《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 11
~Chapter 11~
If we listen to our hearts
The deepest part of who we are
We can't go wrong cause love will be our guide
There were times I wondered what forever was
And you walked in and suddenly I knew
Every day we live and breathe
A part of you and you of me
Forever is a dream that just came true
Saving forever for by Na Leo Pilimehana
The banter between sisters was amusing. I could see myself getting used to it. Could this be what having a family of my own would be like? At that thought, I turned my head to look at my other mate. She was smiling as she looked upon the hall and all the dancing pairs. None of the professors seemed to have moved from their seats since the beginning of the Ball. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.
"Excuse me Delacour siblings, but I must go about livening the party." Fleur and Gabrielle watched me in confusion as I walked in the direction of the Head table. By the time I made it to the table, almost every eye was on me. I stopped in front of Minerva.
"How about a dance professor? It must be boring all the way up here. It's a Ball! Dancing is required." I held my hand out for the professor to take. She paused before reaching out for my offered hand.
"As you say, Ms. Granger. One must dance at a Ball." As Minerva and I made our way to the dance floor, a few brave souls went up to the Head Table to ask a professor to dance.
A soft melody started to fill the whole of the hall.
*You love, who you love
Who you love
You love, who you love
Who you love
I would have placed both of my hands on her waist but this was Professor McGonagall I was dancing with not my mate. I led us slowly in a formal stance.
My girl, she ain't the one that I saw coming
And sometimes I don't know which way to go
And I tried to run before
But I'm not running anymore
Cause I've fought against it hard enough to know
That you love, who you love
Who you love
You love, who you love
Who you love
You love, who you love
Who you love
Oh, you can't make yourself stop dreaming
Who you're dreaming of
If it's who you love
Then it's who you love
Students were catching on and eventually all the professors were on their feet and dancing. Professor Snape seemed to be mysteriously absent. I don't picture him dancing with so many eyes present. I could tell he wasn't a bad man, just guarded. Perhaps he would dance if it was a person he would trust.
My boy, he ain't the one that I saw coming
And some have said his heart's too hard to hold
And it takes a little time
But you should see him when he shines
Cause you never wanna let that feeling go
When you love, who you love
Who you love
You love, who you love
Who you love
Yeah, you love, who you love
Who you love
I smiled at her as I swept us slowly around the floor. I was able to dance with each of my mates. Though not as free as I would like, this dance with Minerva was a memory that would remain with me.
Oh, you can't make yourself stop dreaming
Who you're dreaming of
If it's who you love
Then it's who you love
Oh, you love, who you love
Who you love
You love, who you love
Who you love
You love, who you love
Who you love
Oh, you can't make yourself stop dreaming
Who you're dreaming of
If it's who you love
Then it's who you love
It's who you love
Who you love
Who you love
Who you love
You're the one I love
The melody came to a close and I had to use a lot of strength to not kiss my mate. It was a shame that this wasn't a private setting. And she was my professor at the moment. Kissing my professor with so many eyes watching would be bad.
I led Minerva back to her seat and bowed.
"I thank you for this dance." She smiled at me.
"And I you Ms. Granger. The Ball is much freer. You have shown the students that the professors are an option as well. Now go, enjoy the ball. Don't spend it with an old woman." My smile fell slightly but I nodded and walked toward where my date and her sister were standing taking to Harry. I know it was for pretenses but it bothered me. Minerva was not old, perhaps older than the students, but not an old woman as she perceives. We are magicals, and Lycans to boot.
"Hello Harry. How is the Ball so far?" I ask when I make it to my destination.
"Fine, fine. What you would suspect if you don't have a romantic interest."
"I see. Makes sense. Where's Ron?" I ask.
"Over there. Poor sod. Sitting with his sister doing nothing." I look over to where Harry's gaze was directed. Ron was just sitting there eating the desserts that were on the tables. Ginny was sitting next to him. I cringed a little when I noticed that she was looking at me.
"Well. At least he's eating. That's when he is the happiest. Except perhaps playing Quiddich." I say looking back toward the group.
"Yeah. A little sad though."
"True. Hey, Harry. The Patil twins are looking this way. Go ask them to dance. Maybe you'll get to dance with both of them at the same time. That would be an interesting experience." I say with a smirk.
"Shut up Mione!"
"Oh, why not? Go get them!" I say as I push him toward the twins. The twins noticed him and were looking at him expectantly.
"Damn you Granger." He muttered to me as he walked over to the twins. Fleur and Gabrielle were laughing beside me as I waved at the twins and gave them a thumbs up. They laughed at my antics.
"Ah, Hermione. How lucky Harry is to have a friend like you."
"I know. I know. I'm brilliant." Gabrielle blushed and hit me. The three of us dissolved into laughter. We were crying with laugher when we noticed Harry being dragged to the dance floor by the twins.
"You just wait." Harry mouthed to me.
"Come at me bro." I mouthed back.
The Ball had come to a close. It just reminded me that the second task was coming up. Perhaps it was time to open the Egg. I grabbed the Golden Egg from my trunk and went down to the Common room. Everyone was still buzzed with excitement even though the Ball had finished an hour prior. There were people in the common room who were not ready to go up to bed yet. They looked at me as I walked in. Harry and Ron were in a corner paying Wizard's Chess. They noticed me and came to stand next to me.
"Are you going to open it?"
"Yup. Let's here this clue." The room grew silent as everyone left in the common room inched closer. I twisted the latch and the egg fell open and released a horrible screeching noise. I closed the egg immediately.
"What the bloody hell was that?"
"That's the clue?"
"What a load of hippogriff dung!"
The room was filled with comments.
"I figure it out somehow. Sorry for assaulting your ears. Good night." I started to my room.
"Need help?"
"Don't worry Harry I got it."
I plopped the egg on my bed. I knew what it was. That was the screech of a Grindylow out of water. Ha! You can't fool a Meniscus. I believe a bath is in order. I gather some things and head down to the baths.
The bath was empty at such a late hour. Everyone was tired from the Ball and were likely out like a light by now.
I cleaned myself first before I grabbed the egg from the side of the bath. Here we go. I ducked by head under the water and opened the egg.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while your searching, ponder this:
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour - the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
I closed the egg and lifted my head from the water. Interesting. It was going to take something from me? Obviously the next task was going to be in the waters of the Black Lake. Now I just needed to ponder which of the spells in my arsenal would be believable for a student of my year to know.
"So, Fleur. Did you figure out the clue?" I asked from my seat across of her.
"I did. I am a Veela. I was able to recognize what I needed to do. How about you?"
"Yup. I figured that it was the voice of a Grindylow."
"I knew you would. Smartest witch of her age you are." I smiled at her.
"Let's get started shall we? I would like to not drown during the next task."
"Yes. That is a problem." We chuckled at our humor but was stopped short when a loud 'shhhhh!' was heard. We worked in comfortable silence.
I looked up some of the spells I knew but some were way too complicated for a normal student to know. The bubble head charm seemed appropriate but you had limited oxygen in that tiny bubble. Gillyweed was also an option but it had a time limit. I could use a spell to change the water to oxygen before it gets into my lungs but that was tedious and way too complicated for a fourth year. Perhaps... Yes! Perfect! The scuba spell! My parents were always up to date with new spells being created. The scuba spell allowed the caster to breathe underwater.
I looked over toward Fleur to see how she was doing. It looked like she had found something. She was smiling at the tomb she was reading. Good. We were both set.
We were ready.
(The Day of the Second Task)
It was the day. The second task had arrived. And just like the last time, the school was a buzz with excitement.
The Champions were to arrive at the site earlier than the other students. Breakfast was to be provided in the Champion's tent. Everyone else was in the Great Hall.
I swept the tent flap aside and made my way in. The tent was enlarged using magic. One side of the tent had a mini Med-bay, the other had a table big enough for the champions, their Mentors, and the judges. I made my way over to the table and took a seat next to Headmaster Dumbledore. There was light breakfast conversation as we ate. Though there was talking, the air around the table was thick with nervous energy and anxious auras. The second task was close to beginning. Once the meal was finished the table disappeared and the eating area turned into a small lounge. The Champions were to rest their stomachs and prepare themselves for the task as the rest of the school trickled their way to the Black Lake. Time passed quickly and then we were up.
"Shall we Champions?" We were led out of the tent and were assaulted with cheers and roars of excitement. The setting for this task was something to behold. We were right in the middle of the Black Lake. Everyone was standing on large tower platforms.
"Welcome to the second task! Last night something was stolen from each of our Champions, a treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each Champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. To win, each Champion only need find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this. They have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon." The cannon blew right after the sentence was finished. Each of the champions jumped in and cast their spells. It was time.
The Lake was freezing as I made my way through it. It was quiet as I made my way deeper into the depths of the Black Lake. The light from the top only penetrated so far, the deeper you got, the darker it got. I had a lumos ready when it got too dark to navigate without it. Forty minutes went by and I was still exploring the depths. And finally, I made it to a thicket of seaweed. Perhaps the treasures were hidden in the center. I swam through and made it to a clearing of sorts. The treasures were chained in the middle.
These were the things they took? How dare they!? Harry, Gabrielle, Cho, and a man I couldn't identify were floating unconscious. I was furious. It was one thing for this tournament to put our lives in danger, but to bring innocents into this, was absurd!
As I was lost in my thoughts, Cedric came and cut the chain tying Cho down. He waved at me and swam away with his treasure.
I made my way over to Harry and broke the chain. As I grabbed Harry, a large shark came and took the unknown man. Must have been Krum. I had Harry but I hesitated. Where was Fleur? I cast a quick tempest. There was only fifteen minutes left, where was she? By our bond I could tell that she wasn't hurt or dead.
I waited for five minutes but she hadn't shown up. I had starting to panic. Who would save Gabrielle? I had made my mind up. I raised my wand to cut her chain but a trident suddenly swept next to my head. I stinging indicated that I was cut. I turned.
"Only one." It said in warning.
The spell allowed me to speak.
"She's going to die!"
"Only one! Ignoring the rules. What kind of leader are you?" In any other time I would had asked what it meant by leader but now was not the time.
"This is my mate's sister! And even if she wasn't, you expect me to leave a person here to die! I will not ignore her!" I yelled. This seemed to give the Grindylow pause.
"Very well." It said with a slight bow and swam away. I quickly cut the chain and dragged both of my treasures toward the surface.
All three of us emerged to the surface, gasping. I undid my spell. There was a small boat making its way toward us. We were boated toward the platform, were a frantic Fleur was waiting.
"Gabrielle! Hermione! Harry!" All three of us shakily got onto the platform. It was freezing. Immediately Gabrielle was pulled into a hug.
"I'm sorry1 I couldn't get to you! Désolé!" Towels were given to us. Though appreciated, they did nothing for the cold. I waved my wand and cast a warming charm on all four of our towels.
"Ah Hermione! Thank you! Thank you! Are you alright?" Fleur had set her sights on me. She was rapid firing questions of concern and sentiments of gratitude.
"Fleur! It is alright. I am fine. Harry is fine. And Gabrielle is fine. Don't worry Fleur. I'm just glad that all of my family is safe." I say with a gentle smile. She stared at me before grabbing me and kissing me. There was a pause before a roar of cheers and wolf whistles broke us apart.
Fleur was blushing as Gabrielle brushed passed her and hugged me.
"Thank you Hermione." She said.
"Of course." I said caressing the top of her head. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't have to look to know it was Harry. We stayed like this until it was time to reveal the scores.
Krum got a ninety-five, Fleur got a forty-eight, and Cedric got a ninety-six. I was last to receive my score.
"And Ms. Hermione Granger gets sixty for breaking the rules and retrieving more than one treasure. But with the courage and kindness that she has shown to have in her heart she is awarded thirty-points! To make it a score of ninety points!" The platforms shook with the loudness of the cheers that followed.
"And with that, the second task comes to a close. Mr. Diggory in first, Mr. Krum is second, Ms. Granger in third, and Ms. Delacour in fourth. What an exciting turn of events!"
(The Common Room)
The Common Room was alive with celebration. There was chocolate and snacks everywhere. And it seemed that someone's father smuggled us in some Butter beer.
"To Hermione! The Champion that demonstrates a Gryffindor's courage!" A roar of agreement answered the toast.
After an hour the celebration was showing no sign of slowing down. I was given many sentiments of congratulations and shook many hands. After an hour I was finally able to relax and sit in a corner by myself. It was now Harry's turn to get all the questions. I smiled. My House of Gryffindor was a lively lot. I sipped from my second Butter beer. This level of alcohol had no chance of affecting me. The party continued on until I felt eyes on me. I looked toward the entrance to the Common Room. Minerva was hidden from view, but I noticed with my enhanced senses.
I slowly made my over and was able to get there without getting seen. Minerva led me out of the Portrait and into an out clove out of site.
In a moment, my arms were filled with my green eyes witch. She was shaking slightly. I tightened my hold and pet the back of her head.
"Shhh, my love. I got you. I'm alright." She said nothing. My only indication that she heard me was the curling of her fingers into my robes.
I gently changed the position of our embrace so that I could look at her face. She was not crying but her face made me smile softly in reassurance.
"I'm not going anywhere, love." I said softly and brought our lips together in a sweet kiss.
"I'm not going anywhere, my sweet witch. I got you."
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