《Loved Like a Psycho》15: Misunderstanding


Avneet opened the door and found Siddharth sitting on the bed facing the wall, he was limp, his shoulders slumped and he let out a sob. Avneet walked closer to him and found him holding a sharp blade in his wrist over the flexed vein. She immediately snatched it away from him and throwing on floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she frowned she was glaring at him constantly, fuming with anger.

"That I am a psycho and no one will ever love me, even if I love that person madly, obsessively I can never get inch bit of love in return, no one can ever accept me. So let me die" He ranted as he went to took up the blade, Avneet clutched his collar and pulled him near her face with a inch difference, one more pull and they would be kissing.

"I knew that you would leave me" He shouted, crying "I knew it I just want you to be happy Angel, just with whoever you want to but I can't live without you, so don't torture me and let me die" He stated as tears fell from his eyes, he looked into her eyes with unknown amount of love. Avneet froze gazing into his eyes.

"Leave me Avneet, I know you hate me and you always did" He yelled. Avneet was confused at first because she didn't know what happened to him all of a sudden but then she smiled at him and hugged him tight

"Ahhhh you're so cute" She squealed as she pulled his cheeks, he was stunned.

"What do you mean?" He asked rubbing his cheeks and wiping the tears, she giggled then bursted out laughing.

"You should have seen your self!" She said as she clutched onto her stomach while laughing

"I don't get it!" Siddharth whined

"Bhavesh had asked me for help! He was practicing" Said Avneet as she wiped her tears of joy. Siddharth immediately went red. He stood there watching her laughing her head off, he was staring at her by now.

"Angel.. Will you ever leave me?" He asked suddenly, Avneet stopped laughing. She froze to her spot.

"Answer" He ordered coldly

"You know Bhavesh asked me to shift with you permanently because he wanted to live with Jannat" Said Avneet diverting the topic successfully "And I said yes"

"Really?" He asked, happiness evident in his voice

"Yea! I'm staying here permanently!" She said and squealed, why did she do that? She did not know but it felt good knowing that she was going to stay with him permanently.

"So what actually happened ?" he asked again .


"Come" Bhavesh said to Avneet when she had come out of Siddharth's room. They went to the canteen and sat down on a table.

"Avneet, can you please stay with him from now on?" He asked hesitantly.

"Um why? Aren't you back now?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Because he said that he can't sleep without hearing your breathing" He said scratching the back of his neck nervously

"Come on be straight forward and say that you want to stay with Jannat" Said Avneet with a smirk as she crossed her arms. Bhavesh was shook he watched her with wide eyes but he was pulled out of trance when her smirk grew bigger.

"I-its n-not like that err you don't get it" He stammered

"Whatever, you can stay with Jannat I'll be with Siddharth" She said with a laugh. He was blushing furiously.

"Avneet one more thing, can you help me?" Bhavesh asked Avneet


"With?" Avneet asked with a confused expression

"I'm going to propose to Jannat properly this time" He said and scratched his head "Help me with practice"

"Oh sure go ahead" She said and stood up so did he, Bhavesh sighed before kneeling.

"The day I first saw you I knew I would fall for you and I knew that we would have an amazing bonding, you were and are so my type. I want to thank you for being so beautiful. I love you" He said, Avneet pretended to blush and slip her hand in his and said: "I love you too"

"That was good!" Said Avneet, Bhavesh grinned as he stood up. He hugged Avneet tightly and she hugged him back.

"Go and say those exact words to her!" Said Avneet as she squealed

"Okay I'm going now bye avu" Said Bhavesh

"Bye bhavesh!" Said Avneet as she left the canteen too.

Avneet walked through the corridors to go back to Siddharth's no, her room. She turned one corridor and someone pulled her in a corner, she giggled thinking it was Siddharth but her eyes widened when she saw it was someone else

"Hey baby" He said, Avneet frowned and crossed her arms.

"Let go" Ordered Avneet firmly

"No way, the day I first saw you I fell for you. But that idiotic psycho claimed you his, I can't see you with him" Gritted the boy, Avneet smiled sweetly at him before checking his Id card.

"Aakash" Said Avneet looking up from the card "What made you think I'll leave Siddharth?"

"Well, I am normal and I can treat you well. That psycho hurts you everyday and I wont" Said Aakash as he pulled her closer by waist. Avneet sweetly smiled at him before kneeing him where the sun don't shine, he clutched himself there and fell to the ground.

"Did you know that I'm good at beating people up?" She asked sweetly again, he nodded, with fear in his eyes. Avneet kicked his stomach "Never, I said NEVER dare to call Siddharth a psycho, he's not a psycho. I'll murder you!" She yelled as she threw another punch, she was brutally beating the boy, she had given him a black eye and a bleeding nose.

"You both are psychos!" He yelled Avneet grabbed his collar and slammed his head in the wall making him unconscious. She stood up and walked away dusting her hands. How dare he say anything about Siddharth?!

"You really did that?" Asked Siddharth with wide eyes. Him and Avneet were sitting on Avmeet's bed. She nodded happily

"He dared called you a psycho, I can't stand that" Gritted Avneet, she kept her hand on his thigh, he blushed.

"Thank you" He said with a shy smile

"Mention not" Said Avneet. Siddharth suddenly got up and stood towering Avneet

"Angel, I got to go to mom I'll see you tomorrow" He said and kissed her forehead, she immediately got to her feet.

"I wanna go too" Said Avneet, Siddharth would love to but he couldn't so he shook his head

"No Angel I have to go alone, sorry. I'll see you later, Love ya" He said and left with a kiss on her cheek.

I am studying since morning , exams again. Wow ! Tomorrow is my birthday and I bet no one knows, none of my friend pre wished me or knocked, people here don't know me much because I am new, Mom and Dad have no sign of coming. This birthday is going to be the worst. I know if I tell people they'll make it special, at least Hitler Romeo who is no more a Hitler. But I am not, I am not going to declare that it's my birthday. He said he loves me so he should find it all by himself. He has no sign of waking up, he is sleeping like the last day on earth. He came really late last night after he left the room after I assured him that it was just a misunderstanding. I was wondering why he didn't get angry, he didn't react, he wasn't mad to kill Bhavesh nor was forcing me that 'I am his'


Now I miss his antics a little I mean he is cuter now but still the way he acted bipolar was fun actually. Who doesn't like obsessive lover? But I'm with him for a few days only! I am going to be a free bird after I give him the full session of counselling. Now he needs to wake up so I used my usual trick .

"Siddharth" I yelled on top of my lungs and he didn't move even he was still in deep sleep. I got off the couch and sat on the bed beside his head. I took my hair strand and tickled it in his ear, he squeezed his eyes jerking my hand away, I did it again and he repeated it.

"Stop Ma" he said still sleeping. Huh Ma? I feel bad for him, he didn't lose his mother but what happened is worse than loosing her really. He misses his mom too much, he even mummers 'mom don't 'it's okay ma' at night while he sleeps . Can anyone's life get any worse ? Umm yeah Harry Potters life can. But let's not talk about him now.

I shook him a little he didn't budge, I leaned in and whispered in his ear "Wake up love" he immediately woke up, he couldn't believe his ears and I couldn't believe my tongue.

"What did you just called me?" he said in disbelief I swear I saw literal hearts in his eyes.

"Wake up idiot" I hit his head ignoring the topic.

He nodded getting up, he stretched like a cat before entering the washroom. I waited for him a little, the bathroom door opened. He walked out in his T shirt and Grey sweatpants, which make girls drool over him. Well I'll pluck their eyes out if they stare longer that 0.01 seconds... What the hell did I just say?

"Where are you going?" I asked as he turned the door knob to go out

"Huh Umm No just meeting someone" he stammered. What's wrong with this guy? Is he cheating on me?! Wait.. Why am I feeling bad I should be happy!

"Bye Angel" He said with a smile and kissed my cheek before he walked out of the room. I sat on my bed and dialed Jannat, she didn't answer my call so I called Anushka, she picked up the call after 8 rings just to tell me that she was busy, I asked about Reem, Aashika and Ashnoor. Turned out they were all busy so I was all alone, I'm enjoying my pre birthday! Note the sarcasm.

I changed my top and went out for lunch, it's weekend and they haven't talked about Club once. I must say I am going to be a great psychiatrist one day. I walked to the canteen Siddharth wasn't there, others were already eating, they were sitting on the gang table. My girls were nowhere to be seen so I just sat with them.

"Hi" I greeted as I sat down beside Bhavesh. Everyone looked at me then turned back to their talking. Jannat didn't even look at me for once! Is she mad at me for telling her that I'll leave Siddharth?

"Um Arishfa can you pass me the juice?" I asked giving it another go, she passed but didn't say anything, not even a smile! I took the juice. Did Jannat tell everyone what I said? No she can't! But again she is closer to Siddharth than she is to me. Maybe she did and now they all hate me! Wow nobody here is going to appreciate me for helping him with psychosis but everyone is going to judge me for breaking his heart. Precisely, leave once his attraction is over. I quickly gobbled up my lunch and went back to my room because I was feeling left out. They were talking in whispers.

I went back to my room, it was empty, Siddharth wasn't there, he hadn't even left a note or message or anything! I sat down on my bed and stared at the floor, I felt like crying. What was going on! I just chewed my inner cheek before collecting my books and starting the preparation of exams.

It was night now, late night. Siddharth was missing all day I mean where was he? Sometimes he makes me feel special with his cute antics but other times I feel left out. I checked the time it was 12:00 I smiled

"Happy birthday me" I mumbled and went back to studies. I saw the door knob turn and then Jannat came in. She sulked at me.

"There is a seminar in the auditorium, fast" she informed me before slamming the door harshly. Seminar? This late? Let's go anyway. I got up and walked to the auditorium, my shoes were the only sound I heard on my way, I found nobody. Am I that late?

I reached the auditorium and I opened the door, it was dark. I couldn't spot anyone. I couldn't believe it. Jannat pranked me!? Like how cruel.

Play the song! 😘

Suddenly music started playing, I was confused. I didn't know what was going on then I heard his voice, his beautiful melodious voice.

I used to believe

We were burnin' on the edge of somethin' beautiful

Somethin' beautiful

Selling a dream

Smoke and mirrors keep us waitin' on a miracle

On a miracle

Say, go through the darkest of days

Fairy lights/candles lit the place. They were dancing slowly and beautifully, I was completely mesmerized. A spot light fell on me I saw Siddharth sitting on the stage with mic in his hand, then fell a light on the curtains of the stage, a video started on the projector that fell on the curtain, it was my video, videos where I was laughing, when did he shoot all those videos?

Heaven's a heartbreak away

Never let you go, never let me down

Oh, it's been a hell of a ride

Driving the edge of a knife

Never let you go, never let me down

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

He stood up and used his hand gesture to point at me. I was getting butterflies, chills, and electric shocks all at once. This boy is amazing. Who says that he's messed up I'll beat them up if they do!

Let me love you

Let me love you

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

A video played, it was an edit an amazing one! In it I was laughing and chatting. There were pictures in between those small clips. Pictures of my nose scrunch and me stick in my tongue out. When did he take those?! A video played where I was angrily tying my hair, there was a video in it was was walking and my pony tail was bouncing up and down as I happily bounced around.

Don't fall asleep

At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us


iles ahead of us

All that we need

Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough

Know we're good enough

Say go through the darkest of days

Heaven's a heartbreak away

Never let you go, never let me down

Oh it's been a hell of a ride

Driving the edge of a knife

Never let you go, never let me down

I looked up and him, he was focused on singing and staring at me all at once. He wasn't even looking at the video which was being played. He looked at me with literal hearts in his eyes. They were filled with an unknown amount of love. Ah Avneet hold your horses it's just a psychosis reaction, attachment, nothing else.

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

I watched him drop the mic a little and groove over the music making me chuckle. His voice is what made everything ten times better. It gave the finishing touch to the song, music, and the video. I kept staring at the curtain where that video was being played. I was glued to my spot, too stunned to move. Now the video of me beating Rohit up was being played, yes he shot that and I didn't know. I let out an involuntary giggle

The video was so precious, I couldn't believe my eyes. He did it for me, it seemed handmade. He was busy all day doing this? I was shook I couldn't describe what I was feeling. I was feeling loved, I was feeling confused. Most of all I was guilty, I was planning on leaving this guy, who was head over heels for me, who was ready to sing for me when he doesn't sing so often, who was mad for me, who was psycho for me.. Who loved me like a psycho.

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go

Never let you go (oh no no no no)

Never let you go (yeah yeah)

I'll never let you go

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I slowly felt blood going back to my limbs, I started moving. I was slowly taking steps towards him, towards the stage where he was. My eyes glued to his continuously. The video was still playing, but at a slow pace with just my pictures now.

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

The master piece ended and I broke into a run, he was confused looking at me. Why was I running towards him? You'll know. I ran to the stage and hugged him tight. He chuckled and twirled me around, lifting my feet off the ground. We broke the hug and looked at each other still holding onto each other's arms.

"Come" He said as he took my hand intertwining our fingers, I squeezed his hand and he smiled at me. We walked through the college and we reached a corridor which I had never seen before. That corridor ended in an opening. It was a huge garden. I didn't know this part of college exists!

We stopped, I looked at him. I was staring at his features.. Why did those lips look so kissable? He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the sky waiting for something. A grin broke to his face and he turned me around pointing at the sky, in a blink of time there started firecrackers in the sky, illuminating it fully. I saw every colour there then another round of firecrackers started and this time it wrote

My happiness knew no bound. I was grinning ear to ear, I continuously stared at the sky show which was going on for almost fifteen minutes now. Once it finished I turned to him he was smiling with hopeful eyes. I stared at his face again and my eyes roamed back to his lips... Avneet stop

"Happy Birthday Angel" He said happily

"Thank you so much Sidd! This was the best birthday ever!" I squealed and jumped up and down. What? I was happy!

"You..you ..lik..liked i.it . I am so glad you liked it" He stammered the first part as he couldn't believe what I said .

"I love you so much Angel I love you!" He said with an never ending amount of happiness in his tone. He opened his arms to hug me but I took him by surprise by capturing his lips with mine. I slowly kissed him, those soft kissable plump lips. I felt him shudder, his hand found its way to my hair, he caressed the skin behind my ear as he slowly moved his lips against mine. It sent goosebumps everywhere on my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer.

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