《The Chapstick Girl》Butterflies


Amber's pov:

Snuggling into something warm next to me, I begin to stir awake at the sounds of pans moving around from downstairs.

Huh, well that's strange...

My dad doesn't like to cook.


Wait a second-...

Peeking one eye open, I take a look at Damien who was cutely snoring away next to me.

No wonder I slept so comfortably.

There was a small pout on his face and I was quick to notice his rosy pink cheeks.

I pick up on a few other little things also, like how every once in a while his nose would twitch, or his small mumbles that I couldn't quite understand.

After being awake for a little bit longer, I begin to take in my surrounds, and I find myself noticing a weight on my legs.

I lift my head up slightly to find that he has thrown his leg over mine, while his free hand that wasn't under my head gently fisted the bottom of my t-shirt.

What I am trying to hint at is that Damien was a cute sleeper...

And I am quite jealous because that is something that I could never be.

I brush away his soft, fluffy hair from his forehead, which causes a small whine to leave his lips.

A cutie he is.

I look over at the clock to see that it was almost seven, meaning an hour and a half has passed by.

Truth be told, I really didn't want to wake Damien up because I hated seeing him so sleepy.

Plus he looks like a complete baby when he sleeps, and I don't want to ruin it.

But then again, I didn't want him to feel upset for sleeping too long since he tried to fight his tiredness away earlier.

This boy will be the death of me, that's all I can say.

"Damien." I softly shake him in attempt to wake him up, but at my gesture he groans while trying to push my hands away.

"Nooo." He whines before grabbing the comforter with both of his hands and pulling it over his head, he turns away from me.

I laugh as I attempt to pull it off of him, but it was no use because he was much stronger.

Which is not much of a surprise considering the fact that he's a boxer.

"I thought you said that you didn't want to sleep for that long?" I giggle as he pulls the covers down a tiny bit to glare at me.

Something tells me that Damien might not be a morning person.

"But I was comfy!! Lay back down and cuddle me..." he grabs my arm and pulls me back under the comforter while re-wrapping his leg around mine.

"Damien!" I squeak, trying to hide my blush by digging my face into the side of his shoulder.

"Two more hours." He says before shutting his eyes, while I gawk at him from the side.

"But I'm hungry." I pout, now realizing that I actually haven't ate since lunch.

"That seems like a you problem." If his eyes weren't closed, I'm sure he would have been intimidated by my glare.

I'm sure.

"Rude." I say, to which he smirks.

"Didn't you eat before you came here?" He asks, his voice low signaling he was about to drift off to sleep.


"WHAT!" He shouts, causing a scream to leave my lips as I, on instinct, roll away.

But to my luck, I find myself rolling straight off the side of the bed and onto the floor.



Rubbing my head, I hear quick movements as Damien jumps off the bed and rushes to my side to help me off the floor, while softly mumbling a string of apologies.

"You scared me." I couldn't help but laugh once I was standing on my feet.

He shakes his head at me, "And you are scaring me, when was the last time you ate?" He asks, poking my stomach.

I put my hand on his shoulder while giving him a soft smile, "It was lunch, but stop with the worrying because it isn't the end of the world. I'm not like you who has the need to eat every 2 hours."

He squints his eyes at me, "I have the right to be worried! The only meal you ate today was lunch because you don't like breakfast, and all you ate was a sandwich and a cookie, you can't survive off that."

Although a part of me felt like he was overly worried, I would be lying if I said that it didn't cause butterflies in my stomach.

"I think I heard someone playing around with pans earlier, that's what woke me up." I say, attempting to take a seat back on the bed, but it was no use because as soon as I sit he pulls me back up to my feet.

"Perfect! Let's go." He takes my hand and drags me down stairs, to where his mom was standing in the kitchen.

She turns towards us as soon as she hears us walking in with a smile.

"There you kids are, I was just about to bring up some of my home made pepperoni rolls." She says, before proceeding to pull them out of the oven.

My mouth couldn't help but water at the sight of them.

"They look delicious." I say, taking one of the stools at the counter as Damien does the same.

"Thank you sweetie, I must say they taste even better than they look." She grins, sliding it onto the cutting board.

Damien turns towards me with a cheeky smile on his face, "As you can tell, my mom never wastes time to boast about her cooking-..."

But before he could finish, he is whacked in the back of the head by a kitchen towel, "Yah! You should be grateful that I always make such amazing food, you would starve without me!" She says, pointing at him accusingly.

I had to hold in my laugh when I notice the small corners of her lips turning up into a smirk.

This woman is awesome.

"Mom.... that hurt." He whines, turning towards me as if I would help him.

Safe to say he was mistaken.

"Don't look at me, I'm with your mom on this one." I stick my tongue out at him, to which he gives me a playful glare.

Word of advice, never go against the side that can make good food.


Food always wins.

"Hah, beat that son!" She says, before handing us each a slice of the pepperoni roll.

If I had one word to describe the beautifully delicious, mouth watering sight before me...

I would say that it was one sexy pepperoni roll...

I don't make the rules.

"Thank you!" I say, before immediately digging in.

She was right, it does taste a lot better than it looks... and like I said, it looked freakin delicious.

Note to self, steal her recipe book.

Don't act suspicious.

There was a couple minutes of silence as all three of us continued to eat until we were full.


Once we were done, I stand up with my plate in attempt to wash it, but I am beat to it.

"Hey, wait-..." I say as Damien steals my plate from my hands.

"You're a guest, who do you think I am to let you do the dishes." He jokingly rolls his eyes as me before nudging me away with his elbow.

"But-..." I attempt to say, but the look he gives me instantly makes me shut my mouth.

Letting out a sigh, I sit back down at the counter and wait for him to finish. Once he does, he turns towards me with a small grin.

"What?" I ask as he just shakes his head.

"I didn't say anything."

"I-..." Is it possible to want to kiss somebody and smack them in the face with a pillow at the same time?

If he wasn't adorable I would have picked the second option in a heartbeat.

"Let's go outside!" He claps his hands together before leading me out into his backyard.

Once we get outside, I notice a patio with a small seating area, a fire pit, and one of those swinging chairs.

Lucky... I've always wanted one of those.

"Where do you wanna sit?" He asks, and like the child I am, I point to swinging chair excitedly.

I didn't miss the "cute" that he mumbled out, but for my sanity and sake of turning back into a tomato, I pretended that I didn't hear it.

I take a seat onto the swinging chair as he does the same, so close that are legs were rubbed right up against each other.

"You know, I am dreading to go back to school tomorrow." Damien was the first to speak as I turn towards him.

"Hey don't over think it, tomorrow is a new day. Plus, think of it as a chance to talk to Luke one on one and sort things out."

He looks at me for a couple of seconds before shrugging his shoulders, "You aren't wrong, but I am also dreading to see Annabelle, I know as soon as I get there she will try to talk to me." He groans, leaning his head back on the chair.

I know I shouldn't feel as happy as I did when he said that, but I did.

Karma is a b-word.

But I couldn't help but agree, it will take everything in me not to say something that I know I shouldn't.

I still don't understand how someone in their right mind thinks it's okay to lie about something that is personal to someone and then make in argument about it on purpose.

And the fact that she's probably going to walk up to Damien and pretend that nothing happened just fuels a fire in me.

You know, I've always been the person who has had to stop Liam from getting into fights, but this time, I really think it might be the other way around.

And I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Don't worry about her, I will be there right next to you when we get there, and if she tries to approach you, I'll have no choice but to use my karate skills on her." I say, before playfully kicking my leg.

Damien let's out a fit of giggles at my words, "You've learned karate before?"

"Well... no. But I've watched The Karate Kid a decent number of times to know what I'm doing." I say matter of factly.

"I'm glad that I can count on you, even though I strongly doubt your skills." He teases.

I attempt to push him away playfully, but he grabs a hold onto my arm, and instead pulls me even closer to use my shoulder as a head rest.

I am ninety-nine percent sure Damien now sees me as a body pillow.


Hey, I never said I was complaining.

"Oh was that nap not enough for you?"

"It's not my fault that you are comfy, you are now my new pillow."

Called it.

"What a dream come true." I say sarcastically, to which he snickers.

"This is fun, you should come over more often."

"I mean, I guess I can try and clear my schedule-..." but I interrupt myself with a burst of giggles as Damien takes it as a chance to tickle my stomach.

"No-... STOP... AHH!" I scream as I try to scoot away from him, but it was no use since he had my body trapped underneath him as he continued to tickle me.

He only laughs as I continue to laugh, scream, and shout at him to stop, "W-We are going-... HAHAH-...to f-fall off the s-swing!!!"

After a couple more seconds, I am finally able to push his hands away, but in response, he takes it as a chance to just lay his body completely on top of mine.




"That was mean." I say, taking deep breathes to recover from being brutally attacked by tickles.

"Well I sure enjoyed it."

"I'm sure you did." I say, looking up at the sky to see the sun beginning to set.

"So pretty."

"The sky is pretty isn't it?" I respond, but his next words catch me by surprise.

"Not the sky, you."

I look down to see him staring up at me with his wide doe eyes.

"Th-thank you." I stutter, attempting to look away, but he grabs my chin with his hand and makes me face him.

"Not just pretty, you are beautiful."

His words cause a blush to make its way onto my cheeks as I nervously bite down onto my lip.

"D-Damien you are too sweet... what are you up to?" I raise my eyebrow at him, thinking he would just make a funny remark, but instead, he does the quite opposite.

"No I'm serious, inside and out, you are gorgeous and not matter how much I try I can't seem to take my eyes off of you."

My whole body freezes as I take in his words.

This is a dream-... it has to be.

"I-I..." My blush reddens as I struggle to come up with something to say as he continues to stare at me dreamingly.

"Do you believe me now?"

"Yes-... I mean wow... wait-... what are we talking about again?" I stumble over my words, not being able to think clearly by the way he was looking at me.

With a small movement, he shifts my body closer to his so that are chests were right up against one another and are faces were only a couple inches apart.

"I am just going to say it." He says to himself, and clearing his throat, he moves a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"Amber, incase you can't already tell, I like-like you, way more than a friend. I can't keep my hands off of you and I want to physically be around you every second that I can. I am attracted to your looks, personality, brain, and heart. The amount of times where I've had to stop myself from grabbing you and making you mine is too much to count. You have been the first person to ever have my trust, loyalty, and respect for in just a matter of hours of getting to know you. I can't deny how much I have fallen head over heels for you in these last of couple weeks. If you give me the chance, can I kiss you?" He says, leaning towards me so that our foreheads were touching.

Looking into his eyes, I saw protection, security, safety, patience, and respect. With tears in my eyes from his words, I nod my head against his, "Damien, I like-like you as-..."

But my words were interrupted as Damien grabs a hold of the back of my neck and softly, he brings our lips together into a gentle kiss.

I kiss him back almost instantly, following along with his pace as he rubs the back of my neck soothingly.

My heart pounding against my chest, I put my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss.

It wasn't until a couple seconds later that he pulls away, staring into my eyes as I do the same with his.

"Does this mean you feel the same way-..." he begins to say, but this time, it was my turn to interrupt him by grabbing him by his shirt and pulling his lips towards mine again.

"Does this answer your question?" I say against his lips.

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