《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 7
~Chapter 7~
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face
And I've never been this swept away
All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze
When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear is the beating of your heart
And I can feel you breathe, it's watching over me
And suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
And baby, all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch, slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way
That love's supposed to be
Breathe by Faith Hill
I was content to just lay in comfortable silence with the one I loved but my logical brain had to get in the way. I turned my head to look at Minerva.
"I would love nothing more than to stay here with you but you know how the gossips are. If I don't return who knows what they'll come up with. With all the lies going around now it's probably not a good idea to add fuel to the fire. The rumors are what got you mad, right?"
"I want to hear about these rumors later. But no, that wasn't the reason I went into a rage. I overheard Ginerva Weasley and her friends discussing her kiss with you and how they would very much like to jump your bones."
"Ah, that. Part of that is because of the rumors but the kiss part is true. She surprised me by the lake. I didn't have a chance to answer. You know I am going to turn her down but I don't want to hurt my friend's sister."
"I want to be responsible and give you some advice but in all honesty, I don't give an Artemis's left ass cheek what you do to turn her down. I just want you to let her know to fuck off." Minerva's eye twitched as she seethed.
I blinked owlishly at her. I know I should be put off about this but I couldn't help but think that possessiveness on Minerva was down right hot. Before I could say anything she rolled onto me and straddled my hips.
"Now, what was it you said about leaving?" She had a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I-I need to get back to stop anymore rumors."
"If it's a rumor about how you slept with someone and stayed out all night than it wouldn't be a rumor now would it? And I'm sure it might just help with your excessive girl problem. You are mine now and I'm not finished punishing you." She said before capturing my lips with hers.
(The next day)
I was limping slightly as I made my way down to the Great Hall. Hopefully it wasn't noticeable. Damn that Minerva can be vicious when you get her mad. I'm not complaining though.
I couldn't help but smile as I remembered earlier this morning. We had woken up and it seemed that Minerva had calmed down finally. She had blushed before turning her gaze away from me.
"I am embarrassed with how strongly I reacted but I regret nothing. I love you and I know that these outbursts are just part of being a Lycan. I need to get used to experiencing new things with you. You bring out things in me that have never happened before." I had smiled and grasped her in a fierce hug.
The Great Hall was already filled as I expected. I settled into my usual spot. I had barely gotten anything on my plate before it started.
"So.... Where were you last night?" Harry asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow.
"Again Harry, as I've said many times, none of your business" I said with a sigh.
"And as I've said many times, I WILL find out."
"Dream on Harry, dream on."
"I shall and I will figure it out."
I would have gave Harry a few choice words but I felt eyes on me. I didn't have to turn my head to figure out that Ginny was staring at me from her place further down the table.
"What's the matter?" Harry must have noticed my demeanor change. I leaned over the table to ensure I wasn't overheard.
"Ginny kissed me and wants me to give her an answer."
"And? That's what you have to say about this?"
"It isn't a surprise Mione. Ginny has fancied you for a while."
"I suppose I've noticed but I haven't really paid it much attention. I don't see her that way. She's one of my best mate's sister. That's all. And as you know, I have someone."
"I suspected as much. What are you going to do?"
"I know I'll hurt her whatever way I do this. I just don't want to be too harsh. Ron would kill me or worst throw a fit."
"The best you can do is tell her the truth. But maybe leave the "someone" part out for now. Ginny does have the Weasley jealousy and the Weasley "act-before-you-think.""
"You're right. That would be bad. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure she will approach me sometime today."
"Good luck mate."
(Hogwarts hallway)
Ginny was following me. The hair on the back of my neck was standing. What is she waiting for? This is getting ridiculous. Time to stop pussy-footing around and get this over with.
"Ginny, I know you are there. Follow me." I led her to an empty classroom. I waited for the door to shut behind her before I spoke.
"I can't be with you Ginny."
"I don't think of you that way Ginny. Sure I love you, you're my one of my best mate's sister. But it's platonic Ginny."
"I'm sorry but this is how it has to be."
"....You have someone don't you? Is that were you were last night?"
"...No. I fell asleep in the library."
"I have class Ginny. I'll see you later." I left her in silence as I closed the door behind me. By the look on her face she probably won't talk to me for a while.
Boy was I wrong.
(Next day)
"Oh, Hermione. You look great this morning. Here let me fill your plate." Ginny was plastered to my side and holding my arm firmly between her breasts.
"Uh, Ginny? I told you I don't see you that way." I was uncomfortable and nervous but not for the reasons that you might think. The black aura coming from the head table was disconcerting. I wasn't sure who was in danger at this moment, Ginny or I.
"I know. But I decided that if you don't love me now, I can make you eventually." She said squeezing my arm tighter between her breasts.
Harry looked between laughing at my predicament and looking at me with sympathy. While Ron looked like he was going to blow a gasket any minute.
"Ron, It's not what you think. I don't see her that way, she's your sister. Help me. Do something." I pleaded. Ron seemed to return to his normal color.
"Nope. This is your punishment for seducing my sister. Ginny won't give up, that's how she is. Suffer on your own." Ron said with a smirk, knowing that this was punishment enough.
"Hermione, do you want pumpkin juice or orange juice?" I ignored her. The aura from the head table was getting worse. I needed to get Ginny off my arm if I wanted to survive.
"I-I need to go study somewhere... uh quiet... and secret! Bye!" I yelled toward the end as I pried my arm away and ran out of the Great Hall, my speed bordering on Lycan and a normal human.
It seemed that he couldn't help it anymore as I heard Harry's laugh echo behind me.
The next morning, I didn't have the strength to get out of bed to get to class. Vicious indeed.
Still not complaining though.
It was my turn to take Minerva out for a date. I realize that going to Hogsmeade on a Hogsmeade weekend was not very extravagant but it wasn't really my choice. Minerva had had it with Ginny and wanted to make her presence known. She said The Three Broomsticks was a perfect place. It was popular with the students. I agreed. I was getting tired of Ginny's advances and all the rumors about Ginny being my girlfriend despite my insistence that she definitely wasn't.
I was waiting in front of The Three Broomsticks for Minerva to arrive. She likely had to slip away from the other professors so that she could release her glamour. I had told the others to go in without me. Harry had looked at me knowingly but said nothing.
"Hi. Shall we go in?" I asked holding my arm out. She nodded and grasped my arm.
She was as beautiful as always and it was no surprise that as soon as we walked in most of the establishment turned to look as we passed. I spotted the group in the corner.
"Hey guys. Thanks for waiting."
"So, who's this Mione?" Harry asked.
"This is my girlfriend Miranda." Ron and Ginny spit their Butterbeer out while Neville turned bright red.
"Hi Miranda. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Harry. This is Ron, Ginny, and Neville." Harry said pointing everyone out.
"It's great to meet you." Minerva said with a smile. Neville seemed to get redder if that was possible. Hmm, It seems someone has a crush on my girlfriend already.
The only seats left were next to Neville. I slid in first next to Neville while Minerva slid in after me. We didn't want Neville to pass out if Minerva sat next to him, now would we?
"So, how long have you guys been dating?" Ginny asked. Though her face looked casually. Her left eye was twitching slightly.
I guess it was time to spill the beans.
"We are coming up on two months." I said.
"And it's been a lovely two months." Minerva said in a sweet voice. Trying to brag to Ginny are we? Well, hopefully Ginny will get the hint to back off. Lycans are possessive creatures when you intrude on their relationships. Shall we play the game then, Minerva?
"It has." I said before kissing her chastely on the lips. What will you do now, Min?
Before I could pull away too far, a hand shot out to hold me in place. She deepened our kiss and dragged her nails down my throat. I held back the growl that threatened to escape from my throat. When she let me go I placed a kiss on her forehead before turning back to the group. Neville looked close to fainting, Ron was dazed, Ginny was glaring fiercely at Minerva, and Harry was smiling at us.
"I'm glad you found someone Mione."
"Thank you Harry." I interlaced our fingers, placing a kiss on our joined hands, before resting it on the table. Minerva genuinely smiled, Ginny forgotten, and rested her head on my shoulder.
"That was interesting." Minerva said as we left The Three Broomsticks.
"It was. Ginny would not stop asking you questions. She was trying to find something wrong with you. Likely trying to make me see who the better choice is. But there is no competition, love."
"I know, Mo Gradh. She just bothers me whenever she hangs off of you every day. Hopefully she will back off some after today. Or at least give us a reprieve while she re-evaluates her plan of approach."
"Hopefully. Maybe the Triwizard Tournament will distract her some."
"They're finally coming!" Ron yelled excitedly.
"Yes, we know Ron. You have been fan-girling about Krum all week." I say.
"Anyway, what's with the snake again?" Harry said glancing at Tali on my shoulder. Tali was on my shoulder, her tail behind my neck and hanging off my other shoulder. She had gotten bigger.
"My familiar Tali needs to get out more. I don't care if people are freaked out. They need to deal with it."
"And your cat Magnus?" He asked. Magnus was sitting near my feet.
"He gets grumpy if I don't take him out of the room once in a while."
"You better believe it! It's so boring. You better take me out more from now on. The other schools will be interesting to watch."
"Ok I guess. Just don't unleash their wrath on me."
"Yeah yeah. No promises."
"Heeermione, the red head is trying to poke me. May I hit him?" Tali hissed in my ear.
"Very well." I say with a chuckle. The next thing I hear is a smacking sound and a high-pitched yelp.
"Hey, mione! It hit me." Ron whined.
"I know. That's what you get for bothering her." Ron was about to protest but was distracted by the noises of excitement from in front of us.
I turned to look at the carriage flying toward us. The carriage was being pulled by Abraxans. It has been a while since I've seen them in flight. Our attention was then pulled to the large ship emerging from the water. I guess the flashiest mode of transportation could serve as a way to intimidate.
"Ah, welcome, welcome. It is an honor to have such fine schools here at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said to the fellow heads. The schools had neatly lined up in rows behind their respective headmaster or mistress. The Beauxbatons had an air of graceful femininity, the complete opposite of the Durmstrang students.
"Dum-bly-dore, how nice it is to see you!"
The headmasters and head mistress went on to exchange pleasantries but I drowned them out. Something was triggering my instincts. I was compelled to trace my eyes over the Beauxbatons students. What was it? What was causing my beast to be restless? It was almost like when I first-
Then I saw her.
That feeling I had when I first realized that Minerva was my mate. I had heard that multiple mates for descendants of the royal family were possible but I never thought that it would happen to me.
Blue eyes met mine. Something flashed in her eyes. She likely felt a strong attraction. Humans don't feel the bond as quickly or as indefinitely as us lycans. They would feel a very strong attraction and pull that is bordering on unnatural. It's like what lycans feel but they don't have the beast inside them that would tell them what the feeling was.
I flashed a toothy smile at her as the schools passed by us to enter the castle. She seemed to flush slightly before smiling warmly at me and continuing on with her school.
"Did you SEE that?! She has got to be a Veela!" Ron exclaimed, his face matching his hair.
"Ron! You can't just throw around accusations that people are magical creatures. You could cause trouble for everyone involved!" I scold, slapping him upside the head.
"OW! Mione?"
"Stop whining! Let's get back inside."
(The Great Hall)
The Great Hall was abuzz with excited chatter. The visiting schools were going to pick a house to sit with and attend classes with. The boys on our table were conflicted on which school they want more. The Beauxbaton beauties or the school with Viktor Krum.
"As you all know, we have two schools visiting with us this year. Our school has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament!"
"Bloody hell!"
"For those of you that don't know, The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxine!"
At his introduction the girls burst into the hall in formation. They seemed to be doing a little dance. Ron almost fainted from all the blood rushing to his head when they did their little dance near our section of table. The girl from earlier caught me staring at her and half smirked at me as she passed. Damn minx! My underwear was now slightly tighter than normal.
"And now, our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their highmaster, Igor Karkarov!" It was the other school's turn to burst in with their own little dance. Interesting.
"And now that we are done with the introductions, our guests will pick their houses for the year." The Durmstrang students immediately made their way over to the Slytherin table. Now, I have nothing against the Slytherins, just the rude, horrible ones. Just because you are from a certain house doesn't mean you get the stereotypes as well.
The Beauxbatons students hesitated. No one moved for a few seconds before my younger mate started to stroll over to the Gryffindor section of the Hall. The rest immediately followed like lost puppies. Hmm, seems my mate was the unofficial leader of this group of students. She came to stand next to me and I instinctively slid over to make room. She settled herself next to me, forcing Ginny to finally sit apart from me in a long time. The others followed her lead and settled themselves at the table.
"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore signaled. The food magically appeared on the table. Once our plates were filled she turned to me.
"My name is Fleur Delacour." She offered me her hand.
"Hermione, Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you." I grasped her hand in mine. A shock ran up my arm. That confirmed it, this Fleur was my other mate. I smiled widely at her.
"Oh no, the pleazure is mine." Her French accent helped to purr the words out. I shivered again.
She let go of my hand and turned back to her plate. I was about to do the same when my eyes caught those of my older mate. She stared for a few seconds before nodding and smiling at me softly. I smiled back. She knew. She understood what was going on and wasn't mad. After dinner I will go to her chambers to talk.
"So Hermione, who is this?" She asked. I was going to ask who when I noticed what she was looking at.
"Oh, this is my familiar Tali. I have another but he gets grumpy in large crowds."
"What kind of snake is she?"
"She is a Basilisk. Her egg was cracked so she's a runt in a way."
"How interesting, may I touch her?" I looked to Tali and she nodded slightly.
"She won't mind." I say turning my head back to Fleur.
Fleur slowly reached her hand out toward Tali's head. In response, Tali raised her head to rub against her hand.
"I think she likes you Fleur." I said with a smile.
"So, who's this Hermione?" An insistent voice said from next to Fleur. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"Oh, sorry guys. This is Fleur Delacour. Fleur, these are my friends: Harry, Ron, and Ginny."
"Iz very nice to meet you."
"Likewise Fleur." Harry said. Harry was the only one to speak. Ron was sputtering while Ginny was glaring. No doubt sizing up the new competition.
Conversation continued between Harry, Fleur, and myself. Ron only managing to sputter out answers every so often.
"I shall see you later Hermione." Fleur said as she got up to follow her school mates back to their carriage.
"You will. Good night Fleur."
"Good night." I watched her as she left the hall, hips swaying as she went. Minx. I swear she was doing it on purpose.
"I need to go as well guys. Studying and all." I said standing up.
"Of course, the library." Ron said, having finally calmed down.
Before I turned to leave, I locked eyes with Minerva to tell her that I was going up to her chambers. She gave me a slight nod in response. And with that I turned to exit the Hall.
(Minerva's chambers)
"Today I discovered I have another soul mate." I said once Minerva got comfortable next to me on the couch.
"Yes, I know. I felt it the moment you knew. Our bond made it so she could be a mate to me as well, if we wanted to. Though not my soul mate as you are, but a mate. My beast doesn't reject her."
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"I'll never accept you as my mate," he growls in my ear, while trapping me in a corner with my back facing him.It hurts me every time he says that. Freaking makes me mad every time since he doesn't know shit about me. What a MOTHERFUCKER!! "Your a piece of fucking shit, you know that right," I spat angrily, moving my head back and hitting him in the face. "FUCK," he shouts while taking a few steps back from me.I turn around and snarl at him. Looks up at me with his pitch black eyes. "You'll regret that Ira," he says calmly while standing there, staring at me. "Well bitch, you can REGRET MY ASS CUZ I DONT REGRET IT!! And my name is not Ira, it's ADIRA YOU FOOL!," I say angrily, tearing up because of my frustration with this moron of a mate that causes me pain. Fucking cheats on me and expects me to act like a fool and ignore the shit he did behind my back.~+~*~+~*~Where there is only two packs in the world, one of females and the other of males living in peace. They hardly know of each other's existence, resulting them in mating with the same sex. Since babies don't exist no more in this world because of wolves mating with people of the same sex, it's causing the decrease of the population of the wolves.Adira is a stubborn, loud, brave, strong, funny, hard working and kind woman who took in two female pups that no one wanted to take in and raised them as her own pups. Has a best friend that's a dog named Pepita. Being surrounded by girls her whole life and has never felt attracted to a girl before. At times she questions herself, "Why am I so different?"Obsidian is the Alpha of the Male Pack, has a perfect life so far or so he thought. Being handsome and charming, liking men, fucking men, and dumping men. Living the perfect life until he meets his mate. Finds out life isn't going to be the same anymore.He's mated to a female.~Inspired by "Mismated" Fudgecakexox ~
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