《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 12
~ Chapter 12 ~
I need you right here by my side
You're everything I'm not in my life
We're indestructible we are untouchable
Nothing can take us down tonight
You are so beautiful that it should be criminal that you could be mine
And we will make it out alive
I promise you this love will never die
No matter what by Papa Roach
I was walking to the Great Hall for breakfast at the moment. I had an amazing night sleep. The second task had been hard on my body, even with the wolfyness. The hall of Hogwarts was alive with conversation and an early morning air. It was a new day and anything could happen.
"Hey, Mione? Can I talk to you?" I stopped and turned around.
"Yeah, sure Harry. What's up?"
"I just want to know something." Harry started down the hall and I followed. Harry slid into an empty classroom. What was going on? I went in hesitantly after him and closed the door. I cast a silencing spell without saying it out loud.
Tali, sensing my change in mood, started to still from her slumber around my neck. She tightened her hold slightly to say that she was here in anything happened. It was comforting. I was ready for whatever harry wanted to talk about.
"Hermione, I've noticed that you are... close with Fleur now." He started. Ah, I see what this is about.
"I am." I said simply.
"What... about Miranda? What happened to her?" Was it the right time to tell him? Knowing Harry, he wouldn't continue to turn a blind eye. It seemed to be the only option. I trusted harry with my life but this was a big thing that I was thinking of telling him. This was a big secret that I have kept from him since we became friends. It's going to be ok. Harry appreciates straight forwardness. Just rip off the Band-Aid, no beating around the bush.
"This is complicated Harry. What I am about to tell you is very sensitive information that you cannot tell anyone, not even Ron, not yet at least." Harry stared at me silently before nodding his head. He understood.
"Miranda is Minerva. Minerva has a Glamour protecting what she really looks like."
"Ok... why?" He asked slowly, not seeming to believe me yet.
"She is a magical creature. Minerva is a Werewolf."
"A Werewolf? Like Lupin?"
"Yes. Minerva looks so young because of the wolf blood in her."
"And the Professor saw you and Fleur at the dance. She didn't look mad."
"Yes because she already knew beforehand."
"She's ok with this?"
"Why?" Here we go.
"Because I am a Werewolf too, have been all my life. Minerva is ok with it because she and Fleur are my Mates."
The silence that filled the air was stifling. What was he going to say?
"A Werewolf? You?"
"Your whole life?"
I lost my balance and my back hit a desk. If I was a normal human, I was sure I would have flown from the force of the hit.
"Why didn't you tell us? We've known you for years."
"I have a more delicate situation from Lupin. I am not just a Werewolf; I am the daughter of the queens of the Lycan race."
"Sigh... Nothing is never normal with us is there." I smiled.
"I guess not. Never is, and likely never will be."
"What about Fleur? Does she know?"
"No, not yet. We've just started this. When the time is right I will tell her."
"Ok. This is what I get. Asking about your relationships and getting practically your life story."
"Shut up, Harry." I shove him in the shoulder slightly.
"I won't tell anyone Hermione. You know I have your back."
"And I have yours"
(The Great Hall)
"Hu, Merni, Hari."
"Hello, Ron. Please don't talk with your mouth full."
"Hur k." Sigh...
Harry sat next to Ron and I sat across from them. There were two empty seats next to me. They were Fleur's and Gabby's designated seats now.
"What took you so long? I left after you and got here first." Magnus said as he curled around my feet under the table. I tossed him a slice of ham.
"Harry and I had some things to talk about. Everything's fine." I sent him through our thoughts. It was them that Fleur and Gabby came in and started to head to their normal seats.
"Hey Gab." I said as she sat on my left.
"Good Morning, Hermione." Fleur sat on my right and I turned to greet her.
"H-" I was cut off and she grabbed my face and pulled me into a sweet kiss. I returned her kiss. I could get used to this. She pulled back when the whistling started.
"Hello, Hermione." I grinned at her. I was a little shocked but I sure wasn't complaining. I looked around our table and laughed. The boys were grinning and some were giving me thumbs up. The girls were smiling and some were even fanning themselves. I'm sure we were a sight to behold first thing in the morning.
"Why hello there. How are you this fine morning?"
"I'm lovely. And you?"
"I'm brilliant, thank you." Gabby spit out the pumpkin juice in her mouth.
"Shut up, Hermione." The three of us laughed. I love my growing family.
I lifted my hand and knocked on the door. Minerva gave me the password for the portrait protecting her rooms and here I was. Today was a full moon and I wanted to be with her. I don't forcibly change during the full moon but since she was a changed Lycan she must endure pain every full moon and take Wolfsbane to keep her mind.
The reason changed wolves have to endure this is because of the Curse placed upon Lycan's by Artemis. Long ago there were only those born to the gene and things were at peace. But there were those that hated humans and decided to kill out of spite. During this time, the first Changelings came about. These spiteful Lycans had upgraded to torture, not killing them right away. The Changelings were born. To punish the Lycans, Artemis cursed the Lycan race. And at the time of the full moon, the tortured became the hunters. They killed their torturers viciously and remembered nothing afterword. So, even now, because of those spiteful Lycans, the entire Lycan race was cursed. Any time a human is changed they will need to live with this. It didn't matter if the changing was by force or not. The curse is a way for us to remember to not lose our humanity. Though not truly human, we are not beasts that should act like beasts. We have sane minds and control over ourselves.
"Hermione? I was just about to leave for the clearing. Come to join me?"
"Yes. I wasn't about to let my Mate be alone during this time. Magnus has already gone. Shall we join him?" I asked and held my hand out. Minerva smiled at me and took my hand. I disillusioned us and we were on our way.
The walk was uneventful and we soon strolled into the clearing, our clearing now. Magnus was already standing in the middle.
"This is going to be the first time I have changed in a long time. Being stuck in my animagus had some good things."
"Did you take some Wolfsbane?"
"Yes, I took one of the potions you've provided me with."
"Good. It's been a while; I didn't want you to forget that part." I looked up to the sky and gazed at the moon.
"It's almost time. You ready?" I ask Minerva.
"I'm here for you. I'll always be here for this from now on." It was silent for a little before the air seemed to tense. Minerva and Magnus started to shake. It had begun.
The screaming and the cracking of bones started. I cringed. Magnus in pain saddened me but it didn't compare to what I was feeling hearing and seeing my Mate in pain. My heart was clenching in pain and my lungs constricted. It was like my body was reaching to my Mate being in pain. Though it only went on for a few minutes, it felt like hours.
It was silent again. The forest itself seemed to still.
I changed and walked up to Minerva. I nudged her softly with my nose.
"Are you alright, Love?
"...I will be."
"Bloody hell! Merlin's sweaty ball sack! I forgot how bad it was." Magnus cursed and walked over to us.
"Shall we go for a run?" My question went unanswered as two blurs took off deeper into the forest. I huffed and took off as well.
I caught up easily and we ran with wild abandon. Our inner wolves were howling in joy. We swerved between trees and jumped over fallen ones. The other creatures in the forest stayed away. Instinct told them to not bother the dangerous creatures making their way through the forest.
We ran for a long while until Magnus and Minerva smoothly slid back into their human forms. The night was over and there was a slight lightening to the sky.
"I am pooped. I need some beauty rest. I'll be going back first. Perhaps I'll sneak into a professor's rooms and get myself some Fire Whiskey." Magnus said before changing into his animagus and running off."
I changing back into my human form and pulled my Mate into a hug.
"You all right?" Minerva squeezed me tightly and burrowed her face into my neck.
"I'm fine. It's so much better to have people I love with me during this." She lifted her head and kissed me soundly.
"I love you, Mo Gradh."
"I love you too." She placed hands on my cheeks and pulled me to her again. Our kiss started slow but escalated as time went on. The only sounds that could be heard was the sound of the wind and our panted breaths.
"Hermione..." Her voice was husky and filled with lust and passion. My control seemed to disappear with that one word.
I lifted her into my arms and her legs wrapped around my waist. I slammed her into a tree as her arms wrapped around my shoulders. My head was in the crook of her neck as I panted. I waited for her to tell me it was ok to make love to her here, out in the forest.
"What are you waiting for? Take me." Minerva husked into my ear. I growled in hers. I was unbelievably hard and I needed her.
Minerva started to grind slowly onto my hard sex. The friction from our robes was a delicious sensation. I tore open her robes and latched onto an erect nipple. She gasped and raked her fingers through my hair. As I rolled her nipple between my teeth I banished our clothes. Won't need those anymore.
Minerva continued to grind as if nothing happened. Our grinding was easier now as our juices mixed together. I was completely coated and knew that I would slid in easily.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Please." That was all I needed. I connected our kiss swollen lips and sheathed myself into her warm sex in one thrust. I grunted as a cry filled the air. I moved my hips slowly, getting her used to my intrusion. My hips went faster when she started to meet my thrusts.
"Faster, love. Like you ... really... mean it." Minerva gasped out between out synced movements.
I growled and did what was asked of me. I quickened my pace and with each thrust, I slammed in harder. The pace and force with which we were using might have broken bones in a normal human. The tree that we were up against was starting to creak but we paid it no mind.
Minerva's thrusts into me started to become short and out of rhythm. She was close. I angled my hips and started to use short thrusts. Minerva cried out and, with a few more thrusts, came undone. I followed after a few hurried movements of my hips, my moan loudly ringing through the trees. Minerva slumped forward into me as I laid my face into her sweaty hair.
There were a few moments of us catching our breaths before I was pushed back and landed on the forest floor. My back was to the floor while Minerva hovered over me.
"We're not done yet, love." She said before moved down my body. She kissed and sucked my body as she reached her destination. My groans were letting her know just what she was doing to me. I was already hardening again.
"Min, you don't have to."
"I want to." She said before wrapping one hand on my shaft. Her hand around me started to move slowly as she licked the tip languidly. I entwined one hand into her hair while the other made a fist in the dirt.
She kissed my sex before wrapping me into her hot mouth. I moaned as her tongue wrapped around me. She echoed my moan as her other hand worked between her own legs. The moan caused a vibration that almost made me come right there.
"Love, if you keep doing that, this will be over far too quickly." She gave me one last swipe of her tongue before she climbed onto me.
"Well, we can't have that." She said before slamming herself down onto me. My growl entwined with her moans as she started a slow pace. The position allowed me to reach deeper into her. The sound that our sexes were making together was arousing and I lifted my hips to meet hers as she came down. Her hands grasped at my breasts as she moved herself to get more leverage.
"Come...on, baby. I want... to hear your screams." She rasped before slamming down onto me harder. She got her wish, I screamed in pleasure.
"That's my girl." I growled and flipped us. It was Minerva now that was on the ground with me on my knees. I grabbed her legs and positioned them over my shoulders. Her butt was now lifted from the dirt as I pistoned my hips forward. Our new position ensured that it was her turn to scream. We continued at a blinding pace, the sounds of our love making echoed in the trees. It was when the sun was about a fourth way up the sky when we both came and collapsed into the dirt, spent and dirty.
"Shall we bathe before heading for breakfast?"
"That would be a great idea. Rather not get aroused in the middle of class from just smelling you on me." We stood slowly and I magiced our clothes back. With a silent spell, I fixed the tear that I made in my haste.
"At least in the bath I won't have any clothes for you to destroy." I turned to her and lifted an eyebrow. She just grinned cheekily at me before running off toward the castle.
Little minx. Who's the younger one here?
(The Great Hall)
I did my best to walk normally into the Great Hall. We were a little late for the start of Breakfast but not overly so. Minerva went in first and I followed a few minutes after. I sat in between Fleur and Gabby.
"You're a little late today." She said to me after a gave her a quick kiss.
"Yeah, overslept a little." I said to Fleur.
I piled some food onto my plate. But before I could dig in, I sensed eyes on me. I lifted my eyes and locked onto some green ones.
"Long night?" Harry asked, mirth in his eyes.
"It was."
"I see. Were you studying?"
"Yeah, I was. With Professor McGonagall. She was helping me with Transfiguration." I heard a choke from the Head Table.
"Hmm, did you learn much?"
"Yup. A whole lot."
"Lovely." Our banter continued, Ron just continued to eat till the food disappeared.
(Later... Transfiguration)
"Today we will be turning a bird, just like this one here, to a fine glass goblet. The in depth instructions are on the board but it would help you greatly to watch me VERY closely. Seeing is sometimes better that going about it by yourselves. Watch here." Minerva waved her wand and the bird slid seamlessly into a beautifully designed goblet.
"You have the entire class. This isn't as easy as it looks." The class was a buzz with activity once Minerva let the class go to work on their own. I sat there and flipped through my text. Couldn't finish the assignment to fast now could I?
Minerva was walking her rounds around the class. It was barely noticeable unless you were really looking, but, she was walking differently than normal. I smirked when her eyes met mine. She blushed but didn't look away. She walked over to my table and placed a hand on it.
"And how are we doing, Ms. Granger?"
"I'm doing great Professor. I just want to think this through before I try to attempt it."
"That's a good way of going about it. You need to picture it in your head, think about the theory behind the magic. Good luck." She said. As she walked away to move on to the other students, she brushed a hand over my shoulder. I shivered, missing the touch already.
Perhaps it was time to finish the assignment. I waved my wand and watched as the bird morphed into an ornate glass goblet; much like the ones you would see around the Meniscus Castle.
"Well done Ms. Granger, five points for Gryffindor for being the first person to complete the assignment. Perhaps you would like to try turning the bird back?" I looked up and watched her sashay around the room, giving her hips an extra sway when she felt me watching.
Little Minx!
(The Library)
So, Fleur, what do you think the next task will be about?"
"I'm not sure. But I think we should practice whatever spells we can just in case. Being prepared could win us the Tournament in the long run."
"Very true."
"Will this spell book do?"
"Yeah, let's get started."
(The Third Task)
The crowd was cheering as the Champions made their way out to the starting point of the maze. Music was playing and the stands were alive with activity. The Beauxbatons students were clustered together and cheerleading for Fleur, French their chanting of choice.
The crowd continued to cheer even as Dumbledore stepped up to the podium.
"Turn it off!" The music and cheering died and an air of anticipation replaced it.
"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Tri-Wizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory," The crowd roared. "And Ms. Granger," A roar again filled the air. "tied for first place, they will be first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum," A roar that shook the ground permeated the cold night air. "And Ms. Delacour." The Beauxbaton girls cheered. I had to stop myself from cheering with them.
"First person to touch the cup, will be the winner!"
"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. So that at any point a contestant wishes to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands." He turned to look at us. "Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!" We obeyed and grouped together.
"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Go find the cup if you can, but be very wary. You may just lose yourselves along the way." We pulled away and got in our positions. "Champions prepare yourselves!"
I stood close, but not to close, to Moody. Something about him was not right. But he was Dumbledore's friend. Surely he was alright.
"On the count of three! One!" The canon sounded and Dumbledore looked at Filch with exasperation. The music started and that was our cue to enter the maze.
The maze was dark and foggy, the entrance closed behind me. Well, this was it. Let the games begin!
The maze was eerily quiet as I made my way through. My senses were on high alert, waiting for just a hint of danger. There was no way this was just any old maze. As if on cue, the bush walls began to rustle. That's not good, there was no wind. I darted down the path, sensing the danger to my person. No sooner did I start to run did the walls start to close-in.
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