《Inside Job (FNAF: SB Rewrite)》Chapter 11 - Words, Words
I told Roxy the same story I told Freddy; Chica and I were having fun one minute, and the next, she suddenly changed. I told her about my encounters in the daycare, the basement, and the freezer. I also promised her that I was going to fix Chica the moment I could. I was willing to say anything if it meant she wouldn't hurt me again.
She walked with me to Freddy's room. We talked for a while on the way back.
"You've seen Vanny?" I asked her. "Vanny?" she said.
"That rabbit, I think it's name is Vanny," I clarified.
She thought for a moment. "Yeah, I've seen it. Red eyes, small frame. Whatever it is, it isn't man made," she said.
"Not man made? What do you mean?" I said.
"It's not an animatronic. Definitely not a registered animatronic. But I can't see through its costume," she said.
Not man made, so therefore human. I guess I was already thinking that Vanessa and Vanny were one in the same anyways.
"Whenever I see it," she continued, "it just stares at me. Sometimes it'll wave or step away, but it never says anything."
"When did it start appearing?" I asked.
"A couple months ago when I got my new eyes installed," she said. "It kinda appeared out of nowhere."
We were back on the first floor and about to go down the escalators when Roxy stopped. I turned back to see what she had stopped moving for.
"You said Moon was the first?" she asked. She was looking at the daycare lobby entrance. "The first that I know of," I replied.
"Let's go check."
"What? Why?" I asked. We were so close to Rockstar Row. "Chica doesn't seem particularly aggressive like you describe. She may be acting strangely, but she could just be grieving the loss of her voice. She can't tell me, after all," Roxy said.
"Because she's after me, not you!" I said.
"If Moon's also been... infected, then surely he'd be the same?" Roxy questioned, ignoring my comment. "I want to see this behavior for myself."
"No, no, I'm not going back in there! He almost killed me!" I refuted.
"Relax, I won't let him touch you. I'll just turn the lights back on if he gets too close."
"Knowing this hellish nightmare, the lights aren't gonna work, or-or you'll purposefully leave them off so Moon can kill me!" I gasped in realization. "That's your plan, isn't it? You're gonna use Moon to kill me so you don't have to do it yourself! That's so cruel!"
She shook her head in disbelief. "Gregory, if you want me to trust you, then you have to trust me," she said.
"Isn't there another way? What about just talking to Sun about it? No need to activate Moon," I said. I really didn't wanna have to face him again.
Roxy groaned in disappointment, "I guess that could work, but that's so boring... Oh well."
I let out a sigh of relief. "Cool, cool. Just a talk with Sun, no Moon," I said. "You feeling okay?" Roxy asked.
My head was spinning. That was the first incident I came across that night, and the idea of experiencing that again was terrifying. "I'm fantastic," I lied. Roxy gave me a pat on the shoulder and started walking towards the daycare lobby. I tailed behind her.
The daycare was the same as I'd seen it last. Roxy didn't fit in the slide, so we walked to the gate entrance where kids are usually picked up. We pushed open the doors, but there was no Sun or Moon in sight. Then he appeared on the stage entrance, just like last night.
"Gregory!" he yelled. He jumped into the ball pit and came running across the daycare to us. "I'm so glad you're back! I've been wanting to play some games with you! How do you feel about tag! Woah, you have so many bandages! Did you fall while playing? Tell me all about it! Wait, wait," he stopped himself and scooted back. "No, no, you should go," he said, looking away, "Moon is still not good, I'm afraid."
"So it's true?" Roxy said. Sun jumped at the sound of Roxy's voice. "Oh! Oh, Roxanne! I didn't even see you there! You're Gregory's mom? I had no idea you had a kid! Congratulations!" Sun said. He took her hands into his and gave her a friendly handshake.
"No," Roxy said, her ear twitching from annoyance. She tore her hand from his grip. "Gregory said Moon attacked him the other night, and I came to confirm that."
"Well, it's true," Sun said. "After last night, I decided I wasn't going to watch any kids until Moon can prove he can be on his best behavior!"
"When did he start acting like this?" Roxy asked.
"A couple days ago. The daycare's been closed after Moon terrorized a group of kids!" he said cheerfully.
"Wait," I interrupted him, "you mean to say the daycare's been closed for days and you still let me stay with you?"
Sun nodded. "You slid through my slide! I couldn't just throw you out!" He gave me a loving head pat. I groaned. I could've not gone through that traumatic nightmare if he had just thrown me out.
The daycare's been closed for days, that must mean the company's aware of Moon's behavior.
"Sun," I asked, "are they not doing repairs on you?"
"What do you mean?" he said.
"Well, clearly there's something wrong with Moon, and yet there's no attempt to fix you. Meanwhile, Freddy doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him, and yet he's been stuck in parts and service for hours at a time," I said. Something isn't adding up. I thought only Sun recognized Moon's recent change, but if they're keeping the daycare closed, then clearly they know about it.
"Well, I wouldn't say Freddy has nothing wrong with him," Roxy said, "but you're right. I think Moon terrorizing kids would be much higher on the priority list."
"Especially since it happened earlier than Freddy's collapsing. Why aren't there any attempts to fix this?" I pondered.
"I don't know, but I'll tell Vanessa to get him fixed," Roxy said.
"No, Roxy, don't you see? They're purposefully not repairing Moon," I said. "Vanessa isn't repairing Moon."
"...Vanessa isn't a technician," Roxy said, confused.
"I have a theory that Vanessa is Vanny, or at least linked to it," I explained. "Vanny clearly isn't helping the pizzaplex. Maybe Vanny's purposefully trying to stop Moon from being repaired."
Roxy thought for a moment. "Huh, you're a little detective, aren't you?" she said, and she ruffled my hair. I shooed her hand away.
"Who's Vanny?" Sun asked.
"Oh, don't worry about it," I assured Sun. "Hey, I watched the tape you gave me. Do you wanna know what was on it?"
"Really? Sure! What was it?" Sun was very excited to hear about it.
"It was a video of your creator," I said. "He was proposing the daycare attendant to the company." I thought about the video and the way he interacted with Sun and Moon. They may have malfunctioned in the middle of taping, but even so he was patient with them. "He seemed nice. I think you'd be good friends," I added.
"Wow! My creator! How cool! I bet he was the one who gave me the tape!" Sun said. Right, Sun mentioned that someone had given the tape to him. But wouldn't Sun know about his creator?
"Do you know his name?" I asked. The chances were slim considering he barely remembered who gave him the tape, but it'd be nice to call him something other than "the guy on the VHS tapes."
"Sorry, I don't. I can't even remember what he looked like," Sun admitted.
"Oh, okay. I'll tell you if I ever find out," I said. "Whoopee!" Sun yelled.
"Just out of curiosity, Roxy," I turned over to her and asked, "do you know who created you?"
She shook her head. "I don't think any of us know," she said. How peculiar. You'd think they'd be programmed to at least name their creator.
"Well, Sun, could you tell us more about the incident that closed the daycare? And about what happened last night?" Roxy asked.
"Sure! I was getting the kiddos ready for nap time when the lights turned off, and when they turned back on, all the kids were running around like chickens! They were screaming and crying and yelling for their parents," Sun said. He looked down at his feet. "We can be scary sometimes, but never had there been such a big reaction like that."
He seemed embarrassed to recall what happened, but I supposed that made sense. His purpose is to be a daycare attendant, and admitting that he caused harm is probably painful for him.
"There was a big mess," Sun continued. "I think Moon ripped up some of their arts and crafts! So unlike him! He's just as neat and tidy as I am!" I remembered how after I tripped over one of the towers; he put it together before coming after me. "Oh, and the walls! How could I forget? He scratched one up, I don't know why. I put a poster over it!" he said, pointing over to the wall. Sure enough, there was a Fazbear movie poster inside of the daycare.
"Interesting," Roxy mumbled. "What happened last night?"
"Last night, with Gregory," Sun said, "the lights shut off, and when they turned back on, Moon... he...!" Sun struggled to finish his sentence. In dismay, he muttered out, "He... hurt Gregory... Oh! Shame, shame!"
Roxy looked down at me, examining my many bandages. I shrugged, "To be honest, it's the smallest injury I've gotten in this pizzaplex. But he'd for sure would've killed me if the lights were out any longer."
"It's unlike Moon to be so aggressive," Roxy said. "He's usually so gentle with kids. He has to be if he wants to do his job correctly."
"I don't know why Moon is like this," Sun said, "but it makes me so sad! I want things to go back to how they used to be."
"Thank you for your time, Sun. I got all the information I needed," Roxy said.
"It's great seeing you, Roxanne, Gregory. You must come back later! When Moon is better!" Sun said. "I'll think about it. C'mon, Gregory," Roxy said. She started walking back up the stairs to the daycare lobby. I gave Sun a weak wave goodbye and raced after her.
"I think Vanny's behind it all. I can feel it in my bones," I said to her. "Vanny..." Roxy repeated. "You say Vanessa and Vanny are the same?" she asked.
"I think so," I said, "but I can't be sure yet. Some things don't add up."
"Well then," Roxy said, "are you up for some rabbit hunting?"
"Rabbit hunting?" I asked.
"We'll follow Vanessa around for a while and see if she does anything suspicious," she said.
"Oh, uhm, I don't know," I said. As much as I wanted to do that, I was starting to feel exhausted and was wondering how Freddy was doing. I wondered if Monty was still with him since Vanessa tasked him to make sure he didn't leave his room, and if they were together, I hoped they were getting along. Freddy made it sound like the two don't that often.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure she never sees you. It'll be fun," Roxy said. If Freddy and Monty really were together right now, I wouldn't want to see them fighting. If he was available, he would have said so through the Faz watch by now.
"Okay, sure! Let's go stalk Vanessa!" I said.
"Yeah! Stalk Vanessa!" Roxy said, all riled up.
Roxy led the way through the building. Since she can see through walls, I trusted her judgment as to where Vanessa could be. We were up by the kitchen with the cupcake infestation. Before I walked in, I told Roxy that the cupcakes would attack me if they saw me, so she stepped in front of me, picked them up, and duct taped them inside of one of the empty cardboard boxes. "There, that should hold them off for a while," she said.
The kitchen itself was now severely damaged. The countertops had been scratched up and the floor had cracks in it. There were pots and pans scattered around the place, and all the cabinets had been opened, as if someone was looking for something.
"Woah, what a mess," I commented. "Yeah," Roxy said, "it wasn't like this before when I was looking for Chica." That's right, she came to this kitchen shortly after the cupcake incident looking for her.
"Did the cupcakes do this?" I asked. Roxy shrugged, "Maybe. They were left unattended for a while." I circled around the room examining everything, but it was quite difficult to see as the lights were flickering. When we made it to the freezer, I felt a shiver down my spine. But I was curious as to what was inside, especially where the vent was connected to. When I was locked inside, it's how they managed to break in.
"Roxy?" I asked.
"Can you, uh, leave the freezer door open while I'm inside?" I wasn't going to risk accidentally locking myself inside.
"Sure," she said, "but why would you wanna go in there?"
"There's a vent inside that the cupcakes crawled through. I wanna see where it leads to," I said. "And you gotta promise to keep the door open! I don't wanna be locked inside again," I added. I think she noticed how frightened I was at the prospect of the door closing. "Promise," she said.
She opened the door and I felt the cold rush through the air. I saw the vent up on the wall. Its grate was missing, which means nothing has been replaced since the incident. Roxy watched me stack some boxes of meat to reach the top. I hoisted myself up inside the vent, and the first thing I noticed was the amount of scratches in the metal.
I hadn't anticipated for the vents themselves to be freezing, but it made sense in retrospect. I tried to ignore the burning cold as I crawled through. I eventually made it to the other side, to which its grate was also missing. I jumped out to get a better look at the area.
It was a boiler room, I think. There was a large capsule that reminded me of the boiler at my house. There were also wrapped presents around. I assumed that maybe these were presents given during birthday parties. By the wall to my right was a desk with a sign that read "Cupcakes" with several indents to indicate where the cupcakes would be placed. They were all empty. The wall with the vent I crawled through had marks leading up to it.
On the lower shelf of the desk were some stacked books. I think this was the first instance I ever saw books in this establishment. I walked over and examined them. Some were cookbooks, others were instructions on how to assemble and disassemble the cupcake animatronics. According to the manual, if the cupcakes were acting disruptive, it was possible to disable them so that they'd purely be just props.
But the last book was the one I was most interested in, mostly because it wasn't a book at all. It was a VHS tape. "Oh, yes!" I yelled. These tapes have become something for me to look forward to. I had to tell Roxy. Instead of climbing through the vent, I opted to leave through the door. I walked through the hallway and peeked through the doors until I found one that led to the kitchen. Roxy was waiting for me, knowing where I was coming from. She must've seen me through the walls. She closed the freezer door.
"What's that?" Roxy asked in a low voice. "It's a VHS tape! We gotta watch together," I said. "Shh," she shushed me, "Vanessa's near."
I had completely forgotten we were looking for Vanessa. "Where is she?" I whispered. She motioned her head toward the hall I had just walked through. "She's in the bathroom," Roxy said, "I've been trying to listen to her, but it's hard to make out. I can't walk any closer or she'll hear me. You, on the other hand... she wouldn't hear you."
I'm much smaller than Roxy, and if I'm careful enough, my steps make practically no noise. "What if she sees me?" I asked. "I'll be watching from here, I won't let her hurt you," Roxy said. "You gotta go quick, I don't know how much longer Vanessa will be in there."
I sighed. I didn't want to risk being caught, but I also did want to find out information about Vanessa. I asked Roxy to hold the cassette tape for me and I hesitantly tiptoed down the hall. The girl's bathroom was indicated by a pink silhouette of Chica.
The door was opened by a small slit. I could barely see, but I didn't want to open the door any farther in fear that I'd make noise. I must've missed Vanessa completely when I first walked by. Sure enough, she was there facing one of the mirrors.
She sounded like she had been crying. She sniffled and wiped her face down with a wet paper towel. "Shit," she muttered. She tossed the paper towel behind her into the trash can. She took off her hat and placed it on the sink. She saw how much of a mess her hair was, so she pulled out her hair tie and started talking to herself.
"It's gonna be okay, I'll find him," she assured herself. Vanessa pulled her hair back and redid her ponytail while she continued talking. "I hear you," she said. She shook her head once she finished tying her hair. "I really don't want to..."
She looked down at her shoes. That's when I noticed the puddle of water she stood in. It wasn't big, it just looked like she may have used a lot of water from that sink before I arrived.
"Yes," she said, nodding along with it. This sounds like nonsense. Is she talking to someone? I didn't see any kind of headpiece or microphone on her, so I don't know how she'd be talking to anyone.
"But why?" she asked. Suddenly her body tensed up. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry!" she apologized profusely. She bent down and held her head. "I-I'm sorry, you're right, it's not my place to ask. Make it stop," she said, trembling.
Whatever it was must've stopped, because a few seconds later she got back on her feet. Her nose was bleeding. She pulled another paper towel out of the dispenser and wiped it clean.
"This task is harder than anticipated. He's too clever," Vanessa said. Was she talking about me? I really don't think I'm that clever, more just incredibly lucky. "No, that's not what I'm saying," she said.
"Vanny? No, no," she said. That piqued my interest. Hearing Vanessa say that name had to confirm they were linked somehow. She let out a long sigh. "Okay."
Her conversation ended, and she put her hat back on and pulled her ponytail through the strap. It was time I made my way back to Roxy before Vanessa caught me. I raced over to the kitchen, and Roxy motioned for me to hide in one of the cabinets. I crouched inside and closed the door.
"Roxy!" Vanessa yelled at her. "You're supposed to be looking for that kid. What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I saw movement here. Turns out it's just you, what a shame," Roxy said, pretending to be disappointed.
"I told you I was going to search this area," Vanessa said.
"For so long? Maybe it's time for you to move on to the next place. How about a different floor?"
Vanessa groaned, "Fine," and began to walk away. "Are you coming with me?"
"I've got some things to do here first," Roxy said. She sounded completely relaxed.
"Ugh, robots," Vanessa muttered as she fully exited the kitchen.
After a minute, Roxy opened the cabinet door for me and I climbed out. "What happened? Anything interesting?" she said.
"Well, sort of, but also not really," I answered. She picked me up, and I let out a small gasp in surprise. She placed me on her back and wrapped her arms around my legs. "Tell me all about it," she said. I gave her a little chuckle.
"She was talking to someone, I think. But no one was there, and she didn't have anything to communicate with," I told her.
"What'd they talk about?" Roxy asked.
"I'm not sure. I think me? Oh! And Vanessa mentioned Vanny," I said. I hugged Roxy's neck to keep myself extra secure on her back as she walked out of the kitchen.
"What'd they say about Vanny?" asked Roxy.
- In Serial53 Chapters
The McKenzie Files Books 1, 2 and novella
Ever wondered what would happen if a sarcastic, foul-mouthed ex-superhero found himself zapped across space and time to a world of swords and sorcery? So did I. Contains approx 5% swearing by volume. (Books one, two and the novella are finished; further stories coming soon. Long chapters: average chapter length is 6000 words).
8 202 - In Serial158 Chapters
Nero Zero
Monsters plagued the lands for too long. No matter if one had fangs, beak, teeth, skin, fur, or feather, or was tall, stout, or diminutive, the people suffered. Until the Gadgeteers came with a device that could allow people to fight back. Powered by one's own magical power, feeding off of monster Essence, the Arbitrium bracer turned the tables. It also changed society. Strength of one's level cap was all that mattered. The strongest were Kings and Emperors. The weak or those too poor to afford the marvelous device, destitute. And so it has been for millennia. All that mattered was one's level cap. High, low, a fate decided the moment the strange contraption came alive. Too high and you were a threat to those interested in keeping the status quo, a weed to be nipped before it could grow and take root. Too low and you were nobody, fated to be a bit more than a simple farmer. What if someone, somewhere, came up with a zero for their level cap? Unable to use Essence, unable to level up. On all of recorded history, it never happened. Until it did. In a small village of fur-less and tail-less ape-beastkin, a boy found out he was uniquely handicapped. Nero's level cap was Zero. But he'd never let that stop him from reaching his goals. ------------------------------------------------ All stories have already been told. We merely reuse elements from them. From Joseph Campbell's Monomith to Stephen King's advice, and that encyclopedia of tropes you've visited, fiction has been dissected and reassembled countless times. One will surely find elements inspired on other works here. Just like cooking from basic ingredients, the recipe and presentation is what really matter. This is a fantasy adventure, of someone that goes from a zero to a slightly bigger zero. It will have romance but no harem. Cruelty but with hope dimly shining ahead. Lightweight where it can be, heavy where it must. Thanks for reading. Cover Credits (The cover is CC-BY-NC-SA): Steampunk Spider Bracer, by Daniel Proulx. CC-BY-NC-SA Picture Frame, @anaterate, Pixabay license. Some odds and bits from here and there.
8 262 - In Serial9 Chapters
Grey Worlds
A mysterious incident occurred on a otherwise normal science centered world where all of the children from the age range of eight to sixteen suddenly vanished. “Where have their kids gone and will they ever return?” The now childless parents never got to really ask that question, because a strange new element replaced their lost children. This element slowly mutated the various animals that they once ruled over with their technology to the point that they were immune to their modern weaponry. The barren land of savages on a continent far away from theirs also had their children taken, but they easily mutated just like the beasts and only grew stronger thanks to the incident. A revolution of animals eventually took place after the mutations started to cause the animals to understand just how badly the humans ruined their lives and planet. Humans were the slowest to figure out how to use this strange new element to evolve, while their opponents were evolving and growing stronger by the day they couldn’t even surpass their modern technology. When humanity was on the brink of extinction a long forgotten event finally ended and their children finally started to return from the various worlds they were summoned to! It turns out that the mysterious new element that they didn’t know what to call was mana and that it’s everywhere in some fantasy planets. The children brought back a increase in technology and techniques to grow stronger with, which caused the humans to finally be able to build safe havens for their race. They grew stronger and started to finally adapt to their brand new environment. This is the story of a orphan who was taken away from his world, before he could gain a sense of attachment to the world. Who only has his older sister to care about and how he ends up adapting to the new world in front of him.------------------Dog notes by doggo First 'five' chapters aren't what the story is really about and is more of a prologue. The reason why some are separated into parts is because Doggo originally posted them as a entire chapter. The main setting is Ghost's actual world and not any foreign world. So this story was already posted once to another site or this site three years ago… and Dog is finally ending that three year hiatus! The explanation on why Dog was on a three year hiatus would of been written in the review section, but rrl doesn't allow self reviews. I'd have to create a alt just to self review which they obviously don't want even tho I'd not give myself any stars so its going to be here instead. The update schedule is a chapter a week till Dog get a editor and then two chapters a week till Dog gets enough money to pay for Dog’s bills. The final goal is to release a chapter every other day. Dog writes 4k word chapters so they are about twice as long as some of the other authors so every other day is actually more like once a day. ------------------- The part that was supposed to be the 'review' which Dog wont bother editing out repeat infomation since it wasn't supposed to go here in the first place. The first thing Dog will go over is what changed for the first 5 chapters, so that anyone who still remembers Dog's little novel and wants to continue from where Dog originally left off can decide whether or not to reread it. Also Dog is moving over to qidan simply because dog like the app they have. Dog won't go premium even if Qidan tells dog to and will simply move back to royalroad or create a blog.The things that changed over the years are mainly two important things. The first is that Dog changed the first person point of view to a third person, because Dog read a really bad first person novel and it reminded dog of dogs own novel. Dog also changed the thoughts of the character to be - - instead of italics. Finally dog changed chapter 3 completely to make the mc not seem like a homicidal maniac and introduced a important character in chapter 3.What happened to do in the three years that dog was away? Was dog at college and now needs money to eat? Was dog off in space after successfully becoming a astronaut and has now returned home with a completed novel or two? The answer is actually quite plain dog graduated from highschool and was supposed to only spend a year at dogs owners house to choose what major dog wanted to go to college for.Dog didn't do that and is still stuck with dogs owners and is sick of being a neet. Dog wants to move and buy doggy food, but dog is antisocial and doesn't want to work a simple 9 to 5 job for the rest of dogs life. Dog is a reader before dog is a author and the reason why dog got into writing was because dog wanted to write a novel without all the things dog finds annoying. Dog spent the first year reading various novels and dropping various novels. Dog is all caught up and has to much free time on dogs paws. The first year that Dog took off was the very same year that qidan came out so dog was naturally overloaded with free chapters. But now that pemium exists dog naturally has to limit the amount dog can read. Dog is addicted to reading like my very own readers and can understand your frustrations for dog disappearing for 3 years.Dog decided that dog will go back to writing 2 years ago. Dog wanted a decent stockpile incase dog has any other emergency so dog didn't post for a year but then dog decided to change the point of view which took another year.Dog has a patreon page https://www.patreon.com/mclaindog but there isn't any tiers there or goals till dog gets a editor. My final goal is to release a chapter every other day, but as long as Dog gets a editor Dog will do two free chapters a week.Dog will probably also make a kofi for anyone who just wants to send dog a tip and can't afford to donate money monthly while maybe having bonus chapters if the tip jar gets filled.
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you're just too good to be true... can't take my eyes off of you.
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What does it mean to have a dream? What strength one needs to overcome a tragedy and take a step forward? What does it mean to get a second chance or is it the second or only continuation of the first one? Life is an adventure and should be lived as such!
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You game? (Soulmate AU) Tommyinnit x reader
You are a small female streamer. But what you never would have thought that your neighbor could be your soulmate. You go on an adventure of trying to handle fame and love at once while also maintaining being a faceless streamer. No smut:And please be respectful in the comments.The au will be explained in the first chapter. :)-Highest ranks-#7 relatable#1 aufanfic #1 mcytfanfic #1 notfriends #8 dreamsmpfanfic #11 tommyinnitfanfic
8 180