《Life After An Unwanted Marriage》Chapter 18


Ohhhhhhh.. It's something magical, It's in the air, it's in my blood. It's rushing on.

Terry Edwards woke up on the right side of the bed today. Facing a new day with passion and positivity.

Entering Willforth Industries with his AirPods, he hummed to one of Justin Timberlake's hit songs. His body performing subtle dance moves as he starts to get into the groove of the beat.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. He thought as he swayed and hummed.

He was overflowing with positivity and vibe that it made his passing coworkers wonder if he's alright.

Those around him were tensed and were working with feverish haste but he, on the other hand, doesn't care if his action's a waste.

"I can't stop the feeling!!!!" He sang posing for a melodramatic singing position and pretending to hold his Starbucks coffee as if it were a microphone.

"Dance, dance, dance" he crooned closing his eyes and feeling the essence of the song as he made to do "the floss" dance move

inside an elevator.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" His coworker who was looking at him oddly, asked, scrunching up her face in a disapproving manner. They were the only ones in the elevator.

Secretary Terry removed his AirPods as he smiled at the lady. "Nothing... Just feeling the vibe" he happily stated as he swayed his arms sideways attempting a new dance move.

"You're overflowing with positivity. I hope that lasts when you reach the top floor"

Just then the imaginary disk scratch rang inside his head as if inside a movie or something, putting a halt to his jolly preoccupation.

"Wait, he's here already?" he asked staring at his coworker unbelievably as if it were joking.


Looking at his watch. "But it's not even past 7:00"

"I'm surprised too. The boss usually arrives at 8"

Then the elevator door opened. "Well, I'm off now. Good luck" she gave her a knowing you-will-survive look.

He was left alone then. Toes frantically tapping on the marble floor as the elevator continued to ascend to the upper wing. His jolly aura, now deflated, was replaced with a twitchy emanation.


As the elevator was nearing his destination, he started to mentally call upon all the gods he knew.

One more floor left, he starts to recite the gospel he learned upon growing up.


The familiar ping echoed inside the enclosed metal chamber. Swallowing the lump on his throat, he began to advance his way out.

"God help me"


Andrei was seated behind his desk listening as his secretary spoke of his day's schedule. Somehow he couldn't focus on what the man in front was saying.

"Sir, the meeting with the investors will be at..."

His secretary's voice seemed to trail off of his mind as he tried to recall the memories of last night's fun-filled activity. It was definitely sexually gratifying.

Gods, haven't been able to have sex for ten months was already a struggle for him and having to convince his wife to have sex with him was hell harder than he thought. If it wasn't for her desire to have a baby sooner, she wouldn't have afforded to do it.

Smirking to himself, he does expect a lot more of it now.

His recollection was still fresh. Just the mere thought of her moans and her responses was making him hard. Maybe later, he would deal with his needs again or maybe not. She'll still be sore by then.

"-and that's all sir" Terry Edwards concluded, closing his hardbound leather folder.

And then the reality came crashing to Andrei now. His mind hadn't grasped a single information.

"Damn it" he spat, pinching the bridge of his nose, annoyed at his careless action to even think of mixing pleasure with business.

Terry Edwards was alarmed for a bit. Briskly, he thought back to his words hoping he hadn't said a thing to upset his boss. He couldn't move from his spot in fear that he might lose the job.

No no no no... Pls, spare me. I need this job. He was sweating.

"Just give me a copy of my schedule," Andrei dismissively ordered after some time.

Inwardly, Terry heaved a sigh of relief. Then he plastered a smile again. "Yes sir"


After he dismissed his secretary, he let his mind wandered to the actions of last night for the last time.

He hadn't kissed her last night. Hell, kissing and sex were two different things. While sex does not require much-needed affection and just an instrument to satisfy his needs, kissing, on the other hand, necessitates a much deeper emotion something he couldn't afford to meddle with. Besides, he doesn't see her much more than a woman to give him an heir and what he needs. And although he had kissed her way before back then, he realized that it was a careless action that would lead later on to his own trap snapping at him.

He'd only kiss her on events then.

Setting those thoughts aside, he composed himself ready to face business again.


"Aaahhh" Serenity screeched momentarily the moment she opened her eyes and attempted to stretch her legs. It was a wrong move.

Darn, she felt pain in between her legs. She aimed to sit up with such difficulty, leaning her back on the headboard. Her actions made the covers fall down on her lap exposing her naked torso.

She made to unbend her knees but as soon as she did so the sharp pain only increased. She sensed a slightly damp area of fabric from under her legs and the unfamiliar texture of dried substance came to her senses as she drew her legs together.

Lifting the comforter over her head, she was not pleased with what she saw. The stain of red pigment on white sheets was unmistakable. Damn it! Her husband had fucked her hard. Obviously, her hymen broke the moment he shoved his huge asset on her.

I certainly won't be able to walk today

Tilting her head to the side while still leaning on the headboard she saw a pill accompanied with a glass of water on her bedside table. She also noticed a trolley that carried foods consisting of a full English breakfast, a bowl of fruit smoothie and a cup of green tea stationed just beside her bed and within her reach.

Focusing her gaze back to the pill, she saw a note from under the glass of water.

Serenity reached for it. The piece of paper read.

She scoffed. So nice of him to be concern knowing that he did this to me. Was her mind's sarcastic remark.

Nonetheless, she took hold of the pill in her hand and the glass on the other. She brought it in her mouth before taking three gulps of water.

She released a breath afterward, closing her eyes as she attempted to swear upon herself from this day forward.

I'm never gonna have sex with him again

If this is gonna be her waking state every time they did it then she had enough of it already. She couldn't even walk and how on earth would she execute her way to the bathroom with wobbly legs and piercing pain.

Heck, this would be a hindrance to her daily routine. She has a job! Not only does she need that job, but that job freaking needs her. She's the boss for Christ's sake!

Serenity groaned in frustration. The pain, long forgotten, as she diverted her emotions to her husband.

He could at least be gentle. Her subconscious mind shouted.

Don't babble upon it, you know you liked his performance, judging from the way you responded. Somehow a part of her brain counteracted her subconscious.

What annoyed her, even more, was the fact that she did really liked it. Her traitor of a mind wasn't wrong on that.

Putting those pointless arguments aside, she decided that she wanted to soak her aching body in a warm bath.

With great difficulty, she made to stand up. It was hard to stand up with an aching core and wobbly legs. She held onto every furniture on the way for support just to lead herself to the direction of the bathroom without having to collapse.

Finally, she made it inside. She ran a hot bath on the tub. She felt her muscles relax for a bit as she soaked herself inside.

It was relaxing. The warm water was helping her relieve

the pain.

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