《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 4: Centauri Institute
The bell rang through another day at school.
Ender shut the door to his locker and grabbed his bag off the ground before walking into his first class of the day. Mrs. Anderson wasn't sitting at her desk at the front of the chalk board, which he didn't find odd because she was usually getting her cup of coffee before coming here. Ender knew the drill and he learned pretty quickly that every morning she liked yesterday's assignment to be handed in on time.
Ender already had the blue folder with his assignment inside in his hand. He placed the folder in the empty white bin then sat down at his desk near the window.
As usual, he was the first in class too. None of his classmates were here yet and it was because they were all busy talking to their friends near their lockers.
Ender has been coming to this school for a while now but he hadn't gotten close to anyone. Too many of them kept asking questions about him, he didn't blame them because that was the only way to get to know him. Except, no one should know about his past, so he stayed away from others rather than opening up about things that would give them nightmares. He doubted they would even want to know about the gruesome details of his past.
The other kids that came with him from Zero's sanctuary were here too, but they were in other classes and grades. Darren and Tyler who worked at the sanctuary worked at this school now too. Darren took the position as the Head Councillor and Tyler was the gym teacher. They seemed to be doing well and they adapted pretty quickly to the new school. Not that they had any choice when their last home was burned down to ashes and they lost everyone and everything.
A dark pit sank in his gut.
A bunch of vile men attacked Maya's Sanctuary and kidnapped him with a bunch of other slaves. However, that wasn't the worst part. Those men destroyed that sanctuary and everyone died, including Diego and Hagen, the ones that he considered friends. They all perished and it hadn't sunk in that he lost them. He really didn't like thinking about that day. That memory was far too fresh, it still bled when he thought about Diego and Hagen and the others.
Ender turned his head away from those memories otherwise a whole day could go by. Whenever he was at school, he concentrated on the class. He worked and studied in his spare time and if he wasn't at home reading then he was at the library studying. He never told anyone but he liked doing homework and writing up assignments because he wasn't able to do them before. In the cages, he rarely read books and he never got the chance to hold a pencil longer than a few seconds. He took every opportunity now to learn everything he could here, soaking it all into him and not wasting a moment. Centauri Institute was the one place Ender felt... safe.
The second bell rang and now students started to move to get to their class. Ender was acutely aware of the door and the hallway with bustling students. He distracted himself and took out his books and pencil from his bag.
A few girls strolled inside the class laughing at a joke or whatever people laughed at nowadays. They sat down in their seats, and as they took out their books they continued to gossip away. More kids entered and the noise grew in the class, the momentary peace had left and Ender was overwhelmed by them all. He shifted his eyes away from the class and outside to the snow-covered fields.
He remembered snow very differently when he was in a cage. Now, the rooms were warm wherever he went and he never worried that his toes would fall off. In the cage, the weather was the second enemy because it would either kill them in the cold or heat.
Right now, the whole field and forest was packed with large hills of snow and no one seemed concerned. Everyone that lived around the pack in their cabins had shovelled paths to move around freely. There were a bunch of snow structures built on the fields too, which Ender saw kids hiding behind to throw snow at each other. He'd never done that before and honestly it looked a little fun. Maybe, he could go build something himself.
Suddenly, the ruckus grew when a bunch of boys bombarded into the classroom.
Ender's entire body stiffened in his seat. This was the one thing he didn't like about school. These boys thought they owned the halls of this place. They got into everyone's business and made it their duty to know everything about everyone. Ender read about it in a book, it was their way of making friends. Not that it mattered, he stayed away from them and they did the same.
However, the one boy that everyone was friends with strode into the classroom last. His red bag hung over one shoulder and he wore a black hoodie with jeans. He had a cocky grin and wicked grey eyes which was always observant of everyone around him. He had dark hair and it was ruffled around his eyes like he'd just gotten out of bed.
Jaxx Grayson went around the room and took his seat, which so happened to be right next to Ender and it was frustrating. Whenever Ender wanted to concentrate or do work, Jaxx was busy chatting to his friends. Ender really didn't know how to understand them, he felt like he was on the other side of the line unable to cross it and reach them. Diego would have no problem making them his friends, frankly the whole class would've loved Diego.
Mrs. Anderson arrived and Ender was glad because his mood had gotten scary.
"Good morning, kids," she greeted. She was a simple woman with brown hair and dark eyes that hid behind silver spectacles.
"Good morning, Mrs. Anderson!" They shouted back.
She went straight to the homework bin. Many of the students winced and tried to hide behind their school bags because it was clear they hadn't done the work.
"As expected, Ender's always the first," Mrs. Anderson praised lifting his assignment in her hand.
"That's because he's smart," announced Jaxx with a smug grin and locking eyes with Ender.
Ender wanted to hide.
"Is that your way of telling me that you don't have your assignment, Jaxx," remarked Mrs. Anderson.
"Nope, this time I do have it," he told her and his friends laughed in shock. Usually, Jaxx and his friends ditched their school work and played outside.
He got up with the rest of the students who handed in their work too. Jaxx sat down beside Ender and it was obvious when he was staring at his way. Ender could feel those torrent grey eyes all the time. He knew Jaxx didn't like him, so he didn't have to fake being nice.
Ender kept his eyes averted and focused on the papers open on his desk.
Mrs. Anderson took attendance and then class began. They were doing a novel study and she read them a few chapters as they took notes and studied the plot. Ender found it pretty easy to follow along and make notes. He had already finished the book a few days ago and was just reading along with the class. He didn't know why but there was something comforting about a quiet room and Mrs. Anderson's calm voice narrating Speaker for the Dead to them.
Ender followed along in his head as she read to them. They reached the twelfth chapter when Mrs. Anderson shut the book and laid it down. He wanted her to continue, it was getting to the good part. But he looked up at the clock and knew that class would end and the bell was about to go off for second period.
"Okay, that's all for today," she said. "I want you to read chapter 13 and 14 for tomorrow. There will be a pop quiz on them."
The kids groaned, but Ender already read it all and would gladly take any quiz on.
"So, read the chapters," said Mrs. Anderson while hearing them complain.
Ender had already packed his bag and headed to the front of the door to leave. Kids gathered behind him and discussed their next class together. Ender looked at the clock watching the second's hand tick away and finally the bell rang.
Ender was already out of class and heading towards the staircase.
"Ender!" a voice shouted behind him.
But he must have been mistaken, no one ever called for him. He didn't bother looking back and kept on walking while the halls were fairly empty. He didn't like walking through the crowds. He reached the science lab and he sat down at the far desk near the window again. He climbed onto the tall stool and faced the large white board and the many displays and microscopes.
Ender took out his science textbook onto the table. He remembered that today they would take notes on the functions of wolf anatomy and their health. Other students ambled in and took their seats. They knew the same and took out their textbooks too.
Ender relaxed in his seat because he didn't share it with anyone. However, when a figure loomed beside him, he looked up with confusion written all over his face. Jaxx Grayson stood there with an irked expression.
"I called you," he said. "Why'd you run off like that?"
Ender looked around himself and really wondered if Jaxx was actually talking to him or not. And since he was sitting on his own, it was quite clear that Jaxx was glaring at Ender alone.
"When did you call me?" Ender asked.
"In the hallway," Jaxx aspirated. "You walk fast for a shorty."
Ender frowned. "What do you want?"
"I need to talk to you," he said.
"You're talking to me right now," he retorted.
Jaxx lifted a brow and his jaw grew rigid. "After school meet me by my locker," he said and then walked off to his seat before Ender could tell him that he didn't know where his locker was.
Mr. Taylor walked into the classroom by then with his arm full with textbooks and his large smoothie mug in his other hand. He was a tall man with bronzed skin and black hair with the purest green eyes.
"Turn to page one hundred and sixty-four," he announced as he put his stuff down. He was fast on his feet as he closed all the blinds and turned the lights off.
He flipped the switch and on the large white screen a slideshow started to play. Mr. Taylor was always concise with his notes, nothing was overly packed with information and it was easy for Ender to follow along. He took his notes quickly and many student asked questions while Mr. Taylor explained each part of a wolf's transition.
Ender wondered if he should ask about dormant wolves and how to unlock them. He couldn't gather the courage and stayed quiet in his seat. He never told anyone, but Ender never talked to his wolf or felt him. Sometimes Ender really wondered if he had one or not. Another thing that was abnormal about him was added to the long list.
Class continued like normal and it ended with Mr. Taylor assigning their homework. Ender put the loose papers into his textbook before he closed it and carried it in his arm before he left class. He decided he would go to the library to finish his work before he went home.
Ender climbed back down the stairs and went to third period which was art class. Mrs. Janica was a short woman with white hair cut to her jaw. She wore it in that style well and her blue eyes were surrounded by a crease of wrinkles. She was older than the other teachers, but she moved faster than all of them. Mrs. Janica was a busy bee who taught her art classes with every ounce of excitement she had.
She was already in her class behind her small desk that was covered with projects and posters and other art supplies. All the walls in the class were covered with student art and her own. There were three racks onto side that held all the paintings so they could dry properly.
"Hi, Mrs. Janica," Ender greeted her.
His teacher beamed up at him. "Hello, Ender," she said. "How are you?"
"Better now that I'm here, ma'am," he replied and she smiled.
Ender put his bag down next to his seat and went to grab his project. His class wasn't painting, they were making cookie jars out of clay. Ender lifted his round jar off the table that was wrapped in clear plastic so it wouldn't dry up before he was finished. He went to his seat and got busy with his work.
By that time, other kids entered and greeted Mrs. Janica too. They all sat down at the large tables to get busy with the clay in their hands.
Ender didn't know where time went in this class. He had just finished making the lid to his jar when Mrs. Janica told them to clean up their stations. Ender grabbed fresh clear plastic and wrapped his jar and lid again. He put the extra clay he had inside his jar for tomorrow before he went to wash his hands.
It was twelve thirty now and that meant it was lunch time. No one walked down the halls in a rush since they all headed down to the cafeteria. Ender went to his locker to grab his jacket because everyone was sitting in the cafeteria today. Usually, when it was warm all the students would be outside and Ender could have a small spot to himself. Not today, it was cold and they all stayed inside which meant Ender had to go to his other spot. He put his bag in his locker too grabbing his lunch box and his book.
He left through the back door near the music room where no one went. He opened the door and put a small rock to keep the door from locking him out. He took a seat on the clean step and opened his book to chapter thirteen as he grabbed the sandwich from his bag. He read and ate with the slight wind keeping him company.
He quickly finished off the sandwich and juice-box and didn't realize how hungry he actually was until now. He dusted off his hand on his pants and put his stuff back in his bag.
Suddenly, the door opened behind and Ender jolted to his feet.
Darren stood in front of him just as surprised. "Sorry, I saw the door open so I wanted to check what it was. Did I disturb you?"
"Er- no," said Ender. "I was just reading."
Darren came out of the doorway. He had light brown hair and blue eyes that matched his sweater and jeans. Before it was burned down, he was in charge of the Zero's sanctuary with a bunch of other volunteers. Ender wasn't really close to him, they only exchanged a few words back then. But ever since they moved here, they were the only ones who remember their home so they had no one else to talk to.
One of the strange things about Darren was that the was also part of the cage fights. He never hid his past about it, like Ender did. Darren even wore his slave marks proudly; his neck was revealed and the heinous scar around his throat greeted people before his eyes or smile would. Ender never understood that about him when Ender covered his own marks.
"How were your classes today?" Darren asked.
"Fine," he answered.
"Getting along with your classmates?"
Ender didn't talk to anyone to get along with them. "I guess," he told him.
Darren watched him for a while before he said anything else. "Don't stay out here too long. You don't want to catch a cold."
Ender nodded. "Okay," he muttered. "Darren-" his voice spoke before he could stop it. He looked at him waiting for him to continue. "Your marks," he said. "Why do you show them?"
Darren's smiled rather than getting upset. "Why wouldn't I?" he said. "What's wrong with them?"
Ender's felt his heart squeeze. "People will see them and know about that place," he admitted.
Darren nodded. "It doesn't matter what people see and think," he said. "I know what my marks really mean."
Ender felt the neck of his sweater tightening around his own throat.
"It's not our fault what happened to us, Ender," said Darren. "You know that, right?"
Did he? thought Ender. He watched people being killed around him every day and didn't do anything about it.
"Our marks are a symbol of our past in cages, but they are also a sign that we escaped that place," said Darren. "It connects all of us who were chained."
Ender looked up at Darren. "I don't want to be ashamed but-" he admitted and meant it too, but he just didn't know how to overcome it all. The surge of memories and the scornful gazes he got.
Darren smiled at him. "Let people think what they want," he said.
"I think they will do that regardless of my efforts," Ender remarked.
"So, why ruin our day because of that?" said Darren. "We worked hard to be free, don't let them chain you down again."
Ender revealed a smile. "I- I will try," he professed cheerily.
"Good," said Darren.
Darren left and soon after lunch ended.
Ender went to his next class with a little smile on his lips. He was sure he surprised his teacher when he walked in because she was staring at him. Ender walked in to his seat and Darren's words replayed in his head the whole hour and a half...
The bell went off and Ender was out of the last class of the day.
School ended and the students were heading back to their cabins. Some teachers stayed to finish up marking work or preparing for tomorrow. Ender didn't go to his locker and went over to the library to finish his homework and return his old books to get new ones.
Ender turned the corner to cross the last corridor, when suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him and he almost slammed into it. He tripped on his own two feet in order to stop himself from touching them.
"What the hell," he grumbled and looked up only to see those grey eyes again. Jaxx stood there with a bemused expression.
"You shouldn't walk with your head down."
Seriously, trouble followed this guy, thought Ender.
"You didn't come to my locker," Jaxx alleged.
Ender totally forgot about that and; "I don't know where it is," he said.
Jaxx tilted his head and stared at Ender like he had three heads. "It's been at the same spot since you got here," he said and that confused Ender more. "My locker's right across from yours."
Ender didn't know that because Jaxx always came to school a lot later than him and left before Ender too. There was no need to pay attention to his surroundings either.
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