《Loved Like a Psycho》13: So surreal


I woke up beside Siddharth clutching my waist, sleeping peacefully. He has been doing mad cute stuff all these days like bringing me food, massaging my head even when I don't need it, prioritizing my wishes. He got me few anklets as well, he didn't force me to do something, he has severe anger issue but he somehow controlled them because I told him to. I looked at him and his tattoo on one side of his neck it was his Mom's name. I first thought it must be one of his girlfriends name, his so called true love but I got to know it from Manjul later. The tattoo reminded me of his Mom and disease stuff. I am curious but I never asked him about his mom after that. He tries hard enough to concentrate and study. I spied on him and found out how badly he sobs and cries alone hides the reality behind the luxury and attitude, I wanted to go and console him but something stopped me. I don't know what.

I removed his hands and got up. I went inside the washroom, did the usual chores, my mind still thinking about his mom and another thought about his studies obviously. Bhavesh knows him from college so he can't help me with this Mom stuff. So who knows him from childhood?. Umm Rits but I am not asking her. Manjul maybe I can ask him but Ritika is possessive as hell she'll slit me if she gets to know I talked to him. But i have to take the risk anyways I want to get rid of him really soon. Sooner I know about his mother sooner I help him. And sooner I help him, sooner he is free from psychosis and I'll be free.

"Good morning" He startled me, he had just woken up.

"Good morning" I replied softly, he kissed me cheek and went to washroom. He freshened up and came out wearing a towel. I was making my bag according to the schedule I yelped when I saw him

"What the hell!?" I said covering my eyes.

"What?" He asked

"Look at yourself" I said looking away

"Yeah so what?" he paced near me.

"Wear something" I yelled squeezing my eyes shut.

"You choose" I heard him say and I swear I heard a smirk. Is that even possible?

"Okay" I agreed and started shuffling his clothes, I took out a shorts and a t-shirt and passed him he wore the shirt and stripped the towel fortunately he was wearing a boxer . He chuckled at my condition . I was hiding my eyes looking away.

"C'mon I am wearing boxers" he informed.

"I don't care" I said still not looking at him.

"You know girls die to see me like this" He came near my ear and whispered.

"I don't " I yelled and continued covering my eyes.

"Ah what? It means your not a girl or you are..." He said in a mocking tone.

"I am straight" I frowned yelling.

"I never said that you weren't" He said and fake gasped "Oh! That means you're lesbian! Okay imma kill myself. Why fate why?" He said dramatically falling to floor and hitting his chest. Why is he being a drama queen

"Wear something please" I yelled again and he wore his pants chuckling.

"Gosh" I sighed in relief as I looked at him he was on verge of bursting out of laughter "You're an idiot" I punched him he laughed

"Let's go" He advised a smile plastered on his face. We entered the canteen finding our friends.


"Here" He said trying to drag me to his table.

"No, I am sitting with my friends from now on If interested join me" I stated boldly getting my arm out if his hold.

"No your sitting with me" He ordered with a frown.

"Nope" I glared at him and stated in a bold tone.

"Please" His eyes softened and he made a puppy face anyone could melt but I didn't. "No" I said and walked to the table my girls were sitting. I heard him huff when he left. He sat on the table just in front of me, we had direct eye contact all his gang shifted to that table, God such forks.

She disagreed to sit with me but I really need her so I can eat my food. I sat on the table just beside them,I kept staring at her while he was eating. Everything, I mean everything about her is soothing, her smile, her laughter, her chuckles are now my peace, the way she carries herself without any filters or tons of makeup is a warm to my eyes, the faces she makes, the way she plays with her hair, fiddles her finger. The way she scolds me, I would never let anyone scold me like that but her. The way she caresses my hair, cups my face I am addicted to those now, no one really cared if I am sleeping or dying but she did, even after I did so bad to her. I can watch her all day long, I don't even want to blink what if I miss any moment she is in. Her rhythmic breathe, her aroma, her appearance works more then any high dose sleeping pills.

"Bhai" Ritika shook me and I got out of the trance, I hummed still looking at my angel.

"Any idea for the farewell?" she asked.

"No" I replied, how can a girl be so perfect? She is right about open hair. It suits her, who am I kidding I'll still find her pretty even if she shaves her head to boy cut.

"Manjul its a half day so take me to the shopping mall" Ritika ordered sipping in her diet coke.

"Okay" he just nodded that caught my attention.

"Wait half day?" I snapped at her.

"Hmm for farewell organization" she informed as she moved her hand up and down Manjul's arm. It was cringing me but who cares she can do whatever the fuck she wants, she's not my real sister anyway.

"Oh" I sighed

We had our breakfast and started for our classes, I went inside the classroom. I followed what Angel told me breathe in breathe out I did that a few times before the professor started the lecture, people stared at me I didn't really care but glared at them they looked away instantly. The professor started ranting about genetics I noted down each and everything he said , every point he repeated I wrote with blue pen. Wow breathing helps. The class ended students started leaving for next one, I took my stuff shoving it inside my bag.

"Siddharth you wait, rest of you go" the professor ordered and I stood there awkwardly ad I wore one strap of my bag while all students left.

"Your grades are not acceptable Siddharth, you have to get back first year marks or we'll have to take immediate steps for you" the professor said glaring at me.

"Sir I try but-" I said.

"Hmm I know you try but you have to try harder" he advised cutting me off

"Okay sir" I sighed, my blood boiled and my fists clenched, cant he see how hard I try.


"Okay you can go" He ordered I walked out. I felt like punching someone right now, how can he say that I'm not trying hard enough? Control... For sake of Angel, control Siddharth. I went to canteen to grab an Apple soda before going to next class. Angel said this helps in concentration. Maybe it will help me too. I gulped down a whole chilled can and did my breath in exercise before attending next class. This class went good.

Siddharth attended two more classes and it was done for the day as it was a half day for them, he walked to the campus finding his Angel. His eyes fell on her walking with few girls giggling, laughing, highfiving he kept looking at her, staring her, admiring every little thing about her. She stopped when she saw him, she bided the girls a goodbye and started waking to him, smiling. He was still staring at her so she snapped her fingers pulling him out of the dreamland.

"How did the class go?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Okay, the teacher lectured me about grades, i noted everything like a maniac. But the Apple soda trick work and i successfully memorised 18 chemical compositions" He ended his ranting proudly still admiring her features.

"Good job!" She praised him and they started walking "Did you eat anything?"

"No" he replied,smoothly slipping his hand in hers, intertwining they fingers, she felt chills.

"Why?" She asked with a frown

"I need you, I can't eat without you" he replied chewing his inner cheek nervously.

"But I already ate" Said Avneet

"I mean you can just sit there while I eat" he scratched his head goofily.

"Okay lets go" she advised between her chuckles

"You will never leave me right?" He asked that again out of the blue. She avoided eye contact again he frowned and stopped walking "I will stay in one corner of your life, away from all of your businesses, I'll never let you know I'm there but please never leave me" He said desperately gazing right into her eyes, as if staring at her soul, she felt shivers "Just a little bit of space in your heart Avneet, Please" he pleaded.

"A little?" She asked in a low voice.

"Yeah but please never leave me" He replied pleading while she was taken aback with the gaze of his eyes. She wanted to avoid it because whenever he looked at her like that, she felt like she was losing herself in those damn hazel eyes. She felt like if she kept looking she'll forget who she was, she won't be able to keep up with surroundings.

"Let's go" She advised looking away and walking to the canteen. His hand was still in hers and she didn't seem to mind. They reached the canteen, he took a tray and walked to the table Avneet was sitting on with other girls. He very awkwardly sat there.

"Why is he here?" Asked Aashika from Avneet in a whisper

"Shh he needs me to eat food" Said Avneet as she felt him grab her hand under the table, she shuddered and Ashnoor saw it, she shot a smirk in her direction, as she dropped her spoon deliberately and bent down to pick it up.

"Ehm, I sense love in the air" Said Aashnoor joining the whisper, other girls giggled and she showed them her middle finger. Siddharth saw that with wide eyes, he almost choked on food and started coughing. Avneet got up and started patting his back. He gulped water and coughed again. Avneet shot the girls a dirty look and they giggled. After finishing his food both of them left for their room.

"Siddharth what happened to your MOM" She asked as she collected all the courage which was in her. The were walking. Siddharth suddenly stopped in his tracks. Said nothing for a while.

"Lets go" He finally spoke and dragged her in opposite direction of the dorms through the campus to his bike.

"Where?" She asked

"You wanna know about my mom right?" He asked, she hesitated but nodded. He sat on the bike and started it. She got on the bike after him, he was riding it on full speed the air making Avneet's hair flow.

"Wear the helmet " he ordered slowing down. She wore and he sped again. Throughout the ride he was focused on the road, she watched him ride in the drive way of a huge mansion.

"This.. This is your house?" She asked in disbelief

"Yeah, let's go" He said taking her hand, she followed him. They walked inside the huge mansion, it had all the expensive decorations. And all the furniture was stunning and eye catching. She kept looking around at the ceiling, it was decorated with all type of lights. They climbed the stairs and Siddharth opened a door.

"Where are we.." She couldn't complete because she was shocked to see a women lying on the bed with wires embracing her. They walked near her, Siddharth sat near the bed kneeling down taking the woman's hand on his.

"This is my mom" He said in an inaudible voice, tears stinging his throat. He stared at his mother. Her scrunched lips, pale face shook Avneet, knocking the air out of her "I was 10 when she was diagnosed with this disease" He started, Avneet knelt and sat beside him keeping her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her with soft expression before turning back to his mother.

"I saw her getting sick day by day right in front of my eyes " He said his voice was crack in now, Avneet pursed her lips as she heard him "I know she'll never get back to what she was once" Tears finally rolled down his cheeks, Avneet reached to wipe them away. He turned to her and took her hands in his.

"She doesn't remember me Avneet and never will, she is scared of me I can't adore her, can't get love from her anymore" He sobbed, his shoulders started shaking.

"Siddharth calm down" She consoled rubbing his back, she was too shocked to say anything other than that.

"I would be normal Angel, I would be normal if she was" He said cursing himself holding. His hands were in fists on his thighs his head hung low violently shaking with each sob. She felt a pang in her heart, she felt like the meanest person in the world. For she had called him names, she moved and hugged him, running her hand over his back.

"It's okay Siddharth" She said as she wiped another tear which had leaked her own eye.

"The doctors say that they can't keep her alive longer. There is no cure for her" He mumbled in crook of her neck. She didn't speak a word, she just sat there consoling him. He pulled away wiping his tears. He kissed his mothers hand and came out of the room. He stood resting his hands on the railing of the staircase. Avneet followed him out and slowly closed the door.

"You got your answers right?" He asked She didn't speak, he started at her, he sadly smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Don't worry it's normal for me, I'm used to it" He said trying to make her feel better, Avneet felt so bad for treating him wrongly.

Vrushali watched all this, she walked up to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. She shot Avneet disgusted look.

"Siddharth you here?" She said in her sugar coated tone. Siddharth moved away from her touch.

"Yeah so what?" He scoffed.

"Nothing its just so good to see you here" she faked. Avneet looked at her in disbelief.

"Done?" Siddharth asked as he crossed his arms. Vrushali didn't speak but started for the room they just came out of. Siddharth immediately tensed up

"Wait" Siddharth ordered, she stopped and turned giving him a sweet questioning smile.

"Where the hell are you going?" He raged

"To see Radhika" Vrushal said casually with a shrug

"NO! You don't need to" Siddharth raged as he moved towards Vrushali. Avneet pulled him back, he looked at her and she shook her head no.

"I'm just being nice" Said Vrushali

"You clearly don't need to so go away and mind your own business, I don't want to see you near my Mother's room" Said Siddharth point in his finger at her. Vrushali rolled her eyes at Siddharth and left. Siddharth was fuming, he leaned on the railing again, Avneet ran her hand over his back.

"I hate her" He said

"It's okay Siddharth, maybe she was trying to be nice"

"No she wasnt!" Yelled Siddharth, Avneet flinched. He looked away "you don't know her, she is here with my father only because of his money, My mom became depressed because of her! Then she caught that foul disease. Vrushali completely ruined my life"


"No! I'll not call her mini mom, she doesn't deserve that title!" He shouted, Avneet sighed and leaned on the railing. She wanted to lighten the mood up.

"Hey, won't you show me around?" She asked with hopeful eyes, he looked at her. He knew she was trying to cheer him up so he nodded and took her hand in his. He took her to his room first, which wasn't much. It still had broken shards of glass littered on the room, a messed up bed and his blood drops.

"Siddharth.. " She started when she saw a bloody shard he cut her off

"I know, I know. I cut with that shard" He picked it off the floor and shone it in the light. She just looked at him when he kissed it and kept it on the showcase.

"It wrote your name, I can't throw it away" He said staring at it. Her breath hitched looking at his madness "this room is depressing, come on let's go to the garden" He said and took her hand in his again. He lead them through the house and in the dead backyard. Everything was dried out, the flowers, the plants, the vines. There was also a small pond in the middle. He lead her to a pergola. It had iron poles and beautiful dome shaped roof. It had wooden round and comfortable chairs. with white cushions.

"Have a seat" He said and she sat down on one of the round chairs.

"Why is this garden so dead?" Avneet asked looking at the dead vines which were wrapped around the poles of pergola.

"It was mom's, she used to take care of it just like she took care of me" He said staring at nothing particular "Vrushali hates this garden so she doesn't even hire a gardener"

"But it could be so beautiful" Said Avneet as she got on her feet and examines nearest dead sticks "these were daisies right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" He asked stunned

"I love plants, I even know that these vines are Ivy and Jasmine" She said as she touched the dead sticks "Those are lilies near the pond, those are cosmos, those are yarrows" She started hoping from plant to plant telling him their names, soon his ears gave away and he was lost in staring at her. Thinking, how lovely it would be when she is his wife and she takes care of this garden just like his mother did. He had a monkey smile while he stared at her.

"Siddharth!!!!" She called snapping her fingers in front of his eyes

"Huh? Yeah?" He said being pulled out of the trance

"I'm hungry let's go back to college" She said

"Let's eat first, come" He said and led her to the kitchen, he opened freezer and got frozen pizza out for both of them. He got a call from Bhavesh so he left to attend it leaving Avneet on the table alone. She was eating her pizza peacefully when she heard someone walk into the huge kitchen, she saw Vrushali close the door and lock it.

"You girl" She said as she walked up to Avneet, hips swaying and heels clicking on the floor.

"Yes?" Said Avneet politely

"Who do you think you are? Get off my son" She said pointing her finger at Avneet "You filthy low class girl" Avneet's eyes widened at her choice of words.

"Listen here Madame, first of all he is not your son, second of all who the hell are you to call me filthy, have you checked the mirror? That one kilogram of make up is what I call filthy" Said Avneet as she took another bite of her pizza, she would have stood up in respect for any elder but Vrushali wasn't included.

"Get out of my house, filthy low standard ugly girl" Glared Vrushali

"Your? Last time I checked it was Siddharth's father's and I think Siddharth is allowed to bring his friends here" Said Avneet faking a thoughtful expression

"Yeah friends of his standard" She said with a hair flip, suddenly the door started knocking and shaking violently she knew it was her psychopath lover. Avneet looked at tensed Vrushali with and amused expression.

"You get that or should I?" She asked taking another bite from pizza

"No you are not opening this door" Said Vrushali snapping her head in Avneet's direction.

"Alright" Avneet shrugged, she knew what was coming next so she was relaxed but Vrushali wasn't. Soon her possessive 'Boyfriend' broke down the door and stormed in, yelling.


"Oh honey, just girl talk" She said faking sweetness, Siddharth looked at Avneet for answers

"Errr for now I don't have a tongue" She said with a mouthful throwing her hands in air.

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