《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》17. Twister and Photoshoots


"Left foot yellow!"

There were complaints, followed by a mutter of curses by Tony.

"I don't like the position I'm in" Pepper said.

"I'm okay" Tony smirked. Pepper's behind is right in front of Tony's face, he's just smirking like an idiot. Gali flicked the arrow on the twister board and yelled out,

"Right hand green"

Everyone moved, or at least tried to move seeing that they're all twisted up. Now I know why this game is called twister. Good thing I decided to handle the chart thing.

"I hate this game!" Kami yelled out from somewhere in the web of bodies.

"Then why are you playing?" Clint, who's under Natasha asked.

"Because it's fun" Kami replied.

"Left foot blue!" Gali yelled out. They managed to move but ended up more twisted than what they were.

"What's the purpose of this game?" Thor, who's in between Clint and Steve asked.

"For fun... left hand yellow!"

"Someone fall already!" Tony yelled.

"We've been at it for eight minutes!" Rhodes yelled out.

"No one cares... left hand red"

"Guys I'm falling!" Kami announced.

"Crap" Tony said before Kami fell and brought everyone down with her. They fell with many groans and in a web of bodies.

"Gali wasn't wrong when she said that Tony is heavy" Rhodey complained. Gali smiled to myself. See, I told you my brother is heavy. Rhodey tried to push Tony off him but couldn't because there's a mess of bodies.

"Whose foot is this?" Steve asked. The owner of the foot kicked him in the face "Ow!" He reached for his jaw.

"That's mine!" Clint yelled from somewhere in the bottom. Can he even breath? What's going on down there? But Gali couldn't stay serious for long, she burst out in laughter.


"This isn't funny" Bruce said.

Gali just nodded and after a few seconds her laughter subsided. She put the board on the table and went over to the group to help them out. She pulled on the first arm she saw and out came Bruce. She pulled on a leg and out came Clint from the bottom. He faked pain and hurt and faked difficult breathing. Such a drama queen.

Gali pulled on another leg and Thor laughed.

"That tickles" he laughed.

Gali couldn't pull him out because he's heavy. He managed to get up and out along with the others. She picked the game up and put it away while the others put their shoes back on. Her phone beep, pulling it out she saw a calendar reminder.

'Photo session tomorrow at 10:20' Forbes interview at '1:00' Fudge, I completely forgot about it. Gali put her phone in her back pocket and joined the others.

"Hey Gali, want to go to the aquarium with us tomorrow?" Clint asked.

"Sorry I can't. I have a photo session and an interview tomorrow. So does Anthony"

"I do?" Tony took his phone out and checked it "I do. Didn't we have an interview with Forbes magazine a month ago?"

"Three months ago" Gali corrected.

"Psht, same shit different day" Tony waved it off.

"You also have a press conference tomorrow at 3:30" Pepper added.

"Virginia!" Gali whined.

"Wow, she's using full names" Clint muttered.

"Shut up Clinton" She turned to him. He went red and the girls giggled. I'm going to have a long day tomorrow.

"You sure this is okay?" Steve asked Kamilla.

"You gotta relax Steve, your Captain America is showing" Kamilla tried to calm him down.

The team walked in the studio where Gali and Tony are having their pictures taken. Kami brought them over because she said that they 'need to go out to the places the Stark siblings are going today and try to get free food' Amazing what people will do for free food.


"Hi guys, what are you doing here?" Pepper asked when she looked up from her phone.

"Oh you know, hang out with our fri- oh food!" Clint went straight to the food table "Donuts!" He exclaimed. Kami rushed over to him and Pepper smiled and shook her head.

"When are you guys done here?" Bruce asked.

"15 minutes" Pepper said.

Steve looked around the bright room. All the lights positioned at a white wall where people are changing the setting and placing chairs and a table with stacks of paper and office supplies.

Other people are fixing the lights and theres the photographer. Steve scanned the crowd for Gali or Tony but didn't see them. His attention was pulled back to Kamilla and Clint who are fighting over a donut. Thor ended the fighting when he took the donut from them.

"Hey you guys better not eat my Doritos!" Gali yelled. Steve turned around and saw her sitting in one of the chairs that's on the set.

"Too late!" Clint said between mouthfuls of Doritos. Gali glared at him but shortly turned her attention to the photographer as Tony joined them.

"You like her"

"Sorry?" Steve turned to Rhodey who's right next to him.

"You like Gali, I can tell by the way you look at her" he said.

"I, uh"

Rhodey chuckled "don't worry" he shook his head "she's really nice, nothing like her brother... well sometimes... but she's mostly herself" he said "you should ask her out"

Steve's face warmed up "Does the rest of the team know?"

"Yes" he nodded "except Gali. She's too distracted when it comes to this. You can make googly eyes at her all day, stare at her in a loving way when she's talking to you. She doesn't pick up on that very easily" he explained.

Steve nodded, understanding what he's telling him. He looked over at Galilea and Tony who are laughing at something.

Gali is beautiful. He thought. Her smile, the twinkle in her eyes, her laugh, the face she makes when Tony annoys her...

The Avengers quickly made their way into Stark Conventions where they're holding a press conference. They ran late because the Stark's did a bunch of interviews, and then they stopped for lunch, but the reason for the holdback was because of Clint.

Never bring him with you when you're doing interviews and photo shoots. Steve thought. Just don't. He kept on jumping in the pictures they were taking of Gali and Tony. I believe they call that photobombing.

The press conference was about an hour long or longer because at one point they were telling jokes and making fun of one another. Clint was enjoying it, said 'This is more amusing than a cat eating a watermelon' Then Kami would ask irrelevant questions and Gali would answer, it was a circus.

But either way they thought it was a fun day. Tony and Gali can't think of a time they had that much fun at a press conference. Goes to show that their new friends turned out alright.

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