《The Chapstick Girl》Baby


Amber's pov:

I walk down the hallway and towards the library where Damien wanted to meet up for study hall.

The library is probably one of the only places in the school that a lot of students don't tend to go to.

I've always liked that because it's the only part of my day where I can get some privacy, not even the school bathrooms can provide that.

Each step I take towards the library, I couldn't help but feel more and more butterflies swarming in my stomach.

I can't wait to see him.

Even though I literally spent almost all evening with him yesterday and talked to him over text this morning, it's crazy how I just can't get enough of him.

But the heart wants what it want I guess.

Walking into the library, I look around for any sight of Damien, but to my dismay I couldn't find him.

He probably isn't here yet.

Not wanting to stand around the entrance like a lost new kid, I make my way towards the back of the library to look around for a bit.

I quickly shoot Damien a text letting him know I was in the back before making my way towards the romance section.

Can you blame me?

Scanning the books, my eyes come to a halt as I spot a book from one of my favorite authors. Her name was HoneyJewelz and to this day she remains an iconic queen.

As I was about to flip through the book, a hand on my shoulder scares me, causing the book to drop from my hands.

"HOLY-..." a hand covers my mouth before I was able to say a very inappropriate language word.

Turning around, I am met with the mischievous eyes of Damien who doesn't even give me the time of day to speak before pulling me into his tight embrace.

Still stunned from the scare, I don't react as his head quickly finds it's way into my neck.

"Did I scare you?" He giggles after holding me against his chest for a couple seconds, swaying us back and forth.

"Yes." I pout, relaxing in his warm embrace.

"Sorry baby, I won't do it again." It takes a second to process his words, but once I do, by body stiffens and my cheeks turn a bright red.

"B-baby?" I blush, clearing my throat in attempt to hide my sudden nervousness around him.

He pulls away and attempts to look at my face, but feeling a little bit shy, I quickly look away.

"Yes, that's my new nickname for you because you are my baby." He chuckles, and grabbing my chin, he slowly turns my head to look at his twinkling eyes.

"I-If anyone is the b-baby it's you." I turn into a stuttering mess from the adoring look that he was giving me. He bites his lip in attempt to hold back a laugh from my words, but the action only gave me butterflies and very... explicit thoughts.

"If that's what you think." He winks before taking my hand in his and leading me towards the small sofa in the corner of the library.

Once we are seated and I am able to get my racing heart under control, I turn towards him, "So everything is alright now? With Luke?" I ask.

He nods his head before giving me a small, comforting smile, "I believe so, he apologized for how he acted and for not apologizing sooner. He explained that he wasn't really that angry with me to begin with, he was just so angry at Annabelle that he couldn't think before speaking. Although he did tell me that he understood that it was my decision on who I wanted to tell, I could still sense the small amount of hurt in his voice. I know you told me that I shouldn't feel like this is my fault, but I still can't help but feel a little guilty for not telling him. He's one of my best friends, and in a way, I made him feel like someone who I don't feel comfortable speaking about personal things too."


I give his hand a small squeeze, "I understand why you might be feeling guilty but please don't stress yourself out about it. What matters is that you and Luke are okay now and no one ended up getting hurt."

"She's not wrong." A sudden voice says causing Damien and I to jump apart from each other.

"L-Liam." I nervously laugh, looking up at an amused Liam who was watching us with his arms folded against his chest.

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" He humorously chuckles while Damien and I look at him like deers caught in headlights.

"Psssssh what? As if..." I look towards Damien for help but he only clears his throat and looks away from me.

Did he just-...

He DID NOT just deny my plead for help!!

I don't think Damien understands the power I hold when having a BOXING coach as a dad.

To be more specific, HIS boxing coach.

I guess I should start threatening him more, he needs to see true power.

But for a warning, I will start will something small.


I guess it's decided then.

For that I am stealing his power rangers collection.

"Oh really?" He smirks, putting the back of his hand against my burning cheek before I could push him away.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Liam pulls his hand away.

"Sorry, your face seemed red so I just wanted to make sure you weren't coming down with a fever." He teasingly raises an eyebrow at me as my jaw drops at his words.






"Liam!" I harshly whisper as both boys laugh at me.

"Why are you laughing!" I accusingly point a finger at Damien who only holds his hands up in defense.

"I wasn't laughing."

"Yes he was Amber, don't fall for his lies!" Liam was quick to flip sides as it was now Damien's turn for his jaw to drop.

"Whose side are you on?!" Damien scowls as Liam points to himself.

"B*tch, I am my OWN side."

"Oh are you now?"

"Yes, I have to since I'm always right."

"Doubt that."

"Of course you would, a child would never understand."

"Haha he called you a child!" I snicker as Damien turns to glare at me.

"If I am a child, then YOU are a baby."

"Nuh-Uh!! Liam, tell him I am not a baby." I whine, turning towards Liam who only shakes his head at me.

"Amber, sweetie you ARE the whole entire definition of a baby." Liam says giving my head a small pat.

Grumpily, I push his hands away, "What is it about me that makes me a baby-..."

"-...Young, innocent, clueless, small, sensitive, naive-... shall I continue?"

"No! I get it." I nudge a snickering Liam away as Damien turns his head away to laugh at Liam's words.

"You guys are mean." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"There is nothing wrong with being a baby." Damien says, scooting towards me just to poke me on my forehead.


"See, a total baby." Liam shakes his head as I turn towards him with a pout.

"Okay if I am a baby that makes you-..." I try to think of something, but I am stomped.



Is anything but innocent.

And I stand by that.

If you don't believe me, then read the Ambien journal.

"See, you got nothing-..." the sound of a ding from a phone goes off, interrupting Liam's words. Taking a second, we all look down towards our phones.

I look back up after I am met with a blank screen.

"Was that yours-..." I find myself shocked as I watch as Liam's face turns the slightest shade of pink from whatever what was on his phone screen.

Most likely it being a text message and by our latest conversation in the car and the look on his face, I knew exactly who it was.

"Who texted you?" I tease, knowing with a full heart that it was a text from Zander that came up on his screen.

"N-No one." He blushes, attempting to shove his phone in his pocket, but because of his shaking hands, he drops the phone on the floor with the conversation face up for us to see.

And if I was a baby for my innocence before...

Safe to say I am not anymore.


*Shirtless picture*

"MY EYES!!!" Both Damien and I let out a scream as we both turn towards each other, but because we were so close, we end up painfully knocking heads.

"MY HEAD!!" Damien whines, falling on to my lap while I on the other hand stare at Liam in HORROR.

"S-so I assume things are going well?" I sputter like an idiot as Liam looks down at the ground with burning cheeks.

"Y-YES. I m-mean N-NO! W-WAIT-... I- I-..." He stutters, shoving his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"Amber I've seen too much!" Damien cries, causing me to look down at him on my lap.

To summarize-... I think we are both scarred for life.

Thanks Liam.

Or better yet, Zander.

"Wait a second!" Damien shoots up off my lap, almost causing us to bump heads again as he turns toward Liam with his wide-doe eyes.

"W-was that...?" His mouths opens in shock as Liam doesn't respond to his words, knowing darn well that it was evidently Zander in the picture.

It wasn't hard to miss, even if my glance at the screen was for barely a second.

"When did you guys...? Are you two dating?!" Damien suddenly claps his hands excitedly, his mood completely flipping.

Yep, I definitely am the baby because I'm still horrified.

"No! I-It's... complicated." Liam scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What he means to say is that he's shy-..." I giggly whisper in Damien's ear, causing him to turn towards me with a cheesy grin.

"And they say we are the stuttering messes." He giggles back, nudging me a little bit.

"I can hear you guys you know." Liam playfully rolls his eyes while shaking his head at us.

"Don't mind us, why don't you respond to your little text message?" Damien smirks at Liam, causing a blush to rise on his cheeks.

"You are pure evil." I whisper to Damien as he winks back at me.

My heart did in fact do a backflip.

"Why? So you can continue your flirting? No can do." Liam says, in attempt to turn us into stuttering messes like usual.

But little did he know...

"And what if we do?" Damien challenges, causing NOT ONLY Liam's jaw to drop, but also mine.


That's one way to tell him.

But anyways...

In three...



"WHAT!!!!!!!" Liam screams AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS.

In a PUBLIC library I may add...

In school.

Ignoring the warning given by the librarian, Liam looks me dead in the eyes, "You better not be playing with me."

Just as I was about to tell him that Damien confessed last night, I feel a hand grab my chin and next thing I know, Damien is locking his lips with mine.

I was left stunned as Damien smirks against my lips before pulling away, turning towards Liam with a wild grin.

"Sorry, what did you say again?"


School Nurse's pov:

"And you are saying that he just fainted? Out of nowhere?" I ask suspiciously as the two students nod their heads, a little bit quickly I may add.

"Yeah, he must have been... uhm... stressed out or something." The girl says, rubbing the back of her neck while looking at the boy who was trying to not stifle a laugh.

"The Librarian recalled though that she heard loud shouting before Liam collapsed on the ground, may I know what that was all about?" I look between the two students as their gazes shift to the ground.

I am about to ask my question again, but the boy looks up at me, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, "I don't remember, maybe you should check his phone to figure it out."


Anonymous pov:

"Come on, it won't take that long." The girl says, trying to convince her friends to come into the library with her.

"You are in here everyday, what could you possible need?" One of her friends says back, rolling her eyes, but reluctantly enters as well.

"Just this one book, I just need help finding it." Her two friends share a look before agreeing as they follow their friend towards the back of the library.

"So what are we looking for again-..." the third friend asks before stopping at the sight of a book laying on the floor.

Curiously, she picks it up and reads the front cover, "Hey this book looks pretty cool, have you heard of this author before?" She asks, pointing towards the name.

They both nod their heads, "HoneyJewelz? Yeah I've read a book or two of hers before, but I heard she's pretty weird."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah," the second friend responds, "but I guess she's alright."

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