《The Chapstick Girl》Cool


Amber's pov:

"D-Damien I need to go!" I giggle, trying to push him away, but he only whines and pulls my body closer to his.

"No-... why does your dad want you back so early! It's only been a couple hours." He cutely argues, rubbing his nose against my cheek.

"You know I don't want to leave, but my dad doesn't like me staying out late on school nights, it's always been one of his rules." I face towards him, cupping his cheeks in my hands, causing a rosy blush to form on his flustered face.

"B-but we are boyfriend a-and girlfriend now, we need to spend more time together." He pouts, giving me puppy eyes, and I would be lying if I said I almost didn't cave in.

Hint... almost.

Darn you Damien with your cute little puppy eyes.

If it wasn't for the sake of getting grounded, I definitely would have stayed.

"We will see each other tomorrow morning though, bright and early." I move his soft bangs from his forehead before giving the area a small peck.

"Pinky promise?" He holds up his pinky in front of me, waiting for me to interlock it in his.

"I pinky promise." I say back, interlocking mine with his.

I stand up from the swing while stretching my arms out, letting out a yawn.

We've been sitting on the swing for the past hour talking about random little things after we...

You know...

Kinda-... Uhm...

Made out.

I look away from Damien as I feel a blush start to creep it's away onto my cheeks at the sheer of us kissing.

Yes I know it already happened, but my brain has not processed that information yet, I am about ninety-nine percent sure it will hit me at 3am.

Which makes it a later problem.

"I'll walk you out." Damien follows behind me as we walk back through his house to get to the front door.

I give a small wave to Damien's mom who was on the phone in the living room, and she waves back before mouthing a "goodbye."

"Thank you for having me over by the way." I turn towards Damien once I have my shoes on. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching me as I got ready to leave.

"If anyone should be thankful it should be me. Thank you for coming over and making me feel better after all that happened." He rubs the back of his neck shyly while looking at me.

"It was really no problem at all, I had a lot of fun. I just can't believe we are now-..." I shyly look away.

It still feels like I am caught up in a dream!!




The guy who I have been crushing on for years confessed to ME.

To ME!!!!!!


Not once...


"I-I just still can't believe you feel the same way. When I confessed I-I thought you would have frienzoned me. I kinda just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best." He giggles to himself, swaying back and forth on the heel of his foot.


I look up at him with my eyebrows furrowed, "Are you kidding? I think it's the other way around, it was so obvious that I liked you, a part of me felt like you already knew."

He shakes head, "For me it wasn't obvious at all. When I like someone I get," he blushes a deep shade of red before clearing his throat, "clingy-... I guess you can say... I was making it so obvious that I wanted to be around you 24/7, that's why I kept asking you to hang out or talk. I felt restless when I wasn't around you, and I hated that feeling."

I take in his words, thinking about all the times where he asked to hangout, or just simply talk. The times where he pulled me closer to him or just straight up held my hand, pulled me in a hug, or laid his head on my shoulder.

Wow, I guess it was quite obvious.

"Well now that you've mentioned it, I guess you aren't wrong. For being someone who can easily pick up on emotions, I am pretty embarrassed to say that I didn't pick up on any of those signs before." I chuckle, unintentionally twirling my hair around my finger from all the butterflies in my stomach.

He gives me a cheeky grin before grabbing my hand, "It's okay, I'm honestly quite glad that you weren't able to figure it out, then you would have realized how much of a mess I was when I was around you."

"Trust me, if anyone was a mess it was me. I don't think you know how many times you've turned me into a stuttering mess. Although you didn't pick up on it, Liam for sure got a kick out of it."

Damien laughs, "Gosh I wonder what our friends thought this whole time-..." but at that exact moment, we freeze as we both stare at each other wide eyed.

Oh shoot...

Our friends.

I think we both were thinking the same exact thing.

They. Are. Going. To. Flip.

Is that a bad thing?

Not necessarily.

Will I be harmed in the process of telling them though?

Most likely.

From Liam?


Let's just say he gets a little... aggressive when his fan boy self is let loose.

And I am afraid...

Very afraid.

"So who's gonna tell them?"

There was a moment of silence as we both stare at each other before quickly bringing our pointer finger to our noses...

"Not it!"

"Not it!"


Letting out a groan, I hear the sound of my alarm ringing from my dresser, signaling that it was time to get ready for school.

I barely got any sleep last night because like I predicted, I was up thinking about all that went down yesterday.

Damien and I are dating.

The guy who I've been crushing on for YEARS asked me out.

I am his girlfriend.

He is my boyfriend.

We kissed.

We actually kissed twice.

I kissed him the second time.

We definitely made out the second time.

I am pretty sure we made for a couple minutes.

I am going to go to school and see him again today.


When I see him I won't have to hide my feelings anymore for him.

You know why? Because WE. ARE. DATING.



So for the first time in my life, I actually found myself jumping out of bed in excitement to get ready for school.

I never thought the day would come where I wasn't the definition of a troll after waking up and hearing my school alarm.

Dang, I'm pretty much a whole new woman now.


After getting ready, I skip down the stairs to see my dad making his usual cup of morning coffee.

"Morning dad!" I say brightly, grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet and putting it in my back pack.

I don't like eating when I first wake up.

"Hi sweetie..." he draws out as he looks back at me with a questionable look.

But choosing to ignore the look that he was giving me, I happily pack my school bag while humming to a soft melody that came to mind when I was brushing my teeth.

But while doing so, a hand on my wrist stops me, "is everything... okay?" He asks gently, looking at me in the eyes with a worried expression.

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. I'm just getting ready for school like always." I shrug my shoulders while attempting to continue to pack, but he shakes his head at me.

"Are you sure? You are unusually... happy for it being so early in the morning. And to add to that, you are actually ready a whole fifteen minutes before the bus arrives. Most days you barely make it." He accusingly raises one of his eyebrows at me.

"I do not recall." I say while trying to hide back my laugh, knowing that what he said was completely true.

I don't think there has been a day this year where I haven't ran out the door without worrying about missing the bus.

Let's just say I like the challenge.

"Is that so? But why are you in such a rush aways, got a hot date I should know about?" He teases, turning his back to me to finish his coffee.

If only you knew dad.

If only you knew...


But I'm going to leave it to Damien to drop that bombshell.

I like Damien and all but I'm too young to die.

Although I have a feeling that my dad wants us to be together from our last conversation, I can't forget how over protective he can be when it comes to boys.

Even if that boy is Damien.

"Hah... pssssh, me? On a date? Never!" I try to play it off cool, but something tells me that it was anything BUT cool.

Although my dad can be very clueless sometimes, it doesn't make him dumb.

Meaning that he definitely caught onto the nervousness in my voice.

Stirring the creamer in his coffee, he opens his mouth to say something but I quickly beat him to it, "Well why don't you look at the time, the bus is coming in-... 12 minutes! Better make it to the bus stop before I miss it." I let out an awkward chuckle, before swinging my backpack over my shoulder and scurrying towards the door.

"What, wait-... Amber!" Is the last thing I hear before closing the front door after me.

Clearly "playing it off cool" is not for me.


Standing at my locker, I look around for any sight of Damien, but to my defeat, he was no where to be seen.

It was almost time for everyone to be in their homerooms for attendance, but yet I didn't even come across a single one of my friends either.

Where is everyone?

Closing my locker shut, I let out a sigh before making my wait to my first class.

When I get there , I take out the materials the I would need for my first class, but as I do this, a notification comes up on my phone screen, and the contact name instantly brings a smile to my face.






I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to see you this morning :(


Awwww it's ok. You don't have to feel sorry :D


But I do.


But you shouldn't.


But I do!!!!! Luke saw me in the hallway this morning while I was waiting for you, he wanted to talk.


That's good news! Isn't it? Did you fix everything?


I-I think we are ok now, do you wanna meet during study hall and I'll tell you everything that happened?


Of course we can! <3


Ok good!! Then we can talk about how YOU will break the news to our friends that we are dating :D


Uhm... what?




What do you mean by that??


By what? <3


Nuh-Uh mister... Don't try to fool me with that heart.


Which one, the one I typed or the one that's beating rapidly in my chest because of you ;)




What? It's a serious question.


But why do I have to be the one to tell them :0


Because I'm scared :D


Hah... scaredy cat


If you are so braveeeeeeee then you should do it.


I can't


Why not.






Becauseeeeee I don't want too :)


That's a horrible excuse. How about we play rock, paper, scissors to decide who has to do it.




And THEN after all of that is situated... we can cuddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


What-.... who says anything about cuddling


I did! Because...

1) I want my daily hug

2) I NEED my daily hug

3) We are dating now so you HAVE to give me my daily hug.

And hug=cuddles ;)


I'm pretty sure you are just taking advantage of my daily hugs


You act as if you don't like it as much as I do O.O


I do, but you're just weird hehe


Oh really? Then say it to me when your lips are against mine ;)


What? Are you too flustered to respond...










I can leave you on read too you know!!


That was too difficult.

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