《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 9
~ Chapter 9 ~
If my life is like a jigsaw
With the pieces out of place
Come on over
Put a smile upon my face
And if all my bad days came at once
You would know just what to do
Come on over
Only you can see me through
Come on Over by Fiji
(I couldn't help putting in a little music from Hawaii. Check the song out on Youtube. :D )
[Fleur] (Yes, you read that right)
It was sweet of Hermione to ask Gabrielle like that. Too bad we couldn't go together, but at least Gabrielle can experience the Yule Ball. Come to think of it, who am I going to go with? Being a Veela and a Delacour had its problems at times. I couldn't really tell who was genuine or who just wanted fame or was affected by my thrall. Usually girls were not affected by the charm but many of them were focusing on my fame and family name. So they were affected by a different kind of thrall rather than a magical one. I needed to find people that I am comfortable around. Many of the girls from Beauxbatons were here to watch me compete. They thought that the champion had to be me. Durmstrang were very serious and loyal to their champion. And many, if not all, the boys here at Hogwarts were drooling unhealthily at me. The girls here tended to ignore me.
Ah. How could I have over looked him? He was Hermione's friend and he seemed to be normal with me. With that thought, I headed toward the Gryffindor common room. It was after dinner at the moment, but before curfew.
The common room got quiet as I entered. Only Harry made an effort to speak.
"Oh, hello Fleur. If you are looking for Hermione she's in the Library again."
"Hello Harry. Actually, can I speak with you?"
"Of course." Harry followed me out the portrait. Conversation seemed to erupt even before the portrait completely shut.
"Something I can help you with?"
"Yes. But I need to speak with both you and Hermione."
"Ok. To the Library then."
The Library was quiet and deserted as expected, except for one lone figure hunched over a large tome. Harry and I took a seat at the table.
"Hi guys. Something the matter?"
"Hermione there is something that I would like to tell you both." She shut her book and looked at me in concern.
"What is it Fleur? You can come to us for anything." Harry nodded his head in agreement. I smiled in return.
"Thank you. It's about my heritage. I am part Veela." Might as well say it outright.
"We have no problem with that Fleur. Ron seemed to be adamant that you were a Veela but we shut him up right quick, that's how rumors start. We wanted to hear it from you if you really were one." Hermione said. I looked closely at both of their faces. They were both sincere. I smiled brightly then.
"You have no idea how much that means to me." I said in a watery voice. They weren't like the ministry or the Pureblood elitists.
"You are very welcome." Harry said.
"And you know Veelas have a thrall right?" They nodded.
"I don't have a date yet for the Ball and this Thrall is why I am hesitating. I just want to take a friend to the Ball, not someone that will just drool at me the whole time." My attention was already taken by someone and she was sitting right here.
"That's very understandable." Hermione said understandably. Everyone was drooling at her as well. Jealously flared in me, I pushed it down.
"And I was wondering if Harry would go with me."
"I would be happy to Fleur. I don't have a date yet and I'm sure we will have fun together."
"Ron's going to be fussy. He's the only one that doesn't have a date between us now. Well, except Ginny." Hermione said.
"Yeah. Ron'll probably over react but he will get over it in time. I'm not to sure about Ginny though. She didn't blow up when word got around that you asked Gabrielle but she did seem put out."
"She does seem to have an unhealthy fixation on you Hermione." I said.
"Yeah. Hopefully it will pass." Hermione responded. "We better head back. Curfew will be soon."
We all got up and headed out of the Library together.
"What do you mean you have dates already!?"
Harry, Ron, and I had just come out of potions. Ron had finally apologized for thinking that I had put my name in the Goblet. He was genuinely sorry so I forgave him. Ron was always the one to jump to conclusions and have jealously take over. Ron had made a comment about us being the dateless trio. He did not like our response. And there went our peace, again. And Ron's jealously won out, again.
"You should have at least known about me having a date Ron. Word travels in Hogwarts. I understand that you wouldn't have known about Harry, it wasn't in public like mine was."
"I haven't heard anything! Who is it?" Ron angrily asked me.
"Gabrielle Delacour."
"And you?" He asked swiveling to glare at Harry.
Here it comes. Wait for it....
"... What?"
"Fleur. Fleur Delacour." Harry repeated hesitantly.
"Fleur? Fleur Delacour? Beauxbaton's champion Fleur? VEELA Fleur Delacour!?!" Yup. There it was.
"Ron, Shut up! People are staring." I said.
"You're lying!" I was completely ignored in favor of Harry.
"I'm not lying, mate. Fleur asked me beca-"
"I don't believe you. And I'll prove it!" Ron stormed off, an angry streak of red rushing down the corridor.
"Great. Let's go. Maybe we can catch up before something bad happens." I sighed, somehow already exhausted at ten in the morning. Harry and I made our way down the corridor, following the trail of gossiping students.
"Was that Weasley just now?"
"What's his problem? Looked right put out to me."
"He bloody pushed me! Git!"
Great. The last one was undoubtedly Ron.
We made our way through the throng of students and came upon a disaster waiting to happen. Fleur was standing in the middle of the hall with a few female students and her sister. Ron was flushed in anger and gesturing wildly.
"You'll go with me won't you? To the ball? He was lying, I know he was!"
"I'm sorry Ron. I already have a date." Fleur said calmly after a slight hesitation. She was announcing her date to the horde of students watching after all. Gossip was already forming.
"Who is it? He has to be lying!"
"I am going with our friend, Harry Potter." Gasps echoed the hall.
"Harry is lying. You're lying, stop covering for him!" Stubborn as always.
"I am telling the truth. You seem to be a very rash person, Ronald." Ron seemed to snap then. Hearing his full name usually meant that he was being scolded for doing something wrong.
"Urgg!" He lashed out then, and it was my turn to act. Anger was what filled me now, not exacerbation or frustration.
The hall got deathly quiet and the color drained from Ron's face.
Time seemed to fast forward as I punched Ron back and grasped the color of his robes, lifting him so he was level with my eyes.
"Keep that Weasley Jealousy in check Ronald. You will never hit a women in anger! Do you understand me?" I growled. Ron was pale with fear and guilt but I was too angry to care. I let go and he stumbled as his feet touched the ground.
"Save it Ron! Mione you're bleeding."
"Hmmm?" It was only then that I noticed my broken nose.
Fleur was suddenly in front of me and wiping the blood from my face with a handkerchief. She looked close to tears. My anger had simmered so I smiled softly at her.
"I'm fine Fleur. It will take more than this to really hurt me." Fleur opened her mouth to answer but was promptly interrupted.
"What is going on here?" The crowd parted and Minerva walked toward us. Minerva surveyed the group before her eyes landed on me, handkerchief pressed to my still bleeding nose.
"I want the whole story once we get to the infirmary. Let's go." Minerva walked over to us and started to steer Ron and I out of the horde of students, Harry, Fleur, and Gabrielle following close behind.
"Everyone back to class except for those involved." The throng started to dissipate as we made our way down the hall.
"Poppy, I have some work for you."
"Oh my! What have you children gotten into this time?"
"That's what I want to know."
Ron and I were sat on separate beds while Poppy got to work. Me with a broken nose and Ron with a black eye. Hopefully I rattled his brain a little and he will come out of his jealously.
We told Minerva what happened everyone pitched in except for Ron. He was quiet.
"Anything to say Mr. Weasley?"
"I... I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened. I was just mad."
"Sigh.... I know Ron. Just... can you think before you act? And listen to what we have to say before you jump to conclusions. I hope you learned from this or I won't hesitate to hit you again."
"I understand. I actually hope you do if I start to act like a git."
"I will."
"I'm really sorry Fleur. I shouldn't have tried to hit you."
"It's ok Ron. You should trust your friend more though."
"I know. I'll try harder from now on."
"Mr. Weasley, I realize that the problem has been solved but I do need to give you detention."
"It's fine."
"Now that you are healed and everything is ok you can return to class."
Everyone headed out but Minerva called me back. I walked back over. Poppy had gone back to her office when Ron and I were completely healed.
"Minerva..." She pulled me into a fierce hug.
"I was scared when I saw the blood. But I realized that you were ok. I thought you were really hurt." I wrapped my arms around her and caressed the back of her head.
"I'm ok. I'm not going anywhere."
"I hope so."
I pulled far enough away so I could kiss her.
"I love you, Min."
"I love you too."
(The day of the first task.)
The entire school was buzzing with excitement and activity. The day of the first task had finally come. The Champions were in the tent early to prepare while the students started to trickle in and fill in the seats.
Fleur and I were standing together near one end of the tent. We weren't talking, there was no need. We were both nervous at what was to come and took comfort in each other's presence. The tent was quiet, each Champion in their own thoughts until I heard a noise outside the tent walls.
"Pssst! Hermione? Fleur? Can you hear me?"
"I've come to see you guys before everything starts. How are you holding up?"
"To be honest, completely nervous."
"As am I"
"You've got this. Both of you are some of the smartest people I know. You'll get through this." Harry came in through a flap in the tent and grabbed me into a hug. Before he could let go and move to hug Fleur as well, a flash of light filled the tent. We split apart quickly.
"Young love! How........ stirring." A women walked into the tent like she owned it, a man following behind like a loyal puppy. I immediately disliked her.
"Good day champions, gather around please. Now, you've waited, wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. The moment that only four of you can fully appreciate..." Dumbledore led a group of people into the tent and started to talk. He finally took notice of Harry.
"Mr. Potter, what are you doing here?"
"Ah, I'll just go." Harry said before scurrying out of the tent and back to the stands.
"Barty, the bag."
"Champions, in a circle around me." He directed us to stand around him.
"Now, Ms. Delacour, if you will." Fleur hesitated before sticking her hand in the bag. She flinched before pulling out a small dragon.
"Ah, the Welsh Green." He moved on to Krum.
"The Chinese Fireball, oohhh."
"The Swedish Short Snout." And then he moved on to me.
"That leaves... The Hungarian Horntail." Lovely. It seems I got the most vicious one. Well, at least Fleur didn't get it.
"These four represent very real dragons, each of which has been given one Golden Egg to protect. Your objective is simple, collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed."
"Now let us begin. Ms. Delacour, you are up first." Fleur caught my eyes for a moment before sweeping out of the tent.
It didn't take long before Fleur had gotten the egg. She walked in and I immediately knew something was wrong. She was hurt! Everyone else came to this conclusion a second after I did and Poppy and her Headmistress rushed to her. The giant of a women grabbed the egg while Poppy dragged her over to a bed. No one else moved but me. I rushed over to the bedside while Poppy was already casting spells to help with the burn. Fleur's face was scrunched up in pain when she looked up at me.
I could care less what anybody else thought, my mate was in pain. I went to stand behind her and wrapped my arms around her neck in a hug. Her body lost most of its tension as she relaxed and pressed her back more into my front.
"Mr. Krum." It seemed the next dragon was in place, it was Krum's turn.
"How are you Fleur? Apart from your injury."
"I am in pain but I completed the task. I am relieved that this is over but I am scared because you have not gone yet."
"I understand. Right now I am just happy your injuries are not worse. Don't fret about it Fleur, I won't die easily."
"You better not." Fleur smiled softly at me, not as pained as it was a few moments before. I smiled back, glad that she was feeling better.
By the time that Fleur was completely healed Cedric had entered the tent with a golden egg in hand.
"You better go. Be careful."
"I'll try my best." I said before making my way to the entrance of the tent.
"Go in with a clear mind Ms. Granger." Dumbledore said to me before placing a hand on my back and pushing me out of the tent.
The arena roaring with cheers as I appeared at the opening of the arena. It didn't take long for my eyes to land on the dragon. For some odd reason the dragon was sitting calmly in the middle of the arena. Its eyes followed me as I approached the creature slowly. I stopped a safe distance away. For a few moments we only stared, studying each other.
"You are not like any dragon I have ever seen." I said.
"I am an ordinary dragon, child. I am just much older than the others. I have control over my instincts and do not react rashly." I could understand her even if the only sounds she was making were snarls, grunts, and huffing noises.
"I see. But how can I understand you? I know many languages but dragon was not something that I have had the privilege of learning."
"Once a dragon is old enough they are able to make others understand them. You understand what I am saying because I am letting you."
"How interesting. I may be only forming a hypothesis but I feel that you have something to say to me. I know you are much to old and wise to be captured, so, you must be here willingly."
"That is correct. I let myself be captured because something was telling me that I wouldn't be disappointed. And look what my instincts have gotten me, a chance to meet The One. I am not here for just a talk. I have come to test you. You are supposed to be The One but I want to see for myself if you are strong enough for the destiny that has been given to you. If you are truly strong enough for leadership."
Our talk seemed to be over as her stance changed into an aggressive one.
"Do not worry child. No one will remember seeing us talk, only this fight. If you are able to retrieve that egg that the wizards doused in pheromones then I will acknowledge you as my queen." I had little time to react before she lunged at me.
[No one-Third person]
Hermione barely darted out of the way; large jaws clamping closed mere inches from her. The great dragon was hardly deterred as she swung her body around to follow the rushing witch and inhaled a large breathe.
Hermione saw the signs and sought refuge behind a large rock. She made it just in time as walls of fire shot out and blanketed her asylum. She could feel the heat of the flames that hugged all sides of the rock and further pushed herself into the face of her temporary shelter.
The dragon ran out of breathe and the fire stopped. The small witch took this chance and left the safety of her shelter, firing off a spell.
"Oppungo!" The rocks and pebbles that littered the field lifted from the ground and zoomed toward the towering beast.
The magical creature shifted its large wings to protect itself from the barrage or earth. She swung her wing around and batted the assailants. It now had the change to look around for its target. Hermione had used the temporary distraction to start to make her way behind the dragon and closer to the egg. The dragon realized this when she could not see her target immediately and swung her spiked tail blindly, she got lucky. The tail just got the witch's side and flung her into the air.
Hermione landed just shy of hitting the wall. The wind was knocked out of her and her body was in shock.
"Arrgg!" Hermione let out a distressed noise of pain and her hand flew to her side. There was a large gash in her side from the spikes that adorned the dragon's tail.
The elder dragon was not unfair, she waited to see if the small witch would stand. Was this as much as the future queen could take? Was this all it took to defeat the one that she, every magical creature, was expected to follow?
Hermione was in great pain but she would not be defeated so easily. She had been through much and was a Meniscus, she would not fall from this. With effort and determination Hermione stood.
The arena roared. She had almost forgotten about the tournament.
"Not bad child. But it is not over." The dragon again inhaled a large breathe of air. With the pain that the witch was in she surely would not be fast enough to evade it a second time.
Hermione did not move, she waited. She waited for the right time... There!
Hermione pointed her wand and just as the dragon opened its jaws to spew fire, she casted the spell.
"Aguamenti!" A large steam of water burst from the tip of her wand. She slid back slightly by the force but stayed standing. Fire and water met and steam filled the arena.
It was quiet.
The arena was still until the steam cleared. Cheers filled the air and startled the dragon. She turned her head and found one small witch, Golden Egg in hand.
I was breathing heavily as I grasped the egg under my arm. My injury plus having to run to get the egg was trying on my tired body.
The Horntail returned to its sitting position and spoke one last time.
"Very good, my Queen. My name is Mavil. We will meet again." Mavil bowed her head before snapping the chain on her hind leg and lifting herself into the air. The Dragon tamers rushed into the arena but they were to late. Mavil was already disappearing from sight.
I ignored them as I made my way slowly back to the tent, egg held tightly to my side. I pushed my way into the tent and was noticed immediately. Poppy was rushing over to me but all I was paying attention to was Fleur. She was panicked and worried but I just smiled at her before my vision was filled with darkness.
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