《Lose Myself》Chapter Nineteen: Love Me Right


I looked around, they were all staring. I held out the slit like Claire had told me to, maybe I should put it down... I hesitated then decided not to. Claire knows what she's talking about, she's a runway model for f-cks sake.

I couldn't spot Dominic anywhere, I was wearing this stupid dress for him in the first place he should at least -

I spotted Leo and Dominic waiting at the bottom of the stairs, Claire unlinked her arm from mine and went in the direction of Leo so I headed for Dominic. He looked surprised. Was he surprised I could look good?

I didn't know she could look this good. The dress accented her body perfectly, her hair fell around her perfectly in place and her lips were coloured red, she had the most perfect cupid's bow and the most perfect lips.

How many times did I just think the word 'perfect'?

Not enough apparently.

I held my hand out for her to take, she slowly placed hers in my palm and I pulled her in. Linking my arm in hers I led her to our table, I leaned to her ear. "They're all looking at you principessa."

The corner of her mouth lifted up a little, I pulled out a chair for her and she sat. Leo did the same for my sister, he gave me a look fanning himself and pointing at the two girls. They giggled as I mouthed back 'I know.' I sat down next to Amara who now sat looking at her hands.

Hands that were still bare..

I can fix that.

The night went on, me waiting for the perfect opportunity. I was quickly growing impatient.

"Crank the music up," Leo announced at the end of his speech, "Its time to dance!"

I had no idea what these speeches were about, why we even had them, why we always did. I just knew mine were full of bullsh-t, probably Leo's too. I stood holding my hand out for Amara to take, she raised a brow but took my hand anyways.

"I didn't know you could dance." she commented holding back a smile.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I confirmed. She pulled a face.

I struggled to think of conversation topics, it literally all melted out of my brain the moment I realised our outfits were matching. Like f-ck. He looked really good.

"Dominic," I started, "What does your name mean? Since your always making fun of mine."

He chuckled, "Mine isn't bad actually. 'Dominicus' its translation means 'Of Our Lord', 'Lordly', 'Belonging to God' or 'of the Master'. Meaning I'm better than you, like god's right hand."

"Better than me?" I raised both my brows, the nerve.


"Unbelievable." I scoffed. He stopped dancing.

"Come with me." he nodded over in the other direction, I put my hand in his and he led me off the dance floor. We went outside into the garden which had been cleared of all the things from earlier. He walked with me to the fountain in the middle.


"What are we doing?" I asked looking around, the reflection of the house glistened in the water. I looked confused at him as he stopped looking at the moon. I couldn't help but study his eyes that held the reflection of the stars within them.

I stilled as he let go of my hand.

The intense moment grew longer, it seemed. Neither of us said a word. Our eyes remained glued on one another, waiting for the other person to speak first. I was thinking. I found the perfect place. Everything looked beautiful, most of all - she looked beautiful.

"What are we doing here Dominic?" she asked curiously.

Thunder clapped. I looked up as grey clouds covered the moon and it began pouring, Amara immediately gasps as water pours all over her entire outfit. My bad. She glares at me. I hope she can see that was not my intention. I pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to her, even though it was wet. She began laughing muttering how much of an idiot I was.

I watched as she dabbed her eyes then got down on one knee, I pulled out the suede black box. I ignored the people that had gathered at all the windows of the house. Amara finished rubbing her eyes, had a momentarily confused moment when she realised I was no longer standing in front of her but recovered as she realised I was just on the ground instead.

Her eyes went wide as she then noticed the box in my hand.

"I don't know how to express my emotion to you. But the only thing I can say is I'll try to love you till the last breath of my life. I want to give you all the happiness in the world and steal your worries and pain forever. The journey of life is not easy, but if you are with me, I can win any challenge in my life, we support each other - stay together, forever." I paused, "Amara, fare di me l'uomo più felice del mondo e... marry me?"

I'm sorry.

I just can't feel.


I mean it.

I mean it, I swear. I know I do.

"I meant it," I breathed. "Every word." I repeated out loud. She was now hugging me, I had slid the ring onto her finger and she now had her arms wrapped around my neck.

"I know." I whispered.

I'm getting married.


I am.

Three minutes later and we now sat on the edge of the fountain, I figured Dominic was new to the whole actually having feelings thing so I needed to make it easier for him. I felt obliged to.


"Yes?" he answered. He always replied 'sì' not 'yes' but I guess now was not the time to confuse me.

"I know," I hesitated, "You probably don't feel anything for me." he looked at me with surprised eyes, I continued, "I get that. I'm.. fine. With just spending time with you, like actual married people do."


"Okay." he gave me a small smile.

"Okay." I nodded more to myself. Okay. That one's new.

I let out a breath looking up, I was still drenched but the sky had cleared up. It was almost as if it rained just for that occasion, I smiled to myself as I observed the moon. Cheeky little bugger. They say the moon can do magical things, like make the world's most eligible bachelor and most dangerous assassin propose to a woman he met last month.


"Mm?" I replied, I had my eyes closed playing with the glow of the moon that shone through my eyelids.

"I'm working on it." he attempted at assuring me.

"On what?"

"Having feelings for you. I'm working on it. Promise."

I opened my eyes turning to him and smiling. He was staring at the ground. He shouldn't feel bad. I put a finger under his chin, guiding his gaze up. "Look." I pointed with my other finger, "Full moon." I retracted my hand.

"Its beautiful."

"Yeah," I agreed then looked back to find him looking at me. I blushed real bright this time.

Before I even had a chance to process what was happening, he stood pulling me up with him and held me tight to his body. He leaned in until our lips locked. At first it was a small brush on the lips but then I responded deepening the kiss. It grew more intense, he tasted like christmas mornings as cheesy as that sounded. Like I was waking up on the best day of the year and I couldn't wait to see how it would turn out, there were so many good things happening and nothing bad could ever come out of it. It made me feel soft, warm and bubbly. Like I was floating on Olympus. His tongue traced my bottom lip, I opened my mouth allowing him entry. The kiss soon became more passionate.

A vibration channelled down my thigh, I frowned. We pulled apart, Dominic groaned. Of course it was his phone. He mouthed 'my fault' before looking at the screen, his brows shot up. "Apparently we have to get inside now. According to her royal highness, message delivered by her servant and worshipper."

"Let me guess," I chuckled, "Claire?"


"Sent by Leo."

"He's a p-ssy."

I laughed rolling my eyes. They never stop dissing each other like that, guess I should be used to it by now. Since its non-stop.

We walked hand in hand back to the house, everyone had sat down and were going about their conversations. There were still some cute old couples dancing on the dance floor but most everyone had taken their seat. A number of them got up to congratulate us. I smile almost the whole time, my smile did falter only slightly when I made accidental eye contact with Clarissa but returned to its full capacity when I remembered there was nothing she could do to me.

We walked back to our seats, Dominic held a hand at my back as he pulled out the chair and I gave him a small smile, took my seat and he pushed it in for me. I had to stop myself from looking around at everyone at the table as Dominic sat down, I did make brief eye contact with Claire and she was sparkling. This time it was her eyes.

I had to resist looking at the ring, if people saw me glancing at it, they might doubt me. I do not want to be doubted. It was so unbearable. Keeping this up. I pretended to glance over at the plate to my left, in the hope of catching a peek. I hoped Dominic wasn't looking at me, he'd definitely pick it up. I gave up trying to see the ring and started paying attention to the speaker.

Another person - apparently Marcello's father - was speaking now. Marcello was the cousin Dominic left in charge back at Vitiello Industries. I hoped that prick wasn't here, he'd surely ruin my mood.

"...Tonight will surely be the event of the year." Marcello's father grinned holding his glass up, I grabbed hold of mine - just like everyone else in the room - he continued, "Up until christmas of course." There was slight laughter as a 'cheers' was shared and glasses clinked together.

I leaned over to Dominic, who I didn't think was expecting it because he had this confused look when I looked up at him. I ignored it and asked my question anyway, "What does he mean by that?"

"Tonight is an open night. It means anyone in the mafia can attend. The British, Japanese, French and Dutch arrived just this morning. They have their own accomodation of course, but its for the purpose of attending the event tonight." he paused, "The Russians are here too."

"But secretly everyone's just scoping out the competition." I rolled my eyes, sitting upright once more. Typical mafia.

"Other than that, its a pretty fun night." Dominic nodded.

I turned looking around, I spotted a table of people looking not so friendly. Sitting just behind another man - was none other than Vince, he must be pissed knowing I'm the chick marrying his nemesis. I hadn't realised these people were here. Marcello was definitely here, I watched as his father made his way from the stage to sit at the table where his son had been observing. The thought of this being a huge turnout from earlier had been an understatement, I obviously hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings. A stupid mistake in a room full of the world's most dangerous men.

And woman.

I relaxed a little, now much more appreciative of the gun I put in my purse and also of my abilities. I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable I'd be if I were another woman in this room, they must feel extremely uneasy. At any moment, someone could strike.

I suddenly upped my senses. I didn't want any of these people to get hurt, .

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