《Life After An Unwanted Marriage》Chapter 20


It's been a week now since the sauna argument. Nothing much really happened between the couple for the past days. They've barely seen each other.

Serenity was still mad at him, nonetheless, she didn't act upon her emotions. Her ideology was to annoy him with her silence which actually was proving quite well, for he was starting to get piqued by her lack of words every day. She'd avoided him at every possible cost, pretending to be asleep when he's departing for work in the morning and sleeping early before his arrival at night.

Unbeknownst to her, Andrei had been sexually frustrated for the past week. Seven miserable days of rancorous affection from his wife. What could he expect? His mind didn't dwell much on the statement a week ago when she told him that she didn't want to have sexual intercourse anymore. He did try though, but it only led to an acrimonious dispute between them.


It's been five days since their first intercourse. Andrei had enough of her silence already. She'd be asleep when he leaves then asleep again when he returns- this seemed to be her routine and it was irksome especially for the part where he couldn't get her to sleep with him. Now, he'd decided to come home early.

Upon entering their bedroom, he found her settled on the mattress. The lower half of her body was shrouded by the quilt while the upper was reclining on the headboard. She was clad in a silk chiffon negligee and had her mind occupied in a book.

Her neck craned to the direction of his figure and instantly she was stunned. She didn't expect him to be home this early.

"Fair play my wife. Your stunts on avoiding me won't last" he spoke with a calm demeanor as he took menacing steps towards her.

Serenity pulled the sheets over her chest as she slid her body further to the side, trying to flee from him.

She calculated in her mind the odds of escaping but chances were all narrowed down to none.

Think Serenity, think. She encouraged

As he neared one side of the bed, she shuffled on her feet, throwing the covers off her and attempting to dart to the bathroom. Unfortunately, her reflexes had been slow, and as a result, he'd swiftly reached her, grabbed her by the waist and then tugged her back to the bed. She was shocked by the abrupt gesture that she stumbled upon him, making her fall on the bed, back-first.

"Where the hell are you going? and why the heck are you avoiding me?" he hovered on top of her holding her hands down as she was squirming and fighting to be free.

"I told you I don't want to have sex with you," the struggling woman said as she tried earnestly to lift her hands from the bed which was proving to be quite difficult considering Andrei's own was pinning it down. "Let go of me you jerk," she hissed.

"How the hell would you get pregnant then if you won't let me touch you?" He snapped at her.

The unpleasant realization sunk in like the titanic boat in the Atlantic ocean. Her body slumped back on the mattress with a lonely sigh as her squirming actions stilled.

"Sex is not a one-time thing Serenity, especially if it's from you, my wife"

He reprimanded.

Her head fell to the side as she tried to hold the tears at bay. She was close to breaking down. Darn, she hated it when she gets so emotional in the slightest way. She just couldn't tackle the feeling whenever the word pregnancy was uttered. It pushed her mind to linger on the despicable idea of her infertility.


"I want to have a child, Andrei. I just don't want to have sex with you" her voice was quivering as she said this all the while her tears were streaming.

Serenity was always a rational thinker who weighs and examines the consequences of her actions before engaging in an activity. This particular activity had she not put much thought will cause her ruination. It's not that she wasn't sexually attracted to her husband. It's just that she's playing with fire. She's gifted in many ways, strong in many areas, but emotions? She was always in the state about emotions and feelings and that had shaped her to have an emotionally weak persona. She just... just... just... couldn't afford to have an emotional attachment to him knowing that he could break her heart. And them having sex often could make her fall for him inevitably fast.

Upon hearing her words had bruised his masculine ego. Was he hideous,? was he not good in bed? Well, screw that,! he knew for a damn fact that he's exceptionally good at it. To hell with all the restrictions! If his wife wouldn't want to have sex then he'll have to make her feel the same way he was feeling. The feeling of being sexually denied.

His eyes darkened with a mixture of lust and loathing. His hands left hers and it trailed down to her legs, bunching the fabric upwards as he hooked his fingers on the waistband of her panty.

She felt alarmed by his actions. No, this couldn't be. Her hands tried to shove his away but to her consternation, he abruptly pulled her underwear down her legs before discarding it on the floor.

The heat emanating from his body reached her core and knew at that moment she was doomed. Andrei pinned her hands down on the sides of her hips as he positioned his head near her entrance.

With one last glance, he delved in her folds, lapping at it and skillfully moving his tongue. He inserted a finger inside, stroking her up and down, in and out fast. His tongue played with the sensitive bud of her maidenhood.

Serenity couldn't fight the pleasure. It was really hard to think especially when her mind was fogged up with the nearing sensation of her orgasm. She bit her lower lip as she arched her hips forward to him.

He inserted another finger, imitating a tremor of vibrating motions in her before continuing to fondle in and out. Serenity emitted a short sharp cry as pleasure took over. She was near and it's getting painful to hold it in.

Just then as her walls constricted around his finger, he inconsiderately removed it and terminated his actions. He denied her orgasm.


She cried. The horror of not having to release. Andrei paid no heed to her feelings. This was his main idea in the first place. He'd make her feel what he's feeling. And with that, he straightened his posture with the profound professionality he possessed before marching off to the bathroom, neglecting his wife who was still sprawled on the bedsheets.

She couldn't comprehend the sudden feeling of being deprived of something so great- that something called frustration. She was unsatisfied, unsatiated, FRUSTRATED. It was painfully killing the vibe deep inside.

Why would he do that!!! She unbelievably questioned with more than slight irritation as she stood up on the bed to pick up her discarded knickers.

End of flashback


Her mind snapped away from the flashback as her body craned to the direction of the voice's origin.


There she stood inside Nathaniel Woods' extremely lavish contemporary art gallery. The man could surely paint a million-dollar masterpiece. Each artwork holds a distinct difference from the others which truly proclaimed days of adroitly thought colors and delicately handled brush strokes.

The place was buzzing with people who have the same admiration, if not, even more, for the man's collection.

Her attention had been particularly drawn to a certain canvass that depicted two figures; a daughter and a mother. The painting was entitled maternal affection. Just the mere sight of it simply gave away aesthetic pleasure.

It wasn't long until she found the owner. The voice belonged to the man with credits; Nathaniel Woods himself was approaching her with his usual cheery atmosphere and looking all sharp in his designer clothes.

"Glad you could make it Serie" the man hugged her.

"I wouldn't miss it and it was all worth it" Serenity politely responded, expressing her admiration.

"So, any piece you have in mind? I'll give it to you for free" Nathaniel insisted after the two broke contact.

"Nathan you don't have to-"

"Serie, please. I want to express my gratitude to you for helping me with my daughter's case and for being a friend. So what do you say?"

She was truly thankful and was left with no choice. "Well, if you insist. Thank you, Nathan, " she offered him her unfading smile.

"So where's the piece?" The man inquired.

"Actually we're standing beside it" Serenity directed with her hand.

The two figures faced the side, standing in front of a huge oil painted portrait.

"Ohhhhhh... Maternal Affection" Woods pursed his lips waggishly. "Any bun in the oven?" He jested out, wriggling his brows in a playful manner.

"No" she responded quickly. Although, she wished she was. "Not yet" plus she didn't feel like discussing her predicament to him. It was a matter of confidentiality.

"Aww, I thought you were, judging from the way your face radiates a different glow" The man was full of honeyed words. He sure knew how to brandish statements.

Serenity rolled her eyes playfully as both shared a hearty chuckle. "Flattery won't get you anywhere Mr"

"I'm serious. Honest, no pretenses. In fact, you looked lovely every time I see you"

"Well then that makes the two of us" she humbly replied. "So, any progress on your daughter's case?" She raised another topic for them to dwell upon, a much serious topic actually. Both are now heading to the counter to parcel the painting.

"Not much. Although with your help, we've accumulated a lot of lead on where she could possibly be" Nathan gave a defeated sigh. The man was overflowing with determination and desperation, yearning to see his little one.

"You'll find her and when you do, she'll be grateful to know that she was blessed with an awesome father with an undying love for her" Serenity whispered soothing words of encouragement.

"Do you really think so?" The man hoped so much. "Do you think she will accept me regardless of my gender identity?" All his life he'd been criticized for his gender. After all, he was a part of the so-called invisible minority. It was

hard to get people to accept you for who you are and it would truly break his heart if his daughter too couldn't accept him.

Serenity gave her a smile of reassurance.

"I know so. Your child will overlook your flaws because your love is unconditional for her"

That was the most heart-touching words of encouragement he had ever heard in his life. It had definitely made the waterworks. His lips pursed together as a tear trickled its way down. He hugged her then on that spot disregarding the attention that was being drawn to them. He didn't care anymore if people will get the wrong impression, He was just so genuinely grateful to have a friend like her. Serenity too couldn't care less about what people think. He needed comfort and she'll be glad to give that.

"Thank you, I needed that," he said after the hug.

"You're always welcome"


After Nathaniel's art exhibit, she went to the clinic where her cousin works. Now both women were sitting on the couch chitchatting about life and health.

"What is this?" Serenity inquired obliviously after Larah handed her a small rectangular box.

"Read it" The woman possessed mirth in her entrancing emerald eyes. At 35 years old, her cousin's beauty didn't seem to fade. Judging from the raven black curls that cascaded down her back, her soft heart-shaped face and those plump lips. No wonder, she caught the attention of the well known Greek billionaire.

Serenity flipped the box to get a view of the product name.

"Vibrating panties" She blushed profusely at that. What? She hadn't had the slightest bit of clue on why she'd been given that particular thing.

"Wh-at? Why would I need this?" She questioned the woman who was chuckling at her reaction.

"Seriously, in case you get sexually frustrated"

"Do I look sexually frustrated?". She snapped, scrunching up her brows in disapproval. A bit maybe, After all, she didn't get her orgasm two days ago and damn it her cousin doesn't need to know that!

Larah's chuckle didn't seem to deter not even a bit, in fact it only escalated to a hearty chortle.

"I know Andrei's been out on multiple occasions attending some overseas business deal, the same thing to you, so in case you get the itch when he's not around, you can use that. It's remote-controlled" Her voice made it look like she's endorsing it.

Serenity was speechless. She couldn't believe her cousin was capable of such mischief.

"Do you do this when Xander is not around?" She asked referring to Larah's husband.

"Oh trust me, Serie, I own a dozen of those. I do it even when he's around"

"Oh, God!" She needed not to know of the details.

She thought about it for a sec. To be frank, she was having trouble controlling her hormones after he denied her an orgasm. Damn him!

The feeling of desiring something did not sit well with her. She was horny for the past two days.

thanks to him!!! Sarcasm at its finest.

As embarrassing as it sounded, Gods! It didn't occur to her that sex could be that addicting. But she made no move to ask him. No! not now, not ever, and most certainly not after he didn't let her release.

Perhaps the particular thing in her hand could be the answer to her sexual desires. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.

And Andrei?

Forget about him, actually Damn him!!! He wouldn't mind as long as he won't see me using it. She thought.

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