《Inside Job (FNAF: SB Rewrite)》Chapter 10 - Bunny Hop
"With this new voice box, I should be able to access Roxy Raceway," Freddy informed me. Freddy's voice was different from the new voice box. Either it was going to take some time to adjust, or he'd find himself a new voice. "Really? How does that work?" I asked.
"It's currently under construction, but it can be accessed through voice commands," he said. That's a whole new part of the building I will have to investigate as well. I wondered if there were any tapes or other clues there, especially since it's still under the works.
Freddy was helping me replace some of my bandages. They had gotten dirty from my trip through the sewers, and it was time to reapply them anyway. He examined the new wounds on my arm and leg from the cupcake incident.
"How did this happen?" he asked. "Chica's cupcakes became sentient," I answered. Freddy chuckled a bit. There was a twinge of sadness in his expression, but I didn't mention it.
I had told him what happened. I didn't want to recall it at first, but Freddy wouldn't let it go. He said if I wanted his help, he needed me to be honest. I told him how after we played Fazer Blast, she started acting weird, and in the heat of the moment her body was crushed by the trash compactor. I didn't tell him it was me who turned it on. I didn't want Freddy to hate me for what I did. I certainly hate myself for it.
I also didn't tell him about the tape I found. I wasn't sure what to say when I thought about that tape. It struck a chord within me, a deep sadness that I couldn't quite connect with. The kind of sadness that leaves you too exhausted to cry. That man looked so broken, I hoped he was doing better. The Sun tape must've been later chronologically, since he looked older when he built him. Things must've gotten better for him, or at the very least he managed to find some peace.
But I was curious about the rabbit I've been seeing around. When I tried talking about it to Chica, we ended up having a fight, so I thought to try dancing around the subject.
Freddy had just about finished patching me up. "Freddy?" I said. "Hm?" he replied.
"Can you tell me about Bonnie?" I asked.
That rabbit thing appeared earlier for a brief moment when Vanessa locked me in the office. At first, I thought this bunny I was seeing around was Bonnie, but after Chica's outburst, I was starting to doubt that they were one in the same.
"Why?" Freddy asked.
"I'm just curious," I said.
"Did Chica talk about him?"
Freddy sighed. "She's much stronger than me," he admitted, 'but if you really want to know... I think Bonnie and I were quite alike." I sat my elbow on my leg and let my chin rest on my palm, waiting expectantly for a story of some kind.
"Kids used to want to play his bass, but it was too heavy, so he'd hold it and let them pluck at the strings," he said. "One kid accidentally broke one of the strings, and got so upset with themself that they hid underneath one of the tables to cry under. Of course, breaking one of those strings isn't really a big deal. Bonnie would accidentally break them all the time. Monty breaks them too, it's just part of using an instrument."
"Anyways, the kid refused to come out, even after the party time he scheduled for was nearing its end. Their parents were yelling at them to come out, and security was about to pull them out from underneath, but Bonnie had an idea. He wrote on a note, taped the string to it, and placed it just out of reach from the table. It convinced the kid to crawl out, and when they read it they had the biggest grin on their face," Freddy said. He smiled as he remembered. "I asked him what he had written, but he said it wasn't my time to hear it. I still don't know what that note said."
I looked at Freddy and said, "He sounds nice." Freddy shifted in place. "Yeah, nice," he said. My curiosity ate away at me, I just had to ask, "What happened to him?"
I think Freddy knew that question was coming, but even so it took him a while to cough up an answer. "He, well..." he struggled to put into words. "He was dismantled," Freddy said. "He had fallen apart and they decided it'd be cheaper to replace him then to fix him."
Chica said he was dead. I guess once you're tossed away like that, you are no longer living. I thought about what Roxy said, about how Freddy's repairs may take a couple days, and that they were considering getting a replacement. Would that mean the same thing that happened to Bonnie would happen to Freddy? Does Freddy know?
"Are you... also... falling apart?" I asked. Freddy looked at me surprised, but he knew what I meant. "I don't know," he simply said.
There was an awkward silence. It gave me time to think, even if it was just for a while. I wondered what Bonnie would be like if he was with us now. I knew the sound of his voice thanks to Chica, even if I had only heard it for a short while, but it wasn't enough to really understand his character.
"We should go," Freddy said. "It's late, you should sleep."
"No, no," I refuted, "I'm not tired. I need to stay up longer."
"What could you possibly need to stay up longer for?"
I thought for a moment. I had lost Chica in the maze inside of Fazer Blast, and when she walked out she had changed. Maybe I can find some clues inside.
"I need to go back to Fazer Blast," I said. "There might be some clues as to what caused Chica to turn evil inside."
"Or," Freddy said, "a growing boy like you could sleep through the night, as one should for his health."
I rolled my eyes, "I took a nap when I was in the sewers, I'll be fine," I said.
Freddy sighed. "Okay, let's go."
We used the elevator up to the storage unit behind his room. The chair I used to sleep in the night before was still in here.
"If you want to go back inside Fazer Blast," Freddy said, "you might need another pass. Chica always keeps an extra in her room."
"Her room? How am I supposed to get inside?" I asked.
Freddy pointed to the vent on the wall. It had a bunch of stacked boxes that I could use to climb up. "This vent should be connected to all of our rooms," he said.
I climbed up the boxes and crawled through the entrance. "I'll meet you at Chica's door!" Freddy shouted. I yelled back, "Okay!" and made my way through the vents.
As I was crawling through, I heard something behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw some sort of small animatronic. It had a rectangle, large head, spider legs, and cymbals, and it was rushing towards me. After the cupcake incident, I didn't want to take my chances, so I quickened my pace through the vents.
Eventually I came across a vent opening that was over a bright pink room. This must be Chica's. I used my screwdriver and pushed the vent out, hopping out of the vent before the spider thing could touch me. It retreated back into the vents once it reached the opening.
Chica's room was similar yet different to Freddy's. The walls were bright pink and sparkly. Her vanity was covered in drawings of her, and her room was much cleaner than Freddy's. I wondered if Chica cleans her room herself.
I examined her desk, looking to find anything that resembled that pass she had given me when we first entered Fazer Blast. I found one in one of her drawers and quickly left through the door. Freddy was waiting for me outside.
"I'm guessing you can't open their doors?" I said. He shook his head. "We can only open the doors to our designated rooms," he said.
"Let's be quick, I don't want Vanessa to catch me again," I told Freddy. Freddy opened his chest cavity and asked, "Do you want a ride?"
"I thought that was for emergencies only? Doesn't your power run out quickly?" I asked. "Yes, but after my upgrades, I feel I can carry you for longer periods at a time," he said confidently.
"I-I still think maybe we should save it for emergencies," I said. Running around this place myself gives me time to actually learn the floor plan. Plus, I'm scared to think what might happen if he runs out of power while I'm still inside.
Freddy nodded and closed the hatch. "Let's go through the main floors. It'll be faster than the backrooms."
Fazer Blaster is located on the master floor. Freddy and I had to make our way through the entrance area and use the elevator. Then we'd have to walk up several escalators. When we made it to the top, we saw Monty roaming around the entrance.
"Monty's here. What do we do?" I asked.
"You could climb inside and sneak in with me," Freddy said.
"Is there any other option?" My fear of Freddy losing power or turning on me was slowly creeping on me, but I couldn't let him know that.
"I can't distract him. Whenever we talk, things never end well," Freddy confessed. I thought about the night before where Monty had a short intervention with Freddy. Freddy had kept himself composed, but Monty definitely sounded aggressive, even if his words implied he would protect me.
"What if he talks to you even when we're together?" I asked.
"Then at least I know you'll be safe," Freddy said. I thought about it for a moment. "Ugh, fine. Open up," I said.
Freddy's trapped door opened and I climbed inside. This place felt even smaller than before, but I tried not to think about it. I felt Freddy move around.
"Freddy!" I heard Monty yell. I tried to signal for Freddy to ignore him by tapping on his casing, but I don't think he got the message.
"Monty... what's up?" Freddy asked him.
"Have you seen Chica anywhere?" Monty asked. My heart sank. I didn't even think about how they would react to Chica being broken. Monty must be looking for her since she's been missing for so long.
"Uh, no, why?" Freddy asked.
"Roxy says she was going to hang out with her tonight, but that she never showed," Monty said. "She said the last place she had seen Chica was Fazer Blast, but I couldn't find her inside."
"Huh, that's odd," Freddy said, "she's never late to their girls' nights."
"Freddy, is your voice different?" Monty asked. The change was subtle, but listening to more than a few sentences could let someone recognize it, especially someone who's known Freddy his whole life.
"It could be. Maintenance and all that," Freddy brushed it off.
"Okay, well, if you see Chica, can you tell her to find Roxy? She's really upset," Monty said.
"Sure," Freddy replied, and then he continued his way across the plaza.
"He seemed a lot nicer," I said to him. "He's worried. He's more focused on Roxy and Chica than himself right now. He'll put aside his grudges when he has to," Freddy said. I didn't expect Monty to be empathetic, but I guess I was wrong. He may have a reputation of being the rude and mean one, but he is still a part of the gang.
Freddy let me out right in front of the entrance to Fazer Blast. I gave up my pass to the S.T.A.F.F. bot outside and it did it's dance again.
"I'll stay here and keep watch," Freddy said. "Just use the Faz watch to communicate."
I nodded and made my way through the long hallway. I didn't bother putting on the helmet or grabbing a fazer blaster, as I wasn't going to try to win the game and I already had my own golden fazer blaster I could use if necessary.
I roamed through the maze, looking for anything that seemed off. I looked around for what felt like forever until I did find something. Small, pink plastic was on the floor. And when I say small, I mean it. I had to use my flashlight to even notice it. It was the same color as Chica's chest plate. Something must've happened to her here.
I took a look around and noticed the window from above. "Hey, Freddy, are you there?" I talked into my Faz watch.
"Found anything, superstar?" Freddy said through the watch.
"I think so. It's just some plastic though. Do you know what's in the window above?" I asked.
"The window? You must be thinking of the Fazer Blast office. It's got a window that lets you see the entire maze within it," Freddy said.
"That's perfect! How do I get inside?" A top view of the maze could be exactly what I need.
"The entrance to the office is right out here by the prize counter. Come on out," Freddy said. I navigated my way through the maze once more to find an exit, and eventually made it all the way back to the entrance of Faze Blast.
Freddy waited for me next to the office door. The hallway through was very similar to the game itself, but it led to an area outside of the maze with a black spiral staircase. Freddy and I walked up the stairs, and at the top was the long window with a door to the side. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Thanks to the window, we could see the inside of the office.
There were normal office things, like lockers and monitors, but there were also some things that were out of place. There was a mattress to the side wall with the word "Vanny" spray painted above it.
"Vanny," I said out loud. Could that be the name of the bunny I've seen around? That could explain why this bunny doesn't match up with Chica's and Freddy's nice description of Bonnie. It'd be because it's a completely different animatronic entirely.
But then, why is there a bed too? As far as I'm aware, animatronics don't need to sleep. If this was for an animatronic, then it's completely useless. And since this is a security office, a mattress has no reason to be here.
"I don't know of any Vanny in this facility," Freddy said. He looked about as perplexed as I did.
"Do you think this Vanny is what's changing everything? Moon, the cupcakes, Chica–it could be behind all of it," I said.
"It's possible," Freddy admitted, "but let's not jump to any conclusions just yet. There may be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this."
What could that possibly be? A loose animatronic that named itself and brought in a mattress for comfort? A tired worker who brought their entire bed to work?
A tired worker who brought their entire bed to work.
"Freddy, is Vanessa the only human employee here?" I asked.
"Well, people come during the day, but it's more like having third party employees to do maintenance work, like my repairs or fixing leaking pipes," Freddy answered.
"In other words, Vanessa is the only human employed by Fazbear Entertainment?" I asked.
"I guess so. Why?"
It clicked. Vanessa. Bunny. Vanny. God, it's so painfully obvious it's stupid.
But that doesn't make any sense! For namesake it fits, but in practice, it doesn't work. Vanessa locked me in the office, and moments later Vanny appeared. Am I supposed to believe she changed that quickly into a bunny costume? Why would Vanny lead me through the endoskeleton trap if all Vanessa wants is to get me back home? What would she possibly gain from trying to kill me? Vanessa may be annoying, but she's just trying to get her job done, while Vanny is more stealthy and tries to get me killed. They're both against me, but one is more murderous than the other.
"Let's go," Freddy said. "We searched all we could."
Freddy began to walk down the stairs, and I slowly tailed behind him. My thoughts were circling around Vanessa and Vanny. What's Vanessa really like? I don't really know her at all. Is she Vanny, or is there some other connection between the two? Is there any connection at all? There must be, their names are so close together.
I almost stepped out into the Fazer Blast area when I heard Vanessa, speak of the devil. Freddy was a few feet ahead of me, so he left the area before I did. I went back into hiding and waited it out.
"Freddy! What are you doing out? Your repairs aren't finished, you're going to break yourself roaming around!" Vanessa yelled at him. "I-I'm sorry, it's just–" Freddy tried to talk, but Vanessa interrupted him.
"I don't care for your excuses. I have too many things to worry about. That kid is still on the loose, and we found Chica missing her lower face and voice box!" She was pissed, to say the least.
"Monty, escort Freddy to his room and make sure he doesn't leave. Roxy, you continue looking for the kid with me," Vanessa said.
What? Monty and Roxy are also here? If they find me, it'll be the end of me!
"Wait, I can't leave yet," Freddy said. "I need to, uh, to..." He couldn't come up with anything. I heard loud footsteps approaching. "C'mon, Freddy. Let's go," Monty said. "No, wait!" Freddy continued to retaliate against him, but they slowly became quieter and quieter.
"I'll take this side, you take the other," Roxy said. Vanessa didn't say anything, and I heard Roxy walk into the Fazer Blast area.
There was silence for a while. No footsteps, no voice. Just the sound of my breathing as I tried to stay still to not activate the opening door.
"I know you're here. I can see you," Roxy said. How? The door was shut and I was completely out of view.
"I can see through walls," Roxy said, as if reading my mind.
If she can see through walls, does that also mean she–
"Yes, I also saw you with Chica earlier," she said. She really can read my mind!
"At first I thought Chica was having a tough time accepting that Freddy may not last much longer," Roxy said. She slowly started making her way towards the door.
"But when I found her," she continued, "I saw you. It was so weird... You were waiting for her to finish talking to me so you two could play Fazer Blast, right? She always loved that game."
The door opened and I saw her. She was a lot more menacing than the pictures drawn of her for the Fazer Blast artwork. Her hair was messy and her eyes reeked of tiredness. "That was the last time I saw her like that. Now, she can't speak, can't eat, and roams around completely oblivious to everything around her. She didn't even attempt to wave a greeting at me. She's completely emotionless."
She continued walking closer to me. I was moving backwards at the same pace as her, but she felt ominous and terrifying. My heart pounded. I was cornered. All that was behind me was the staircase up to the office, which the door was locked.
She suddenly grabbed hold of my shoulders and I yelped in surprise. "What did you do to her?" she growled. I felt her nails dig into my shoulders.
"I-I," I stammered, trying to think of what to say. I couldn't say I crushed her in the trash compactor, I was quite sure Roxy would kill me if I said that. "I– She attacked me, so–"
She swung me to the wall. I hit my head and winced, feeling the wound I had gotten from when I landed in the sewers. "You really expect me to believe that?" Roxy yelled at me.
"No, no, it's true!" I replied. "She... she was helping me, and we were having fun for a while, but... after Fazer Blast, she ran after me, and I..." I trailed off. I couldn't just say I smashed her to pieces. "It was an accident, I swear I never meant to do that to her! I just had to get her off my back!"
Her grip tightened, and her nails started to pierce through my skin. "Please!" I cried, "You have to believe me! There's something going on that's making the animatronics go berserk, and it got Chica! Please, let me go! It hurts!"
Her grip loosened, but only a little. "What do you mean?" she asked.
"E-ever since I got here, strange things have been happening. Things that should be friendly are deadly, I've found VHS tapes of someone high up in the company, and there's this bunny thing following me around!" I yelled.
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