《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 10
~ Chapter 10 ~
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need, every breath that I breathe
When I look at you by Miley Cyrus
I opened my eyes but quickly shut them again. The brightness of the room giving me a headache. For the moment I took the time to assess my surroundings. The smell of medicinal potions and salves assaulted my nose and I knew that I was in the infirmary again. I had a headache and my side was burning. The pain wasn't as intense as before so I knew that healing salve was put on the wound. Wounds inflicted by magical creatures can't be healed by just waving a wand. The wound wasn't healed immediately but at least the salve speeds the healing up and I should be good in three to four days. I moved on in my assessment to realize that the air had two familiar scents. I opened my eyes slowly and found my mates at my bedside asleep. Fleur was holding my right hand while her head was placed on the edge of the bed. Minerva was slouched in a chair on my left. I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. Minerva woke immediately at the sound and her beautiful green eyes found mine. I was sad for a second when I saw this. Years of war and battle had caused her to be very alert even in sleep. I was the same. The emotion was gone as quickly as it had come.
I was smiling at her as her mind registered what was in front of her.
"You're awake! Are you alright? Do you need me to fetch Poppy?" The words came out in a rush.
"I'm fine love. There is pain but nothing unusual." I said as I extended my hand out to her.
"I'm glad." She said, grasping my hand in hers.
"Where are the others?"
"You were out for about a day. Everyone has class except for the Champions. Champions are allotted a few days to recover."
I was then that Fleur was woken by our talking. Fleur was rubbing her eyes sleepily as Minerva let go of my hand. It was not the time for Fleur to know yet. Fleur looked up and noticed that I was awake.
"You are awake! Are you alright? Do you need me to get the healer of this school?" I couldn't help but laugh. It was almost the same as Minerva.
"I'm doing fine. Nothing out of the ordinary."
"I was worried when you didn't wake up."
"I know." I said as I run my fingers through her hair.
(Later that week...)
"What about this one Mione?" I took a moment to look Harry over.
"It's nice but it doesn't really speak to me."
"Really? It doesn't speak to you?" Harry asked in exasperation.
"Does it matter that much?"
"Harry this is a Ball. You should want to look amazing. And besides, Fleur is bound to look fantastic. You need to also. You are trying to match after all."
"Yeah, mate. At least you get to choose what you wear. I need to wear those horrid robes mum sent me."
Oh those robes are horrid. Worse thing I have ever laid eyes on. Poor Ron. Ron ended up having to go with Ginny. She had turned down everyone that asked her but really wanted to go. So, Ron was forced to take her. Fleur had picked the color dark blue while Gabrielle had said that she was going to wear something in dark purple.
"Fine. Let me look more." Harry went over to look for something else. "Hey, Mione! I think I might have found something that you could wear."
Harry started to walk over and almost shoved the robes into my hands. I had to admit, the robes were nice. It was dark purple and black with hints of silver.
"I think you may be right. Hold on while I go put this on..." I didn't bother to take off the clothes I was currently wearing. I just put the robes over my school ones.
"Blimey, that's amazing Mione."
"Ron's right, they really speak to me." Harry said, honest but teasingly.
"Oh, shut up Harry. I'll get these. Now, we still need to find one for you Harry." After about three robe changes later, we finally found something that looked great on him.
"I think the found the one Harry." I say crossing my arms and circling around him.
"Really? Finally! Does it 'speak' to you?" Harry asked. The robes were dark blue with silver and gold.
"It really does. You need to get this one. The women will be fainting left and right in awe." I said teasingly.
"Shut up!"
"Can we pay for it and go now? I'm bloody hungry!"
"Of course you are." Harry and I said together. We were laughing as we went to the counter to pay and then we headed off to find the black hole something to eat.
(Hogwarts: night)
My robes were lain flat and crease-free on my bed as I looked them over. I really liked them, they looked good on me. Hopefully Fleur will think so to. The Headmaster gave everyone who was going to the Ball two days to go to Hogsmeade to find some nice clothes. Today was the first day, so maybe tomorrow I could ask Fleur and Gabrielle to spend the day with me if they had already found their dresses In fact, I can go to ask her now.
With that thought, I put my robe away and headed out the door. I needed to hurry if I was to make it before curfew.
There were few students walking the halls as I passed. I made my way outside and trudged my way toward the Great Lake were the carriage was parked. I knocked on the carriage door and waited. The door swung open and confused eyes looked me over. It was late after all. Her eyes flickered with recognition and smiled excitedly at me.
"Ah, Ms. Granger. Here to see our dear Fleur are you? Well, come on in. She is in the living room down the hall."
"Why thank you. I appreciate it. Sorry for the intrusion."
"It is more than fine." She said to me as I passed her to make my way inside.
The inside was as gorgeous as it was the last time I was here. Elegance was the word that described the living quarters of the Beauxbatons ladies. As I entered the living room, all conversation stopped and all eyes were on me. I spotted Fleur immediately. She was sitting on a white and blue embroidered couch and was surrounded by a few of her friends. I glanced around the room with interest. It seemed like most of the carriage occupants were here to enjoy some companionship before going off to bed.
"Ah, Hermione? What is it?" Fleur asked in surprise as I approached her.
"Hello Fleur, are you and Gabrielle free tomorrow?"
"We are. Gabrielle and I have finished our dress shopping."
"Wonderful. Would you and Gabrielle like to accompany me tomorrow for a day out at Hogsmeade?"
"Oh, that would be lovely! I shall tell Gabrielle tomorrow. She has already gone to bed. There was a lot of excitement today." She said with a smile.
"Great! I'll meet you both in the Great Hall after breakfast." I smiled brightly back. As I turned to leave I noticed that many of the women seated in the living room were fanning themselves. I chuckled to myself as I headed down the hall to the door. Once my back was turned I heard whispering and giggling sounds float down the hall after me.
"Oh my!"
"Fleur! You can't share with us?"
"What a gentlemen she is! She didn't leave out Gabrielle."
The rest was muffled as I closed the door behind me and headed back to the Tower so I wouldn't miss curfew.
(Second Hogsmeade day)
I had told Ron and Harry where I would be today and with whom. Harry was fine, he was just going to hang around with Ron. Ron was moping but he wasn't being a git. Perhaps my punch got through to him.
I had finished eating and was waiting for fleur and Gabrielle to seek me out after their meal. They wanted to sit with the rest of their friends today, no doubt talking about the Ball and their dresses that they bought. I was thinking about all the places we could go and have fun.
"Hermione!" Gabrielle was waving at me enthusiastically as she and her sister walked over to where I sat further down the Gryffindor table.
"Yes. Though my sister seems to be more than me." Fleur said with a teasing smile.
"Is that so? Well then, we should go immediately then." I said, playing along with her teasing. Gabrielle was blushed in response to our teasing.
"Let us go promptly, Mademoiselles." I bowed theatrically and grasped Gabrielle's hand in mine. Gabrielle was blushing up a storm as we headed out the door, with Fleur at my other side. We were too busy in our own world to notice that all eyes were on us.
"Where are we heading first?"
"I was thinking that we could go to Honeydukes first. It's a nice sweets shop." Gabrielle's embarrassment seemed to vanish and she started to skip in excitement.
(A little later...)
After we got to all the exciting places we made our way to the book store. It was a nice relaxing place to wind down our day before returning to the castle. Gabrielle skipped off to the fiction while Fleur and I gravitated to the spell and potion tombs.
I was carrying the bags that was acquired through the course of the day. Gabrielle bought some hair accessories and some candy from Honeydukes. To my great amusement and the disgust of Fleur, Gabrielle seemed to take a liking to Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Fleur bought a few jumpers. I snorted unladylike when I realized what she was buying. It seemed that the cold on this side of Europe was getting to her. Well, the Carriage was close to the Great Lake.
I was browsing the advanced spell tombs when a hand was suddenly in my own. Our fingers intertwined and no words were spoken. Sometimes the best things are conveyed in silence. The silence was broken when Gabrielle ran over to us with a book in her hand.
"I've found one!" She exclaimed with a smile.
"That's lovely. What is it?" I asked.
"It's about a dashing prince that meets a girl at a ball and he falls in love with her even though she is only the second daughter of a noble family. He tries everything to be with her even though he is betrothed to her older sister." She replies. Fleur raises an eyebrow and glances at me. I shrug and look back at Gabrielle.
"That sounds amazing darling. Wait a minute so your sister and I can grab a book. Then we can leave."
"Ok!" Gabrielle ran off in excitement.
"Hmm, you better not steal my sister away from me." Fleur says. I gasped in mock hurt.
"I would never dream of doing such a thing! I am aghast by you saying so." Fleur hit my arm as she laughed. We got our books and headed to the front to pay.
"Thank you for spending the day with us Hermione. Gabrielle and I had fun." Fleur said. All three of us were standing in front of the carriage door.
"I had a great time. Bye!" Gabrielle hugged me quickly before rushing into the carriage.
"It was no problem Fleur. I had an amazing time with both of you. I'm glad I was able to show you around at the same time."
"Supper is soon. I need to freshen up before then. I'll see you tomorrow at the Ball. I'm sure you will look amazing." Fleur kissed me on the cheek before following her sister into the carriage.
I had a large grin on my face as I turned on my heel and went off to change my clothes before dinner.
(Day of the Yule Ball)
I was anxious. It was the day of the Yule Ball. The whole castle was abuzz with excitement.
"Humans are strange. Why so much excitement for... dancing?" Tali hissed in my ear from her place near my pillow.
I turned my head to look at my familiar.
"We like to be with the people we care about and have fun. Dancing could be a way to be... closer to the people we love." I say.
"I personally like to go for food." Magnus says from his place curled up at the foot of the bed. Magnus stays in his animagus form a lot. Not just because he could be caught but because he was just so used to it.
"Of course you would."
"I like food as well."
"Me too. But I'm sorry, no familiar are allowed." I say.
"Aw, no food?"
"Nope sorry. But maybe I could sneak some away for you guys."
"Yes Tali, food." I say with a smile. Tali hissed happily and moved closer to me to curl up near my head. I lifted my hand to run it along her body.
"Are you going to take all day to get ready like all the other girls?" Magnus says.
"No I am not. I don't fuss much."
"Good. But maybe you should help your friends. At least make them presentable."
"I... see your point. I'll bring a hair brush."
(Outside the Great Hall)
I was standing outside the Great Hall with some of the other Champions and their dates. Krum was here with some Ravenclaw girl. Cedric was with Cho Chang. And I was standing with Harry waiting our dates. We were both in our robes that we bought two days before. I combed Harry's hair so it didn't look like he just got out of bed. My hair was in a low pony tail that was held together with some dark purple ribbon.
It suddenly got quiet and I turned to look what had happened. I took in a quick breath. Fleur and Gabrielle were walking toward us. Gabrielle looked cute in her dress and we matched perfectly. Fleur... Fleur was spectacular. Her dark blue dress was captivating on her, it sparkled and seemed to flow around her as she moved.
"Hi Hermione!" Gabrielle said as she came to stand next to me. I smiled down at her.
"You look lovely."
"Thank you." I turned to look at Fleur.
"And you, you look stunning." I said as I lifted my hand to brush some hair out of her face.
"Thank you. You look amazing as well." Fleur went to stand next to Harry.
"You look great Fleur, you too Gabrielle." Fleur and Gabrielle answered with bright smiles.
"Ah there you are Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter!" I turned and noticed Minerva making her way over to us. "Are you and your dates ready?"
"Ready for what?" Harry asked.
"To dance of course. It's traditional for the three, well in this case four, champions to be the first to dance." She said. "Surely I told you that?"
"No" Harry said.
"Oh, well now you know." I smiled at her. There's no way she forgot. Little minx. Well, at least I already knew about it. After all I am not actually from a muggle home. Minerva looked me over discretely before giving me a smile. I smiled back. She didn't need to say anything. Her smile was enough. She walked off to get the other Champions ready.
"Well. Good thing I am good at dancing." I say before looking at Harry.
"'Oh, well now you know'. What was that?" Harry said.
"I think our lovely Professor just pulled one over on us." I said, laughing. Harry and I bantered back and forth before it was time to go in. We lined up in pairs and waited for Minerva to open the doors.
Gabrielle seemed nervous. I patted the arm that was in mine. She calmed a little but not completely.
The doors opened and everyone swept in. Everyone stood in the middle of the hall, waiting for the music to start. An enchanting melody started to play and we were off. I swirled us around all the other champions. I made sure that Gabrielle was only looking at me as we danced. This way was the best because she relaxed and forgot that we were being watched.
Before we knew it the dance was over and clapping echoed through the hall. We were seated at the table in the front for the champions.
The food on the menu looked amazing but no one seemed to know what to do. Dumbledore looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. He seemed to know that I knew what to do. With a sigh I stood up and called out what I wanted.
"Roasted Pheasant!" And by magic, my food appeared before me. The room was filled with orders as I sat back down.
The food was amazing as usual. It truly showed that the House Elves liked working here. Hogwarts was sure to be one of the better places for a House Elf to work.
Dinner continued and the Hall was filled with excited conversation. When the meal was finished, familiar music started to play. The Weird Sisters had magiced onto the stage and were playing one of their most successful songs. Students from all houses and schools were making their way to the front of the stage to dance. I turned to look at Gabrielle and noticed that she was fidgeting.
"Would you like to dance, my lady?" I asked with a smile as I held my hand out to her. She beamed at me before dragging me to the dance floor.
We stayed on the dance floor having a great time until the famous band went off to have a break. Gabrielle looked tired so I sent her back to our seats. Before I could follow her a body swept in front of me.
"Hello Hermione, would you dance with me?" I signed in my head. Why couldn't she leave me alone? Didn't she get that I was not interested in her and never would be? I steeled myself for a unpleasant conversation.
"Ginny, I..." I was cut off as someone else entered the conversation.
"You owe me a dance." And just like that I was saved from an unpleasant conversation and swept off to the other side of the dance floor.
"Fleur, you beautiful creature, have saved me."
"I know. Now you really owe me a dance." She said. A song started to play and we started to dance.
*You're in my arms
And all the world in gone
The music playing on for only two
So close together and when I am with you
So close to feeling alive
I pulled Fleur closer to me and slowed our pace down. Our eyes locked and neither of us looked away.
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted
To hold you so close
So close to reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this was not pretend
Now you're beside me and look how far we've come
So far we are so close
There were other people dancing around us but I paid them no heed as I swept us around the floor.
How could I face the faceless days if I should lose you now?
We're so close to reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this was not pretend
Let's go on dreaming
For we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
Our pace died with the song. We stopped our dance right in the middle of the dance floor. There was only us in this moment, in this moment that seemed to stand still. I smiled at her as I lifted a hand to the side of her face. She smiled back at me as I dipped my head down.
It was perfect.
Our first kiss was what I wanted it to be. It was like we were in a fairytale. I pulled back to look at her face as I caressed my thumb along her cheek.
"One of the best dances I have ever had." I said softly.
"I agree." She said just as softly.
Another song started to play. We were not in the mood to dance more so we headed back to the Champion's table.
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