《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt 6
~Chapter 6~
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Very moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
-I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing by Aerosmith
A gentle light shown through the window as I got ready for another day of classes. I smiled when my thoughts strayed to the night before. Minerva had escorted me back to the Gryffindor common room. The walk was done in comfortable silence as we held hands the entire way. We parted ways silently with only a kiss to my hand as a good bye.
My musings were interrupted when a voice called from the bottom of the stairs.
"Hurry up Mione! Breakfast has already started. We'll have less time to eat." Ron bellowed from the bottom of the stairs leading to the girl's dormitory. I rolled my eyes as I replied.
"I'm coming!" I yell back as I make my way down the stairs.
When we got to the table Ron wasted no time and quickly started to fill his plate. Harry and I laughed as we followed his lead, but at a much slower pace.
"So, where were you last night?" Harry asked me, biting into a piece of sausage.
"Yeah Mione, you missed dinner." Ron chimed in with a mouth full of food. I chastised him before making an excuse about falling asleep in the library.
"Yeah right! You would never fall asleep with a book in front of you."
"What are you hiding?"
"I bet she was on a date" Ron guessed.
"That's preposterous! I was simpl-" Harry cut me off.
"You were, you were! Who was it?" I gave up trying to make excuses.
"Who I was with or where I was is nobody's business but my own, thank you very much." I said crossing my arms.
"Fine. But we'll get it out of you eventually." Ron counted, buttering a slice of toast.
With that conversation over we continued eating. After a while my eyes started to wander. As my eyes roamed over the Gryffindor table I caught the gaze of Ginny. She was on the other side of the table from me, a few bodies over. She seemed to be deep in thought but snapped out of it when she felt my gaze. She sent a fake smile my way before joining in on a conversation going on next to her. That was strange. I wonder what's eating at her. I started to contemplate this before I felt a set on eyes on me. All thoughts of Ginny where pushed to the side as I met the shining green eyes of Minerva McGonagall.
I smiled warmly at her and was rewarded with a smile filled with adoration. Our exchange was cut short however when Harry shook my shoulder.
"We need to get to class, Mione."
I stood up and followed them out but not without one last glance toward the head table.
(Transfiguration class)
Class was the same as usual. I was the first one to complete the lesson task. This time, however, Harry was able to get it with a little help from me... well a lot of help but the point is he got it. The rest of the class was still struggling. Ron was trying to copy what I showed him but it just didn't seem to be happening.
Minerva was walking around the room shaking her head. When she came to me she smiled brightly.
"Very good Ms. Granger. Five points to Gryffindor." She seemed to hesitate before speaking again. "Will you stay behind after class? I would like to speak to you."
"Of course professor." She nodded before walking away.
When class was over I waited for the last student to close the door before making my way over to Minerva's desk.
"Something the matter, Minerva?"
"Nothing wrong per se. But I have been thinking of inviting you to dinner in my quarters soon. I want to make you dinner. We'll have privacy. No meddling waitresses..." Minerva said, muttering the last part.
"I would love to Minerva." I said with a smile.
"Oh... alright. Wonderful! I need to get everything ready. What should I make? Do you like pasta? Or roast? Or maybe Japanese?" I stopped her before she could ramble off more questions.
"I will like anything you make Minerva. And besides, you have time. It's only lunch." I said.
"Ah. Sorry. Just a little excited." She said, fidgeting with her hands. She was so cute that I couldn't help myself. I walked over to where she stood and kissed her firmly before making my way over to the door.
"I'll see you at 7?" I asked from the doorway. She seemed to be flustered but she managed to answer me.
"I... yes, 7 is fine." I smiled before leaving for the great hall.
The great hall was filled when I sat next to Harry and Ron. Harry seemed to be slowing down while Ron was at his normal 'I've been starved for two days' speed. When I settled in Harry put down his fork.
"What's got you all happy, Hermione?"
"Why? What made you ask?"
"Well you are smiling like a lunatic."
"If you must know, I have a date tonight." I could hear someone choke on their food further down the table.
"Is that so?"
"Don't even try Harry James Potter. I won't tell."
"I'll find out eventually Hermione Jean Granger." Harry replied teasingly.
"Maybe you will, maybe you will."
(After classes: the girl's dormitory)
It was almost time for me to head over to Minerva's rooms. I had waited for everyone to head to the great hall before I pulled out two dresses from my trunk. I lay them both on the bed to examine. The first was a brilliant black number with a modest neckline. The next was a dark blue dress that was so dark it was near black. The neckline was modest with a nice V-shape. It seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. The black one was my usual going out to dinner dress while the other was usually used at Meniscus family gatherings. I decided to picture Minerva in both dresses to figure out which one to wear. The most appealing in my mind will be the one I will wear. I pictured Minerva in the black dress first. The thought was grand but it didn't seem to say to me, "BAM that's the one". I next pictured the dark blue dress. And the moment I did I knew which dress to wear. The way the dress sparkled in the moonlight was perfect on Minerva. I need to get Minerva the same dress but in a captivating dark green.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I need to get going. I slipped on the dark blue dress and disillusioned myself. The trace didn't work on me because of some useful family connections. I closed the door behind me as I made my way to Minerva's chambers.
The portrait of a lion guarded the entrance to Minerva's chambers. With a glance, the portrait swung open. Shutting the portrait behind me I called out for my mate.
"I'll be right out. Make yourself comfortable while I finish up." The sound of dishes where heard from the kitchen.
Making my way deeper into the chambers, I noticed a small table. On the table was a simple black table cloth. And in the center was a single rose in a white vase. I was smiling as I made my way over and gently sat down, not wanting to disturb the simple yet perfect table décor.
Taking the time to know my mate better, I studied the room. On the far wall, near a worn recliner, was a book shelf. The shelf was filled and I was positive that there were more shelves just like it scattered throughout the chambers. Moving on I noticed some personal touches here and there. An old picture of Magnus on the mantle, a family picture on the wall. My eyes stayed on the family picture the longest. The black and white portrait had the entire McGonagall clan poised in a formation that was likely decided by status within the family. No one was smiling but I could still see that familiar sparkle in Minerva's eyes as she stood next to her brother. I broke my gaze from the young Minerva's eyes to the present one as she entered the room with two plates in her hands.
Each plate had a large steak on it with a side of homemade garlic roasted potatoes. Minerva had paired the steak with a fine red wine. I raised an eyebrow at her as she settled herself across from me.
"What?" She questioned.
"Nothing. I was just wondering how you guessed what my favorite food was."
"Because it is my favorite as well. Us Lycans need our meat, you know." She said in a light joking tone. I laughed, agreeing whole heartedly.
"Of course. The beast does love its meat."
"Yes it does. Meat is a beast's best friend."
Our banter went back and forth as we ate. No matter the topic, Minerva was a perfect debate partner. I have never had someone who I could debate with. Minerva was brilliant and could match me at every turn. She was perfect. Minerva was my soul mate. Every part of her appealed to me. The thought brought a smile to my face. Minerva stopped in mid-sentence.
"What is it?" My smile widened as I replied.
"I love you" It was as simply as that. She stared at me as I continued to look at her in adoration.
After a few moments, she slowly lifted a hand to my cheek. Moving her thumb up and down my cheek bone she said, "I love you too, Mo Gradh"
The smile never left my face as I leaned forward to connect my lips to hers. The kiss was slow and conveyed how strong our emotions were. The kiss ended naturally and I sat back to gaze lovingly at my mate. We smiled at each other and finished of the bottle of wine in silence. No words were needed in this moment.
Before we knew it, it was getting close to curfew. I needed to start heading back before I was caught.
"I need to start heading back. I had a great time tonight Min. Let's do this again soon." I said as I reluctantly stood up. Standing as well, Minerva rounded the table and pulled me into a hug.
"I know we will see each other around school but it's not enough. I want you by my side always." I smiled as she buried her head into my shoulder.
"I know Min. You are always in my thoughts. But all we can do is meet up as frequently as we can." She nodded before releasing me and stepping back a step. I slowly headed toward the door. I missed her already and I was only a few feet away from her. My arm was outstretched but before my hand could come into contact with the door I was swung around and my back slammed into it. Before I could recover lips were on mine. Our kiss was frantic, both of us unwilling to let the other go. Hands tangled into my hair while hands grasped the hips of my mate. My will to leave was dwindling and I knew if I didn't stop this I would never leave. With the last of my control, I slowed down the pace of the kiss until we both came to a gentle stop. I pulled away and pressed our foreheads together. When our breathing came back down to normal I spoke.
"I love you but you know I need to go. Rumors spread unbelievable fast in Hogwarts. If I get back late the tongues of the gossips will wag." I said softly.
"I know. I'm sorry. I couldn't control my body."
"Don't apologize for something like that. Your kisses are never something to be sorry for." I said as I made my way out the door. I couldn't look back because I knew that I would not have the strength to walk away if I gazed upon captivating emerald eyes.
"Unity." The portrait swung open and I walked into the common room. I almost made it to the stairs when a voice called out behind me.
"Had fun on your date?" I turned around and was met with a smirk from Harry.
"Yes I did, nosy" He ignored my jab and continued.
"At least I know that it isn't anyone in Gryffindor. No one but you has come in since supper. I will find out Herms. I'm one step closer."
"You will never guess, potter." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"You say that now. But I know you Herms. I know they would have to be smart. That narrows down the options."
"Whatever, Harry. Good night." I say as I head up the stairs to the girls dormitory.
"I will find out!" Was echoed up the stairs. Though he was irritatingly persistent, I still had to smile at his antics.
Life went on as normal. My school day was normal except for the occasional walk around the grounds or a run with Minerva when the sun went down. Everything was going well and at a steady pace until a few weeks after our dinner date in her rooms. A pebble would be thrown into the calm water.
~ ~ ~ ~
I knew that the Lycan blood in me made me more attractive than normal humans and that the hormones that I released made others more receptive to me but something was different. Something was shifting in the student body. I had always tried to stay in the background and not stand out more that I already did. It seemed that that wasn't the case anymore. There was always people here and there that would stare at me as a walked by, appreciating my looks. But for the past few weeks more and more people were checking me out as I pass by. The thing that was strange was that there were more females looking at me than the males. Groups of girls would giggle flirtatiously as a pass them in the halls. Their body language would change and it was like they wanted me to come over and talk with them. The strange phenomenon had even reached the Slytherins. Though it didn't affect them as much, they still looked at me as I passed rather that ignoring me.
At the moment I sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast with everyone else. But of course I was still stared at. People were looking over other people's heads. My curiosity had finally gotten the better of me. It was getting worse by the day and it was time I asked what the hell was going on.
"Yes?" He asked innocently. That tone. He knew and he hadn't told me about it yet.
"What the fuck is going on, Harry? Mind letting me in on the, "Let's stare at Hermione" event that I missed?" A grin slid into place as I spoke.
"Well Hermione, you see, they want you to be their knight in shining armor."
"They fancy you and want to snog you senseless. They want a piece of the hero." Ron said jealously.
"What the – why?" I asked incredulously. I don't remember doing anything to instigate such attention.
"Because stories are floating around about how you saved Ginny multiple times. Though the stories are starting to get out of control. You know how rumors change over time."
"How out of control Harry? Things are escalating way too quickly for me just saving Ginny from Riddle and the Dementor." I ask, dreading the answer. Harry's grin became larger as if what he was going to say was the most amusing thing that he had ever heard.
"Well, there is one that says that you saved a girl at Hogsmeade from being raped by a drunk bloke. And then to comfort her and to let her know that sex was nothing to be afraid of, you shagged her senseless in a dark alley. Apparently the girl can't find anyone that is as good as you. It's said that you are a devil in the sack." Harry barely finished as he was laughing to hard.
"WHAT?! Where the hell did that come from?!" I yelled back.
"No clue, mate. All I know is that I am thoroughly amused while Ron is insanely jealous of all the female attention that you are getting."
I wasn't worried about that right now. At least I know that it hadn't reached the Professors yet. It seemed that the students were doing a good job of keeping it only to themselves. I had no idea what to do. It wasn't easy to set rumors right.
I stood up, my breakfast forgotten, and left the Great Hall. I was so distracted that I didn't hear the footsteps that followed me out of the Hall. I had just turned a corner when a voice called out to me.
I turned as Ginny rounded the corner. She took a moment to catch her breath before she spoke.
"I want to talk to you about something. Can you meet me at the Black Lake after supper?"
"Sure, Ginny" I responded, a little confused.
"Great! See you later!" She exclaimed excitedly as she ran off back to the Great Hall.
Ok. That was strange. Oh well. I have bigger things to worry about. I need to figure out what to do before I get jumped on. Maybe I could ask Minerva. Two heads are better than one. With that thought I made my way to my first class. Better to go early and avoid the stares.
~ ~ ~ ~
Dammit! The stares were starting to get to me! Now that I knew about it I couldn't ignore it. And what made it worse was the lust and the smell of arousal in the air. It was driving me crazy and I was becoming extremely uncomfortable. I definitely need to speak to Minerva tomorrow. Thankfully, the day was done with and all I needed to do before I hid myself from the world was to meet with Ginny.
Making my way toward the Lake, I spotted Ginny near the edge. She turned when I was a few feet away.
"So Ginny, What's –"
I was interrupted as lips slammed into mine. I froze in shock. I just stared blankly, barely registering what she was saying when she stepped away from me.
"I- I like you Hermione and I want to be with you. I won't ask you for your answer now. But please consider it." She said nervously before darting back toward the castle.
I don't remember how I got back to the castle only that as soon as I returned I fell onto my bed, promptly passing out into a dreamless sleep.
The next day passed in a blur. I was dazed as I went through my classes. Harry and Ron were worried but I paid them no mind. The only thing that brought me back was in the form of a note.
We need to talk. Come to my chambers after supper.
The strokes of the quill were rushed and sharp. Minerva was angry. She must have heard the rumors. I needed to go and tell her they were not true. Ginny could wait. My mate came first.
[Minerva] (Earlier that day)
Something has happened. I was sure of it. The other professors have noticed it as well. The students seem to be trying to keep a secret from the staff. Whenever one of us would walk pass students in the halls, they would suddenly stop their conversations. I was beginning to wonder when this secret would finally break free. It shouldn't be long, I'm sure.
I was making my way through the corridors when a familiar voice caught my attention.
"I finally did it!"
"Really! How was it? It had to have been absolutely brilliant!" A second voice squealed.
"It was! I was sure that I would melt."
"I'm so jealous! Do you realize how many girls want to just jump her? Mmm, I want her so much!" A third exclaimed, moaning softly at the end.
What in the world is going on? This must be related to what all the students are hiding. Though slightly uncomfortable, I continued to listen.
"I know! I'm so glad I got to her first. I've wanted her since she saved me from the chamber of secrets. I ran after I kissed her. I'm just waiting for her to give me her answer." Ginerva and the other girls started to giggle.
I wasn't paying attention anymore. What Ginerva seemed to be implying had me and my beast in a jealous rage. How dare she? How dare they? Hermione was MINE! MY queen! They dare to sully what was mine?! I was barely holding on. My beast was close to taking control. With the last of my control I darted in the direction of my rooms. It seemed now that the only thing that would calm the beast was to stake claim.
- In Serial43 Chapters
Fighting for Rose
-Blake-Rose stands not too far in front of the ring looking at me, her face is pale and my gut twists in ways it never has.She shouldn't be here, why the hell is she here? My hands drop to my side, the victorious feeling once flowing through me is replaced with one of dread. She saw me fighting.--------Rose-"Alright. Time for you to go." He says. I feel the pull on my arm as he tries to take me away but my feet feel like they are glued to the ground as I continue to look at Blake. He has a little smirk on his face as he looks over the crowd. A look so completely different than any of the ones I saw the other day.Then our eyes meet, and his smirk drops.He drops his hands that were just held high in victory and looks at me like he's seeing a ghost. The guard pulls harder on my arm and I go flying back into his chest. "Listen here, I don't want to manhandle you, so do as I fucking say. Move." He growls as he pushes me into the crowd of celebrating people.I do what he says and start walking towards the exit, but I look over my shoulder one last time before I'm too far in the crowd to see anything. Blake's hands are fisted by his side and his face is red with anger, his eyes are focused on the hands that are on me pushing me away from him.----- I am the original owner of this book, please do not copy. Strong language and themes of abuse, mental disorders and violence.I don't own any of the pictures used in this story.#1 in alone 11/23/21#1 in strong 11/30/21#2 in boxing 4/19/22#1 in goodgirl 5/8/22#1 in fighting 5/19/22
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