《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》16. Shopping with Steve and Thor
"Yes, I finally beat your ass!" Gali jumped off the couch in excitement. Pepper looked at her weirdly as she jumped up and down in excitement.
"Gali is happy because she finally won in the racing game" Tony told Pepper. She nodded and the elevator doors opened. They turned to see Kamilla walk out of the metal box.
"Still wearing the ankle brace?" Pepper asked.
"Your doctor friend said that today is the last day" Kami said as she plopped herself onto the couch.
"Speaking of Bruce, where is he, I haven't seen him since this morning" Gali looked around.
"He's doing something on his laptop" Tony said.
"He really needs to get out more" Gali grumbled as she made her way to the stairs that lead to the lab "Bruce your patient is here!" Heavy footsteps where heard and out came Bruce who she haven't seen in like five hours "You really need to spend more time out of the lab" She told him. He shrugged and went over to Kamilla.
Before Gali could go join the others, the elevator doors opened again, but this time it revealed Natasha and Clint. What are they doing here? Who cares, they're back!
"Natasha!" Gali ran over to her.
"Hi Gali" she gave her friend a quick hug. She then moved over to Clint.
"Papa bird!"
"Baby avenger!" He gave her a bone crushing hug.
"What are you two doing here?" Gali asked when she let go of Clint.
"We missed our friends" he said. Gali raised an eyebrow. Sure they did.
"Natasha get in here and say hi to me!" Kamilla yelled from the living room. Nat smirked and made her way over there. Clint was about to say something but the elevator doors opened once again. This time Steve came out. What the hell?
"Is today visit the Stark Siblings day?" Gali asked herself.
Steve caught sight of Clint and his eyes widened "Clint?"
"Hi Steve" They embraced in a bro hug. Gali gave him a quick hug as well.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Passing by" he said. Clint gave him a look as if not believing him. Gali ignored them and made her way to join the rest of the group.
"I'm free!" Kami exclaimed as she walked around without the ankle brace. She stopped walking and looked behind her best friend "Who are those two?" She asked, although she didn't need to ask who Steve is because she was also told many stories about him by Howard Stark.
"This is Clint Barton and this is Steve Rogers. Guys, she's my friend Kamilla Rosenthal" Galilea introduced
"Guten Abend" Clint said. Of course a master assassin knows German. Not even I know it, and I've been friends with a German girl since I was seven.
"Guten Abend" Kami said back, obviously happy that there's someone she can talk to in German. She sent Gali a quick look and she huffed.
Kami and her brother have tried to teach Galilea German but it's not exactly her forte. She excels on other languages but German, she can't get her mind wrapped around it. It's too hard for her.
Thunder was heard. That's what brought her back from her thoughts. Wait thunder? She went to the floor to ceiling window and looked up to the sky.
"Forecast said clear skies today" Pepper mused as she looked out the window. The sky is clear, not a cloud in sight but the noise of thunder is unmistakable.
"It's not a normal thunder" Bruce pointed out.
"You sure it's not one of your experiments, Bruce?" Gali asked. He was quiet for a moment. He's actually thinking about it?
"It's not" he shook his head.
There was more thunder and then it hit the balcony outside the tower but nothing happened to it. A figure emerged from the lightning and Galilea immediately connected it to the only person who can do that. Thor. He stepped out of it and the lightning disappeared.
"I think it is visit the Stark siblings day" she muttered under her breath.
"Thor?" Steve stepped outside to the balcony.
"Ah, patriotic one! Nice to see you again" Thor walked over to him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Tony asked Thor.
"It's Maiden Stark's birthday in three days" Thor informed. Is it really? Today is- oh it is! Wow I almost forgot my birthday. By the looks of Kami and the rest of the group it looks like they either forgot or haven't bought Gali a gift.
"Sorry, who's he?" Kami motioned to Thor.
"I'm Thor of Asgard" he replied.
"I'm Kamilla, from my house" she said in Thor's voice. Gali cracked a smile at that. A few minutes later they sat down and had nothing to do, until Clint suggested something.
"We should take Thor and Steve on a field trip"
"We should" the Stark siblings agreed. Everyone else agreed except Bruce who's too busy on his laptop.
"Bruce" Tasha called. No response. "Bruce" she tried again but nothing. She was gonna go for a third time but Kami stopped her.
"I got this" she pulled out her phone, typed something on it and put it away. Within seconds Bruce was furiously typing on the keyboard.
"What's wrong with this?" Bruce pressed the keys.
"We're taking Steve and Thor on a field trip" Clint told Bruce.
"Have fun" he mumbled as he kept pounding on the keyboard. Tony looked over at the laptop and smirked.
"You've been hacked" Kami quickly tapped something on her phone "by Kamilla" he looked up at her.
Kami smiled and went off the the kitchen. Before anyone could say anything else Natasha pointed something out.
"If we're going out, is Thor going like that?" They turned to look at Thor. He's in his Asgardian clothes, people are going to stare.
"I got this" Gali got off the couch and went to the elevator and pressed the button to her floor.
She has guy clothes, not a lot, just a quick change. When she got to her floor she made her way to her room and to the closet. Opening the doors she stepped in the walk in closet and went to the very back. She pulled open the bottom drawer at the back and took the clothes out along with the shoes that are also there.
She walked out of the closet and the room and to the elevator. The trip down seemed to be much faster. When did joined the others she handed the clothes to Thor and directed him to the nearest bathroom.
"The clothes you gave Thor look familiar" Kami mused.
"They strangely do" Tony agreed.
Galilea didn't say anything as she waited for Thor to come out. When he did, Kami seemed baffled "Definitely seen them before"
"You kept them after all this time?" Pepper asked.
"Gali, I thought we went over this?" Tony asked like a concerted brother.
"It's not like I still have feelings for him" She muttered.
"Do you?" Nat asked, catching up on what they're talking about. She obviously knows about Justin and her, she was working for them when the whole ordeal went down.
"No I don't" Gali crossed her arms over her chest.
"What are you guys talking about?" Clint asked confused. Tony, Pepper, Kami and Gaki quickly glanced at each other, they mostly glanced over at the brunette girl. She sighed in defeat.
"The clothes Thor is wearing are my ex"
"Justin Hammer ex?" Bruce asked. How does he know?
"The whole country knew about you two" Clint said as if reading her mind. Well that's nice. "Do you still have that necklace he gave you?"
Tony gave Clint a weird look before asking "How do you know about that?" Clint looked down, back up and gave them a shy smile.
"Did you read those gossip magazines about Justin and Galilea?" Kami smirked as she crossed her arms across her chest. Clint nodded and they laughed.
Honestly, he does seem like the type of guy to read gossip magazines... and would also ask if he could get an Avengers discount at Starbucks.
"Do you tho?" He asked again.
Gali shook her head "No, that necklace is long gone"
"What'd you do with it?" Pepper asked.
"Threw it in the ocean" She casually said, as if she throws things in the ocean all the time.
"Woah, next Rose over here!" Tony pointed at his sister. She lightly punched him and turned back to the group.
"Let's go to the mall" She announced.
"Why?" Clint asked.
"To buy some clothes for Thor" She motioned towards the Asgardian.
"Do we all have to go?" Bruce whined.
"Just because of that you're stuck with Kamilla" Galilea pointed at her. Tony 'oohed' and patted Bruce on the back.
"Good luck, you're gonna need it" he told Bruce.
Kami grinned "Let's go" she grabbed his arm and dragged him behind her to the elevator.
"Don't struggle, you'll make it worse!" Tony yelled after them.
"Tell her she looks nice in everything she tries!" Pepper added.
"Be patient!" Nat also added.
"And don't walk away from her!" Galilea yelled just before the elevator doors closed.
"Do you think we should tell him about-"
"I think we should" Tony said before Pepper could finish her question. They left and left the others behind.
"What just happened?" Steve asked confused.
"Just some precautions" Galilea assured him.
"Lady Stark, why isn't that person moving?" Thor pointed at a mannequin. Gali laughed a little.
"It's not a person, it's a mannequin" she corrected "You put clothes on them so people can see how it looks with an outfit" She explained. He nodded and they continued to look through the racks.
They've been at the mall for approximately two hours, buying clothes and other trinkets they like. When they got there, they went their separate ways, Kami dragged Bruce to her favorite stores. Tony and Pepper, Clint and Natasha went their ways, and Gali got stuck with Steve and Thor. One who knows nothing about the twenty first century and the other who knows nothing about Earth.
But it's not such a bad thing that I'm stuck with Steve. Gali thought. I mean have you seen him? Plus, the clothes he's wearing makes him look old fashioned, but not that old fashioned. I think he's wearing the same clothes he wore when we were on the helicarrier.
Galilea spotted a cute light blue button down shirt, grabbing it the first thing that went through her mind was 'Steve's going to look so cute in this' She took it over to Steve and handed him the shirt.
"Try this on"
He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He went to turn to go to the dressing room but she stopped him "And these" She gave him more shirts and a few jeans. He went to the dressing room while she grabbed clothes for Thor to try on. She walked over to where she last saw him, grabbing a few more clothing items on the way.
"Thor try these on" She handed him the clothes. He gave her a weird look before putting the clothes on the ground and going to take his shirt off right in front of her and in the middle of the store. What the hell?
"Woah, what are you doing?" She went to stop him by pulling his arms back down, seeing that his shirt was already halfway off.
"You told me to try them on" Thor said.
"But not out here" she looked around to make sure nobody just saw what happened. Last thing we need is a video on YouTube headlined, Thor does a striptease at the mall.
Fortunately nobody saw what just happened, or maybe they did.
"The dressing room, follow me" Gali motioned him to follow her to the back of the store where the dressing rooms are.
He went inside and closed the curtain behind him. Gali sat outside waiting for them. This is kinda weird. Never would I thought that I would be out shopping with Captain America and a Norse God.
"Can I get these?" Galilea turned around to see Thor holding a pair of black socks. Gali chuckled and nodded. He put them on the counter where they're about to pay for the clothes. Steve was about to pay but she stopped him.
"I got this Stevie" She whipped her credit card out but he stopped her.
"I can pay" he said.
"No, I'm paying"
"I'll pay"
"Fine" Gali stepped away from the credit card swiping machine, but not before swiping her card. Steve sighed when he saw what she did "Ha!" She put in her PIN number, signed, and the girl handed them their bags.
"Have a nice day" she smiled at the trio.
"Thanks, you too" Gali smiled back.
"I'm paying in the next store we stop at" Steve told the girl.
"Sure Steve" Gali waved him off.
They passed stores and little kiosks with people trying to get you to stop and buy a phone case or to get your hair done. What if something goes wrong with those hair people? What if they burn your hair off like that girl in the YouTube video with the hair curler, what if that happens and people around you see and laugh. Now that would be embarrassing.
Women stared at Steve and Thor. They were defiantly checking them out, single women to already taken women. They gave them flirtatious looks and winked at them but the two men were completely oblivious to the situation. People who recognized Galilea waved at her and she would wave back, but the women who saw her between the two hot men sent her dirty looks.
Calm down, it's not like you even know who they are, much less are friends with them.
They passed the Apple Store and as always it's packed. Gali made a double take when she looked through the big glass window and saw her brother in the iPad section.
"Come on" she pulled the two men in the store and let them go as she made her way to her brother who's playing Temple Run on an iPad.
"Don't you have that game on your phone?" Gali asked her older and only brother.
"This game is fun" he replied "Plus Pepper is buying something, I think a new phone"
Gali nodded and checked on the other two guys. Steve is checking out the phones while Thor is with Pepper. Gali felt Tony pull her towards him and heard the click of the camera. When she looked up she saw that he's taking selfies. It's so on. They took two more pictures and Tong somehow managed to write on them 'With love from your friends, Tony and Gali Stark' Tony continued to play temple run so Gali decided to go over to see what Steve is doing.
"Candy crush, really?" She smiled.
"It's addictive" he said, that is until he ran out of lives "Not anymore" he pouted. Gali laughed.
She took the phone, put the camera on selfie mode and took two selfies with Steve. She wrote what Tony wrote on them 'With love from your friends Gali Stark and Steve Rogers :)' When she looked up, she saw Pepper with an apple bag in hand walking towards them along with Thor.
It was time for them to go up to the food court and meet up with the others. Steve went to get Tony, but not before Tony pulled Steve in to take a selfie. They got in the elevator and went to the top floor which is the third floor, and to the food court. Thor found the elevator amusing since it's a glass elevator and you can see everything in the mall.
Once in the food court they spotted Clint, Natasha, Bruce and Kami sitting at a table they made by putting other tables together.
"Thank god you're here!" Bruce exclaimed once he saw the others.
Ah, so he's felt the torturous journey of shopping with Kamilla. Serves him right for whining like a kid. Besides he needs to go out and socialize with human beings.
But I think he enjoyed it, I mean it looks like Bruce has a crush on Kami, and I think she has a crush on him. If the way they looked at each other the day they met wasn't a look of love then I don't know what it was! I honestly think that they would be a cute couple.
"So I went to Spencer's" Clint began and the others groaned and shrieked.
"Why would you go there?!"
"I'm tired!" Kami whined as she stepped out of the elevator in Stark Tower. They all are, minus Steve who appears to never get tired.
They had a great time at the mall. After lunch they continued to roam around the mall going from store to store. Fighting Steve to see who'll pay for what they bought, Thor thinking that the food shaped soaps are food. Steve who thought that the Wet Seal was actually a wet seal... it was entertaining.
Kami was ahead of the group and went straight to the living room, and when she did she gasped loudly "James!" James? What James?
"Hi Kamilla" a familiar voice said. Wait, that James? Gali dropped her bags and quickly made her way to the living room to see James Rhodes hugging Kami, and he's not wearing his uniform, he's wearing his normal civilian clothes.
"Hi Gali" he smiled when they let go. Yep, it's definitely visit the Stark siblings day.
"Rhodey!" She ran to hug him "I missed you" she said into the hug.
"I missed you too" he said back.
As soon as they let go he was tackled in a bear hug by Tony. Well Rhodey is Tony's first BFF. Him and Happy and Bruce. They exchanged a couple of words Gali couldn't make out and then he proceeded to hug Pepper and Natasha.
They introduced him to the others and they hit it off right away. They spent the rest of the day in Stark Tower talking and lazying around. It's just nice how their little group of friends keeps on expanding. From someone from the 40's to someone from another realm. That's something Galilea never thought she would say. But it's okay, because they're not the only ones learning new things, they also get to learn about their ways of life.
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