《Lose Myself》Chapter Eighteen: Sunday Brunch
Clarissa came back into the room, looking once again mindlessly at her nails. We watched as she sat down, I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Where's Amara?" Claire said with an accusing tone.
"She went up to bed." Clarissa monotoned.
I growled, "Great. I will too." I got up then began walking, Claire grabbed my arm.
"Just hold on," she ran into the kitchen. "Amara loves pizza." She smiled handing me a platter with a fresh pizza on it, she walked back to the opening of the living room but didn't enter without giving me a wink first. I forget sometimes how grateful I am for my little sister.
I jogged up the stairs, three at a time then started walking slowly once I got up there. I slowly turned the knob.
"Knock knock. Principessa ... che quello che ho ottenuto per voi?" I sang opening the door ever so slowly. I frowned a little at the sight of Amara face down on the bed, arms and legs out like a starfish.
"I don't understand your words."
"Guess what I've got?" I stretched over placing the pizza right in front of her face, she lifted her head up and gasped.
"Yay." she breathed.
I laid down on the other end of the bed, "What did Clarissa say to you to get you looking so grumpy?"
"Dominic shouldn't even be having second thoughts about marrying me." she mimicked in a hight pitched voice before continuing, "You're intruding, you don't belong here and you're not even a real german." she rolled her eyes on the last one then continued, "Like I know that, I only speak it."
"Then why are you upset?"
"I'm not." I watched as she went slightly pink.
"Qualsiasi cosa tu dica." I sighed grabbing a slice of pizza, Amara followed by doing the same.
"Mhm," she looked at me annoyed, before taking a bite and moaning - which I tried really hard to ignore.
I felt something slide out of my hand and opened my eyes to see Claire's disgusted face, a towel wrapped around her head and an extra fluffy robe engulfing her body. Fresh out of the shower.
"What.." I mumbled. She let out a disgusted sound as she pulled me up, I looked behind me to see Dominic still in his clothes from last night. He had both hands cradling his head as he slept on his side, he looked like those cherub statues where they sleep on clouds and have their angel wings poking out.
"Ignore that," Claire waved her hand, "thing. And lets go, the brunch starts in an hour."
I gasped then stood grabbing the towel and robe Claire now held out for me, I smiled a 'thank you' and ran into the bathroom. For some reason even with the little I have to get done in the morning - I always manage to be late, even if all I was wearing was casual clothing and mascara. I took a quick shower and thanked the lord for blow-dryers as I ran one over my hair for a few minutes before it was dry.
I came out to find Claire now fully dressed, wearing a gorgeous floral jumpsuit and a full ponytail. She had her make-up done, once again reminding me of her incredible gene pool and unfairly successful modelling career. She smiled handing me a two-piece outfit, I put on a skin coloured strapless bra and invisible panties so that the lines wouldn't come out. I put the midriff top on, it was white lace and had short sleeves. Then I slid the maxi skirt part on, which was a silky chiffon fabric but also white and finished just above the ground.
Claire led me to her room then sat me at her dresser, making a joke about how she 'told me that other day it was practise for today' and I rolled my eyes since she was in fact correct. I sat as she did my make-up once again, luckily she didn't over-do it and it turned out looking natural and glowing. I thanked her with a hug but she reminded me about my hair and I sat once more for another while. She sprayed my hair with some substance and then brushed through it before braiding it and pulling little bits out to frame my face.
I looked in the mirror and was absolutely giddy, I never liked looking casual messy but Claire surely knew how to pull it off. She dug around her closet for a while then came out holding sandals. She marvelled at my 'cute little toes' as she painted them white.
"I still don't understand your lack of scars or blemishes on your skin." Abrielle shook her head at me before plopping next to me on the love seat that sat just outside Claire's closet. We waited for Claire to pick her shoes, Sophie, Amber and Joane walked in as well and sat on the bed.
We all discussed our outfits for tonight as Claire got ready. She came out with gladiator sandals to match her short jumpsuit and everyone showered her with compliments. She deserved it, she looked amazing not to mention she spent most of her morning getting me ready.
Before heading downstairs we went to the balcony of Claire's room and looked over at the garden which now was filled with people. There was white tables with floral centrepieces, the fountains were running and everyone had their allocated seats near their parents and siblings. My breath hitched as I spotted Dominic talking to a cute old lady near the fountain, he was wearing a suit like the first time I saw him. The memory hit me like a bunch of feathers were ticking my heart.
"Lets go." Claire nudged me. I smiled then looked back to find Dominic now looking up at me, we made eye contact. I felt myself blushing then turned to follow Claire.
The double doors where opened by a couple of men in suits, the light was a bit overwhelming but I soon adjusted. Claire linked her arm in mine and led me, she must've been fully aware that I am not seeing clearly. Maybe she is also not seeing clearly...
Maybe she thinks can see!
The thought soon subsided from my mind as she pointed to my seat that had my name printed on a standing piece of card in cursive writing. Claire sat one seat to my right. Next to me sat 'Dominic Vincent Lucifer Vitiello' which goodness was a mouthful, just like his...
When was I ever that kind of person?
I shook my head a little as I folded my skirt under me and positioned myself on my seat, the seat next to me was pulled back and Dominic took his seat. It was now Claire then Dominic and then me. All in a row. I was nervous to see who would be sitting next to me. I studied Dominic's name again, it was awfully long. Vincent was probably his least favourite, it would suck to have the same name as someone you hate. His mom probably had too many favourites.
Were they aware that Lucifer is the name of the devil, as in Satan? I bet they are. Very much aware.
The seat to my left pulled out, a random girl sat followed by Clarissa and another random. They weren't necessarily random, I just didn't know them. But I was glad for the 'random' sitting next to me, that way Clarissa wasn't sitting there.
The event began, Leo and Abrielle now sat on Claire's right. She looked absolutely stoked that Leo sat next to her, though it seemed like she'd decided on this seating arrangement to begin with. I paid extra close attention to whatever was being said by Dominic's mother on the stage, it was extremely difficult to do so though since everyone kept stealing glances my way. Not only at the table - those two random girls again - but also from around the family. Where they hoping for me to have another go at Clarissa? I might.
My eye twitched as Clarissa whispered something else in her friends ear, sending me a daring look again as she received a whispered reply. They continuously giggled through the entire speech. I held myself together as we were excused for food, everyone around the table started talking about their week and the funny stuff from last night. Dominic leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Si guarda bello oggi principessa." I stilled as a shiver ran down my spine and little flutters bubbled up from my stomach. I looked at him confused, doesn't he get that I don't understand. Not that its not extremely sexy what he just did.
"You look beautiful today princess." he smiled.
Gosh, I'll remember that forever.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
"She's honestly such a try hard." I heard the girl farthest from me whisper to Clarissa who then scoffed.
"She's a tomboy I know." she replied.
The girl directly next to me had the nerve, "You look so much better than her, at least you're real."
I snorted. They turned to glare at me. I sent them a small smile before returning to my meal.
"Got something to say?" Clarissa glared at me, harder if thats even possible.
I held up a finger as I finished chewing my food, her eyes narrowed further - you could barely see her iris now. I swallowed then took a sip of my drink. "You look great today Clarissa, I like your dress." I complimented, Dominic snorted.
I mean the dress was great, but it was way over the top. This was a casual event, it might outshine what she was wearing for the formal event which would be unfortunate. The dress she bought was beautiful.
"Right." she flung her long hair as she turned to continue her torment of me with her friend to the left.
The morning went on, there was a three course meal and lot of jokes made back and forth by Leo and Dominic. We were nearing the end of morning, Claire was talking about a trip she wants to take to Japan. "I've been there," I smiled, "They're the cutest people. Even the adults watch anime and the stores are covered with Hello Kitty." I chuckled. Clarissa shared a look with her 'compadres' but I ignored her.
"Cool." Claire bubbled, "You can tell me more about it another time." I nodded in response.
"I'm curious," the girl furthest from me less than whispered, "is she a virgin?"
Clarissa snorted, first time I'd ever heard her do so, "Da, she is."
"Why is she with Dominic then?" the girl nearest to me added, "Doesn't he like experienced girls?"
"Like me?" Clarissa raised her perfectly sculpted brows, "Yes." she tucked her hair behind her ear as she said so, flinging some behind her back and eyeing Dominic. He was completely oblivious laughing with Leo, I have ears like a bat when something is irritating me and unfortunately I caught every word.
I wiped my mouth, sipped the last of my drink and put my mess together. I stood looking directly at her. She turned to me as if this was such a surprise, that b-tch.
"Stand up." I demanded.
"Excuse me?" she smirked. We now had the attention of at least three other tables.
"Stand up or I'll pull you up myself." And now everyone was watching. Clarissa scoffed shaking her head then stood, she walked out from her seat and I went to meet her.
"Do you have something you want to say?" she rolled her eyes, I continued, "To my face?" I asked. She was taller than me by a bit, but not that much. Though I had to tilt my head just a little.
"Nein." she responded. Was she mocking me?
('Nein' is 'no' in German).
My eyes narrowed to slits.
She sighed almost as if she was tired, "May I sit?"
"Nein." I replied. She snorted nodding her head slightly. "You should say whatever it is you want to say right now Clarissa. Next time I won't be using words."
"Okay," Claire stood with a worried look on her face. I wasn't really...
"You don't deserve to be here, you shouldn't be here." Clarissa began, "What kind of woman are you? You're even a v-"
"That's enough." Dominic worded from where he sat.
"Yeah I'm a virgin. So what?" I stood closer, "You try spending your childhood in a facility and see what you turn out like! Dead I bet."
"Ha!" Clarissa was hysterical, "You think you are so much better than me..."
"I better than you!" I poked her.
"I said," Dominic pulled me back, "That's enough."
I poked my tongue out at her as Dominic guided me away from the table, I could see Donna holding in a laugh out the corner of my eye. Claire was also holding back the laughter. Dominic took me back inside and we stood just inside.
"Amara." Dominic was holding the bridge of his nose.
"Sorry." I looked down. I felt a presence come through the doors, I turned to find the man from the gym walking towards us.
"What a performance Ms. Ackerman." he congratulated. I smiled at him.
"Dad." Dominic sounded like he was in even more pain now than when he was just simply 'embarrassed'.
"Santo Vitiello." he held a hand out, I put my hand in his and he pulled it to his lips and kissed it gently. This man was frightening, he had dark eyes like Dominic but they were very lifeless. He must've killed a lot of people in lifetime, I was also aware he'd lost a son before.
"Nice to meet you." I played my part though it tasted bitter on my tongue, why did I not like this man?
I turned to look at Dominic who now had an empty look as he eyed my hand in his father's palm, I took it upon myself to remove it though not in a rude way. I clasped both hands in front of me, realising only now that he'd witnessed me have a go at Clarissa twice. It was too late for good first impressions.
"I'll head back out. Claire would be waiting for me." I excused myself.
I watched Amara as she retreated back outside, I wouldn't be surprised if the tension in this atmosphere scared anyone off.
"You're doing well keeping the little thing happy." he commented.
"Thanks." I eyed him as he straightened a vase on the buffet table.
"I am not worried about your progress, that is none of my business. Though I wanted to remind you, tonight is an open event. Vince will be attending."
"And that couldn't wait until I was alone?"
"Why?" he raised a brow then returned to his usual knowing look, "You don't want your girlfriend to meet your father?"
"No." I replied before making my way back outside, one person can only take so much of the man in one sitting.
It had been a couple hours since the brunch this morning, everyone was busy preparing for the guests coming tonight. The other two houses on the estate were being closed off and the main house was being sectioned. I sighed plopping onto my bed, Amara was in Claire's room. The girls were keeping their dresses secret until tonight but Claire couldn't help but mention I 'just had to be wearing a triple black suit tonight'.
I ran a hand through my hair, I was wearing it now and Leo was late.
I heard the door creak then went to look but stopped myself as Amara squealed a high pitched 'no'.
"Don't look. Don't you dare." she continued as she ran across the room, what sounded like barefoot. "If you look so god help me Dominic -"
"Sì. I understand," I let out a breathy laugh, "I'm not looking." I lay with my arm resting over my eyes and a hand held up in defence of my chivalry. I would never...
A drawer shut somewhere across the room, she ran then stopped, "You look great by the way." Then she continued shutting the door with a loud 'bye'. I chuckled then sat up, I raised a brow at the mess she left on the dresser but paid it no mind. I did get up to close the drawer which held her underwear, I wouldn't want Leo to go poking his nose in my business.
Leo walked in wearing a dark navy suit with a white shirt, "Ready to go meine Dominanz?"
I rolled my eyes at his weird remake of my name, he always used to say that my name sounded the same as the word 'dominance' in italian and so he would would call me 'my dominance'. Weird thing he'd started doing last year. I patted his chest walking past, he followed switching off the light and closing the door.
We stood around in a group Leo, Mike and myself. I hadn't seen Mike in days, turned out he'd gone to visit an old friend for a while but now he was back, he'd arrived yesterday but hadn't had the energy to join in on the activities. We talked about all the couples arriving, some people we hadn't seen in years were attending. Obviously they were here to see Amara. My eyes went wide as I remembered. Damn it.
I excused myself as I went back into the hall - walking quickly but trying hard not to make a sound - I opened the door to our room and looked around. I couldn't remember where I put...
I was relieved as I grabbed hold of it, hell of a disaster it would've been if I forgot. Claire would have my head, my mother would disown me and my father would laugh for the first time in a years.
I pulled the dress down one more time, I didn't want it crinkling. That was the thing about tight dresses. Though I knew my eyes were full of wonder as I looked in the mirror, this dress was perfect.
"You look gorgeous Amara." Claire walked up behind me, she looked perfect also.
"Must be true coming from you, you look like a goddess Claire." I gave her hug, she really did look amazing. She sparkled.
We linked arms once more, twice today. I think we're becoming good friends. She led me out, we'd had our make-up done by professionals including our hair. Claire's hair was in a large donut bun on top of her head, her edges were perfectly groomed and she wore diamond earrings. I'd had my hair slightly wavy and running down my shoulders and back. I had simple diamond studs and a tiny gold purse, I hadn't told Claire but I had a small gun and red lipstick in there. We both squeezed our platform heels on, her's were shiny red and mine shiny black.
"Hold this when you go down the stairs or sit down," Claire held the other half of my dress's slit up, "It'll not only make you look elegant but more people will notice that beautiful touch."
I laughed, "Thanks."
We left the room and made our way down, this was it.
"What were you doing up there?" Leo asked me, Mike frowned from behind his glass as he took a sip. I shook my head.
"I forgot someth-" I stopped mid-sentence as I spotted Claire, Abrielle and Amara entering the room. Leo turned to look followed by Mike and basically everyone else in the room.
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