《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt:8
I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up for you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to Heaven.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
And seasons are changing,
And waves are crashing,
And stars are falling all for us.
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter,
I can show you I'll be the one.
Your Guardian Angel – The Red Jump Suit Apparatus
(A repurposed classroom)
"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the TriWizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is vest and foremost a dance." The students erupted in excited chatter.
"Silence. The house of Godrick Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling, band of baboons. To dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance."
Ron was snidely making jokes to the other boys. Minerva, having heard this, winked at the girls side of the room and called out to Ron. It was the girls turn to snicker.
"Mr. Weasley."
"Will you join me please?" The whole room now seemed to be holding back laughter. I was one of them.
"Now put your right hand on my waist." All signs of laughter were gone from me then.
"What?" I know that Ron had no idea who exactly he was touching but I was becoming angry. Minerva was mine. The thought of Ron's scent on her was very upsetting. She called everyone together after what felt like a lifetime and I made my way straight to my source of ire. I tapped Ron on the shoulder.
"May I cut in?" I ask, slightly tense. Ron jumped back immediately and looked at me in thanks. I felt slightly guilty that I wasn't really here to save him but the feeling was fleeting as I swept Minerva away."
"See Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger has manners and knows how to dance properly." She called out before turning her attention to me.
"Well, well, jealous are we?" Minerva asked with a smile.
"Jealous? No. Possessive? Very." I said softly as I lead us smoothly around some fumbling pairs.
"I am not surprised that you can dance. Royal lessons?"
"You are correct. To dance well is a type of intimidation and show of power in certain occasions."
"How very true."
(The Great Hall: The chosen one)
"Bloody hell. Its time. Viktor is sure to get picked."
"Yes Ron. We heard you the last seven times since we sat down. And the other five on the way here." I said.
"Yeah... well, I'm excited."
"We know Ron." Harry responded, patting Ron on the back in an effort to calm him.
"And now, what you've all been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore exclaimed as he dimmed the flames lighted the Hall. He placed his hands on the goblet before stepping back to wait. The Goblet flashed a brilliant red before spitting out the first name.
"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum" Krum stood to shake Dumbledore's hand. Once that was done the Goblet flashed again and spit out the next champion.
"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." Fleur stood as well to shake the Headmasters hand. For a moment I was scared for my other mate but I shooed the feeling away. My mates are strong. Fleur doesn't seem the type to back down easily.
"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory." He too followed the other champions to shake Dumbledore's hand.
"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist the chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard cup! Cheers erupted at the unveiled cup but was short lived as the Goblet spewed out an unexpected third piece of paper. Dumbledore stared down at the paper in confusion.
"Hermione Granger?" He questioned softly. I froze where I sat. No one but the magical creatures in the room could hear the first uttering of my name.
"Hermione Granger?" The second call, louder than the first as he turned to search the Hall.
"Hermione Granger!" The third and final call cut through the silence. I still had not moved. What was going on?
"Hermione? Hermione, go!" Harry said pushing me up. I slowly made my way over to the Headmaster. He only stared at me before silently handing me the paper with my name on it. The Hall was silent as I made my way slowly down the columns of staring students. That was until an accusation filled the air.
"She's a cheat! She's not even seventeen yet!" I continued and passed Snape who stared like the others as I passed. Minerva was next. She put a hand on my shoulder as I passed and looked at me with fear. She knew it wasn't me who did this. I ignore Moody and entered the room that the other champions had disappeared to.
What was going on? I certainly didn't put my name in the Goblet. So the only answer would be that someone put my name in. The Goblet has strong spells on it to prevent students not of age from entering. Though I have the power the break them, I would not put so much attention on myself. I can't use magic too far out of my range with such an audience. But the good thing is that I am the smartest witch of my age, I have some leeway.
I am now bound by magical contract. Who ever wanted this has got it. I must compete but I need to be careful of displaying too much magical strength.
The commotion from the stair causes me to hold on my thoughts for the moment.
"Hermione. Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"
"No, sir."
"Did you have an older student do it?"
"I didn't."
"Are you sure?" Am I sure? Great question. Yes, I'm sure! You ask some strange questions when you are flustered or surprised, Headmaster.
"Yes. I had no part in this." I say with conviction. Minerva is lingering behind the emotionally charged group of professors with a scared look on her face. I lock our eyes to say that it would be alright. Somehow I would make it out of this.
"But of course she is lying!" Says Madame Maxine as she swats a lighting fixture out of her path.
"The hell she is! The Goblet of Fire is an exceptional magical object! Only an exceptionally powerful confundus charm could have hoodwinked it! Way beyond the talents of a fourth year!" Moody argues loudly.
"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-eye!" Snaps Durmstrang's Headmaster.
"It was once my job to think like dark wizards do, Karkarov. Perhaps you remember?"
"This doesn't help Alastor." Says Dumbledore.
"We leave this to you Bart."
"The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Ms. Granger has no choice. She is as of tonight a Triwizard champion." They all turned to look at me at once. He just confirmed what I already knew. I have no choice but to compete. School here at Hogwarts never seems to be boring, and my friends and I always right in the middle of it all.
"Hermione, what is going on?" Minerva asks as she paces the length of her sitting room.
"I know as much as you. The only thing I really know is that someone put my name in that Goblet, and it wasn't some prank. Pranks are to make the person feel lower or made fun of, not to make them of a higher status. Not to mention all the publicity from being the fourth champion. This action has got to be one of malice. Being a champion puts a lot of risk on my life."
"I agree. But we are still at a loss. Whoever did this got what they wanted. You need to compete."
"We'll just have to wait and see."
(And later still...)
"Mione, What's going on!? Are they making you compete?" Harry practically jumps at me as I return to the common room after speaking with Minerva.
"Yes. I am now bound by magical contract. I can't refuse."
"Like she would refuse! She put her name in and wants all the glory!" I hear a familiar voice snarl.
"What is your problem Ron? Even if I wanted to put my name in the Goblet I wouldn't have been able to! The charms and spells on the Goblet are too strong."
"Well, you could have made someone else put your name in!"
"Grow up Ron! I don't want attention!"
"Of course you do! Who wouldn't? Look, bookworm Hermione will finally get attention!"
"Ron! What the hell!?" Harry yelled, joining in.
"Get off your high horse, Ron! You know nothing!" I yell before stomping pass him up to the girl's dorm. The yelling continued downstairs but I tuned it out. I was sad that Ron's jealousy had gotten the better of him but I can't let this distract me. There are more pressing things right now. Ron will come to his senses eventually.
(The Great Hall: The day after)
The Hall grew quiet as Harry and I walked in. I was expecting this. Harry and I just continued on and sat at the end of the table. We didn't bother with trying to find a seat anywhere else on the table, at least for now. Everyone needs to sort things out and figure out what they want to believe. Murmurs swept through the Hall like wildfire shortly after we settled. I looked up to see Fleur standing from her place near the middle of the table, bringing someone else with her and walking over to us at the end. Fleur sat next to me without a word but smiled brightly at me, the other person sitting on her other side. Ginny abruptly stood up as well and sat on my other side. Wasn't going to be out done, huh? I was still glad though. I have people that are standing with me.
"This is my little sister. She just arrived this morning. She is here to support me since I was chosen as a champion. Gabrielle, this is Harry, Hermione, and Ginny."
"Hello, Gabrielle. It is very nice to meet you. You are just as charming as your sister." She blushed at my comment.
"How true. It is great that you are here to watch your sister." Harry said. Ginny just smiled at her. Ginny is nice, when you aren't a threat to her.
"Thank you. It iz nice to be here." Her English was only slightly behind Fleur's.
"Don't forget us, Hermione."
"Ah, I almost forgot. Gabrielle, this is Magnus." I pointed under the table. She looked and smiled.
"He iz so cute!"
"And this is Tali, my other familiar." I say. Tali was hidden under my robe's collar but revealed herself at the sound of her name.
"Oh my!" She said, jumping. "I was not ezspecting that!"
"Yeah. She gets that a lot." I say with a laugh.
"It's alright, mon petite. She will not hurt you." Fleur said, smiling in amusement. Gabrielle slowly reached her hand out at her sister's urging and was met with a willing Tali. Tali rubbed her head against the younger Delacour as she did the older.
"She likes you, just like your sister." Gabrielle was not startled anymore, her giggling was proof.
"It is the Delacour charm, I think." Fleur said.
"Is that so, Ms. Delacour?" I said teasingly.
"Yes, no one is safe from the charm." She teased back.
"No one?"
"No one. You shall see, Ms. Granger."
"Is that a challenge, Ms. Delacour?"
"It very much is." She said with a smirk.
Harry cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow at me. I knew what he was asking but I ignored him. I can't lie to him when he comes to asks me out right eventually but I can't give him the whole truth, not yet. I just waved him off and continued to eat and chat normally with my friends.
(Outside the castle: The Beauxbaton's carriage)
I was currently hiding in the shadows waiting for Fleur to sneak out of the carriage. I had sent her a message earlier today to meet me outside her carriage after curfew. Hagrid has been acting strange the past few days. He seemed nervous every time I would try to talk to him or pass him in the halls. Hagrid was never good at keeping secrets. This tipped me off to start watching Hagrid more closely. After curfew for the last few days Hagrid has been going into the Forbidden Forest. It must have something to so with the First task. I was planning to follow Hagrid into the Forest tonight and I invited Fleur to come with me.
"Hermione?" I heard a voice whisper.
"I'm here Fleur." I said, revealing my hiding place.
"What waz it that you wanted to show me?"
"Hagrid has been going into the Forbidden Forest more than usual lately. I think it has something to do with the First Task." I said as I started to lead us to the entrance of the Forest.
"Oh! I wonder..." Fleur's sentence trailed off before she pointed into the trees in front of us. "Isn't that Hagrid over there?"
"Huh?" I looked closer into the darkness. "Yeah, and it looks like Hagrid couldn't keep the secret to long. That Hagrid." I said with a quiet chuckle. Hagrid was walking with a rather unmistakable women, Madame Maxine.
"Lets follow." I nodded as we traversed deeper into the dark.
It took a good thirty minutes before my senses picked something up. Something ahead had a strong magical presence. Maybe more than one? It was hard to tell. It has been some time since I've sensed such a high magical pressure. I didn't have to keep guessing because the trees before us started to thin and a loud screech cut through the air.
The last of the trees thinned and I dragged Fleur to a patch of shadow out of the light's rays. There were Dragon Tamers trying to get control over a large dragon. I spotted more in cages further into the clearing. They would do this to students?
"Hermione... I knew the Tournament was dangerous, but dragons?" Fleur said, gasping in shock.
"I don't believe it either. But at least we know what we are up against."
"Yeah... that is true. But how do we battle a dragon?"
"I don't know, Fleur. I don't know. But we are certainly going to see a lot of the library... more than usual."
Fleur and I have been meeting a lot lately in the Library. Conveniently, there is a lot of books on Dragons. I knew a lot of spells but they were certainly too advanced for my year. I was here researching, just as Fleur was. We haven't been getting too far. Some spells were either too weak for the strength of a dragon or too complex for our year levels.
As time passed the school was becoming a buzz with excitement. The First task was drawing closer, which meant the Yule Ball was as well. People were already getting dates for the Ball, even though it was after the First Task. I had no idea what I was to do. I couldn't take Fleur because of the stupid, 'you-can't-take-another-champion' rule. What was I going to do? I definitely was not going to ask Ginny. She was waiting for me to ask her, it was painfully obvious, but I refuse. I can't take Minerva, even if she had her spell off. My thoughts were swirling before an idea popped into my head.
"It's perfect." I said out loud with a wide grin on my face. Ignoring the looks I was getting, I continued to grin as I walked down the hall to find my target.
After some searching I found my target with a group of girls outside in the court yard. I passed other people in the court yard as I started to make my way over.
"Did you hear? Hermione still hasn't asked anyone to the Ball yet. Maybe I should ask her?"
"Dream on Greg! Hermione is obviously into girls, I have a better chance."
"Yeah, ok, whatever. You just want to see if that rumor is true!"
"Of course I do! I want some of that! Plus she's gorgeous!"
Well to bad people. You are about to be disappointed because you are going to see me ask someone. As I got closer to the group of girls they finally noticed me coming over to them.
"Hey, that Hermione Granger is coming over to us!"
"I heard she hasn't asked anyone to the Ball yet. Maybe that's what she is coming over here for."
They conversation was silenced when I stopped in front of them. Three pairs of eyes were excited while two pairs were confused. I smiled widely.
"Ms. Delacour?" Every pair of eyes now was confused. They knew the rules, I couldn't take a champion to the Ball. My smile grew larger, if it was even possible. Whispers of confusion were all over the court yard as they watched.
"Will you do me the honor of going to the Yule Ball with me?" I said as I bowed at the waist and offered my upturned hand to the shortest of the group. Gasps echoed from every mouth in the court yard while one stretched into a smile.
"Go on. Give Hermione an answer."
"Uh... ah... yes." She said before placing her hand in mine. I lifted the hand to my lips and kissed it.
"It will be a pleasure, Gabrielle Delacour." I let go of her hand and pet her affectionately on the head. I then turned my eyes to soft ones filled with affection.
"Thank you." Fleur said. We all knew that no one below fourth years could go to the Ball unless escorted by someone who could. Fleur and I knew that Gabrielle really wanted to go.
"Oh, look at that! Now I want her more! That's so bloodly cute!" I heard the girl from earlier exclaim somewhere else in the court yard.
I couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.
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