《Life After An Unwanted Marriage》Chapter 19


Serenity spent the rest of her day cooped up inside the library. She decided not to go to work today for she couldn't handle her employees seeing her in a state with such difficulty.

It was still hard to walk without having to limp around. The staff members were giving her sheepish glances already as if they had an idea of what really happened. It annoyed her how the maids would look at her with bashful faces. Was her state of difficulty really that easy to comprehend?

Inside the library, she chose to read the good old classics; a Jane Austen novel. She was so engrossed with the plot and the twists that she forgot to regard the time; it was already past 7:30 in the evening.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching reverberated inside the room. Serenity failed to notice who it was for her attention was solely focused on the book.

The footsteps stopped just behind the reclining couch she was sitting. She felt a hand touched her shoulder and out of pure alarm, she dropped the book on the floor. Instinctively, she turned her head immediately.

"Oh my god, you scared me Jane" Serenity released a breath, holding her hand to her chest and letting out a soft chuckle at the old woman's apologetic reaction.

"I'm sorry Serenity dear-"

"It's okay, no harm done" she interrupted, smiling at the old maid.

"I was going to tell you that we prepared dinner for you and it's ready" Jane spoke.

"Awwe, thank-you. I'll be down in just a sec" She appreciated the effort. Even though she didn't ask for a dinner preparation since she was planning on skipping tonight, nevertheless, she was still grateful.

And then the woman remembered something before she disappeared out of the room. "Mr. Willforth just arrived a few minutes ago and will be joining you for dinner"

Mayhap that was the reason for her sudden loss of appetite and interest. This will be the first time that they'll eat together while still unabating the charade of a godforsaken sham of a marriage. After all, they need to stay civilized in the public eye with the inclusion of their residence to avoid speculations.


And for the record, she was not ready to be seen by him especially in her current situation. Hell, she's not ready to see him after their sexual endeavor last night.


The first thing Andrei noticed upon seeing his wife was the way she walked. He knew she's struggling not to trip and fall. She was holding onto the wall and the furniture on the way. Jeez, The damage that he must've inflicted on her.

Now, they were both silently eating. The only sound that can be discern was the momentary scraping of steel fork to a ceramic plate. The tension was in the air. She refused to look at him in any possible way. She avoided his eyes; those sinful, mesmerizing eyes.

He was looking at her, slightly amused at the avoidance and the defiance she was projecting. He made no attempt to communicate for he knew she'll give him the silent treatment.

Andrei was the first to leave, he vacated his seat right after he finished his meal.

Serenity released a sigh of relief. That was the most nerve-wracking, patience consuming and awkward meal that she had in her life. Thank God he hadn't spoken any word.


After an hour, Serenity decided to relax and invigorate. She only wore a French linen white bathrobe for she was intending to go to the sauna room. The steam room was an adjoining area inside their built-in indoor gym located at the lower level of the house.

Upon entering the fitness room, she certainly did not expect Andrei to be there. He was fully immersed in that chin-up bar performing perfect isometric chin-ups. He was shirtless and his back was facing her.

Serenity observed him for a bit. His biceps were well defined. She couldn't help but conclude that his healthy habits perhaps had been the reason for him to build this aesthetic lean body, or maybe he was just naturally blessed with it. Either way, it made sense.

The sauna was on the far side corner of the room angling perpendicularly with Andrei's side. Not wanting to be seen by him, she tiptoed her way carefully. Andrei saw her figure at the corner of his eyes but made no action to cease his workout. He pretended not to see her and smirked to himself as he formulated a wicked idea.


She reached the sauna room, settling herself inside. Just as she thought, she was kept unseen, the door opened revealing her husband's sweaty, shirtless state. As always, he managed to stole her breath away and she had to force herself to turn away from the seductive sight of her half-naked husband. He closed the door behind him.

She was surprised. Her eyes wide and her heart thumping fast. The mere thought of them doing it again in a sauna room made her shudder.

"I'm sore Andrei," she affirmed, stating clearly that she does not want to have sex tonight.

Andrei furrowed his brows. All the while being amused at her words.

"I'm not gonna fuck you"

"You won't?"

"Not unless you want me to" he shrugged as if he didn't care either way.

"I don't want you to" she asserted firmly.

"Then you have nothing to worry about" he prodded. Turning away from her and sitting on the wooden bench inside.

Serenity clutched the robe tightly, wrapping it around herself securely. She doesn't trust this man well enough.

"I don't want you here"

Andrei provided her with a mocking smile, which made her emotions enrage. "I figured that out, but you have no choice but to join me"

Inwardly she was seething at the slight to his authority. Now, she couldn't keep it in anymore. She invoked the statement that she's been meaning to say.

"I'm never gonna have sex with you again"

"You would deny me, your husband, this basic marital right?” He sounded frankly astonished by that.

" yes" she held her defenses high but inwardly she was losing them.

His eyes narrowed and he took a threatening step toward her.

“What’s to stop me from simply taking what belongs to me?" He asked speculatively cornering her body with his on the doorway.

Her heart beats raggedly fast as she saw the stormy emotion brewing in his eyes. He let his hand lingered on the ties that knotted her robe together. She swallowed the lump of panic-stricken feeling. Where's her ounce of bravery now?

"Andrei, we don't need to get into that" her voice was laced with nervousness as her words indicated last night's sexual pursuit.

"Why not? It will surely hasten the progress of your pregnancy" his eyes were boring into hers and her breath was coming in small, shallow gasps.

His hand dropped, bunching the fabric of her robe upward to caress bare legs.

She placed her hands on his naked chest and push at it. To no avail, he didn't budge.

"Andrei, please... I'm sore"

Perhaps it was the entreat in her eyes and the supplicating gestures she was making that made his actions draw up.

He pulled himself from her- as difficult as it seemed on his part.

"If you do this again, it'll be against my will"

She affirmed indignantly "and you know what that is called"

"You would accuse me of something so despicable?” He furrowed his brows sounding a bit offended.


"There was no force involved in what just happened! " He growled. "And besides I won't fuck you in your state"

Her annoyance had risen up to a higher degree. Tears started to configure in her eyes. "All I can see from you is a vile man who has been raised to see the universe to revolve around himself since birth. You're cruel, self-centered, obnoxious and heartless.

Hell, I know you only want sex from me as much as I wanted a child from you. Grow up, Andrei.!!! That's why people couldn't stomach to stay with you because you're a selfish bastard who cannot afford to respect their feelings" she drew a long breath.

Even her words had no effect on him. He was seething in outraged silence.

His voice came out low almost a growl laced with aversion.

Feelings huh. He scoffed at the idea.

"From the bottom of my heart, I don't give a fuck"

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