《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 3: Candlelight & Champagne


The morning light penetrated through the sheer curtains of the windows in River's bedroom. He knew it was still early because from the distance he could hear the kids walking across the fields to get to school. Last night was a long one when River couldn't catch a minute of sleep, it was only until dawn hit that he found himself dozing off. But that didn't last long either because his alarm rang and it was time to get up.

River rolled out of bed and crossed the room to go straight to the bathroom to freshen up. He showered and shaved which never took him long. He didn't bother wearing a suit today and grabbed a turtleneck sweater and jeans to go with his jacket. He grabbed his wristwatch off the table and he knew that everyone was probably eating breakfast right about now.

River climbed down the stairs of his cabin, which was fairly simple and he liked it clean so he didn't have fix it every day. River grabbed his keys off the table by the door and walked out into the fresh winter morning. The air was cold and the light reflected off the white snow that laid generously on the wide fields. River left his porch and went to the cabin right next to his, which belonged to his twin. Ryder knew the routine and he was usually waiting outside by this time. River was just about to open the front door when he heard a loud thud and a few grunts followed after.

The door abruptly opened and Ryder clambered out.

"You're late," alleged River.

Ryder cocked a grin as he fixed his boot. "I slept late last night."

River walked off and his twin followed. Their heavy boots crunched the snow under them and they left a trail of their path behind as they crossed the field towards the large manor.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Ryder asked his brother.

"I'm going with Gabriel," River told him. "You can stay and help Hunter and Azura with the pack."

"Sounds good," replied Ryder. "Vincent texted saying Bone made waffles."

They got up the porch to the house and the door was unlocked, so they just went inside. As always, everyone was still sitting around the kitchen table.

"Look who decided to show up," Viola remarked from the table. "A bit late for you two."

"Ryder decided to sleep in," River remarked and the others laughed.

Ryder groaned. "Never let your brother be your boss," he announced. "They're a pain in your ass." River rolled his eyes and took a seat at the table.

"Gabriel's my boss and we have a splendid time, don't we?" Vincent jested to his big brother.

Gabriel's fork froze mid-way. "If by splendid time, you mean me berating you to get your shit done, then yeah, fucking fantastic," he retorted.

Vincent gaped at him. "You're no better at work than I am," he told him and Gabriel nodded in agreement.

Viola laughed at both her brothers. "You all can have a fun day annoying the hell out of each other," she wished with sarcasm.

"What are you so happy about?" Hunter remarked. "Your brother is your boss too."

Viola put her hand on her waist glaring down at Hunter. "Speak for yourself, my boss happens to be an angel," she said. "Isn't that right- Hailey, Bone?"

Hailey and Bone looked up from their food. "Klaus is definitely the best boss anyone can ask for," Hailey said making Klaus smile.


"He's a lot better than my last employer," added Bone.

"I think we can all agree that Klaus is better than King," said Sabrina with a chuckle. "His temper and moods are not anyone's cup of tea."

No one could disagree with that at the table.

"Speaking of which, where is King?" asked Ryder as he sat at the table.

"Asleep," added Klaus.

Ryder looked at his twin. "Why don't you ever scold King for being late?" he questioned.

River shrugged. "I don't need to," he said. "King never messes around like you."

"Alright, you two, calm down," Gabriel said as Bone brought them two plates with waffles. "Just eat and you'll be a lot less cranky."

"While I enjoy your morning fights so much, it's time for us to head out too," said Viola. Hailey and Bone followed Viola to the door.

River wondered what was wrong with Klaus who seemed a bit worried, which was rare for him. River nudged Gabriel's foot but Gabriel looked back at him confused, it was until River motioned towards Klaus that Gabriel's expression fell stern. Once Hailey, Bone, Viola and Klaus all left the house that the remaining members spoke about what bothered Klaus. Although, it didn't take rocket science for River to see through them.

"It's about Ender, isn't it?" said River.

The table went quiet.

Sabrina let out a breath. "He's still the same as the day he arrived," she said.

Everyone held a grim expression, although it was Gabriel who seemed to be smiling over his cup of juice.

"I'm worried about him," Vincent frowned. "I'm afraid he might snap one day."

"Well, what do we do about someone who's too scared to even look at us let alone talk?" asked Ryder.

"Want to tell us the reason behind your smiling?" Hunter asked what everyone was thinking.

Gabriel's smile turned to an amused chuckle. "Ender reminds me of some of my wolves," he looked up at the twins.

Suddenly, the door opened and they all jerked in surprise thinking maybe Klaus came back. Distracting themselves with their food, they tried to look as natural as possible.

"Damn, it's cold outside," a familiar voice echoed and right away they sighed in relief. Azura arrived in her big black fur jacket and matching fluffy hat.

"You scared us, Z!" Vincent yelled from across the doorway.

"Good, that means I still got it," she declared proudly as she sauntered into the kitchen and sat down with them only to catch the mood. "What's with the doom and gloom?" she asked as she took a bite from Ryder's plate. They continued to talk about Ender and Azura was quick to give her opinion about that matter, like all things.

Azura was a fighter through and through. She had remarkable combat skills and she was one of the few who had control over her wolf, which was an undeniable asset to a fight. She was a strong woman who took her duties of head security at Centauri pack with upmost respect and honour.

River remembered the night she was found at their gate. He would know since he was the one who found her and informed Gabriel. However, as much as River insisted that she could be a threat or some type of ploy to ruse Gabriel, he didn't believe him. Gabriel was quick to get her inside and help her. And like all hasty decisions that Gabriel made, this was one of the good ones. Azura had and has been loyal to Gabriel since the day she arrived and it was fair to say that she would die for him. She proved her loyalty for the years she worked with them and River would trust her with his own life too. That's all that mattered to him, he didn't a shit about the details.


That's how he was when King Vitiello joined their pack. Yes, he was Klaus's mate. But that didn't excuse him from being put under investigation. King's past wasn't a secret and he was known in the shifter world for being a lone wolf who only cared for himself and his needs. However, after mating with Klaus he had changed for the better. He now joined Gabriel and helped Zero in many missions with his connections to the Underworld.

Vincent got up while looking down at his watch. "We should head out," he said.

"Isn't King coming today?" Hunter asked them.

"No, he can have the day off" said Gabriel.

Azura and Ryder followed suit after him. Hunter cuddled his son and left him in Sabrina's care since she was mostly home now that she's pregnant. River and Gabriel followed after them when Sabrina came out to close the door.

"Make sure you come home early," she told Gabriel but was looking at both of them.

River raised a brow in confusion.

"Don't tell me you already forgot?" she remarked. "Dinner. Tonight, with my friend. Ring a bell?"

"We'll be on time," Gabriel said as he kissed her cheek.

"We?" River intervened. "I never agreed to host with you two." Sabrina and Gabriel shared a rather bemused smile that River didn't like at all. He crossed his arms and stalked off.

Sabrina chuckled. "Bye, honey," she said to Gabriel. "Bye River! See you tonight!"

Gabriel joined his friend's side. "I'm not coming," River told him.

"Don't be like that," he said. "It'll be fun."

River rolled his eyes because if he got a dollar for every time Gabriel said that, he'd be the king of the damn universe.

He drove them to work and they arrived on time at the company, which was the legacy of the Centauri bloodline. Not many knew but Centauri Enterprise was founded by Gabriel's mother until she let the seat go and passed it over to her mate in order to raise her children. Many knew the company to be in Robert's name and that he maintained its' prestigious title that it was known as now. River knew the truth though. The one who had secured the throne to this incredible wealth was Gabriel and he established the unbreakable bonds with the rest of the city's alphas. Dealing with packs wasn't easy for anyone and it was impossible to unite them since many alphas are stubborn and have an ego as big as the fucking ocean.

River has seen many alphas fall because they were too prideful and majority of those alphas were the ones that plotted against Gabriel. Of course, no one has been able to succeed in their plans to harm Gabriel. River would never let that happen.

"Let's get coffee before we go upstairs," said Gabriel.

River followed him through the large glass doors of the company. Right across the massive white lobby was a café where employees went to enjoy their morning dose of caffeine or their lunch in the afternoon. Thankfully, since it was still early, there wasn't a line to wait in. River and Gabriel stood side by side as the young barista Emily finished preparing coffee for the other two customers.

River couldn't help when his eyes tracked every movement around them. They stood patiently in the line, but with every person that made the smallest move he caught it. He made sure that the security team was covering the main doors and whenever someone left the doors and arrived he noted it all.

"Sabrina and I decided on something," Gabriel began.

River looked ahead. "What's that?" he asked although his eyes were up front.

"We wanted to make you and Ryder our kid's godfathers," said Gabriel.

River's head snapped around and he gaped at him. "What?" He couldn't believe it.

"Don't look so shocked, it was obvious that I was going to pick you," said Gabriel.

River shook his head. "No, it wasn't," he said. "Why would you pick us when you have so many siblings?"

Gabriel frowned at him. "You're my brother and so is Ryder," he affirmed.

"Did Sabrina agree to this too?" asked River.

Gabriel smiled now. "She was the one who suggested it," he said before he got cut off by Emily.

"Good morning, Mr. Centauri and River," she beamed at them.

"Hey, Emily," Gabriel said and River smiled at her. "Can we get two dark roasts please."

"Sure," she clicked away on the flat screen in front of her. "That'll be four dollars and fifty cents."

Gabriel fished out ten bucks from his wallet and gave it to her.

"I don't think you should make a hasty decision about this," cautioned River. "This is your child we're talking about and the future heir to all of this-" Emily handed back the change and Gabriel just put the five bucks into the tip jar- "also I'm not great with handling kids."

Gabriel chuckled. "You were great with my siblings when they were young," he pointed out. "And what's going to happen when you have your own kids-"

"That's not happening-" he interrupted as they moved to the other side of the table to receive their order.

"What about when you mate?" Gabriel baited, it was clear when he did that because his golden eyes would gleam with interest.

"That's not happening either," said River. That woman's face from the street flashed inside his head and he pushed it away quickly.

Gabriel crossed his arms. "Why are you against it?" he asked.

"I have a whole list," he remarked. "I'll email it to you."

Gabriel chuckled. "You're crazy," he muttered.

Emily brought their two cups of coffee and wished them a good day, so did they for her. She was a good kid and always worked hard here serving coffee to everyone. No one ever got mad at Emily because she was just that good as brewing coffee. Even if someone did, River would probably beat the shit out of them. They left the cafe and went towards the elevators.

"I hope it's not because of me," said Gabriel as he clicked the glowing round button. "I've already took too much from you."

The elevator doors pinged open and they entered.

"What are you talking about?" River said.

"I know how much you didn't want this life," said Gabriel. "I honestly regret even asking of it from you."

"You didn't force shit and you know it," said River. "Protecting you and our pack was my choice."

"Then don't make that the reason you don't want to mate," said Gabriel.

River didn't know what to say. Mating was complicated and it made one vulnerable and open- too accessible. He didn't want to reveal himself that way and become weak to the bond that consumes wolves once it's accepted. There would be an overwhelming need to mate once a wolf found his mate and River wasn't sure if he'd restrain himself if he gave in to that animalistic urge. He could hurt her and he couldn't risk it. Besides, he enjoyed being alone a little too much. His own company was all he really needed and if someone invaded his space, it irked him. What would he even do with a mate? She would want things from him and he wasn't one to look at for it- no one ever called him a romantic.

"I'm honoured that you picked Ryder and I," River diverted the topic. "But I was going to protect your kid regardless of any title."

Gabriel smiled warmly at him. "I know and thank you-" the elevator doors pinged open at the top floor- "but don't change the subject."

River rolled his eyes and strode out first. "You know what, why don't you just ignore my love life and focus on your work," he remarked.

"You getting a love life is my work," replied Gabriel. "I'll drop it for now though because we've got shit to do."

"How gracious of you," River's tone dripped with sarcasm.

They dropped the topic for the rest of the day... until it hit five o'clock and Gabriel decided that they should head home.

The dinner was already being prepared, and they knew that, because Sabrina sent multiple texts and photos of the chaos in the house. She had everyone cleaning up the living room and arranging the dining table with candles and fresh flowers. The usual suspects were in the kitchen working hard as their mates were being put to work too. River had no idea who was coming for dinner and honestly, he didn't care. All he knew that it was Sabrina's friend and that's it. Maybe, he should've done a background check on this Zoya Knightley person, so he wasn't apprehensive.

"Sabrina said that she was friends with Zoya Knightley," River spoke to Gabriel who was with his secretary Cassie signing some document. "What happened that they split up?"

Gabriel looked up from the papers. "Zoya moved to Greece," he said.

"Why?" inquired River, it was quite suspicious to him.

"I don't know," said Gabriel. "You can ask her when she comes."

River scoffed. "I doubt I'll even show up at all," he muttered but Gabriel heard him loud and clear.

"Sabrina wants you there," he said. "You won't disappoint her, will you?"

River stiffened in his seat. This sucked, he hated social gatherings of any sorts. What was he supposed to do? he wondered. But he loved his pack and he'd do anything for Sabrina and it didn't help his case now that she was pregnant.

"Why do I get emotionally blackmailed when she's having your baby?" he retorted curtly.

"Because you're the overly-protective and doting uncle," alleged Gabriel.

"He definitely will be," agreed Cassie.

River groaned. Something told him that Gabriel's pup was going to cause him loads of trouble just like his parents. He wasn't ready for any of it.

Cassie closed the files mid-way and took them from Gabriel. "I'll leave the rest for tomorrow," she said. "You should head home if you want to make it on time."

Gabriel stood up grabbing his jacket to put on. "Thank you. Have a great night, Cassie," he said.

"You too, sir," she smiled. "Have fun, River."

River heard the amused mockery in her tone. "I will feed you to the sharks," he said.

"You mean wolves," she corrected.

"No, I quite literally mean sharks," he said making her laugh.

"Stop threatening her and let's going," Gabriel said.

They went down to the elevators back to the lobby floor and headed towards the car. The sky was dark although it was only mid-day, but all street lights flickered on to help drivers navigate through the slippery roads. There was a gentle fall of snow tonight and slowly everything was turning white again. River got in the car with Gabriel and turned the ignition on before setting off into the traffic.

Even though traffic was hell, they arrived at the pack territory just on time. The main gates opened and River parked outside the manor.

Both of them went to the house and it was opened by the small boy with a wary expression. "Everyone was busy," he said.

Gabriel smiled down at Ender. "It's fine," he said. "Thank you for opening the door."

Ender moved aside and let them inside. River locked the door for him and Ender quickly escaped back to Klaus's side in the kitchen. That was when Sabrina came running down the stairs in a pale pink dress and her chocolate brown hair curled perfectly.

"You two made it on time," she clapped her hands together and beamed at them.

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