《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 2: The Outsider
Ender's stomach lurched as he swallowed the wave of nausea down. He hid it well, but because he worked hard to keep himself from making a mistake that he didn't taste a single bite of his dinner.
All of it tasted the same but he forced it down without leaving anything behind. His palms were clammy with moisture but he was shivering in his sweater and socks. He had never worn such expensive clothes before, since he was only used to using rags to keep him warm or covered. However now he had a whole closet full of things to use. He sat in a cotton sweater that was soft and thick, his denim jeans were clean and a bright blue, his socks were white and smelt of lemons and summer fields.
It took him a while to remember that he wasn't in a cage anymore and that he was free along with everyone else. Zero had freed them- she saved them all. However, no one told him that living outside the cage would be harder. He wasn't able to have a conversation without freezing up. He couldn't find a place for himself no matter how hard he tried because he always saw that one flaw in him. He was filthy and impure. This pack that sat around him were a prestigious family who were famous. Even in his cage, he heard of the great Centauri pack and now to be amongst them made Ender sick to his stomach. He didn't belong here and once this pack knew what he'd been through and the things that were done to him, they wouldn't want him here either.
"Ender, Ender," his name was called repeatedly before he heard it.
"Huh?" Ender looked up and he saw Klaus looking at him. "Ye-yes?"
"Would you like some ice-cream?" Klaus asked.
Ender felt his body go numb. "No, I'm okay," he said.
Klaus smiled and sat down beside him with his own bowl that was full to the top with large scoops of frozen cream. Out of everyone here, this guy was the strangest. For some reason, Klaus stuck by his side even though it was clear that Ender didn't like it. He didn't understand what Klaus found so fun about this, maybe he thought it was charity work to help a kid like him.
Suddenly, a cold spoon touched his lips. Ender looked up confused and didn't know how to react. "Here, open up," Klaus said.
He did as he was told and Klaus pushed the spoon in letting the rich peppermint flavour melt down his throat.
"It's tasty, right," said Klaus with a cheeky grin.
Ender sat stiffly on the couch as Klaus continued to feed him because he didn't know how to stop him. Ender was a disease whose blood had been tainted, his body scarred beyond recovery. His birth was a result from abuse and his entire life went by seeing that abuse around him. He wasn't a kid who dreamed of rainbows and new toys or games. He was a damaged spirit who had lived in his nightmares to the point that he didn't know what reality was anymore. If they knew all this, it would make them sick with resentment for him.
Everyone was gathered in the large room, but all the voices were muffled to his ears. He didn't understand them or how they were having a fun time.
Why did Zero leave him here? She knew that he wasn't going to fit in with these people. Frankly, he felt trapped. He didn't deserve this warm house with these good people... Except, when Ender looked behind him there wasn't a way out because going back to his past would mean to walk straight into hell again. And if he did that, he knew he would die this time.
Eventually, the television was turned on and a movie began to play, which Ender never saw before. He liked that they turned the lights off and let him sit alone on the couch at the back. It allowed him to breathe and forget. He didn't look at the faces around the room and focused on the movie, letting himself overcome the sharp pain throbbing behind his eyes. Taking deep breaths in and out, he then finally calmed and thought that maybe he could live another day and see if any of it was worth anything.
Ender shrank back in the corner of the couch as another figure approached and sat beside Klaus, it was the man named King. He was a terrifying in the way he walked and talked. His towering height and grim tattoos were just like the ones the guards had in the cage fights. However, Ender noticed the strangest thing on such a powerful wolf, King had similar markings on his neck like Ender had. Maybe, he was mistaken because someone like King could never be taken to those cages. Only the weak were trapped there and it didn't matter how much one tried, no one could escape on their own.
Ender gathered his legs to his chest and thought that maybe he would warm up a little. He didn't understand why he was always cold and exhausted. He had a warm bed, food, water and even a bathroom all to himself. So, why did he feel like he was being sucked deeper into an endless void? He laid his head on his knee and forgot all about the movie or even the people beside him. Time passed and so did his wandering thoughts...
Suddenly, the lights flicked on and blinded him for a moment. He closed his eyes and blinked to get rid of the burn before he realized that the movie had finished and everyone was heading off to bed.
Ender slipped past them and disappeared up the stairs to the room he stayed in. The door creaked open and he slid inside closing it tightly behind him. Around him was a grand room with a four-poster bed that had fresh navy-blue sheets and the fluffiest mattress; it felt as if he slept on clouds floating away in the night sky. There was a large oak desk for him to use and even long bookshelves, that only had a few books he borrowed from the library. He had been reading and it was one of the few things he enjoyed here. The rug was made from dark brown fur and the hardwood floors was a dark chocolate. The walls were a dark blue and painted to mirror the night sky and the constellations he had been studying recently in class. Although the room was luxurious, but Ender's eyes always went to the right side of his bed where a lamp of the moon had been perched. No matter what happened Ender never turned it off since Klaus put it there.
Ender may have closed the door but he felt as if he was intruding here. This wasn't his, none of it was, so he didn't want to build the habit of being comfortable. Nothing here had his mark on it, he never put any memories. Just in case, if he had to leave and he would leave empty-handed like when he arrived.
A soft knock pulled Ender out of his thoughts. The door opened and Klaus appeared.
"You're not in bed yet?" he said.
"I was just about to," he muttered.
Klaus walked in and came up to the bed seeing the moon lamp brimming with an iridescent glow. For some reason, he always smiled when he saw the moon, Ender never understood why. He was itching to ask but never could gather the nerve. He was probably over-stepping his bounds, but he was curious to know how someone could smile that way at an object.
"You can take it back," Ender blurted out and he regretted it the moment his mouth opened. Klaus looked at him befuddled too. "You- you seem to like it, so you don't need to give it to me."
Klaus grabbed the edge of the duvet and pulled it back, he fluffed the pillows too. "I like it here with you," he said with a tender smile. "Now, come on, get in bed."
Ender scampered over to the bed. He didn't need any help, he was always efficient enough to do it himself since that's how it's always been. But not here, Klaus put him to bed every night and made sure to never skip a day, like it was the normal thing to do. But for Ender it was alien to him to be taken care of so much.
Klaus covered Ender with the blanket all the way up to his chin and then kneeled at his bedside. A quiet moment passed as Ender watched Klaus stroke his soft fingers through his ruffled hair. Ender never liked when someone touched him, but he could never stop Klaus and he didn't want to either. This touch that was kind and gentle was unfamiliar.
"This moon," Klaus began with his soft tone, it almost lulled Ender to sleep. "King got it for me when we went to the museum together, it was a lot fun because we saw a bunch of dinosaurs."
Ender's interest peeked. "Dinosaurs," he said.
Klaus caught his interest too and smiled. "Would you like to see some dinosaurs?" He jested.
Ender hesitated to answer.
"We'll go together next time," he promised. "We have a lot of places to explore."
Ender forgot many times that he was a kid, it didn't feel like that since he was on the brink of disappearing forever. He tore his eyes away from Klaus and turned to face the other side. He couldn't fall for his kind smile and warm voice, otherwise it would be too hard to separate.
Klaus smiled but he wasn't happy, instead his heart was being crushed. "Goodnight, Ender," he whispered.
Ender heard the door close behind him and the lights turn off too. It was only then that he felt the weight off his heart dissolve leaving him empty once again. He didn't know when he started to cry or how long he cried for, until he fell asleep and his nightmares turned his tears into silent screams...
Klaus lingered behind the door and he held his tears back as he heard the little boy's stifled cries. All Klaus wanted to do hold Ender until his pain subsided, but something chained Klaus back because he felt as if he didn't have the right to comfort Ender.
Who was he to help him? Klaus thought. Ender didn't even trust him and Klaus knew that Ender would never want anyone to see him in this state.
Klaus saw what Ender tried to hide from everyone. Why wouldn't Klaus see his pain, when it was the same pain King and Bone endured.
Klaus left the door and went to his bedroom with a throbbing ache weighing down on his heart. He walked into the room and saw the love of his life standing at the foot of their bed. Something broke inside Klaus and he gave up being strong in front of his mate. He never needed to fake a smile or hide his tears to King because his mate always protected him.
"You sure took your time," King's voice was amused, "I was getting lonely-" Klaus came up to him and King turned not in time to see his tears but he heard his mate crying- "Klaus, what happened?" It was clear from his stern tone, that he was alarmed. Klaus's tears soaked his shirt. "You're scaring me, Klaus," King's voice was dangerously grim. He put his arms around Klaus gathering him on his lap before he sat them on the bed. He kissed his head and held him as tightly as he could. "Who do I need to kill for making you cry?" he asked.
Klaus would've laughed at his joke, but instead he held onto King tightly. "It's Ender," his voice trembled. "I can see how much pain he's in, King. What do I do to make him feel safe with us?"
King ran his fingers through Klaus's hair. "That's not up to you," he responded. "Ender needs to heal on his own. We can't do it for him."
"I know," Klaus muttered. "But he won't let me hold him or help him. Am I doing something wrong?"
King's arms held Klaus with unshakable strength. "Being in cage fights is unlike any other trauma, Klaus. Ender won't heal in a few days... but he's still a kid... so there's probably still a chance to help him," King said.
Klaus leaned back and looked at King's sapphire eyes with heart-aching grief. "If helping Ender is the last thing I do then I'm going to do whatever it takes," he said.
King's lips lifted into a smile. "I know you will," he said. "If anyone can help that kid, it's you." King shifted them both and now he was luring his mate onto the bed, laying Klaus back onto the dark silk sheets. "Anyway, I think the last thing you do won't be with someone else," he grinned, "it'll be with me." Seeing Klaus laid back against all the black aroused King to the point of no return.
Klaus peeked a smile, but the slight strain between his brows was clear to King, that he was winding like a torrent with worries in his head. King did what he knew best. He leaned in trailing soft kisses over Klaus's smooth neck. He took a slow pace capturing what he always loved; his mate being in his arms.
The tender fragrance twisted into a fierce pheromone that told King that Klaus was aroused too. He ran his teeth over his jaw before his eyes locked onto Klaus's lips, that were adding fuel to his fire with wanting a taste. King anchored his weight with his arms, letting a moment pass with him just feeling Klaus's beating heart and his rhythmic breath. Fuck, this man was going to be the death of him. King never understood how someone as innocent as Klaus was erotic as fuck in bed. He was so glad no one touched Klaus before him, otherwise he would've committed a massacre- there would've been a lot of torturing first and then plain and simple slaughter.
"You're not going to kiss me?" asked Klaus.
King closed his eyes shut to control himself. "I think I might just die if I do," his voice was guttural.
Klaus softened King's heart when he laughed tenderly. He felt a hand on his back and his muscles stood to alert, they flexed from the tentative touch and all he could think about were Klaus's hands on him. King looked down into those emerald eyes, that were as bewitching as the first time he saw them and that felt like it was just yesterday.
King couldn't hold back any longer.
He locked his lips with Klaus and felt his breath being sucked out of his lungs. The hot sensation of Klaus's warm lips and his shy tongue exploited the darker needs from inside King.
King deepened their kiss and he loved Klaus's desperate moan when he couldn't resist giving in either. King fumbled with the man's belt and swore he was about to shred the clothes off him, but he tried his best not to rip anything. When the belt loosened, the black silk pants melted off and King ran his fingers along his thighs and over to his abdomen lifting his sweater out of the way. King's rough palms caressed his soft skin that was scorching hot and clean with no marks or tattoos unlike himself.
King broke the kiss and trailed over to his cheek brushing the tears away with his lips. "I don't like it when you cry," he whispered as he ran his teeth along Klaus's taut jaw. He whimpered underneath King and that was enough to tell him that Klaus's mind was far from his worries now.
King peeled off his husband's sweater and tossed it somewhere on the floor where all his other discarded clothes laid. King's strong thighs braced themselves between Klaus's legs holding them apart for him. Settling between that intimate space, King laced his fingers into his mate's golden hair lifting Klaus a little to meet his lips for another hot kiss. It was when Klaus was breathless from their kiss that King stripped him of his boxers. Laid bare for King, he felt his own erection strain against his jeans roaring for attention.
"Do you know how erotic you look right now?" King's voice was low but dangerously hard.
"Don't say that," he bemoaned. Klaus hid his face but the torture grew when he unintentionally exposed his neck to his ravenous mate.
Klaus was defenceless on the silken sheets, although he didn't even try to resist against King's rule. Maybe, it was Klaus's naivety that allowed King to do anything he desired. Well, that's not a problem when both of them were lost in ecstasy.
King fisted Klaus's shaft in his hard hand and felt him throb with pleasure. He kissed his chest where his heart was before his hungry eyes locked onto Klaus's neck. A reverberating sound released from King and he bit his lip painfully trying not to break loose on his mate. However, he couldn't resist when that lovely blush that coloured Klaus's cheeks a soft rose appeared and Klaus opened his eyes meeting King's gaze.
King licked up the sweetness of his mate's neck. The fragrance of his arousal got King and his wolf drunk and drove them wild. King stroked his hand up and down letting Klaus feel the climb of the release and he didn't stop until he would.
Klaus's hands gripped the sheets from the rush growing inside him.
King smirked at his mate. "Come for me, honey," he growled in his ear.
"I don't want to alone," moaned Klaus.
King was already at the edge of his own release so that wasn't an issue. And he knew from the way Klaus bit his bottom lip and the way his back arched, that Klaus was about to orgasm. But King controlled that too. He sucked the frail skin of his neck before he bit down marking Klaus as hard as he could and that exploded inside Klaus letting him release fiercely.
King licked the bite letting it seal. "We're not done," he warned.
King locked his lips with Klaus and taking the control over his breath for himself. He unzipped his jeans and let his own shaft free only to caged inside his mate's scorching hot body. Klaus moaned because he was already sensitive from the first release, but King turned that twisted pleasure into an agonizing storm which wasn't meant to be held onto, only freed. He desired more than anything to see Klaus orgasm again and again.
King didn't take it slow the moment he felt his mate tremble around his shaft. Klaus combed his fingers through King's hair and a chill crawled down his body.
"Fuck, Klaus, what do you do to me? I'm going insane," he moaned hotly before he kissed Klaus with urgency.
Biting and licking wherever he could he did. King rode out the release, but it didn't stop there because he hadn't calmed down and neither did his arousal...
It was after the third or fourth orgasm when King regained a bit of consciousness and caught sight of Klaus's battered state. King leaned back on his knees and stopped when both his wolf and Klaus's wolf had receded.
His marks covered every part of Klaus's pale skin and it licked a severely vile part inside King. But it had always been this way, King and his demons enjoyed tainting their Klaus with black letting him inside their darkness even for just a little bit.
King kissed Klaus's cheek. "You okay?" he asked softly.
Klaus's eyes closed on their own. "Hmm," he nodded at most to answer him.
King realized that his hands hadn't stopped their exploration. He always touched any part of his mate and if his lips weren't already on him, then they'd always tell Klaus how much he missed his body with his. However now, he needed to help his mate.
King got off the bed and went to bathroom. He kept the lights off so he wouldn't disturb Klaus's rest. King cleaned himself and zipping up his jeans again, he then wet a small towel and went to his mate. He cleaned off the remnants and picked up Klaus's clothes off the floor before he pulled the duvet over him.
King leaned down and kissed Klaus's head. "I'll be right back," he whispered not knowing if Klaus even heard him or not. But Klaus's little squeeze of his hold on King's hand told him he heard him loud and clear.
King raked his hair and closed the door behind him before he left for Gabriel's office to bring him the report on the mission he was assigned.
King knocked on the lone door where Gabriel moved his office from his bedroom because that was the place he didn't like being disturbed. King understood that like any other bonded wolf. The bedroom was sacred fucking territory.
"Come in," Gabriel's voice resonated from the other side.
King opened the door and saw a neat room with a seating area, that was comfy enough to host all the other Centauri pack enforcers. Gabriel sat at the other end of the dark desk with his fingers drumming on the table and his eyes searching through a few papers.
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