《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》15. Steve and the 21st century


It's been 3 days since Kamilla sprained her ankle, she spent the first day at Stark Tower but she was bossing everyone around, even Jarvis. So Tony ended up calling Emil so he can pick up Kami.

Tony and Bruce have become best friends. They spend their time down in the lab while Pepper and Galilea go around with their daily routine. And what Galilea considered her daily routine is ransacking the kitchen for food and watching old tv shows. Like Mr. Belvedere.

Her ringing phone pulled her away from Wesley's antics, and she picked it up to see an unknown number calling her.


"Galilea?" Someone asked, although the voice seemed strangely familiar to her

"Yes. Who's this?"

"It's me, Steve" Steve? Why's he calling? Never mind why he's calling, I haven't seen or heard from him since Thor left with Loki and the Tesseract, so him calling me has made my day.

"Hi, how are you? Wait, how'd you got my number?" Gali asked.

"Uh, it was in a file. Listen, I was wondering if you could help me with something"

"Sure, with what?"

"What's Twitter?" He asked so innocently yet so confused. Gali found it cute but at the same time funny. She couldn't help it when she burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just- you're funny. Okay, so Twitter- you know what, why don't you come over to Stark Tower and I'll answer all your questions" She suggested.

"Okay, I'll be there" he said.

"Okie" She hung up and went down to the lab.

She put in the password and as soon as she stepped in, she heard a loud BOOM, followed by smoke. Coughing, she waved her hand to clear the smoke away from her face. Slowly the smoke dispersed and when she got a clear view she could see two coughing scientists. They look like Seamus from Harry Potter after his spells explode.

"What the hell happened?" Gali coughed.

"An experiment gone wrong" Bruce coughed.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yes" they replied.

"Good because I need you to clean this up" Gali motioned to the mess they made "Steve is coming over"

"Why is Capsicle coming?" Tony asked.

"I'm going to teach him the new modern ways" Gali informed.

"Have fun" Bruce said.

She eyed the mess they were in "Unfortunately I can't say the same to you two" She made her way to the door "Clean this up" She said before walking out.

Galilea looked around the living room. The floor is fixed, along with the windows and everything outside in the balcony. The big STARK sign is also fixed. Everything is back to normal again. Gali sat down on the ground in front of a glass table, she clapped twice and played candy crush on the table.


Steve walked through the newly fixed Stark Tower. It's a big contrast to what he walked through his first time around. Everything looks so new and expensive.

He looked for Galilea but didn't see her around, that's when he heard grumbles of frustration coming from the living room. He made his way over and saw Galilea sitting on the floor right in front of a table. Her finger flew across the glass surface and he was confused. He saw colors on the table but they seemed to be reflected on the glass and not on the table.

"Gali" he called but she didn't answer "Gali... Galilea?"

Gali looked up and saw the man standing behind the couch.

"Hi Steve!" She smiled and quickly made the last match before ending the game and winning. She waved her hand over the table and the game disappeared. Gali stood up and smiled at the man, he smiled back.

"Hi" he said "Where's Tony?"

"Down in the lab with Bruce. They've been down there all morning, probably still shaken up after the explosion they had" Gali explained. He looked confused and yet concerned "Come and sit down" She plopped on the couch. He went over and sat down.

"What can I help you with?" Gali kindly asked.

"It would be really useful if you taught me how to use this" he handed her his phone. It's like hers except his is silver and hers is golden.

"What's the password?" She asked.

"I uh forgot" he scratched the back of his head.

"Steve, Steve, Steve" Gali said in a disapproving manner shaking her head at him "You need to remember these things" She clapped twice and the table/computer came up. She hacked into the phone.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"I'm hacking into your phone. Okay, new password?" She looked up at the blond man. He shrugged "my name it is" Galilea muttered. "Stark" she typed in the new password and quickly browsed thru the phone. "I'm going to update this so you can have cooler apps and have more fun"

"What?" He asked confused.

"You'll see in about an hour" She tapped more stuff on the computer table and said "Jarvis can you update this phone for me?" She set the phone on the table and it immediately turned off.

"Of course, it'll be ready in an hour" Jarvis replied.

Galilea looked back up and saw that Steve is looking around, trying to figure out who she was just talking to. He looks so confused. Kinda like a lost puppy.


"Who were you-"

"Jarvis. He's the A.I. Very helpful and very sarcastic" she cut Steve off.

"A.I.?" He asked clearly confused.

"Artificial intelligence"

"Hello Mr Rogers" Jarvis spoke. Mr Rogers. Like Mr Rogers' neighborhood. I use to watch that show as a kid.

"Okay" Gali started "while your phone is updating we can start with something right in front of us" She reached for the tv remote "Like the tv"

She turned it on and the first thing that came up was Brother Bear. She changed channels leaving it there for a few seconds before changing to a different channel.

"It's so different. The tv is much bigger, and it's in color, and the images" Steve said in amusement.

Galilea smiled softly. He's like Leo -Kamilla's nephew- when he first saw Tony's, Iron Man suits.

Gali told Steve the glories of tv, along with the new things it has, like smart tv's and 3D tv's and everything else.

After that they moved on to computers and the Internet. Gali grabbed her laptop and told him how to use it. Then it was the blessing of the Internet.

"You're telling me that I can look up anything on the Internet?" Steve asked amused. Gali nodded and handed him the laptop so he can use.

She quickly went to the kitchen to get something to drink and when she came back she saw that Steve had googled himself. Haven't we all at one point?

"Did you just google yourself?" Gali playfully asked. He went a light shade of red. Oh my god that's so cute! "Don't worry, I do the same thing sometimes" She assured him.

At that moment Jarvis informed than that the phone is ready. Unlocking it, Galilea proceeded to show Steve how to use the phone. From the basic phone call and text, to how to order something on Amazon. She admits that she might've overwhelmed him a bit, but at least he learned how to use Twitter.

Gali was with Steve for hours, and didn't remember to eat until her stomach rumbled for food. That's when she remembers that she hasn't eaten anything all day, same goes to the scientists. What's worse is that they haven't shown their faces at all.

"You hungry? I know I am, and Tony and his BFF are probably hungry as well" Gali said. Steve nodded "Okay, I'm gonna order something because I don't feel like cooking" She grabbed the phone and was about to dial the first number that came to mind, but she decided to let Steve choose. Maybe there's something he wants to try.

"Would you like to pick?" She asked. He was momentarily confused "Is there something you would like to try?" She asked again.

"I've been wanting to try Thai food" he answered.

"That's Tony's favorite" Gali smiled. She pulled up a screen that shows the lab and she was able to see Tony and Bruce working on something on the table "Tony, Bruce, I'm gonna order Thai food. Want some?" Their head snapped up at the mention of Thai food.

"Yes please" they said at the same time. Gali giggled and dialed the number, ordering a lot of food.

"Tony, Bruce, get your lazy asses up here and eat!" Galilea yelled from the top of the stairs. Footsteps were heard and out came her brother and his new BFF. They marched to the dinning table where Steve is waiting for them.

"So spangles" Tony started "do you know how to use Twitter now?"

Steve didn't say anything as he pulled his phone out, quickly typed something and put the phone down. Half a second later Tony pulled his phone out, looked at the screen and smirked "Well played" he put his phone back in his pocket. Bruce and Gali looked at each other. What was that about?

After they served themselves, the four sat together and had a nice chat. Steve enjoyed the food and when they were done, the two scientists went back to the lab while Steve and Gali stayed up there watching tv.

"Wanna watch something else?" The girl asked.

"Well there's this show that I heard of... I love Lucy"

"Hey, that's one of my favorite shows, even if it is in black and white. We can binge watch it and we can start with my favorite episode or from the beginning" Gali stopped when she realized that she was rambling. She blushed "Sorry. Jarvis can you please play I Love Lucy?"

So the pair watched I love Lucy for the rest of the day. It was nice, the two of them watching an old tv show, and not fighting aliens. Gali wishes she can do that more often. Oh Galilea, you are falling for this man sitting right next to you. Oh boy.

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