes first found her" Said Siddharth, he was staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and went back to yesterday when she had stood on her tippy toes wrapping her delicate arms around him, and she had kissed him, he shivered thinking about that kiss. Siddharth didn't know when Tommy finished his art
"There, done. How's it?" Asked Tommy, Siddharth observed it. It was 'Avneet' etched onto his skin in italic writing, there were branches and small flowers around it with oval boundary. There were small angel wings on one corner and tiny 'my queen' written on another with a golden glittery crown on top of 'A' the date was just beneath the name. It didn't take much of his forearm, just a small patch. Siddharth admired it and left thanking and paying Tommy generously for his work.
He reached the college, he was walking through the campus when he spotted Avneet and her girls sitting on the grass, chilling. He saw Aashika crack a joke and Avneet bursting out in laughter. he watched her wipe her tears. Then her eyes fell on him, she smiled and waved at him gesturing him to come and sit with her. Siddharth very awkwardly went to her, she pulled him by arm and made him sit on the grass beside her.
"Let's continue with uncle jokes" Said Ashnoor "Wanna join Siddharth?"
"Err no, not in mood I'll just sit here" He said and kept his head on Avneet's shoulder, she didn't mind she just continued with game.
"My turn!" Anushka said "I really need to fix my watch but I don't have time" Nobody laughed, though Reem was controlling but didn't laugh.
"My turn!" Said Avneet "what's difference between a well dressed man on unicycle and a poorly dressed man on bicycle? The attire!" She laughed on her own joke making Siddharth laugh and admire her at same time. The girls didn't laugh, they stared at them as they laughed looking at each other. Once they stopped the girls started with the teasing.
"You guys are so cute together!" Said Anushka. Siddharth grinned with happiness and Avneet looked away. After a few more rounds of Uncle jokes, the couple got up to leave. They were walking through the parking lot and into the dorm area. Suddenly Avneet tripped over a stray rock and fell down on her knees badly bruising them.
"Angel! Are you okay?!" Shouted Siddharth at once pulling her to her feet, she dusted herself and saw that the pants from her knees was torn.
"I'm alright, let's go" Said Avneet as she began walking away, Siddharth immediately got hold of her hand and walked in the opposite direction "Dorms are the other way"
"I know, we're going to nurse to get you injected with ATS" Said Siddharth dragging in to the nurse's room.
"It's just small bruise Siddharth" Protested Avneet
"No Angel, we can't risk it, it's still road and cars pass through here" He said and suddenly stopped, Avneet was confused but he wrapped his arm around her neck and one under her knees lifting her up, she yelped.
"Put me down!" Said Avneet as she hooked her arms around him, preventing herself from falling.
"No, you're too weak to walk" Said Siddharth
"Oh come on! It's just one bruise!"Said Avneet, was this guy serious?!
"No it isn't, it's paining me to see your knees hurt" Said Siddharth and Avneet groaned. They reached the nursing room and he laid her to the bed and called the nurse, he told her what happened and she cleaned her bruise and went inside her supply closet, she came out with an ATS injection.
"I hate injections!" Whined Avneet as she moved away from it, nurse gestured Siddharth to do something. He thought for a while before sitting beside her, he placed his arm over her thighs and leaned over. She suddenly felt warm, he kissed her hand while staring right into her eyes.
"You know how beautiful you are?" He asked in a husky tone as he tucked a strand away, she stared right into his eyes slowly losing herself in them. His hazel pools always worked like a magnet for her, she felt her heart beat starting to pick pace, he smiled at her and she returned it, she suddenly felt something pinch her. She looked to her right and saw that nurse had injected the syringe.
"Hey! That's not fair!" Whined Avneet again as she clutched onto the cotton pad on her arm, Siddharth chuckled as he got up.
"What is?" He asked slyly kissing her cheek.
"Uh.. You... Okay fine forget it, let's go" She sighed in defeat and began getting off the bed.
"Oh no no no, you're not walking on your own come on" He said and picked her up
"Im not a baby!" Complained Avneet
"Oh yes you are, my baby" He said, Avneet resisted the urge to gag at that. She used her arms to pulled herself closer to his neck just so she could hide her face. Being carried by someone when she could walk on her own was embarrassing. She buried her head in his neck, he carried her through the corridors. People whispered things about them. Siddharth felt Avneet dig her nails into his neck in anger. He chuckled startling Avneet, he reached his dorm and found Bhavesh sitting on Avneet's bed.
"Oooh someone is being romantic!" Said Bhavesh as he saw them, Avneet immediately jumped off Siddharth's arms.
"It's nothing like that!" She said immediately Bhavesh simply smirked.
"Yeah, being carried by someone is completely normal" Said Bhavesh with a chuckle.
"She's injured Bhavesh" Said Siddharth as he picked her up again and laid her down on his bed. Avneet made grumpy face.
"Really? What happened Avu? Are you okay?" Asked Bhavesh as he sat down besides her. Siddharth was glaring at Bhavesh's back.
"I'm all right, it's just a tiny bruise, Siddharth is exaggerating" Said Avneet with a smile, she watched Siddharth's glare turn to her. She glared back at him and he turned away.
"Alright take care" He said as he rubbed Avneet's hand "And what kind of friend are you Sidd? Won't you ask why and where I was?" Said Bhavesh.
"Oh yeah, what happened?" Asked Siddharth being pulled out if trance.
"My dad was in emergency state so I had to go he's alright now. Oh and Avu, can I talk to you? Alone?" He asked Adding the last part looking at Siddharth.
"No!" Said Siddharth immediately, Avneet glared at him "No Angel you can't!"
"I can and I will" Said Avneet firmly as she sat crossed legged. Bhavesh just watched Siddharth, amused by his over possessiveness.
"No you can't" He ordered
"I can! Let's go Bhavesh" Avneet said as she stood up.
"Bhavesh no you won't" Siddharth whined
"Er.. I do have to talk to her.. Solve your couple problems I'm out there, Avneet hurry up its important" He said and left the room.
"What's your problem? It's Bhavesh! He has a girl" Said Avneet throwing her arms in the air as soon as Bhavesh closed the door.
"I don't care I feel insecure" Said Siddharth as he looked away. He stomped on floor
"Stop acting like a kid, what could possibly go wrong?" She asked
"I could lose you! You might catch feelings for Bhavesh and he might as well return them. Besides why would you need an idiotic psychopath like me when you could have someone normal and an intelligent boy like Bhavesh!" He ranted as a tear escaped his eye. Avneet stood there, too stunned to speak anything, she watched him turn away from her and wipe a few of his tears then turn back to her, she moved forward and cupped his face, he immediately melted into the touch.
"Do you trust me?" She asked and he immediately nodded, she smiled at him "Do you trust your best friend Bhavesh?" She asked again and he immediately nodded again "That's it then, why are you so insecure, have a little faith in the power of your love"
"I don't trust the power of my love" He said with a sniff
"Why that might be?" She asked in a soft and soothing whisper
"Because I'm a psycho and I haven't seen a single true lover who is psycho" He said with a shrug as he sniffed again.
"Shhh, you're not a psycho, you're just messed up" She said and he nodded "Now I am going out to talk to Bhavesh, you are not allowed to eavesdrop" She said and waited for him to nod, he paused but nodded anyway, she smiled at him and rewarded him with kiss on forehead. She left the dorm.
Siddharth wasn't satisfied so he still followed them and hid behind the wall in canteen to overhear their conversation. They were whispering something to each other, he was confused he couldn't hear what they were saying, Bhavesh blushed. Siddharth saw Bhavesh say something to Avneet and she stood up, Bhavesh kneeled down in front of her. Siddharth's eyes widened he couldn't believe what he saw.
"The day I first saw you I knew I would fall for you and I knew that we would have an amazing bonding, you were and are so my type. I want to thank you for being so beautiful. I love you" Bhavesh said a little loud. She blushed and passed her hand that entered his clutch. Siddharth froze there. His breath hitched, he was shivering as tears fell on his cheeks.
"I love you too" Avneet replied, the words sent pangs in his heart, he stopped the sobs and watched them break into a hug, he closed his mouth with his hands to stop his sobs, he ran to his room, people threw confused look in his direction but he didn't care.
Siddharth sat on the bed, tears rolling out of his eyes, he silently sobbed, he sucked his cheeks inside his jaw clenched, he was still getting glances of what happened there. He got up and shuffled through his drawer until he found the blade, he sat back on the bed and faced the wall. He flexed and un flexed his hand watching the vein on his wrist Bob up and vanish away.
He kept shuffling the blade in his fingers while staring at the flexed vein with a blank expression holding tears in his eyes. He wanted her to be happy with whoever she wants too, he didn't want to force her anymore, it wasn't going to work. You can't force someone into love, it just happens. Just like His best friend and the girl he loved fell for each other. And when you truly love someone... You simply let them go.
He closed his eyes as a few more tears ran down his cheeks and he pressed the blade to his skin. He looked at the ceiling for one last time.
The end
Just kidding stay tuned 😂
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