《》Chapter 27: Alive
Genesis and Alice sat in the front with Edward and Bella in the back of the car. They were on their way home and Bella was fast asleep on Edward. The four had sat in silence for a good while now. Edward finally broke it, "Who did it?" He asked. Genesis stayed silent for a moment. She didn't want to rat Jacob out and have them break the treaty because of her.
"Promise you won't try to kill him if I tell you." She bargained. Edward sat for a moment. He really wanted to kick the ass of whoever decided it was okay to scar her. "I promise." He sighed. Alice nodded, showing that she promised as well. Genesis sighed, "Jacob." She said. Alice gave her an angry look. "So you're still hanging around him even though he hurt you?" She asked.
"It's not like that. He didn't mean to. I was taking him back to the reservation after he started showing signs of changing. I stood too close. So it's my fault." Genesis defended. "Okay, fine. But he's still a pig." She said. "A pig?" Edward questioned. Oh here we go. "Yes, a pig. He tried kissing Bella and Genesis on the same day. He has feelings for both of them." She huffed.
Genesis was already tired of this banter. She had only one thing on her mind, or should she say, one person. "How's Carlisle?" She asked. The car went silent again. "A mess. He still thinks your dead." Alice confessed. "Shit." Genesis cursed, putting her head in her hands. "He's not gonna try and kill himself, is he?" She asked. "No, of course not. He wouldn't leave us like that. Plus, he knew you would kick his ass if he did." Alice said.
"Language." Genesis scolded. Alice gave her a 'really?' look. "Sorry. For some reason I feel like a mom now." Genesis sighed. Edward and Alice chuckled. "Carlisle told us that he felt like a dad a long while back. He's physically so young but we apparently wear him out." Edward said. "Yeah, no kidding." Genesis huffed.
The car went silent again. "Why did you go?" Genesis asked. "You know why we went." Edward said. "Yeah, but I just wanted to make sure." Genesis said. "You do love her, don't you?" She asked him. "Bella told me that you didn't want her anymore, and I thought that was bull, but, I have to make sure." She explained. Edward stared down at Bella's sleeping form, "I am, without a doubt, deeply in love with her." He said.
Alice pulled up to the house that Genesis remembers from all those months ago. It hadn't changed a bit. "Where is he?" She asked Alice. Genesis had told Edward to stay with Bella at their house while Genesis went to Carlisle. It was night time, probably around midnight. "He's just through the door and in the room on the left. I won't tell the others your here. They need to see you for themselves." Alice told her. Genesis nodded. "Thank you, Alice. For everything." Genesis said as she hugged her.
"You can repay me by one, fixing my dad, and two, letting me call you mom." She smiled up at her. Genesis rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway. "Deal." She said. Alice let her go and Genesis walked over and into the house, going where Alice instructed her to go. She knocked on the door, not exactly wanting to intrude on him. She heard a soft 'come in' and she cracked the door open.
Carlisle was standing at the window, looking out of it. His hair was damp and he was in a t shirt and sweat pants, much to Genesis's surprise. She wanted to just say 'nice ass', but that was probably too inappropriate for the situation at hand. "You know," he began, "I never thought that I would feel so lonely in a house full of the people I love. But, without her, I just feel empty." He said. He apparently didn't sniff around because he obviously didn't know he was literally talking to her.
She slowly crept up to him as he kept talking, "When I first laid eyes on her, my whole world changed. She was beautiful, breathtaking, and she wasn't even trying." He said. "She instantly completed me. She made me feel alive. She made me so happy." He continued. "I would do anything for her. I left to keep her safe. But, all I ended up doing was make us both suffer." He said. She could see his bottom lip quiver in his reflection. He put his hand over his eyes as his shoulders shook. "I'm so sorry." He said. She knew it was meant for her, even though he didn't know she was there.
Genesis finally ran up behind him and put her arms around his waist, holding him tight, as if he were going to crumble if she let go. He stood frozen in shock. He smelt her. Her smelt her scent. He shakily put his hand down and grabbed her hands in his, feeling a familiar spark run through him. "I forgive you." She whispered. He sucked in a breath. This wasn't real. How could it be? She was gone. Alice saw it herself.
Carlisle turned around in her arms to see her head down. He hesitantly lifted her head up to meet him and he shook at the sight. There she was. Just as beautiful as always. "You're,?" He stuttered. Genesis smiled at him and grabbed his hands, putting them on her heart. He felt the beat in her chest and let out a dry sob. A tear escaped Genesis's eyes. He was here, crying over her. He did care. He did love her. Every doubt in her mind was now gone.
Carlisle finally hugged her tight. He was ecstatic. He couldn't be more relieved. He felt blessed. He mentally thanked God over and over for this miracle. Genesis held him back as tight as she could, happy tears flowing down her face. There were wide smiles on both of their faces, both happy to be in each other's arms once again. Genesis pulled away a bit. "Carlisle," she breathed. "Yes, my love?" He whispered back.
"I love you."
Carlisle's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock. "You, love me?" He whispered. Genesis giggled at his adorableness. "I have for a while now, but I didn't know it. You taught me love, Carlisle. And I love you." She confessed. The smile Genesis saw all those months ago spread across his face. He cupped her face and kissed her. It was the most passionate kiss the two had ever shared. It released everything. Emotions, pain, everything.
"I love you too."
After holding each other for a good hour, Carlisle finally let Genesis out to go and tell the others of her being alive. She held Carlisle's hand and guided him up the stairs with her. She looked in the living room to find Esme and Chandler. The two snapped their heads towards her right as she stepped foot in the room. "Hey." She said, a bit shy at the attention.
The two sped up to her and Esme pulled her into a tight hug. "You're alive." She sighed in relief. "Yeah." She said as she hugged her back. She pulled away and Chandler gave her a hug. "Don't scare us like that again." He huffed. She giggled a bit. "I won't." She said. He pulled away and smiled at her, relieved to have her back. "Where are the others?" She asked. "In their separate rooms. They wanted to be alone." Esme sighed.
"Well, I shall go and brighten up the night a little bit." She smiled. She kissed Carlisle on the cheek, "I'll be right back." She said. He smiled at her as she walked up the stairs. She went to Emmett's room first and cracked the door open, walking in. His head was in his hands and she couldn't help but feel guilty. She looked around the messy room and smirked. "I thought I told you to clean this room." She scolded.
Emmett's head shot up and he sped over to her and picked her up, giving her a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank God." He cried. He put her down and she grabbed his face. "I didn't know vampires could cry until today." She said. He sniffed a bit, "it's more like dry sobbing." He laughed bitterly. "Come on, Em. You're too strong to cry." She said. "I can't help it. You're like my mom." He said.
"So I've been told. You know you guys are older than me, right? Physically and mentally." She asked. "Yeah but we're all still childish." He sighed. "I guess so." She agreed. She hugged him one last time, "I've got to go to Jasper and Rose. They'd probably like to know I'm alive." She laughed a bit. He chuckled, "Yeah. Definitely." He agreed. "I'll see you in a bit." She smiled. She looked around, "And clean this room." She said as she went out the door.
She made her way to the next room, Rosalie's. She knocked and after a bit of silence she sighed. "You know, ignoring me is kind of rude." She said. Suddenly, the floor flew open and she was instantly pulled into a bone crushing hug. She felt Rosalie shake. "Hey, Hey, calm down, Rosie." She soothed. She pet the girls hair in a comforting manner. "I thought you were gone." Rosalie stuttered and cried into her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Rose." Genesis apologized. "I promise you, Rose, I will always come back to you guys." Genesis promised. Rosalie finally started to calm down. She looked at Genesis and she smiled knowing that she was really there. "When did you come back?" She asked. "About two, three hours ago. I stayed with Carlisle most of the time." She explained.
"I'm so glad you're alive. Carlisle was a mess, I was a mess, we were all a mess." She laughed bitterly. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, so was I." She said. "No, that doesn't make it better." Rose sighed. Rose noticed something on Genesis's neck and curiously moved her hair away. She gasped. There was a bruise the size of a hand on her neck. "What is it?" Genesis asked, touching her neck in confusion.
Rosalie brought her over to her mirror. She sighed. "What happened?" Rosalie asked. "We went to go save Edward from killing himself. He went to the Volturi and one of the guards was supposed to kill Bella and I. Edward fought him off but ended up almost getting himself killed, so I ran up to the guard and tried pulling him off. He grabbed my neck." She explained.
Rosalie blinked, trying to take in all of the information. "You tried to fight off a vampire?" She asked. "And how are you and Bella still alive?" She asked again. Genesis sighed, "That's the bad part." She said. "He wants us changed or killed. So, you know how that's going to turn out." She said. Rosalie sucked in a breath. She had her reasons as to why she didn't want to be a vampire.
But, her reasons can't apply to Genesis, seeing as she can't bare children, human or not. Rosalie didn't mind Genesis becoming a vampire. She welcomed it, in fact. If she could have Genesis with her family for the rest of eternity, then she'd see that as a blessing from God. What she didn't like though, was Bella becoming one of them. At least, not so soon. Bella was only eighteen and she had her whole life ahead of her.
She could have children, grandchildren, everything. But she has been asking since she had been with Edward only a little while. It annoyed Rosalie that Bella was so adamant on being a vampire. And, not only that, she had requested for Genesis to join her without even asking Genesis. It's not that Genesis didn't want to be with Carlisle for all of eternity, but she was just about to turn twenty and graduate. Why would she need to turn so quickly?
"I don't mind you becoming like us." Rosalie admitted. Genesis smiled a bit, "I didn't think you would. All the reasons you wouldn't want me to flew out the window almost ten years ago." She said. "I didn't really want to ask to become like you guys. It's not like joining a club. I would be asking you guys to take my life away. And, obviously, none of you like the idea of me dying. Besides, I had to repeat Senior year and now I have to graduate with Bella. So, I'm technically still just in Highschool." She explained.
"True, and I appreciate that you thought about our feelings. But, now your lives are on the line. You'll either die and come back, or die and leave us. And I'd rather you be with us, as selfish as it sounds." Rosalie said. Genesis smirked, "How sweet." She said. "I need to go to Jasper. He's probably blaming himself for my death and I can't let him do that to himself." She sighed.
Rosalie smirked, "You're like a mom." She said. "Alright, that's it. Almost every single one of you has called me a mom at least once. If I look like a mom, call me mom." She huffed. "Will do, mom." Rosalie smiled. Genesis let out an exasperated sigh, "God, you guys give me grey hairs." Genesis rubbed her face as she left Rosalie to laugh at her in her room.
Genesis was so tired at this point that she blatantly just opened Jasper's door. Jasper looked up at her and his eyes widened at seeing her. "Genesis?" He stuttered. "Hey." She mumbled. She walked over to Jasper and pulled him up from his seat and gave him a tight hug. "I'm here. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? I'm alive, Bella's alive. I'm not going anywhere." She assured him as he shook in her grip.
She felt him finally wrap his arms around her. He let out a few dry sobs as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Mom," she heard him mumbled as he cried. Tears started cascading down her cheeks as she realized how much she meant to this family. Carlisle romantically loved her, Chandler and Esme loved her like a sister, and the Cullen kids loved her like a mother. How did this happen? How did she impact their lives so much?
She pulled away from him and gave him a big smile, which he couldn't help but return. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the bruises on her neck. She noticed his gaze and grabbed her neck out of instinct. Jasper gently grabbed her hand and moved it, trying to get a better look. "What happened?" He asked lowly. "Volturi guard. Aro wants Bella and I changed. But, if we don't, then they're going to kill us." She explained shortly.
Jasper didn't even question why she was around a Volturi guard. He grabbed her hand and took her down stairs where the others were waiting on them. Carlisle smiled as he saw her coming down the stairs, but it faded when he saw the look on Jasper's face. Jasper was angry. They stopped in the middle of the room and Jasper moved her hair off her neck. They all gasped apart from Rosalie and Alice.
Alice sank into the couch, not liking where this was going. "The Volturi wants them changed or dead." Jasper gritted out. Carlisle's eyes widened. He was so caught up in her being alive and with him again that they hadn't exactly talked about how she was here. "If you don't want me, I understand. I'd rather be killed than cause anymore trouble." She said. She was tired of putting them at risk.
"Genesis, we would love to have you with us." Esme assured her. Carlisle gave her a small smile, "I can't live without you." He confessed. Genesis smiled and took his hand, "I can't live without you either." She admitted. "I guess it's decided then." Chandler spoke up. "You're gonna be one of us." He confirmed. "Are you all sure about this?" Genesis asked. "I think we can all agree that we want you to be apart of our family officially, mom." Alice winked. The others nodded.'
Genesis smiled at them and looked to Carlisle. "How about you?" She started, "Do you want to deal with me for the rest of eternity?" She asked. Carlisle squeezed her hand and looked her straight in the eyes, "I can't think of anything that would make me happier." He said. Genesis smiled and hugged him tightly. She was happy that she was going to spend eternity surrounded by people she loves.
Genesis leaned her head on Carlisle's shoulder, her lack of sleep finally getting to her. She closed her eyes involuntarily, falling limp in his arms. The Cullen's all stood up, wondering what happened. "Relax." Carlisle shushed them. "She doesn't look like she's slept in ages. She's just tired." He explained as he picked her up.
The Cullen's and Genesis all stood at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at Bella and Edward. "You guys all know what I want." She began, "but I think it's only fair we take a vote." She said. The Cullen's all took their turns telling her yes, apart from Rosalie, which Genesis understood. They all looked to Carlisle as the vampire's last vote.
"You know what this means, Edward. I won't lose my son." He said. Then, finally, it was Genesis's turn. "You guys have put me through hell." She started, "I've stayed up with you as you screamed at night, I've listened to all your cry's, and I've taken many hits for you. I care about you both. And I can't imagine a world without either of you in it." She said.
"I won't lose either of you."
Sorry if I went off a bit. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. See you in eclipse.
Stay Frosty,
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